UG2: Spying By Numbers Part 5: Driven Mad


UG2:Spying By Numbers
Part 5 Driven Mad

First posted here in 2014/5, this story had only been available on Kindle since 2017. The third & fourth books are also now out.

"Anna's been bailed? When?" Heather was not happy.

"Last week, Tuesday, her solicitor claimed that the terrorism charge wasn't applicable as it was a robbery not anything more serious. Of course, she was now mourning for the loss of her brother and was in pain because of being shot and needing hospital treatment. A real sob story, I guess the magistrate swallowed it wholesale."

"So what's she been up to in that time?"

"I don't know, give me a moment."

Emily left the room. Those remaining, Heather, Sophie and Dave Brown were all contemplating how bad the situation was. Heather's new identity had been obtained, but apparently not her address - yet. Sophie's involvement hadn't yet been compromised, but would her task of protecting Heather become too difficult?

Emily was back after a few minutes. "My team are looking for Anna Greig and any others of the Greig and Davis family. Now, where's the original of your accreditation from UK Banking?"

"In my safe."

"Then we best have it examined by a forgery expert?"


The fax machine started to whirr and several pages came out of it, Dave Brown handed one to Emily who rushed off again, apparently it was Jeremy Davis' home address and basic bio details. His personal mobile was also listed, they could use that to track him. When she returned, Dave Brown gave her the rest of the paperwork and read a short note to Heather.

"No alarm activations since one o'clock yesterday afternoon."

"Yesterday afternoon, Heather, but you were there?"

"Yes Sophie, I was. I just nipped out of the office for a glass of water and the room decided it was empty. I spoke to security and we sorted it out."

Dave Brown and Emily laughed, they were used to this sort of thing.

"Now, shall we take a ride to Redhill?"

Dave Brown excused himself so he could attempt a damage limitation exercise with his team, the others took a car from the pool and drove south. When they arrived, the hire car was sat in the same place but neither Emily nor Sophie were satisfied. Emily made a call and asked for the car to be checked, it could then be returned to the hire firm. They next went into the house.

The security system was quiet, showing no errors or alerts. Heather opened the office and booted her laptop, there was software installed that allowed her to access the CCTV archive. None of the cameras, including the reverse angle and once that looked straight down the road at the junction, showed much more than the other residents of the cul-de-sac and a few deliveries.

Heather next opened the safe; she went to pull the package out but Emily stopped her.

"Don't touch it, I have gloves here and an evidence bag, so it can go straight in there. Has anyone else handled it?"

"No, just me."

"Your prints are on file so we can eliminate those, then we can see who else has handled the document."

Emily called for a car to collect the document ready for testing, the driver who had ferried the trio was to remain at the house in case of evacuation. Sophie was called up so she would take the evidence bag downstairs, to await transport.

Heather's secure phone started to ring, the number showed it was Helen calling. Emily answered whilst Heather looked in the safe for the special key.

"Hi Helen."

"Emily? We have a problem, Anna just arrived here with a shotgun demanding Heather's address."

"Your office? Stand by, going secure."

"Yes, OK, now what the hell is she doing out?"

"Bailed last week, we found out an hour ago. There's been another attempt on Heather."

"Damn. Why wasn't I told?"

"We have a leak, Anna obviously knows Heather's new identity and we're trying to locate the mole. Apart from Dave Brown and Commander Ken Bond it's only us plus Heather and Sophie who are in the know. Is Anna still there?"

"No, I hit the alarm and had a unit from Stoke Newington here within a minute. They've tasered and arrested her, not sure where she'll be taken."

"I'll check that out."

"Should I come over?"

"Not yet, just in case you're tailed. We're missing one of Dave Brown's team who may be involved with Anna."

"Okay. It does look as if the address is secure?"

"Yes, maybe, for the time being. It looks though as if Sophie will be without a car for a few days."

"I have an idea that might help, perhaps Heather could take a week long intensive driving course?"

"That's an idea, to get her out of the firing range for a few days."

"She'll need some evasive training after she earns her standard licence."

"Quite. Can you arrange that?"

"I'll add it to the list."

"Okay, got to go."


Emily put the handset on the cradle, then reached for her mobile, dialling Commander Bond.

