BCTS is probably the most important constant in my life.
Some might consider that hyperbole... but in so many ways, it's 100 percent true.
Without the community this site has provided, the outlet for both creativity and pain, the *outreach* it has allowed me... I wouldn't be here today.
Without the wonderful people here, who are so incredibly generous in so many ways, and the love and support they have given me, that I have done my best to return in kind, but know I can never truly match... I wouldn't be here today.
Without Erin.
Without Angie.
Without Rose, and Dallas, and Edeyn, and so many others, both still with us and who have sadly passed.
Without you.
I wouldn't be here today.
I love BCTS with all my heart. I don't always love all the stories that are posted here (I'm a notoriously picky reader,) but I love that they have a place to exist. I don't always agree with people's points of views... but I'm glad they have a place to air them. I'm probably one of the least kinky people on the face of the planet... but I'm happy to offer a home to those who need a place to feel safe.
I love BCTS with all my heart because it's a place that is full of the love of so many others. Some folks who I've now been friends with for over a decade, some I'm only just coming to know.
I'm not as active on here as I used to be. That's likely to change some time in the next year or so... but even if I were to never be hyper-active here again, the last thing I would ever want to see is BCTS disappear.
I love it. I love what it offers. I love what it represents.
And I love you.
Thank you to everyone who is trying to help. And thank you equally to all those who want to help but can't, for whatever reason. This community exists because you're all wonderful people, and it can only continue to exist because we all care.
Without BCTS, there are a great many of us who wouldn't be here today.
And without us, neither would, nor could, BCTS.
Melanie E.
I whole heartedly agree!
My sentiments exactly!
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Well Said
"The love you take is equal to the love you make,"
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I truly wouldn't be here today without BigCloset. Thank You!
When I first started working on things for Erin @ BigCloset, I was taking care of Bill (Pickles) and had a warm place to stay, with running water, working electricity, and internet/TV. I didn't have to pay for any of that. But I also had about $16 in food stamps /month to eat on. I started working on stuff @ BigCloset after Bob Arnold recommended me to Erin, and I did the transfer from Drupal 4 to 5 or 5 to 6.
After Bob passed, I started taking on more and more jobs and I was making about $50/month from BigCloset and a few dollars from other "customers" of mine (for server work on their servers, and a few for the server I was barely managing to hang onto myself) and that's when Erin had the idea that we combine forces and instead of working in parallel, we actually work in unison on some projects.
From there BigCloset grew, and so did the portfolio of sites we ran and supported for others. The eb and flow of the internet has changed a lot over the years, and the technologies have changed greatly, but I can honestly say, without Erin, and without BigCloset, i WOULD NOT BE HERE TODAY. I managed to bring Cat and others on board with us, who do so much behind the scenes work with Doppler and such that they don't get enough credit for, and I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has stepped up and helped out with this situation and to everyone who loves this site. THANK YOU.
Thank you for remembering me Hon……
And I totally agree. This site, and the friends I met here, kept me alive at a very bad time in my life.
We’re it not for the people I met here, I would never have unloaded the gun. Never have put the pills away, and never have made the critical phone call to my therapist.
I would have to include Bailey in the list here as well though. Bailey not only kept me alive, but kept me from walking away from everything at the Charlotte airport when I found out one of my nephews had outed me to the world.
I will be sending my contribution so that perhaps others can be saved here as well.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus