Babs' New Year's Resolution 18

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Bab’s New Year’s Resolution 18

Heroine picture.jpg

Severe heroin addiction. She started experimenting at eleven years of age. Her story is on the website below

List of Characters.

Barbara. Chief Protagonist AKA Bab’s.
Lola. (Seventeen) Transgendered girl rescued by Bab’s from an attempted murder.
Olivia. (Fifteen) Barbara’s second adopted daughter: Black lesbian girl fostered out of care then adopted. (With Olivia’s consent!)
Joyce Banks. Bristol Social worker.
Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to -
Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.
They are a married couple who own a narrow-boat on the canal. Friends of Lola
Mickey Talbot (Twelve) Aaron and Shirley’s oldest child.
Jessica Talbot (Eleven) Aaron & Shirley’s middle child.
Bianca Talbot (Nine) Aaron & Shirley’s Youngest child.
Billy Medical colleague of Aaron’s – he also owns a narrow boat in Bristol.
Sandra Her parents also own another Narrowboat in Gloucester.
Jackie Sandra’s friend (a bit headstrong and ‘adventurous’)
Julie Third member of the threesome, (more level-headed and sensible than Jackie).
Jason. (Black) London Gang member deals in drugs at the children’s homes
Tyrone (Black) Also a gang member, friend of Jason. Also a dealer.
Tyson (White) Also a gang member into drugs and trafficking young girls.
Angela (Angie), Olivia’s trafficked, drug-addicted friend (Rape-gang Victim and important witness)
Sergeant Davis, (Bridie) female police bodyguard for Angela.
Detective Sergeant Davies. (Brian) Bridie’s twin brother.
Inspector John, Heading up the anti-rape-gang operation in Birmingham.
Erica. Another girl victim thought to have been killed by the gang.

Chapter 18.

With the narrow-boat securely moored, Bridie and the girls settled down to enjoy their lunch, Angie in particular was savouring the experience of eating while studying the view across the River Severn to the ‘Forest of Dean’ on the north bank.

“You couldn’t get a better place than this. Just look at that view.”

“I think the view from our bedroom window at the cottage is better.” Olivia replied.

“Can’t say as I’ve ever noticed,” Angie squawked hilariously as she comprehended Olivia’s implication.

Bridie wagged her head with amusement as Lola smirked knowingly and added.

“Yeah! That figures, - randy bitches.”
The three girls fell to giggling helplessly as Bridie protested.

“Tee Em I! Girls; Tee Em I.”

They quietened down as Lola continued smirking while Oliva and Angela squeezed each other around the waists. Then Bridie’s phone rang. When she realised it was Inspector John she gave the girls ‘the eye’ and put her phone on speaker.

“Where are you now sergeant?”

“Tied up, having lunch a couple of miles above the junction.”

“Aah good! Best if you stay there for a couple of hours. The bods at GCHQ think they might have discovered some issues surrounding the rape gangs. It may not affect our part in the case, that is the girls safety; but until were more certain, perhaps it’s best if you stay away from the cottage.”

“Okay inspector. Have you any idea’s as to time. Hours, days, weeks even?”

“No, nothing as yet. I’m thinking hours at this juncture but time will tell. How are you for supplies?”

“We’ve got a few days at best, can’t be more specific than that cos’ we’ve no idea what rate it’ll be consumed. By the way, can we use our mobiles, I need to warn Babs and Brian. They’re expecting us at the cottage in a couple of hours.”

“Okay. Yes, for now your phones are okay. GCHQ are monitoring your phones anyway. I’ll keep in touch. Bye for now and stay safe.”

As Bridie shut her phone off, there was a prolonged silence before Lola broke the spell.

“Shit! How would anybody have found out?”

“Don’t jump the gun darling,” Bridie cautioned them. “This might be nothing more than a storm in a teacup.

“But how did the gangs find out?” Angela whimpered nervously.

Bridie confessed she was as ignorant as each of the girls.

“Well you heard the inspector. You know as much as me.”

“But our phones are definitely safe,” Olivia sought reassurance.

