Shadowsblade: School year 2.....Stop or my Drow will shoot part 1

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.

This is the story of a man who finds a magic box, one that changes him into a Teenage Drow girl (a dark elf) and he has to deal with the very sudden change. Then handle all the memories of a Drow that was 'made' for a long lost war. This new part of him, has 40,000 years of memories of fighting that war. She has to deal with all that pent up PTSD, her enemy is here, but she loves her. Her old Queen is here and she wants to kill, that Queen ohh so bad!

So far in the story, Rohanna is being sent to a high school for mutants. While in school, she has to learn to keep that temper in check and her vast skills at killing others! She has been attacked in Boston while shopping, by her new lover by accident of fate and by an assassin that nearly kills her.

The last major hurdle in her short new life, is that a science project gone mad! Has made an exact clone of her and linked it mentally to her every thought, it reacts like an extension of her body now.

The struggle is real and the twins are in the middle of it!


this chapter is the twins get ready for that NYPD ride a long


Whateley academy, Poe cottage

It was late Friday and one more long week was coming to a close. I pushed back from my spot at my desk as Rehanna stifled a bored yawn from the futon couch she was laying on, "This human law crud is so boring!" she whined to me.

"You are telling me! Even with us for all practical proposes sharing a brain, reading all of this crap goes so SLOW! Then add on top of all that, Great Gaea all the stupid laws they passed since I or we were humans and most of them are useless for the most part...Criminals don't obey laws, so why add ten more laws that only good citizens will obey anyway?"

"Silly humans think it works?" Rehanna shrugged then laughed back at me.

"Yep, but I have to guess that being bound to your word like us Fae is something they can never fully understand!"

Someone knocked at our door softly and Rehanna chirped to the sound, "It's the new resident GOO kid!"

" with a side of wings!" I played back to her with a giggle, then leaned back and yelped over my shoulder towards the door, "Come on in Ky,"

The tall blonde opened the door and walked in taking a place next to Rehanna on our huge futon, "So still studying the law for your ride a long next week with the NYPD?"

"Yep and we still have to do some firearms range time to prove to Sam that we know how to shoot and be safe. Like they can't take our word for it!" I growled.

"Never mind the fact that we are not carrying a gun with our blades at hand, not like they would not let us carry a gun with today's laws and mutant kids being around or allowed too by law! But we have to go anyway and prove it to Sam or Caitlin," Rehanna sighed along with me.

"But look at it this way, they trust you both enough to let ya out and actually BE cops for the day or weekend. Me on the other hand, when they know what I am...runaway at best in most cases, even though I have never done a thing to gain that reaction?" Ky sighed in her own way.

"So what's up!" I smiled changing the subject from a sometimes touchy one on how humans deal with us Fae or GOO!

"Well I was playing with the dragon and you are right she SO falls for a gold coin on a string! Its like a cat chasing a laser beam, she falls for it every time!" she laughed.

"I told ya, those young dragons will always fall for gold coins when they are busy building a nest to sleep on!" Rehanna quipped.

"Yes they do, but I am here to remind you its dinner time. This was my turn, after you reminded me ohh so many times when I was busy with my multi-dimensional teleporting equations!" Ky smiled standing up and going to our door.


Crystal Hall

I held the door open for Rehanna and Kyley as we all entered. Ky instantly sniffed the scents wafting off the serving area, "Ohhhh they have Svadekr Kaosborrk today, never had that since I came here! This is going to be a treat indeed!"

"Svadkera Kaos bork bork WHAT?" I had to ask.

"You'll see, you'll See!" she grinned to us Drow and grabbed a serving tray.

Ky headed into line as we Drow sniffed at the scents the serving area was giving off. It was the normal dinner fair in our minds, salad this or that, some fish thingy we might try, all the sides that were normally there and a few meat dishes that instantly turned our stomachs at the scent!

Ky stopped at a tray marked 'Swedish Meatballs' and quizzed it, "So that is what you all call Svadekr Kaosborrk!"

"Yep like I said BORK BORK! As in Swedish chief Muppet, BORK BORK!" I laughed.

"No, No Rohanna this is far different! Give it a better sniff and think about it?" she asked me or us.

Rehanna was closer and sniffed over the huge serving tray as best she could from behind the glass, "Hummm I smell the meat, sauce and noodles like normal...but this one has some unusual spices in it too it seems?"

