Trans Hate Crimes

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In the UK, the Transgender Community is the most targeted group in LGBT+ community as a whole.

Apparently, In 2020/2021, 2,630 Hate Crimes against transgender people were recorded by the Police. Although it is thought that 88% of transgender people did not report hate crimes.

I can understand it being unreported. If you try to live a quite life, everything will be dragged out for all to see.

Is this true? Does this still happen to trans people?


The curse of statistics

A potential problem with the "hate crimes against TG folk" figure is that it depends how well you pass, since anyone who can pass well enough is just going to look like another man or woman to the average punter.

That means that, roughly, only those who do not pass very well could even be read (detected) and thus cause a reaction of some sort in a bystander. That could explain why your stats show that 88% don't report anything; they don't have any need to.

I will add that there is probably a small fraction of the remaining 12% who do pass but somebody let the cat out of the bag. That is a different kind of adverse reaction, although the result would be just the same.

Incidentally, "everything will be dragged out for all to see." Um. Unfortunate choice of words?


Wear a Mask

I'm American. Even with Covid going on, so few wear masks. A mask is a great aid to concealment.


Every single

Andrea Lena's picture

f***ing day.

Many states still 'permit' Panic Defense, where the aggressor claims to have been deceived enough to react. Physical attacks and even murder are written off because the aggressor was 'forced to act. I know of at least ten persons I've met online who have been physically assaulted merely for being trans, with NONE of them bearing any significant acquaintance to their attacker.

I have been sadly acquainted with at least three transwomen who committed suicide following brutal harassment.

There has been a concerted effort by some specific ideologues of religion and/or political affiliation to minimize the violence encouraged against the LGBTQ+ community at large, but certainly the trans community in specific.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Andrea Lena's picture

As a previous life included working for a fastener manufacturer, I recall the motto of our Maintenance Department...

We do it right because we do it TWICE!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Religion has a lot to answer for.

Angharad's picture

If it appeared in a criminal court, which I think it should, it would be found guilty of deception, of selling lies, with no evidence to back them up, but it seems the legal system, is backed by those so steeped in deception that they continue to propagate it and shout down others who wish to dissent. It has been like that forever. If there were a god, he'd be disgusted by them.


In my part of the world

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I live in a particularly liberal part of the US. So maybe my observations are skewed. However, I maintain some simple rules. I don't go anywhere that I'd advise my wife not to go. I wear minimal make up and dress pretty much as women who are around me. I don't worry about being read. As a matter of fact I boldly look people in the eye and speak to them in normal conversation and I'm sure that the vast majority are, at least marginally, aware that I'm trans. I use the women's restroom and fitting rooms when shopping. More than once I've spoken to women in the restroom when they initiate the conversation.

In some instances I've been to grocery stores and checked out with the same cashier on different day in both drab and en femme. In two instances I'm sure that they know that both presentations are the same person. Both cashiers treat me with respect and as a valued customer. My local Safeway requires a pass code to use the restroom and they change it daily. Three times I've asked for the code from three different female employees and have been readily given the women's room code.

In my opinion, I think that trans folk (especially trans women) are in danger of being mistreated when the almost pass. That is they pass but it's not quite perfect. If a cis male finds himself attracted to a trans woman thinking she's cis and then discovers her trans nature, he is then more likely to react violently. Thus, when I go out, I don't go out to bars or clubs (I did twice when I was younger go to gay bars).

When I'm out I present the image of the average American housewife out running errands and have had no negative reactions beyond looks of disapproval. But that is so seldom I hardly notice because like everyone else out and about I'm wrapped up in what I'm doing and seldom really pay attention to other people unless something calls my attention to them.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Social Media Based Threats Against Hospitals

The Boston Globe had a recent article titled "Right-wing groups hit Boston Children’s with barrage of threats over trans health program"

The hospital was accused of "butchering children" in their Gender Multispecialty Service Program, where they care for children and young adults with gender dysphoria,

The hospital issued a statement that said it “has been the target of a large volume of hostile internet activity, phone calls, and harassing emails including threats of violence toward our clinicians and staff.”

According to the article this has been happening to other medical facilities as well.

Michelle B

Because of

Andrea Lena's picture

a calculated series of lies currently being disseminated. NO hospital in the United States performs ANY gender 'reassignment' for anyone under the age of 18. This is intended as a strawman designed to perpetuate ignorance and erroneous stereotypes regarding gender-affirming care for kids. And it is getting worse every day! Someone WILL be assassinated (yes assassinated)!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Hasn't it already happened

Angharad's picture

There have been several cases of trans women being killed in the US and Latin America there have been scores of transpeople killed, especially trans women. In the West Indies and Africa they are beaten and possibly killed if not imprisoned just for being themselves.

I'm fortunate to live in a relatively liberal country although the right wing is mustering as we have seen with Brexit and so on, the reduction in democracy is not quite as bad as the US but it's going that way. I also pass, especially when younger, but who's interested in an old lady and I've been around for nearly 40 years, so part of the furniture. Old women are invisible and sometimes I'm quite glad they are.



Andrea Lena's picture

The increased worry is that this hatred is almost unchecked.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


I assume these are the same hospitals who will happily perform circumcisions? Who exactly is drawing the line about what constitutes "butchering"?

By the same yardstick almost all medical operations could be considered "butchering". I wonder if these same paragons would refuse a heart bypass or an appendectomy?


Four in five LGBT people (81

leeanna19's picture

Four in five LGBT people (81 per cent) who experienced a hate crime or incident didn't report it to the police

This number is still severely underreported because out of 108,100 responses to the National LGBT Survey, 88% of transgender people did not report the most serious type of incident. 48% of transgender people were not satisfied with the Police response after reporting the most serious types of incidents.
