American Politics and Religion

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Women living in about half of all US states could soon lose access to abortion, according to a leaked Supreme Court document.

I've been hearing about this on the news here today. In England abortions became legal in 1967.

Northern in 2019., this was due to religious pressure. England (UK) has a state religion, Church of England, that doesn't have too much say in politics though.

Many "pro-life" groups in the USA seem to.

What I don't understand is why religious people seem to think they have the right to interfere with the lives of women, trans and gay people?
Before anyone thinks I'm knocking the USA, I'm not, I'm just shocked by the amount religion can effect your freedom of choice.

This is in the "land of the free"

Don't watch this if you are very patriotic


This is just the first step.

This is just the first step. Gay marriage and trans rights are next. LGBT rights will then be a thing of the past. Sodomy laws will be back on the table. Then mixed race couples. Then women's and the non white races.

I mean it seems defeatist but I'm pretty much accepting the fact I'll be in a re-education camp again.