"You better believe it does!" the new chief the school just got this term smiled to us, "This recipe is my family's, personally handed down each generation for over a thousand years I am told and OHH BOY the spices are especially rare these days and it takes forever to cook just right!...Try some please!" she insisted to us as she scooped up a small sample in a spoon.

Ky stepped up trying an offered spoon full and smiled at the familure taste, "Yep just as I thought! You should try a bite Rehanna?"

"What me try that and barf up my guts?" she sassed back instantly.

"Please try it, I am sure you can take this...just trust me. I know the Unseelie and Drow what they can or can not eat!" Ky grinned knowingly to Rehanna.

"Hummmf," Rehanna sighed, "I know you are not lying, so I'll try it? But you had better be right girl!" she warned taking a very small nibble of a fresh meatball that the Chef offered her.

"Well?" I questioned my other half.

"YAAAA, well?" the chef asked not really knowing about our shared reaction to meats.

Rehanna took a bigger bite and waited. Nothing happened, so she ate the rest of the meatball before spearing a fresh meatball with a fork and then ate the whole thing. Rehanna grinned to the taste as she used the fork to wedge up the corner of the whole huge serving tray from the steam table and dropped it with a thud onto her tray, "Well I am set, get my sister more...please?"

The chef waved to her staff to grab a new tray for me and one more for the rest of the diners tonight. After I was served we walked off in search of a good dessert for this new meal!

"I knew you'd love it. It's a strange thing, but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs! In every universe I have ever lived in or visited and several hundred planets in each have the same recipe that tastes exactly the same! I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never be explained, or which would drive you mad if you ever learned the truth?" Kyley admitted to everyone.


An hour later

I was sitting there full as can be as Rehanna ripped off a long deep and very loud belch. I joined in at the end with a satisfied grin, "Ohhh ya, even if I get sick later it was worth it!"

Most of Crystal hall glared back at us for the loud sound, but neither of us cared!

"Even if I have to pay for it, each week that lady is going to make that dish for us Drow no matter what!" Rehanna added in for us twins.

"I think you'll get sick?" Gwen warned us.

"Nawww they will be just fine, the herbs and spices used in that dish nullify the toxins meat has to Drow and they can eat it with no trouble or issues. But strangely only that dish for the most part?" Kyley wondered if there were other, but she personally knew of none.


Several days later
Whateley Firing Range

Sam eyeballed us Drow from her spot inside the arms cage, "So what do you want to shoot for today's intro class?"

"Well not a Glock, we both prefer a gun with a real locking safety and not some BS trigger mounted one." I said.

"We do have our own!" Rehanna added with an evil grin, "But don't ask where they came from...please?"

"Humm, so what do you have?" Sam asked innocently.

"Well what we have is.....," I started and several minutes later Sam yelled at us, "STOP ENOUGH! I am not even going to ask where you got a Thomson machine gun, a Colt Monitor, a SCAR, a BAR and over a dozen other rare pistols, plus revolvers!"

"Hey at least we don't have crew served weapons or mortars?" I grinned.

"But not for lack of trying on our parts!" Rehanna yelped.

"So what do you want to use for today's session?" Sam asked us once more.

"Two nineteen elevens and we are all good!" we said in stereo.

"Fine at least it makes sense and later on we will hit training with some revolvers, automatics and the shotguns the NYPD uses. Then lastly the neutered Mutant Glocks they use!" Sam hissed out.

"Neutered Mutant Glocks?" I just had to ask!

"Yes, neutered Mutant Glocks. The NYPD issues the only factory made Glock in the WHOLE WIDE world," She eye rolled, "That has a heavier trigger spring added for 'safety'.." Sam sassed while stacking bags of ammo on the table for use.

"Safety?" I asked once more as I grabbed the ammo she had for us.

"Yep 'safety' because they did not have the money to train the older guys who had revolvers with the newer automatics and then add they cut corners on training the new kids right at the academy!" she huffed!

After Sam was done venting, she watched over us both as we went through the motions of getting ready to shoot as she set the target generator on a preset plan. "Now you have time to warm up, then you shoot the course and I test you on safety during the whole day."

"Fine Sam, anything else?" I asked.

"Ohh you have to use gun belts with ammo pouches, the bench is only for setup right now."

"Great! Thanks Sam, that is the way I was taught way back when! We always used holsters, because most of the guys my dad hanged out with were ex-stuntmen or old cowboy actors," I explained while picking out a gun belt from the rack she had just pointed out.

