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When you woke up yesterday, did it seem like you were in another world?

You are.

In a democacy, a position supported by less than a third of the population has turned our country inside out.

The supreme court ruling yesterday and accompanying opinions made it clear that the three uber-conservatives Trump appointed to the court are hell bent on taking us back to the dark ages. We now know exactly what MAGA has meant from day one.

Clarence Thomas was the most transparent in stating his desire to now examine the right to contraception, same sex relationships, and same sex marriage.

Other justices who perjured themselves during their appointment hearings drew highly unbelievable lines in the sand . . . all the while apparently crossing their Papal-influenced fingers. Did these religious zealots miss the movie The Cardinal?

I don't like the widespread use of abortion. In my opinion, abortion should be a last alternative. However, in trying to disguise their religion-backed motives the justices have opened Pandora's box. They could have adopted the restrictions nearly every other country have seen fit to make law. United State's women now have fewer rights than those in Moscow in regards to their own health.

This ruling gives oxygen to every anti-trans bigot who thinks we are an abomination.

It's clear who are the abominations.




So Freedumb for them but of course, no freedom for those who do not agree with them.

Got it.

I thought we didn't do politics on the blogs.

I think this is not a topic we should be discussing here, but if it is, both sides need to be considered.

Abortion has been an issue for years. People who support abortion cannot understand the pro-life movement and vice-versa.

It is not religion if a person honestly believes that abortion kills a person. For them it is murder.

An individual who doesn't believe the fetus is a person has no problem with the idea of removing what they perceive as unwanted tissue.

The real problem for many on both sides is when pro-abortion advocates say that a fetus/baby can be removed from the mother and if it is alive, they can and often do kill it anyway because the mother didn't want it. Illinois and New York believe that it is fine to kill a viable baby up until the moment of birth and in Illinois, they can kill it after birth. For the people on the pro-life side, it is no longer an undefined fetus when it is a viable living being, but extremists feel the need to be all or nothing on both sides.

The decision on Friday did not make abortion illegal. It simply said that the states are in charge of setting the rules. That is the way it used to be.

In the US, there are few states where abortions were being provided on Thursday and are not allowed and legal today. If the state had restrictions, those restrictions are still in place. If everything was legal, it is still legal. No one went back to the dark ages. Every state can make abortions legal if that is what the constituents want.

Every one has an opinion and we should all be considerate of those opinions.

Remember that 50 years ago, seven justices dictated that abortion was legal and took away state's rights regarding abortion. Many felt that decision was abhorrent. Many of the same arguments made yesterday, were stated 50 years ago about the original decision.

There are good people with strong views on both sides of this issue.


read what Justice Thomas said

He said that this is just the start. They WIll be coming after same sex marriage, Lesbian and Gay sex, transgender rights and even interracial marriage.
The sad thing is that you can't get rid of those who sit in the SCOTUS. They are unique in that they alone of all officials in the USA are not accountable to anyone but their political masters.

Did You Read Clarence Thomas's Opinion

Clarence Thomas put cross hairs on every trans person in our country. He is not a good person. Those who voted for this did so on the basis of their interpretation of "privacy." That same interpretation could make my decision to live trans a crime. That same interpretation could invalidate/ban same-sex marriages, whatever that means.

I'm not sure how old you are -- but I lived through pre-Roe. I had several friends whose lives were ruined by the lack of abortion availability. I also had a friend who lacked the ability to abort and choose suicide.

Please reread my remarks. I'm not in favor of killing babies.

Clarence Thomas clearly indicated he wants to review the use of contraceptives. If that isn't the Dark Ages I'm not sure what is.

Perhaps the discussion of the abortion question is an imponderable that shouldn't be handled here, but if discussing an obvious attack on the rights of trans people shouldn't be discussed here -- I have to wonder what is the purpose of this site?

This discussion only became "political" when it is moved off the front page, because the obvious path set out by Clarence Thomas is so toxic to the people who use this site to express themselves.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

GILEAD- Coming Soon to a State Near You

laika's picture

Most of us here try not to do politics, but when politics starts doing us we no longer have a choice. As Jill pointed out, Justice Thomas has stated that overturning Roe v Wade is just the start, and that the US Supreme Court should revisit and probably overturn other landmark casess, such as Lawrence, Obergefeld, and Griswold, two of which directly address LGBT+ rights. I can't really buy into the notion that there are good people on both sides of every issue when some of those "good people" want to criminalize and punish us for being who we are. Playing nice and trying to see the good intentions of the other side is foolhardy when that side has unilaterally declared you the enemy of their "values" just for existing and wants to return the USA to the good ol' days when people like us had no voice and lived in fearful isolation. Not all religious conservatives are so extreme but If the extremists get their way the "moderates" on their side won't do a thing to help us. I would love to be wrong but this authoritarian scenario has played out time and time again in history and all it takes for good people to become monsters is to decide you're "other" and less legitimate than them for some reason.

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

In England, Scotland, and

leeanna19's picture

In England, Scotland, and Wales, abortion is permitted on the grounds of:

risk to the life of the pregnant woman;
preventing grave permanent injury to her physical or mental health;
risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or any existing children of her family (up to a term limit of 24 weeks of gestation); or substantial risk that, if the child were born, he or she would "suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped".

The third ground is typically interpreted liberally with regards to mental health to create a de facto state of abortion on demand, and nearly all abortions—98% in 2019 and 2020—are performed to protect the woman's mental health.

I understand why those who are against it feel that way. Some would even class the morning after pill as abortion.

When you start telling women what they can and can't do with their own bodies, it is a short step to telling trans folk they are not allowed
to "mutilate" their bodies.

There has to be some regualtion, or there is a possibility of babies being aborted for reasons such as gender or tiny imperfections.

But surely these rules should be decided by the gender these laws most effect. Women.


I will repeat

Angharad's picture

what I said elsewhere the people who voted for this act are forcing their morality down the throats of others, they think is wrong to kill a foetus but it's okay to shoot a doctor, they are hypocrites of the first order and need to be controlled like puppet master who wants to be re-elected next time around. The ruination of our societies by populist chancers is a disgrace, Brexit is a disgrace but the control of womens' bodies by the courts is something horribly new.