"Ken, Anna Greig has been arrested in Stoke Newington. Can you find out where she is and get her secured? Let's throw the Official Secrets Act at her, and don't let the same magistrate anywhere near her."

Next she called her team and passed on the same information, they had a lead on Jeremy Davis, the missing spook, and were now following it up.

"Heather, we need to take stock of this. We still don't know who's running the operation against you, against us, but we'll have another go at Anna later."

"This is just too surreal, Anna was entrusted to look after me, to protect me, but now she's flipped! What did I do wrong?"

She started to sob, that caused Sophie to check the office.

"Come on Heather, we don't know Anna's motivations, or very much at all right now."

"Sophie's right, Heather, it'll be a little while before we hear back from anyone so let's get some coffee organised?"

It was an hour before anything else was heard, in this case Commander Bond was calling from Paddington Green High Security Police Station. There had been a break-through involving the three males arrested at Elephant & Castle that morning.

It transpired that Anna had told them she was owed money by Heather and that they were to hold onto 'Heather' until Anna got to them. Unfortunately, she had turned up in the same cell-block as the three males so they knew they weren't about to get paid for their efforts.

The three had done a deal, they told the interviewing officers everything they knew, which wasn't much, dished the dirt on Anna and asked to be allowed to leave the country. They were all German citizens of Iranian parentage. Given the cost of a lengthy trial, the deal was agreed, they would be flown to Düsseldorf the following morning. They wouldn't get away unblemished, however, as the Germans would arrest them upon their return.

The doorway where the third male had been arrested was the entrance into a storeroom. It seems that Anna had been staying there, there was also evidence that Jeremy Davis had been there.

But what of Jeremy? Emily's team took several hours to locate him, he was slowly getting himself pickled in a pub in Islington. He was taken to Stoke Newington Police Station first before being moved to Westminster. He'd have to sober up before he could be interviewed.

"Emily, has Commander Bond said how they're doing with Anna?"

"No, but that's hardly surprising."

The phone rang, it was Helen again. Emily took the call.

"Any news?"

"Yes, disturbing news, Anna was searched and one of the officers has let me know they found a business card for Heather Young on Anna. Obviously the officer wouldn't know who Heather is but, seeing as I have the whole box of cards here, it could only have come from the printer. That means her business mobile is compromised and will have to be changed, so I'll need to reprint the cards."

"Which print shop did you use?"

"Given that we were short of time I used one on Church Street not far from my office, Pronto-something."

"I'll send someone there to have a look."

"Okay, I'll organise a new SIM card for Heather's phone."

"How did Anna find your office, you've never publicised it?"

"If she had the business card then she could check the address of who registered the domain for the website and email. That went down to me here, temporarily, I'll use something else next time."

"Sounds like a better plan."

"How's the investigation going?"

"No news on Anna, we have our potential ferret sobering up and three German-Iranians heading for Stansted in the morning."

"Not bad, I take it the three talked?"


"Good. I'm done here for the day, I'll head for your location if you have no objections?"

"None at all, in fact you can relieve me so I can get to Paddington Green."

"Done, see you in thirty."

"Thirty? You kidding? More like forty-five."

"Nah, I'll use the blues 'n' twos."


"But nice."

Emily allowed herself a smile when she put the phone down, was this problem now contained? Perhaps it was too early to be certain but the signs were positive. She decided to lock the office and allow herself a break in the kitchen, Heather had been down there when the latest call had happened.

She found both Heather and Sophie were sat outside the kitchen door, enjoying the early afternoon sunshine. For mid-September is was still very mild, definitely late summer rather than early autumn. In place of coffee they now had a non-alcoholic fruit punch.

"That looks good."

"Get yourself a glass, I didn't think you'd make it down here. Did you lock the office?"

"Yes, and the news is that Helen is heading over to talk to you. Don't use your business phone, by the way, the number is compromised."


"You're taking this far too calmly Gail, err Heather."

"That's because no-one else is freaking out, although I detect that you're a little stressed?"

"You might be right, a late night, not enough sleep, an early start and a major operation. Oh, I should add the ultimate issue, insufficient coffee."

"The kettle's in there if you want to make one for yourself."

"So much for being a guest!"


"Now, Emily, Heather, Sophie, why was I kept out of the loop until this morning?"

