He was struggling with the lymphoma he had in the gut and I thought I needed to do something, so I took him to the vet and an hour later I buried him in the garden, so I brought him home.
I shall miss him dreadfully, I'd had him for nearly 17 years but it was awful to watch the cancer eatng him away.
So rest in peace little fellow, you know I loved you.

So very, very sorry ...
It just hurts so much when they have to leave us...
May all beings be happy,
May all beings be healthy,
May all beings be free of pain, of fear,
And may all beings be Loved, in this World, and in the next.
I Cried Like a Baby
Four years ago my springer died. He was a constant companion for years. It took me almost two years to even think about another dog. Not a replacement -- as friends aren't ever replaced. A new friend.
Please concentrate on all those times you spent happily together.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Oh honey
I never met Bonzi but somehow by all your references to him he seemed a real member of the BCTS community, and I came to love him from afar. So this news hits me hard. I almost feel like Bonzi should have a place of honor in our "in memorium" box on the right side of the front page here, but i can see why that wouldn't be a good precedent and we'll just have to remember him in a less formal way.
I won't talk about rainbow bridges or some glorious afterlife where we'll all be with our incredible four legged friends again, but I will offer hugs for your grief and rejoice over the years you were able to spend with Bonzi and the joy he brought to your life.
I too have a feline best friend/furbaby buried in my yard with just a granite stone to indicate where she lies, and in spite of the empty place in my heart I'm totally grateful for the unconditional love Gojira gave me over those 13 years. While human interactions often perplex me there's something so pure and uncomplicated about a pet's love, it's worth it even the sadness after they're gone...
~love, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
are Life companions and become members of our families, but they pass away much too soon...
It is never easy
To see them go, but they definitely enhance our lives.
*Big huggles*
*Big huggles*
IMHO words'll never be able to express the loss of a loved one, be it human or pet.
All the hugs
All the hugs, it's always so hard to say goodbye to beloved companions. <3
Your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. I feel the same about my two kitty babies, they become so dear to you and are great comfort and joy.
I'm sorry; pets have such short lives and leave such a big hole in ours when they die.
My thoughts and prayers are with you,
I lost both of my cats in the span of one week a few years ago, and it took a cat deciding he lived here now and I was his person for me to.get over it. Huggles to you, hun.
So sorry for your loss. Long time companions are hard to say good bye to, whether human or pet.
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many splendid colors.
Just this side of Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills,
and valleys with lush, green grass.
When beloved pets die, they go to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved
them on earth.
So each day they run and play.
Until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!
The nose twitches.
The ears are up!
The eyes are staring.
And this one suddenly runs from the group.
You have been seen!
And when you and your special friend meet,
you take him in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again,
and you look once more more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...
Never again to be separated.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
My condolences
Fur babies are never forgotten but with so many crying kittens it’s hard to not get another one even went you really don’t want. When I found my pepper the one morning looking for a place to die in my basement it broke my heart in two to have her put down. Five months later I found two abandoned kittens under my front step. I waited two days for momma to come get them.
So now I have Willow who constantly wants to play fetch with a mouse or paper ball and many assorted kitty scratches. Barely three week old kittens should never be abandoned by momma but they are. Hard to believe he will be two come end of September.
Big hugs
From Di and I (now in Bexhill)
To hear the news, visits just won’t be the same. It’s never easy losing such a big part of your life but the good news is that you needn’t be alone, we are here for you.
Big hugs
Madeline Anafrid Bell
It's Very Hard
Saying goodbye to a loved one.
The loss of a family member
The loss of a family member is hard. The hurt will ease over time and the memories will last forever.
The servers
In the restaurant I was at when I read this freaked when I broke down crying. I've been through this myself, I know how deep the pain and sense of overpowering loss is. My biggest sympathy and hugs for you in this time of loss. I'm not a believer in deities, but I fully believe that there is a special afterlife just for cats and their people.
Sis, you are in my heart. And as long as we remember Bonzi he's not really gone, he just stepped out of the room.
And I'm still crying.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Words don’t suffice
Sorry that you’ve lost someone who shared love with you.