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I have an assignment for university to finish and I haven't had time to write. Hopefully, things will be a little better next week.


Can you

Maddy Bell's picture

At least do it out in the sunshine? You know what they say about all work, no play.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Oh; U (OU) degrees.

You have my full sympathy Ang. Helen did an OU maths degree and It was as though she had left home, I saw so little of her. It got so our children were making sarcastic asides about seeing a strange woman around the house and then staring at her uncomprehendingly when she came out of the study to eat. Keep at it girl, it's all worth it in the end and it does wonders for your self esteem.
Hugs, and eat properly.
Bev xx


Keep at it girl...

I am in admiration of your dedication. So much so that I have applied to start a degree course of my own.


having done

Maddy Bell's picture

a 'part time' degree where we actually did more classroom time than the full time students (up to 10 hours a week plus field trips and of course essays and dissertation) whilst working full time i'd make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for. Full time students, by comparison have it easy.



Madeline Anafrid Bell