Sophie decided to answer, "because we had no idea where the leak was, my training tells me to use one avenue of communication only until you have additional information."

Emily concurred, "I established a protocol with Sophie in the event that Heather was compromised, again. The protocol works best if the details are not widely known. You were not excluded as such, just not initially included."

"Okay, but it might have helped if someone had told me that Anna was loose."

"If you had known, would it have implied that she would turn up at your office with a shotgun? No, we only found out mid morning, and this operation had been running since yesterday evening."

"Okay, I just felt I might have been able to help if I had been kept in the loop."

"Fair comment, but we had to restrict information, you should have seen the look on Dave Brown's face when we told him he had a mole in his own department!"

"I can guess!"

"Anyway, I have to take myself over to Paddington Green, I'll call if I have anything."

There was a chorus of "Byes" then Sophie went ahead of Emily to check the street was clear, it was also a signal to Emily's driver to get the car ready.

Meanwhile, Helen suggested she and Heather went up to the office, she closed the door.

"Now, Heather, let's take stock. Anna and this mole know your current cover name, and presumably your legal name as well as the Abigail identity. What we don't know is how many outside of that pair have been passed the information."

"I take it you don't want to change my identity immediately?"

"That's right, it's a huge amount of work and I want to know it can be done without the risk of another leak, you had only been using this name since last Thursday."

"Quite, I was becoming attached to it."

"Well it's yours for a little longer. What we will have to change however is your mobile number and I'll register a new domain name for a website and email address, both for you and Sophie, or whoever your assistant is."

"It looks like I'll need a bodyguard for a while yet, doesn't it?"

"As it stands, yes. Now, it does seem that this address is safe, for now. Therefore I'm not considering relocating you but I have a suggestion."

"Go on."

"You had started driving lessons back at the house, how about you do an intensive course so you can drive yourself, if necessary?"

"Yes, but when?"

"It now seems that you don't have any work this week so why not soon? There's a course on the Isle of Wight starting on Thursday at a holiday park, with your driving examination on Monday. You can do the theory test online today or tomorrow."

"Sophie would have to come with me."

"Of course, and I'd arrange a house-sitter for here."


"Me probably, seeing as I already have keys and the codes."

"You get Sophie's room."

Helen ignored that remark. "So you like the idea?"


"Good, you're booked in for tomorrow lunchtime at the at the Yarmouth holiday camp on the Isle of Wight."


"I though it might be difficult to get there today."

"How we getting there without a car?"

"By train from here to Portsmouth, then over on the ferry. Sophie can hire a car over there."

"But why the Isle of Wight?"

"No-one would think to look for you there. It's a week long course with a test at the end, by the time you get back we'll have finished our inquiry into the leak and the damage caused."

"An inquiry?"

"Well, it hasn't been set up yet, but it will be."

"So maybe it's best I am out of the way, so to speak."

"Exactly. When you had those lessons at the house, were you given a pack to learn for the theory test?"


"I hope you did read it, as you need to get on that laptop and complete the online theory test."

"This is driving me mad."

"It gets better, Heather."

"How so?"

"When you have your driving licence I'll arrange a police advanced driving course, including high speed and evasion."

"I'm a ruddy accountant, not a motorway cop."

"You need to be able to protect yourself."

"So you keep saying. Anyway, there's one thing I need to arrange."

"What's that?"

"I want to talk to a shrink again, I think I'm a little paranoid."

"How come?"

"You know that feeling when everyone's after you? Well, for me, it's real."


"The Isle of Wight, tomorrow?"

"Yes, Sophie."



"That's no time at all to set up additional security or even run a few basic security checks on the driving instructor?"

"I think we're going for the principle that the fewer who know what we're doing is better than arranging heavy duty cover. Look how Cornwall was simple and quiet, very few knew where we were and we could move around without having to inform anyone in advance."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Okay, then we take advantage of the suggestion from Helen, she's the only one who knows the exact arrangements, and we enjoy a long weekend in the late summer sun."

"I'd best pack then."

"Right, I have to complete the theory test online so I best do that first. I'm lousy at stopping distances!"


They were at Redhill Station the following morning with return tickets to Portsmouth. Heather had been forced to be economic with her luggage, seeing how they had to drag their cases around. At least Helen had offered to drive them to Redhill Station before returning to the house.

