Babs' New Year's Resolution 26

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Bab’s New Year’s Resolution 26 ©

List of Characters.

Barbara. Chief Protagonist AKA Bab’s.
Lola. (Seventeen) Transgendered girl rescued by Bab’s from an attempted murder.
Olivia. (Fifteen) Barbara’s second adopted daughter: Black lesbian girl fostered out of care then adopted. (With Olivia’s consent!)
Joyce Banks. Bristol Social worker.
Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to -
Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.
They are a married couple who own a narrow-boat on the canal. Friends of Lola
Mickey Talbot (Twelve) Aaron and Shirley’s oldest child.
Jessica Talbot (Eleven) Aaron & Shirley’s middle child.
Bianca Talbot (Nine) Aaron & Shirley’s Youngest child.
Billy Medical colleague of Aaron’s – he also owns a narrow boat in Bristol.
Sandra Her parents also own another Narrowboat in Gloucester.
Jackie Sandra’s friend (a bit headstrong and ‘adventurous’)
Julie Third member of the threesome, (more level-headed and sensible than Jackie).
Jason. (Black) London Gang member deals in drugs at the children’s homes
Tyrone (Black) Also a gang member, friend of Jason. Also a dealer.
Tyson (White) Also a gang member into drugs and trafficking young girls.
Angela (Angie), Olivia’s trafficked, drug-addicted friend (Rape-gang Victim and important witness)
Sergeant Davis, (Bridie) female police bodyguard for Angela.
Detective Sergeant Davies. (Brian) Bridie’s twin brother.
Inspector John, Heading up the anti-rape-gang operation in Birmingham.
Erica. Another girl victim thought originally, to have been killed by the gang,
Belinda Harrington. Lola’s new girlfriend in college.

Bab’s New Year’s Resolution 26

Belinda was disturbed mid-morning by Lola trying to slip out of bed without disturbing her.

“Mmm.” She sighed softly as she reached out to stroke Lola’s thigh.

“You don’t have to get up yet do you?”

“Sorry babe’s, I’ve gorra’ wee.”

Belinda rolled over to study Lola’s softly rounded butt as she slipped out of the little cabin then reached up to pull the little curtain aside and peep through their port-hole. Everywhere was silver-white with hoar-frost and she shivered luxuriously as she gathered the welcoming duvet around her. She heard Lola exchanging ‘Happy-new-year’s’ with Gareth and Brian before the cabin door slid back and her partner quickly burrowed back under the duvet. As they curled up together Belinda whispered.

“I’m sorry about last night and Erica. I didn’t realise – you know – about her problems.”

“Don’t worry Babe’s. Nobody was hurt. It was only between you and me and I’m not going to tell am I? The last thing I want to do is distress the poor kid.”

The continued cuddling under the cosy duvet until there was a knock on their cabin door.

“Who-is-it?” Belinda asked.

“Brian. The kettle’s on and then we’re going for a walk to clear our heads. Aaron’s invited us to a light lunch on their boat. Are you coming?”

“Give us a minute.”

The pair had one last cuddle then reluctantly emerged from the warm bed and quickly scampered for the shower. After some mutually intimate attention to their hygiene, they dressed appropriately for the frosty morn then joined Gareth and Brian at the cottage. Naturally the younger girls weren’t ready so Lola and Belinda went with Brian while Gareth stayed behind to protect Olivia, Angela and Erica.

As they crunched through the hoar-frost along the tow-path, it was Belinda’s first opportunity to get a good look at the estuary.

“It’s beautiful here.”

“Yeah, we like it,” Lola replied somewhat dismissively. “Look there’s Aaron’s kids, they’ve made a slide on that icy puddle. Come on.”

With no more ado, Lola trotted along the path and launched herself onto the lethally slippery strip to fetch up at the other end and step off with poise and balance. Belinda then tried and perfectly resembled Bambi on his first experience on the pond. Lola chuckled and quickly intervened just as Belinda started to fall with arms and legs flailing. She just managed to soften Belinda’s landing by catching her under the arms as she flopped down with a thump on her bum. Aaron’s children started shrieking with laughter and the incident set the mood of joviality for the rest of the day.