“Seemingly, though the thought of GCHQ monitoring our chats doesn’t appeal to me.” Bridie replied. “Who do you guys chat to?”

“Since the safe house thing; not many, just a couple of my friends at school.” Lola explained.

“Me too.” Olivia added. I mostly use it for face book and twitter.”

“Well I think you’d best curtail that stuff. Nobody knows who’s out there. Stick to just friends in future.”

Olivia was, like most young girls, addicted to chat sites but now she felt vulnerable.

“You bet.” She conceded and meant it.

“What about you Angie?”

“Same as Olivia. I’m not goin’ on those anymore.”

“So, what do we do for the next couple of hours?” Bridie wondered aloud.

Olivia and Angela glanced sideways at each other and smirked knowingly. Bridie caught the interplay and wagged her head in resignation.

“You horny pair of ferrets! Can’t you leave it alone for a couple of hours? I heard you at it all last night!”

“Can you think of anything better to do, stuck in the middle of nowhere without even our phones to entertain us!”

Bridie had no answer, she had not even brought any books to read, or paperwork to keep her busy. She turned to Lola as though seeking inspiration.

“And you?”

Lola shrugged.

“Well there’s no books, we can’t use our mobiles for anything but the most basic communication and we haven’t even got any board games, you know scrabble and such-like. I might as well go for a walk. You know, get to know the area better, check for anything suspicious or untoward. I’ll take my phone if personal calls are okay.”

Bridie couldn’t fault Lola’s logic so she allowed Lola’s choice.

“Take a coat, it looks like rain. I’ll stay here. As for you two horny ferrets. Try not to make a noise!!”

Olivia and Angela needed no further encouragement and disappeared into their bedroom while Lola got kitted out for a walk. Bridie decided to check out every detail of the boat and to her delight found a portable television in a locker under Lola’s bunk. She was idly watching some wildlife documentaries when Lola returned after a couple of hours. After rinsing the mud off her wellies, she clumped aboard to find Bridie just getting off the settee to start dinner..

“Are those two still at it?” Lola smirked.

“That or sleeping,” Bridie confirmed. “At least they were quiet.”

“I should find myself a partner, trouble is who would I choose.” Lola sighed.

Bridie put an arm around Lola’s shoulder.

“You’ll find someone someday.”

“Yeah, someday.”

“Did you learn anything interesting on your walk?”

“No. It’s flat and muddy and the ducks are noisy.”

“Same-old, same-old;” Bridie commiserated.

“Where d’ you find the telly?” Lola asked.

“Under your bunk.”

“Bugger me, and I never knew.”

“Nor looked,” Bridie grinned. “Watch it if you like or chat with me in the galley.”

To Bridie’s mild surprise, Lola chose chatting in the galley and they finished preparing the meal. At six o’clock, Bridie finally got the all clear and a long explanation from Inspector John. They disturbed the ‘love-birds’, ate their food and arrived at the lock-keeper’s cottage after dark. Olivia and Angela were tasked with reversing the boat into the narrow berth behind the cottage.

When they had finished ‘backing and filling’ to turn in the ‘winding hole and reverse into the narrow mooring bay, both Olivia and Angela felt they were becoming quite the little navigators. Once they were happy with the moorings they appeared hungry and hopeful in the cottage. Bab’s smiled indulgently and motioned to the table.

“Sit and eat girls. Lola, Bridie and Brian will be back from the caravan in a minute.”

It wasn’t long before they were all seated together and discussing the security issues.

“We’ve just been on the secure connection to GCHQ.” Brian explained. “It seems some powerful political figures in Mexico and the gulf states are seriously implicated.”

“Huh, from what I’ve heard, they can legally fuck little girls at aged nine in the bloody Arab countries anyway.” Lola cursed. “Why would they need rape gangs?”