"Let me guess, most of them were marines your dad knew that fell into that kind of work after the war?" Sam asked knowing my dad must have hung out with rough types in his war years.

"Yep they were and it was really funny seeing a guy you knew getting shot each week on TV, then pop up on next weeks show!"

An hour later Sam had run us twins through most of the course and was happy with our scores, "You do know Sam that we are not going to carry any guns on this ride along when our blades and other weapons are far more deadly if need be?" I quipped.

"You two should still carry a firearm, because at least the public will know you mean business and besides the fact most of the world does not think a sword is that dangerous in the hands of a teen girl...even one having a bad day!" she laughed back.

Our eyes narrowed back at Sam, "Just because we Drow are good with blades does not mean we are having a bad day or anything else you are suggesting!"


Days later or nights
Hawthorne cottage

Slipping into Hawthorne Cottage was easy because the house mother did not deal with us Drow every day and because she kind of expected us to hang out here with Puppet in her room or hang with Cyberkitty down in her's!

In the basement where Cyberkitty kept her Kitty lair I had to mentally jest to myself and Rehanna's mental sigh back at me! ~"You are kidding right, what's next...the Kittymobile?"~

~"Well maybe?"~ I had to smile.

~"Just knock already, damn you!"~

I knocked or rather tapped lightly on the door, as it was very late still and others had to sleep even if we Drow did not. "Come in you two." the door's control panel said softly from its speaker.

"Yep seems that the Kat is up late tonight and by all the blinkly lights, you are very busy!" Rehanna smiled noting the room's computers, as she took a place on one of the chained logs hanging from the ceiling for one of Paige's more catty days as a werepanther!

"Heya Paige, so what's up girl?" I asked while plopping into one of her chairs.

A disembodied voice sang from the rooms speaker system while Paige's body sat immobile in her command chair at the computer's control station. I could tell she was indeed diving deep into the internet, because she did not talk to us personally and used the room's system in place of talking to us personally.

"Why are you two over here visiting me tonight?" Paige asked wondering why we had showed up.

"Just getting bleary eyed studying all the laws and reading report samples on how cops got into trouble in the past and how I or we should not make the same mistakes!" I shrugged back.

"So what are you doing tonight, ohhh electron goddess?" Rehanna jested.

"Well I am busting heads and taking names right now!" the voice barked a little.

"Humm and who is in such deep trouble?" I asked, because it took quite a bit of general above grade 'stupid' to get on Paige's radar!

"Well on of the new kids this term up stairs, their Grandmother to only one taking care of them right now. Well she got ripped off by one of those fake internet scammers that says they will fix your computer and they emptied her bank accounts over the last week!"

"Ohhhhhh really!" I hissed and Rehanna pounded a fist into the log she was sitting on, "So give them to us!" she demanded for both of us.

"Hey now, you know the rules! Sam frowns on that type of madness out of you two!" Paige's warned form her place inside the net, "Beside I already got all the money back for her and most of the scammers other marks. right now I am sowing the seeds of their mainframes destruction and making sure the office building that they work out of does not work for months!"

I could tell Paige was very upset by how her body was tense sitting in her chair, so I petted the back of her neck while massaging a few nerve clusters to calm her. "Ohhhh I love it when you do that!" She purred out via the speakers.

"Yep I know all the spots that weres love to be touched, I had to take care of those around me in the past." I admitted. "And Paige you really need to calm down a bit?" I suggested.

"CALM DOWN! Ro they messed with her grandmother and that nice old lady is not mentally all there with her age and besides, she takes care of that kid even though the old lady is handicapped herself!" Paige growled to me and tensed under my hand.

"Well that is another case, we want in!" Rehanna barked.

"Yep Paige we do and do you have a google map on this place?" I smiled evilly.

"Yes I do!" she said via the rooms speakers and a whole wall lit up with a map of the place in India... I was told many times that India was the home of internet scammers, heck most scammers of late! Paige even posted up a break down of the place's coordinates for us Drow to use right now just like we loved!

Both of us changed into our black leather armor and were about to pull on our head covers when Paige stopped us, "Hey wait one, I want to get one of these A-holes on the line so I can listen in live and interact with one as you go all 'Drow Cray Cray' on them. But remember no dead you two, these people are evil but not that evil."

Paige intercepted one of their systems random call outs and a man with a heavy accent came on the line, "Microsoft here, this is Jim and I am calling to tell you that your computer will be shut down remotely because of a virus unless we help you get rid of it!"

"Ohh really?" Paige said in an old lady voice made up on the fly via computer. As she tried very hard to stifle her growing giggling!

"Ma'am you have to follow me step by step and we can keep you online..." he mumbled on purpose starting his spiel to rip off an old woman.

Our evil grin filled twin faces to Paige as we ported away, "Here comes the pain!"

"Now ma'am...hey the lights just went out, I might have to call you backkkkkkk..." that is when the guy switched over to his native Hindi and Paige's computer translated instantly and seamlessly for her, "Ohhh my God!...What are those things? ...Devils with red eyes!...let me out of here!...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!" and sounds of screaming and shouting coming from several people filled the phone connection Paige had.

"You still there?" Paige asked innocently, but knew full well what madness had befallen the whole building the scammers call center was housed in!

"Help us, the devils are here... Kali has come to take us all to hell!" he yelled back via his headset that surely must be wireless by his running away from his desk by now...if he was smart!

Paige opened a few more lines into the office and could make out sounds of the room being torn apart by the twins, shouts of severe pain or overwhelming fear or terror filled in the rest of the din. Paige would have used the rooms many cameras to watch, but the twins took them all out within the first seconds of their attack on the call center and there would be no video record of this attack.

"Little demons with wings and needles...Run, Run, Run!" one phone line added with the shouts of a man trying to escape the building , "Stay away!" another line hissed out in static and then Paige could make out the evil cackling of the pair of Drows having fun, ohh so much evil fun!

Paige was only able to listen in on the fun and madness for a few more minutes before the Drow started launching lightning spells to fry the building's many computers plus the electrical infrastructure for most of the block!


Hours later

Paige pointed at the wall filling TV screen, as she laughed so hard again it caused her a coughing fit, "Ohhh just loooooook at that guy, you frightened him so much, he is shivering like a Chihuahua in a snow storm!"

"Ohh the poor man, that will teach him to be the manager of a place that rips off people!" I growled at the TV showing a man wrapped in a blank by the medics before they took him to the hospital to be checked and maybe put in a loony bin for the night!

The old man was wrapped in a thin, cheap blanket as he sat waiting for his ride and the TV crew found him, "So what happened in your offices sir?" the TV reporter asked.

"DEVILS!" he shouted in fear, "RED eyed devils attacked us, all of them from hell...little ones with wings...two HUGE red eyed ones!" he cried and shivered in fright!

"Okay....and you sir?" she asked the next man waiting on the dirty sidewalk, "Little devils with needles...OHHH THE PAIN they gave me, I am so sorry and I will never do this again!" he cried on as a medic tried to tend to his many wounds with a cream dabbed on many small punctures covering several parts of his face and body.

"So the local police are calling this a revenge attack on the building that contained many offices that are suspected of making calls all over the world in order to scam or cheat the recipients and most offices made tens of thousands of calls each day! The emergency services department informs us that the building is a near total loss and has the chance of collapsing fully within a week, whoever attacked the building knew how to destroy its foundations and its electrical network completely! We were told that the damage will total in the low millions at best and most of the staff is traumatized or will be for many, many months." then she signed off to the studio staff that listed off the dozens of offenses the office complex was complacent in and might be charged with under international laws.

"Ohh that was so much fun!" Paige laughed.

"So what did you do while I was cleaning house?" I asked.

"Clean house, we should have filled cemeteries!" Rehanna growled.

"Hey now no need to kill them after I fully cleaned out their bank accounts and only left them enough for bills!" Paige warned and shook a finger at the more fiery one of our pair, "They have been punished enough for now." she added last.

I took a slice of pizza out of the box Paige had ordered for our viewing party and waved it over towards Rehanna, "Just calm down, Paige will watch over them and if they act up again...we Drow will be there to punish them all again!"

"Hummmf they should know better, silly humans!" she barked back at me, "You are getting soft and you know what 'soft' gets us...nothing and you know it!" she warned and remind me with a silent mental kick, ~"We got soft and you know what I mean by that!"~

~"Yes I know, I should have busted her neck and be done with it!"~ I sighed mentally.





Shadowsblade here.

This story in a joint venture with a group of fan fic authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Tormented by the past, Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
They say old soldiers never die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Born for eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave
their nest.

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Watch what you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever
asked for.
This one is coming soon, bug him for it! lol

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Struggling with fate, Kelly has to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade
Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to
find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones. Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind, get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional).
This is the Whateley Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.'
If you want further information you will find them on.


But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Copyright © 2019 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

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