The train was at 1030 and, fortunately, was direct to Portsmouth Harbour. Heather had thought about booking their ferry tickets in advance but Sophie had cautioned against this, quoting security concerns.

The train journey was uneventful, but Heather loved the Catamaran that was berthed next to Portsmouth Harbour Station as she'd been expecting an old rusty ferry. Sophie just shrugged, it wasn't anything to get excited about.

Their hire car was waiting at the ferry terminal in Ryde. After the usual formalities Sophie drove them out of the port and across the island. It was a pleasant day and they weren't in a hurry. They couldn't collect the keys for their chalet until 2pm and it was just coming up for one, the best idea right now was lunch.

They pulled into the carpark of The Wheatsheaf pub and spent an hour over lunch, taking advantage of the tourist leaflets that were available. Given that she was going to be driving in the morning, Heather decided not to have a drink although logic says it wouldn't have been a problem.

They pulled into the West Bay Club shortly before half past two and checked in, Heather had half expected a 1970s style holiday park but this was something different. Their accommodation was a small house with twin bedrooms, about 100m from the core facilities, including a gym and swimming pool.

They had finished emptying their bags and were drinking a coffee when Heather's phone rang.

"It's Helen, can you go secure?"

"Sure. Still there?"

"Right, firstly did you arrive okay?"

"Yes, although I didn't think that was a national security concern?"

"Well, you might have given away your location."

"True, so what's the real reason?"

"There's been some developments, the forgery examination on the bank document has revealed it's counterfeit, but quite a good one. Apart from yours, the only other distinguishable prints on it are Jeremy's. He is saying nothing however."

"What about Anna?"

"Her behaviour is really concerning everyone. She's being seen by a shrink later today."

"I wonder if she should have seen one before she was bailed?"

"Perhaps, anyway the magistrate who bailed her has gone missing."


"Yes, he also seems to have deposited a few thousand pounds in his bank account in the past week."

"Was he bought?"

"That's a working theory, we really want to interview her solicitor but that might declare our hand. In any case, all of the parties are having their phone and bank records examined."

"Good, I take it that I can't help given my connections?"

"No, and it's definitely a police matter, although Jeremy will have to face a Thames House security panel at some point."

"I don't envy him. Do we have any idea of his motivations?"

"No, but he might be persuaded to spill the beans on Anna's involvement in return for a lighter sentence?"

"Only if the trial judge is prepared to go along with it. Anyway, what's his charges?"

"At the moment they're going with 'Misconduct in Public Office' but that's likely to be replaced by an offence under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 plus the Official Secrets Act and conspiracy to kidnap."

"Pretty hefty then?"

"Yes. Anyway, how's the accommodation?"

"It looks pretty good, still haven't checked the facilities though."

"Well, I won't call again unless something comes up."

"Okay, bye."



The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around the Country Club and then into the town of Yarmouth, taking the coastal path. From there Heather and Sophie could see the shipping traffic heading for Southampton and Portsmouth, including several cruise liners.

"I'm just going to have to take a cruise one year."

"Sure Heather, but they're not cheap and you are kind of captive on board. Can you imagine the fun of checking the crew and passenger manifests against the criminal records database and the security service's records?"

"Would that be necessary?"

"Sure, especially as you wouldn't be able to take a weapon on board and mine would have to be locked away, going ashore would also be a problem."

"I hadn't thought about it like that."

"I guessed that. What time is your lesson tomorrow?"

"I have two, at nine and again at two. The morning one is an hour and the afternoon is two hours. The timings are the same on Friday but I don't know about the weekend."

"You'll be on your own, I could tail you but it would be rather obvious on these quiet roads."

"It would also distract me. Have you run any checks?"

"No, Helen couldn't give me the name of the instructor so I'll have to do that in the morning when he turns up."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Neither do I but it's all we have to work with. Come on, let's grab some cereal, milk and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast in that shop then head back."


At some point during the previous evening, Heather had taken a decision to go swimming on Thursday morning. That meant it was 0700 when they arrived at the pool, it was a week or so since Heather's last swim, or structured exercise of any variety.

"I need to join a gym or health club."

"I'll check a few out."

"Okay, but it's not as if they're run by the Mafia?"

"You might be surprised."