“Ah, it’s more a case of political enmities, blackmail and slave-trading. If one politician discovers that another is into kids, they can still use it to block them from holding political office even in Islamic countries. The rapists would have trouble being accepted as bona fida representatives in western countries. They may not have broken the laws in their own countries but western countries are becoming more discerning about who they let in.” Brian continued. “More importantly, some of these vermin have actually raped children in western countries. GCHQ have got clear evidence that this has happened in our country and apparently, Erica was a witness to some of this stuff. That’s why her life is in greater danger even than yours Angie.”

“Fucking bastards!!” Angela cursed; and nobody censured her for her choice of words.

“So they know that Erica’s been rescued.” Lola observed.

“Yes, and worse still, they know she’s being treated at Birmingham hospital.” Brian elaborated.

“So they’ll have to move her to somewhere safer.” Bab’s injected.

“Not until she’s a lot further along the recovery road.” Brian answered. “She still needs intensive specialist treatment so we’re having to put an armed guard in the clinic to protect her until it’s okay to move her.”

“Will we be able to visit her?” Olivia pressed.

Brian nodded but tempered his reply.

“Ye-ess but there’ll have to be even more stringent security. The Mexican drug barons are almost a law unto themselves and they’ve got plenty of ‘gofors’ who would be prepared to kill to protect their drug-baron bosses. They’ve even got political connections.”

“What, even here; in our country?” Olivia asked.

“Mostly over there but there are a few suspicious threads that GCHQ are pursuing.

“Shit!” Lola cursed. “I’ll be bloody glad when this business is finished, if it ever is.”

“We’re making headway,” Brian encouraged the girls. “You’d be surprised how much is picked up by GCHQ and the CIA.”

“When I think of Erica and Angie, I want to shoot the bastards out of hand.” Olivia almost snarled.

The conversation swayed back and forth across the table until tiredness overtook several of them and eventually they drifted off to their various bedrooms.


For the remainder of that summer the lives at lock cottage fell into a fairly regular routine as Olivia and Angela prepared to return to school while Lola anticipated her first year at university. Bridie and Brian shared the guard duties at the cottage and moved from the caravan to the narrow boat.

The day came when Olivia returned to school with Angela and they met the bus at the top of the lane. Being as they were the first to board, they chose the front seats and as the bus embarked more children on passage, Olivia got to introduce Angela to the other children.

At the school Olivia fell into her regular classes but Angela had to face an academic assessment before she could be placed. Initially, because there were very few school records, Angela had to face an academic assessment and because of her missed years of schooling she was placed in the remedial class. When she returned home after the first day she was surprised when Bab’s asked how she had fared. Nobody had ever asked before.

“School’s awful. They’ve put me with the dummies and the troublemakers.” Angela cried. “I thought I’d be placed with Olivia.”

Bab’s nodded thoughtfully as Lola listened in for she had another month before going up to Cambridge.

“If you need help with maths and science, I can help you before I go to col’.”

“How will that help. I’m years behind.”

“I’ll be helping you as well kid.” Bab’s encouraged her. “You’d be surprised how much help there is in our community. I’m sure Aaron and Shirley might occasionally help as well. Besides, they owe me a few favours.”

“What sort of favours?” Angela pushed.

Olivia let out a snort of bemusement before suggesting.

“Go and ask Shirley at the weekend. She’ll give it to you chapter and verse. Now, what say you we help Bab’s with dinner then get stuck into the homework?”

“Crickey, you were never like this at the kid’s home.” Angela replied.

“Yeah, well things are different down here. I can do my own thing.”
Angela fell silent as they finished laying up the table and Bridie appeared in the doorway.

“News from the hospital about Erica.”

“Go on,” Bab’s pressed.

“She’s weaned off the bad stuff and now responding to treatment. They think she will be fit to face questions this weekend. D’ you want to be there?”

“Is it safe for them?” Bab’s asked, mindful of the armed guard scenario.

“As safe as we can make it. Are you girls prepared to go and see her, you know, moral support and everything?”

Olivia and Angela exchanged glances then turned to Lola seeking mutual support.

“Your call.” Lola responded. “You’re the ones at risk. I’m up for it.”

“Well we can discuss it around the table.” Bab’s declared as she brought the food from the kitchen.


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