Hopefully Class Action Lawsuit

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Been dealing with Oklahoma Vital Records for a month now for a correction on my birth certificate. Years back Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled a name change can't be denied if it isn't for nefarious reasons such as to escape debt, lawsuits, etc. It came about because some of the lower courts were denying a name change for various reasons. Thus ask for a name change in court, submit to Oklahoma Vital Records the old and new name and it's amended on the birth certificate. A new one will be mailed out if the proper fees and forms were filled out.

Now the gotchua from gov stitt who issued an exec order no one may change their gender marker on their birth certificate. Court Orders be damned it won't happen as long as he is governor and other gentlemen are head of the Vital Records Dept.

Pay attention people because this is where it gets really interesting. Via Oklahoma law gender may be changed on the birth certificate if a mistake was made on the original document. IE, the delivery physician made an error in judgement or there was a clerical error. In their uneducated medical opinion doctors don't make mistakes and neither does God. Only perfect males and females are born in Oklahoma. Blurring of the lines between the two is the work of Satan or worse.

I possess a court order my legal name is Barbie Jean Lee and I am a female. Oklahoma Vital Records and the person in charge refuses to amend my birth certificate. Last email between me and KellyB@ I mentioned my doctor made a mistake on my birth certificate. He replied if my doctor would send a notarized statement to that effect my birth certificate may be changed.

That was the best part. Although Dr. Shadid is twenty plus years deceased. He did make a mistake and five other doctors have agreed, I am a female. In medical situations and second opinions there may be a diagnoses where the first doctor's opinion was wrong. I hope to get a class action lawsuit against Oklahoma where diagnosis of transgender sometimes means the doctor who did the delivery make a mistake when he or she makes a judgment call in a matter of seconds. Other doctors who examine the patient spend months, years before coming to a decision. It's called a second opinion(s). In the case of a birth certificate, yes an error was made by the original doctor.

If anyone is putting up with the same thing in their state as I am in Oklahoma, I hope this information will give them the hope they may make a change. This is for all those who are afraid of outing themselves because of job, family, friends. Or you just can't afford to because of finances. If you need moral support email me. [email protected] remove the dots and it will work. Hopefully the search bots will be confused. I already receive twenty to thirty spam mails a day. Spam filters catch most, four or five manage to get through. No thank you I don't need a South African witch doctor to send me a potion to make mine bigger. I'm happy with what I don't have. Thanks a lot but I'm not interested in dating Russian women or men. Millions of dollars you want to give to me for worthy causes? I'm sorry I'm senile and I don't remember all my personal data. You obviously have my email just send the money.

Changing everything over is easy to hard. SS is easy and quick. Some of the other updates require that new SS so start there. Doctors, clinics, medicals you bet they want the update to change their records. Passport, not a problem. USDA, god my fingers got tired filling out the forms but yes it was easy. Bank and credit cards? Jury is still out deciding. OK Vital Records... grrrrrr! And so it goes. Just be ready with time and patience and a handful of notarized court records.
Hugs People
I was born a girl. Some of my friends told me I was back in school. Amazing they saw through the boy facade. I tried my best to keep her hidden. Not the best part of the century.

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