Heather was a little tense when she headed for the shower, back at their apartment. Had she overdone it in the pool or was it stress? Whichever it was, the hot water helped. She was finally in the kitchenette by half past eight ready for a healthy breakfast.

"What's the deal with the instructor? Is he coming around here?"

"Helen said to meet him at the reception building."

"Good. Can you remember to put your phone on silent otherwise he might insist you turn it off."

"Yes boss."

"You've ten minutes so make yourself pretty then we're out of here."

The instructor's care was already parked up when they rounded the corner, just before nine. Sophie took photos of the registration plate and the sign-writing on the side. The driver's door opened as Heather approached, a middle-aged lady exited the car, holding the door open.

"Good morning, you're Heather I take it?"

"That's me."

"And you are?"

"I'm Sophie, I'm down here to keep Heather company for the next few days."

"Okay, I'm Julie and I'll be your instructor for the next few days. Have you driven before, Heather?"

"I had a few lessons but I wasn't comfortable with the instructors."

"All male?"


"You're not alone there, many women find they can't learn with a male instructor. Anyway, let's get going."

Heather sat and closed the door, fastening her seatbelt before starting the car. She adjusted the seat, mirror and made certain she was ready before asking the obvious question.

"Where to?"

"Take the right outside the gate and we'll head to Freshwater Bay and then follow the road to the south of the island."


The hour seemed to pass quickly, traffic was light outside of the towns but the usual hazards of mobility scooters, baby buggies and bus drivers made for some challenging moments. Julie was watching out for Heather's reactions but was not overly worried. She waited until they had returned to the country club before giving her verdict.

"I don't think we'll have a problem getting you ready for the test on Monday, Heather. You just need to be a little more assertive. I'll see you again at two."

Heather stepped out and a minute later Julie was on her way to her next appointment. First issue was the loo, second was a strong coffee. Sophie wasn't in the apartment when Heather arrived there and the place was otherwise still empty when the kettle boiled for her coffee. It was another few minutes before Sophie arrived.

"Oh, you're back."

"That, Sophie, ranks as today's number one obvious statement."

"You haven't asked where I've been."

"No, but since you're in running kit you've either been in the gym or hitting the tarmac."

"Okay, smart ass. What's your idea for the day?"

"I'm back on the road at two but I thought we could go into Ryde for a little shopping and lunch."

"Fine, I'll just take a shower."

Heather sat with her coffee but became aware of a buzzing sound, her phone was still on silent and sat in her bag.


"This is an important message for anyone who has recently had an accident....."

Heather hit the red key, it didn't matter what the call was about, it just wasn't welcome. The phone rang again but this time Helen's name came up.

"Good morning, go secure?"

"How did the lesson go?"

"Julie was fine with me, she just said I had to be more assertive."

"Why was that?"

"I was taking my time at junctions, making sure there was plenty of time."

"I see, try that in London and you'll cause a tailback in seconds!"

"Very funny, what's the latest?"

"Anna's been sectioned and is undergoing extensive tests, she'll not be fit for trial any time soon."

"Oh. What about Jeremy?"

"He's still not talking but the search of his communications and financial records is proving very interesting."

"In what way?"

"There are links to groups, it would seem he's been selling information to anyone and everyone."

"I thought he'd only just arrived in Dave Brown's team?"

"Yes, but he'd worked at Thames House for two years in other departments, it seems he took some accountancy classes in order to make the transfer a few weeks ago."

"To target me?"

"That's one suggestion."

"What else?"

"We've found the magistrate."

"This doesn't sound good."

"No, he appears to have taken his own life, he did however leave a letter explaining how he was approached by Anna's solicitor at his golf club and offered the money. Why he took it, we might never know."

"Has the solicitor been interviewed?"

"No, Anna sacked him two days ago and he's not been seen since."

"Another one?"

"Hopefully we'll find him before anything happens."

"Yeah. Anyway, we're off to do some shopping and I have my second lesson this afternoon."



The rest of the day passed peacefully, although Heather did curse when she was caught up in the school traffic just after 3pm.

"No children then?"

"No, definitely not!"

"Never say never, you're not too old to start, my dear."

"Well, it's just ...."

"Oh, sorry."

To be continued

Unaccounted Gains Books 3 & 4 are also available on Kindle


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