Been dealing with Oklahoma Vital Records for a month now for a correction on my birth certificate. Years back Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled a name change can't be denied if it isn't for nefarious reasons such as to escape debt, lawsuits, etc. It came about because some of the lower courts were denying a name change for various reasons. Thus ask for a name change in court, submit to Oklahoma Vital Records the old and new name and it's amended on the birth certificate. A new one will be mailed out if the proper fees and forms were filled out.
Now the gotchua from gov stitt who issued an exec order no one may change their gender marker on their birth certificate. Court Orders be damned it won't happen as long as he is governor and other gentlemen are head of the Vital Records Dept.
Pay attention people because this is where it gets really interesting. Via Oklahoma law gender may be changed on the birth certificate if a mistake was made on the original document. IE, the delivery physician made an error in judgement or there was a clerical error. In their uneducated medical opinion doctors don't make mistakes and neither does God. Only perfect males and females are born in Oklahoma. Blurring of the lines between the two is the work of Satan or worse.
I possess a court order my legal name is Barbie Jean Lee and I am a female. Oklahoma Vital Records and the person in charge refuses to amend my birth certificate. Last email between me and KellyB@ I mentioned my doctor made a mistake on my birth certificate. He replied if my doctor would send a notarized statement to that effect my birth certificate may be changed.
That was the best part. Although Dr. Shadid is twenty plus years deceased. He did make a mistake and five other doctors have agreed, I am a female. In medical situations and second opinions there may be a diagnoses where the first doctor's opinion was wrong. I hope to get a class action lawsuit against Oklahoma where diagnosis of transgender sometimes means the doctor who did the delivery make a mistake when he or she makes a judgment call in a matter of seconds. Other doctors who examine the patient spend months, years before coming to a decision. It's called a second opinion(s). In the case of a birth certificate, yes an error was made by the original doctor.
If anyone is putting up with the same thing in their state as I am in Oklahoma, I hope this information will give them the hope they may make a change. This is for all those who are afraid of outing themselves because of job, family, friends. Or you just can't afford to because of finances. If you need moral support email me. [email protected] remove the dots and it will work. Hopefully the search bots will be confused. I already receive twenty to thirty spam mails a day. Spam filters catch most, four or five manage to get through. No thank you I don't need a South African witch doctor to send me a potion to make mine bigger. I'm happy with what I don't have. Thanks a lot but I'm not interested in dating Russian women or men. Millions of dollars you want to give to me for worthy causes? I'm sorry I'm senile and I don't remember all my personal data. You obviously have my email just send the money.
Changing everything over is easy to hard. SS is easy and quick. Some of the other updates require that new SS so start there. Doctors, clinics, medicals you bet they want the update to change their records. Passport, not a problem. USDA, god my fingers got tired filling out the forms but yes it was easy. Bank and credit cards? Jury is still out deciding. OK Vital Records... grrrrrr! And so it goes. Just be ready with time and patience and a handful of notarized court records.
Hugs People
I was born a girl. Some of my friends told me I was back in school. Amazing they saw through the boy facade. I tried my best to keep her hidden. Not the best part of the century.
Governor Stitt
What a douchebag!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
What needs to happen is an
What needs to happen is an injunction against the Governor by the Okie Supreme Court. Lawsuit itself isn't needed. If the Court has ruled one way, the Governor cannot contradict that ruling without getting an override from a higher court (Federal), and that would also require that the Federal court accept some sort of Fed responsibility. (Unlikely for something like this)
So, someone with standing would simply have to get an attorney to file for them with the relevant court for an injunction. If he refuses to obey the injunction, then he's in contempt of court, and that's a different set of issues.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Thank you, I'll look into it. With so much intelligence on this channel, I am blessed to be here myself.
Life would be so boring if there weren't a few stitt, baker, and others who have such a hard on against others finding and enjoying life. Something so insignificant it doesn't affect anyone besides one person. I've been Barbie for almost forty years. When I applied for and was refused the name change under Oklahoma Common Law it was time to go to court. Yesterday I received a new voter registration card. Gonna be more fun if I don't get the CDL changed over when I vote. Despite stitt and baker, Barbie Jean Lee has four new IDs and gaining. Only in name and gender as none are photo IDs yet. Those will be VA, OSBI, CDL, Sams, Costco, among others. I never thought about how many IDs everyone carried before this. They were all added over a lifetime and a lot of years. When asked for a certain ID for a specific job or reason, I'd pull one out never thinking about it.
Anyone remember when we didn't carry an ID. When I turned fourteen the only ID I had was a driver's license. At eighteen I got my first SS card, took the written test in Michigan and my Okla. driver's license became a Mich. Chauffeurs License, legally drive anything with wheels. When I returned to Okla I took the written test and received my CDL with no restrictions and an added motorcycle designation on it. Life use to be a whole lot simpler. Looking at the regulations kids need to get a simple DL today, I'd never make it. For a CDL? Dream on.