After several more attempts, Belinda finally achieved a little proficiency and it was her turn to laugh as ‘the three amigos’ appeared and promptly made fools of themselves. As they settled down to eat. Bab’s appeared with Bridie who had just arrived to relieve Gareth or Brian of escort duty.

“What’s the news on the Land-rover. Is it okay to use it now?” Lola asked when she had a moment alone.

“Give it a couple of days to go cold, then we’ll see, there are other reasons for the delay as well.” Bridie advised as Bab’s nodded agreement.

“I’m beginning to miss the old bus already, especially if this ice and stuff gets worse. We’ll be needing it soon, so what’s the delay?”

“We’ve given it a ‘make-over’ girl. You won’t recognise her when you see her. Different colour and a few other modifications; we’re just waiting for the altered registration to come through.”

“Crickey Bridie. You’re going to an awful lot of trouble.”

Once again, Bridie felt forced to re-iterate the size and seriousness of the case.

“Listen Lola. This case is like Topsy. It just keeps growing and growing. We’ve been forced to put back the preliminary hearings yet again because of international connections. I can’t even begin to tell you what new countries are involved – or more importantly, which politicians are involved. Erica is crucial to this case! Especially the connections between Britain and the Middle East!”

Lola just nodded sagaciously before responding.

“You will look after Erica after all this won’t you; not just throw her to the wolves?”

“As if she was my own daughter Lola. The kid deserves that at least after all the shit she’s had.”

On this subdued note, Lola re-joined the others as they prepared to go for a walk along the tow-path before going to see a pantomime in Bristol.


Because it was an extended holiday, Belinda did not return home to her parents until the Tuesday instead of the Monday. This was also to enable Lola to get her hair dyed then pick up the repainted, re-registered Land rover from Gloucester Police workshops.

“I’m not sure I like the Olive green,” Lola remarked, “but I suppose it’s a neutral colour that won’t attract attention.”

“Exactly,” Bridie agreed. “Well, off you go, you might as well deliver Belinda back to her parents. See you back at the house tonight.”

“Don’t I need an escort?” Lola wondered.

“Who’s to know?” Bridie continued. “If anybody is looking for you, they’re looking for a fair-haired girl in a metallic red vehicle not a light brown haired girl in an olive green one. Plus the plates have been changed so you should be pretty safe.”

Bridie’s observation made good sense so Lola and Belinda bid the police sergeant goodbye and set off towards Cirencester. By mid afternoon Belinda was delivered safely and Lola made her way home.

“Any problems?” Bridie asked as Lola gratefully made the shelter of the cottage from the driving, penetrating sleet that sometimes made a person feel colder than a Siberian winter because of the high humidity.

Lola shrugged and smiled. As she backed up against the welcoming AGA stove.

“No. Nothing; and what’s more, they’ve given my pride and joy an engine overhaul. She doesn’t smoke and she runs much sweeter. Thanks Bridie.”

“Yes. They told me at the station after you left. Oh! And they also want to interview Erica again. There’s more new stuff to review and they’ll want her to look at yet more photos.”

“Poor bitch,” Lola frowned. “She must be getting sick to death with it all.”

“We all are.” Bridie added. “Just give her your friendship and support. She really likes you.”

“I thought she was more into Olivia and Angie.”

“They’re her contemporary friends Lola, she sees you as more like a big sister.”

Lola grinned as she remarked.

“I’m too young for that responsibility. Where are they by the way, and Bab’s for that matter?”

“They’ve gone with Brian and Gareth into Bristol. Erica needs a school uniform because she’s asked to go to the same school. Plus of course, there’s the New Year’s sales.”

“She’s brave. I thought she’d have opted for home tutoring. And another thing, won’t the other kids be asking questions?”

“There’s little option if we’re to try and offer her any sort of normality.”

“So what’s her cover story?”

“We keep it as simple and as close to the truth as possible. That reduces the chances of any stupid mistakes. Bab’s has fostered another kid from a London care home so that will explain Erica’s cockney accent.”

They chatted together by the warmth of the kitchen stove as they prepared a large pan of cowl in anticipation of the shopper’s return. Eventually, the girls returned laden with New Year’s sales purchases while chattering noisily and shivering from the storm that had now turned from sleet to heavy snow. Being not far short of eighty, Babs was immediately given her regular chair close to the stove while Bridie and Lola set about serving the cowl they had prepared. Silence soon descended on the kitchen save for the busy clinking of spoons on plates.

