Tricky but fun IQ questions

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Here are 3 tricky IQ questions.Just for fun, see if you can answer them.

A bat and a ball cost £1.10 in total. The bat costs £1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

If it takes five machines five minutes to make a total of five widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?




please don't look at the answers LOL



RobertaME's picture

#1: The Ball costs £0.05. (the bat is £1.05... Total £1.10)
#2: 5 minutes. (each machine takes 5 minutes to make 1 widget... thus 5 machines make 5 widgets in 5 minutes... 10 machines would make 10 widgets in 5 minutes... 100 machines make 100 widgets in 5 minutes)
#3: 47 days. (if the patch doubles every day, than going backwards in time it halves every day... so the pond would be half covered on the 47th day if it is 100% covered on the 48th day)

Question: How many grooves are on the average 33⅓ RPM record album, assuming a play length of 30 minutes?


A record has only one groove on it, regardless of the size or speed.


Jeri Elaine

Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.


RobertaME's picture

...they have two... one continuous groove on one side... and one on the other.

Like leeanna19's questions, my question is geared to make a person believe the answer is one thing when it's actually another. Most people with Q1 will immediately answer, "It's £0.10 for the ball"... or answer Q2 with, "100 minutes." or Q3 with "24 days."... even though these aren't correct. Likewise, my question makes people think the answer is one thing when it's actually a trick question of sorts.

Spot on for catching it though... even if you forgot about the flip side! ::giggle::



Records do sometimes have more than one groove on each side. There are some old records that have several grooves so that there can be random endings. More recently check "Another Monty Python Record"


RobertaME's picture

Note though that I said, "the average 33⅓ RPM record album"... which would exclude those odd ones that have multiple grooves per side.

Even a record that has many tracks typically only has one continuously inward-spiraling groove per side so that the needle can play the next track on the album without being lifted and reset.

The devil's in the details. ;^)


Spot on apparently 30% of

leeanna19's picture

Spot on apparently 30% of people get those wrong 10p they say for the first 100 for the second, 24 for the third.

I changed the wording to q2

If it takes five machines five minutes to make a of five widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?It wasn't clear if the machines made five widgets each written this way. Then it ould be 1 per minute


The Record

Daphne Xu's picture

... has only one groove.

EDIT: Whoops.

-- Daphne Xu

Don't Peek.

Daphne Xu's picture

BAT + BALL = 1.10
BAT = BALL + 1.00

So 2*BALL + 1.00 = 1.10
BALL = £0.05

5M * 5m = 5W so W = 5M * m
100M * t = 100W = 100 * 5M * m
Divide by 100M to get t = 5m or time = five minutes

The patch doubled the final day, so the previous day, the lake was half-covered. It took 47 days.

-- Daphne Xu

I just did it in my head. I

leeanna19's picture

I just did it in my head. I was always bad at algebra

Where does the 2*BALL come from? I know thats the answer but why 2* ?

So 2*BALL + 1.00 = 1.10



Daphne Xu's picture

BAT + BALL = 1.10
BAT = BALL + 1.00 -- Substitute

BAT + BALL = (BALL + 1.00) + BALL = 2*BALL + 1.00 = 1.10

-- Daphne Xu

Proof 2 = 1

Let A = B
Multiply both sides by A: A (squared) = AB
Subtract B (squared) from both sides: A (squared) - B (squared) = AB - B (squared)
Factor equation: (A + B) * (A - B) = B * (A – B)
Divide each side by (A – B): (A + B) = B
Substitute B for A: (B + B) = B or 2 B = B
Divide by B: 2 = 1

Note: I was having trouble showing superscript 2 so I had to settle for using (Squared) instead.

Michelle B

How about this?

Daphne Xu's picture

4 = 4
4*4 = 4*4
4*4 - 4*4 = 4*4 - 4*4
0 = 0
8*0 = 4*0
8 = 4
2 = 1

Or this?
A = B + ε
A² = A(B + ε)
A² - B² = A(B + ε) - B²
(A + B)(A - B) = (A - B)B + Aε
A + B = B + Aε/(A - B) = B + Aε/ε = B + A
0 = 0

-- Daphne Xu

A schoolboy's homework

His homework was:

Two barancles can eat as many jadawadas as three fifilones. How many jadawadas can eat six barancles and six fifilones?

His answer:

I don't smoke such stuff.