Hugs Bibliophage
Barbie Jean
Forever until the end of this life cycle
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sad Truth
Unfortunately, the type of writ you would be seeking is often as effective as a spitball is stopping a moving train. Oklahoma probably has around two hundred assistant attorney generals who are attorneys that make a fraction of what they would make in private practice of they were any good. These bureaucrats love to exercise their egos. They're all experts on handling this kind of case and can overwhelm you with motions.
I once created and ran an insurance company for political subdivisions. We received dozens of this kind of suits every day. The vast majority were originated by bored inmates wanting a better toilet paper or upgrades in their meals. A surprisingly large number involved far right of far left wackos wanting flags at half-staff for any number of half-baked reasons.
We spent about two dollars on legal defense for every dollar we paid out on other claims.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
You're so right Jill
Hon, I've been involved in these things where I end up poorer, emotionally bruised. One case where I was fighting Big Oil. Lost a huge chunk of change. Their lawyer stopped me in the hallway outside the courtroom. "You should have won this. Your attorney didn't do you any favors. File an appeal using a different attorney." I didn't because I lost everything except the farm. I couldn't go at them again.
The situation is the same as you mentioned. They own hundreds of lawyers on a leash. Big Oil or government they have oodles of money, ours, and get paid no matter what. To them it's nothing personal because they can't be personally held accountable, government indemnity.
Jill, I can't quit. If I win this one it isn't for me. I'm too old to care about that damn birth certificate. I'm looking at the sunset of life. God has saved my life so many times when I should have died. I made the choice to return when He asked me if I was quitting. Maybe this is why I'm still here. God has a Place Holder with my name on it. There are girls out there who deserve a win on this one. It's for them more than me.
I'm hoping I can get the ACLU or one of the large law firms involved. I left a message of the emails, court order, and Vital Records refusals with one of the news media stations. Offered to go on TV and talk about everything. There are three very good doctors at the VA who know I've been looking for this all my life. They are pulling for me. I probably have more research on MtF transgender than most doctors. I'm inside this boy-girl mix master while most are outside looking in.
Who better than an old worn out Oklahoma Cowgirl who carries a "big iron" on her hip? Is too stupid to be scared when some idiots promised to bury me.
Win or lose, this is for transgender every where.
Hugs Jill, love you
Life is to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
As much as I'm for it, and
As much as I'm for it, and for what you're trying to do - I wouldn't mention the big iron _anywhere_ where it might get into public thought. Right now, we have two massive polarizing issues going on - one a Supreme Court that's willing to break their publicly given word, and a huge group of people willing to use children as an excuse for treason. (violating the Constitution). Better to NOT mention either of those issues while you're trying to focus on a different one.
It's called pick your battles. You have one, don't let someone else open a second front.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I Get Your Point
However, the essence of Barbie's case is a rejection of the either/or argument. It greatly strengthens her case to say that she is in agreement with most conservative values except this atrocity that fails to see the girl sitting right in front of their lying eyes.
Barbie, have you considered a GoFundMe page? Most people think trans problems are centered around "misled" children or greedy athlete "cheaters." You're the reality they don't want to talk about.
This is seemingly much bigger than you, as you've stated. You might be surprised how many people would like to poke your governor in the eye.
A few days ago I contributed to a GoFundMe to move the abortion clinic in Fargo ND to Minnesota. To date they've raised about $913,000 in about ten days.
Your situation is as compelling.
The governor made a whimsical decision based on political gain and this kind of thing needs to stop!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thanks Jill
Hon, I'm going to file an "execute court order" that isn't the exact name for it. I looked into filing an "injunction" in the State Supreme Court. With the other lawsuits filed in Federal Court to basically do the same thing, anything I filed would be too late for the party. The Federal lawsuit is to revoke stitt's "non binary" on the birth certificate. I'm working on changing the gender marker from male to female. It isn't the same but transgender was caught up as if it was. I pointed this out to Kelly but no go. With the court order it shouldn't have been a question as stitt's exec. order was specific against non binary. Even if an injunction was applied they are only temporary.
Have no idea how to post pics here so I'm going to write out the Court Order and post it. What it won't have is the court clerk notary. If anyone is interested in the whole enchilada I'll capture it as an attachment in an email and email it back if anyone emails me.
This will be later tonight, hopefully when I get everything done. The court order was very specific pointing out Oklahoma Vital Records shall abide by the court order. Getting my medical records which go all the way back to the eighties up until now, I am transgender. Doctor's letters, emails, and all the rest of the data organized is going to take some time, weeks.
Would love to have a large law firm get involved pro bono. I'll push this all the way myself if I must, as long as my health and finances hold out. And maybe, one day, none of the boys or girls will have to go through this. Hopefully a birth certificate change with only doctor's approval and letters, but most certainly with a court order. Trans isn't a birth defect or disease, certainly isn't catching.
Told my psychiatrist twenty one years ago I purchased the most beautiful beaded sequined wedding gown. It's my intention to be wearing it when I'm tossed in a hole in the ground. It would be nice if Barbie Jean was in that dress and not Gary Howard. Okay, I'll admit, Harry was right, trans are insane.