After the meal, Brian and Gareth retired to the narrow-boat while the ‘girls’ retreated to the living room to watch a video. To Lola’s delight and surprise, Erica shyly joined her on one end of the big settee and curled up in the crook of Lola’s arm as the video credits started to roll. Bab’s and Bridie smiled indulgently as the sublimal message was broadcast by Erica’s action. The kid was beginning to react normally to close physical contact; a sure sign that Erica was getting better.

Later that evening as Olivia and Angela prepared hot chocolate night-caps for everybody, Erica whispered in Lola’s ear.

“Can I stay by you tonight?”

“What? On the boat?”

“Well there or in your bedroom.”

“It’s your bedroom now babes, until the extension’s built. You’d best check with Bab’s”

“She’s sleeping, and I don’t want to disturb her.”

Lola sighed softly and reassured the younger girl.

“I’ll ask her, you go and help Ollie and Angie.”

When Erica returned with the trolley full of hot drinks, Lola gave her a smile and a nod. To her added relief, both Bridie and Bab’s also nodded whilst clearly intimating ‘no monkey business.’

The silent message was however unnecessary for Bab’s already knew that Lola was now impotent as a boy. Cuddles was all Erica was asking for and cuddles was all she’d get. They proved exceedingly reparative for Erica as the dawn's unusuall brilliance dragged her to the window.


“Ooooh! It’s beautiful!” Gasped Erica as she knelt on all fours at the end of the bed and gazed at the pristine white snow through the gap in the curtains. “Just look at the view Lola!”

“I am looking at the view girl. Pull you nighty down!”

“Eeek!” Erica squeaked as she hurriedly tugged the hem over her pantied derriere.”

She turned; crimson faced with embarrassment before a grin wiped the colour away.

“You’re rude!” She accused Lola.

“What! Me? Who’s the one exposing her butt? Nice panties by the way, did you buy those in the sales?”

“Yes.” Erica confirmed as she simultaneously realised that Lola’s preoccupation with her pretty panties truly demonstrated that she was not a sexual threat.

Despite still having her ‘little-boy-bits’ Lola was genuinely safe. On realising for certain that there was absolutely NO sexual threat, Erica slipped back under the duvet and snuggled up to her ‘older sister’ and rested her head on Lola’s breasts.

“Thanks big sis,” she whispered gratefully; “thanks for everything!”

The cuddles did not last for long, however. They were both dozing semi-consciously when the bedroom door creaked gently open as Olivia and Angela peeked in; only to let out a squeal of surprise at finding the pair in their embrace.

“You randy buggers!” Olivia accused.

“Nothing’s happened,” Lola declared then added. “Remember when you first came here and ended up in this very same bed before you settled down. Did anything happen then?”

Olivia fell silent as she recalled her first nervous nights. Lola was right; nothing had happened short of reassuring cuddles.

“Nothing happened then; nothing’s happened now.” Lola reaffirmed with a tinge of irritation.
“Now, what else do you want?”

“We, uuhm, wondered if you were up for a walk. You know, pristine white snow, strange animal tracks spoiling it, building a snowmen and all that stuff.” Angie offered.

“Give us some time to decide.” Lola declared reluctantly. “It’s too warm in here to be freezing our butts off out there.”

“Oh come on! Don’t be spoil sports, how often do you get a chance to play in the snow these days?” Olivia protested.

Eventually, Erica peeped out owl-like from under the duvet.

“Bugger off, it’s too bloody cold out there!”

“Oooh! Listen to grumpy then.” Angie teased. “Come on Ollie.”

The pair left and it was Lola’s turn to kneel on all fours by the bedroom window to watch the two black girls cavorting in the snow. Erica could not resist getting her own back.

“Nice panties Lol’ Nice fit too. Where does it all go?”

“Oh bugger off. I’m not going to bite you know.” Lola grinned. “I’m passed the baiting stage now. Oh look. Gareth and Brian have joined them they’ve started a snowball fight.”

Erica slid out from under the duvet and joined Lola at the window.

“They look to be having fun. Shall we join them?”

They exchanged grins and within a few minutes there was a full blown ‘snow-ball war’ on the canal towpath.

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