Transitioning Home update

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Big news

Transitioning Home has been sold to Bold Strokes Books. I will keep you all up to date on when it is coming out. I am very excited. The final story is much changed from the original but is stronger for that. I can't wait to see what the editor wants me to change. Apparently, the readers were confused by a good bit of the military jargon. So it goes. YAY



I know that this is a goal you have worked hard at. I'm glad your efforts have been fruitful.

Oh, a new publisher …

… my account balance is NOT happy about that. ;-)

Thanks, that will hopefully satisfy my thirst for books until they publish yours.

And I hope that this will be just the first of many sales for you!

BCTS writers draw on such diverse ...

... backgrounds and experiences, that their stories send me to Wikipedia or Google. Often several times per story!

And I learn cool stuff. Thanks!

Congrats on sale!
In a College English class, it was part of our grade to exchange and critique each other's writing.

At the end of the term, I asked my frequent "trading partner" to come up to the teacher's desk with me. I turned to my partner, and told him I had watched him become a much stronger writer during the term, and I thanked him for 'letting' me watch.
Editors and reviewers are good for writers, and for readers.