Hugs Jill, love you
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Trans being insane is simply
Trans being insane is simply a subcategory of 'insane' referred to heretofore as 'humanity'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Lays My Soul Bare
Okay, here is the almost complete court document approving name and gender marker change. There is some document data at the bottom about my lawyer and the court clerk I didn't add. Of course couldn't add the notary seal either.
There is information I wish the whole world didn't know about me but if it helps others I can live with that. What I want is for everyone to see is Oklahoma Vital Records is one of those specifically named as must change name and gender marker. It didn't leave any wiggle room for Kelly to claim it didn't apply to them.
Please play nice people, I know I'm old. A girl doesn't like to be reminded when she tells her age. Also I have medical records going back to the seventies I am trans. In the eighties two weeks from SRS, my wife told me she would leave me if I went through with it. I settled for hormones and minor surgery to be positive functioning as a male was no longer possible. Cancer took her from me. I love her with all my heart and soul and always will for all eternity. I wouldn't be doing this if she was still alive.
I pray what I am doing makes it easier for the transgender who deal with Oklahoma, or possibly their own state. By court decree I am Barbie, Gary no longer exists. State claims Barbie can't be. Kind of a funny situation. Other agencies don't have that same problem as Barbie now exists in their data files.
Hugs People
Life is a gift, don't waste it.
In the Application of Case No: CV-2022-34
Gary Howard Loftiss Judge Christopher S. Kelly
NOW on the date written below this mater come on for hearing upon petition filed
Herein on April 28,2022. The Petitioner appears in person and by and though counsel Shannon D Taylor of the law firm Shannon D Taylor, PLLC.
The Court being advised in the premises, having fully reviewed this file and having heard sworn testimony, hereby FINDS AND ORDERS as follows.
1. The Petitioner was born in Elk City, Oklahoma, on February 23, 1944 and
given the name Gary Howard Loftiss. The Petitioner is currently seventy-eight (78) years of age.
2: The Petitioner presently resides at 10993 N. 2040 Rd. Elk City, Oklahoma 73644
3. The Petitioner has resided in Washita County, State of Oklahoma, for more than thirty (30) days Therefore, pursuant to 12OS 1631, etet seQ., jurisdiction and venue are proper in the District Court of Washita County, State of Oklahoma.
4. The Petitioner’s birth certificate number is 11237, and is registered with the State of Oklahoma Department of Health, Vital Records Division.
5. As evidenced by a medical letter presented to this court, the Petitioner has been diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria under the DSM-V, and has completed irreversible, clinically appropriate treatment for the Petitioner’s Individualized gender transition and changing the Petitioner’s gender from male to female. Also provided to this Court is documentation from Petitioner’s counselor, qualified under the WPATH Standards of Care, as approved by the American Medical Association, to show the Petitioner meets the WPATH standards as alleged in the Petition, and that Petitioner’s request for name and gender marker change are not made for any illegal or to delay or hinder creditors.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED by this Court that all state and federal agencies such as the Oklahoma Department of Motor Vehicles, Oklahoma State Department of Health, Office of Vital Records, the Social Security Administration and all other agencies or entities are hereby ORDERED to change the Petitioner’s name to BARBIE JEAN LEE gender marker/sex to female on the Petitioner’s birth certificate, driver’s license, accounts, records, and any other identifying documents as set forth herein.
Chr A Kelly
There are more legals on the bottom naming my lawyer her license, address, her firm, etc.
There are legals describing the court clerk, her notary seal, and the date
All of which would take a legal typewriter or word processor to add as it includes a lot of legal inscriptions and such.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Becky from VA Called Me
Even with a court order the VA still requests a gov photo ID with all the data on it. Bummer! Thought I had the VA on my side. Still can't get Okla. to roll over and have yet to file papers in court to execute the Court order. My last hope to get this whole thing pushed off center is to get the Passport. I asked Becky and they will accept that. Tomorrow I'll set up the back screen, clean up my act, set up the Nikon on a tripod and take a couple dozen pics. When not looking at the screen one doesn't know what the subject looks like. Lots of pics and hopefully one won't look like a mug shot at the sheriff's office.
Hoping to get BC and CDL before I approached the bank but bit the bullet and checked in today. I've been with this bank since Moses was born. Not the same people way back when but I know most all of them forever. Katie said they would work with me and not worry about it. Hopefully those in charge of records in Okla would come to their senses or the courts would force them. Until then she would let everyone know about me and not bounce any checks or return any checks made out to me. I'm in love with Katie, at least something went right. She said when I get it, I should use my new passport as ID every time I'm asked. My SS is already in my name. She thought that was cute when she made a photo copy.
Life moves on. Sometimes one must grind through the obstacles to finish the challenge. I sure hope the TV station asks me for a story. I know a lot of people don't like or hate transgender but everyone needs to know how Gov Stitts and Oklahoma is bigoted toward trans. And this is about trans as gays or lesbians don't ask for a gender change on their BC. One class of people are discriminated against.
Hugs People
Barbie Jean
Life is a gift, don't waste it wishing. If you want it, go for it. If you never try, you failed already.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl