Keir Starmer falls foul of JK Rowling

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Sir Keir Starmer on Friday that ‘trans women are women’. Labour’s leader had attempted to end criticism that its MPs were tying themselves up in knots over what defines a woman.

Asked the question in a newspaper interview, he said: ‘A woman is a female adult and, in addition to that, trans women are women, and that is not just my view – that is actually the law. He added: ‘It has been the law through the combined effects of the 2004 [Gender Recognition] Act and the 2010 [Equality] Act.

But in a series of furious messages on Twitter, Ms Rowling wrote: ‘I don’t think our politicians have the slightest idea how much anger is building among women from all walks of life at the attempts to threaten and intimidate them out of speaking publicly about their own rights, their own bodies and their own lives.’

She said she had received ‘thousands of letters’ from women across the political spectrum who were ‘outraged and angry at the deaf ear turned to their well-founded concerns’.

She added: ‘Now Keir Starmer publicly misrepresents equalities law, in yet another indication that the Labour Party can no longer be counted on to defend women’s rights. But I repeat, women are organising across party lines, and their resolve and anger are growing.’

It all goes back to this "safe space" argument. The women that complain are sold this idea that Rupert the Rapists can put on a dress and no one can stop him using the women's toilet. Well no one can stop anyone anyway.

For a start if aTERF identifies a trans woman as a man it is not illegal for a man for use a women toilet.

What would these women say about a postop trans woman? Should she use the men toilet? It's the usual argument where they use 1 or 2 extreme examples of someone claiming to be trans to tar the whole spectrum of trans with the same brush.

Most of the women that object have probably shared a "women's safe space" with a trans women and not even known it. Unless they start bringing in DNA testing on the doors , how will they ever know?

They say women are outraged. I'm sure men would be if there were women posing as men using men's toilet to take pictures of their dicks (why you'de want to I don't know). They are outraged against .0001% of trans, or pretending to be people

What they are doing is saying Trans = man in a dress wanting to do bad things. It's a flawed argument.



Maddy Bell's picture

Is a mediocre writer who was in the right place at the write time. It’s pretty obvious from her writing that she has issues which with all the finances bestowed on her she can now propagate to the masses. I doubt very much if she’s had ‘thousands’ of letters but as usual the truth doesn’t make good headlines.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I'm not sure why this is an issue

Angharad's picture

In the UK I have seen men in dresses using ladies loos and while eyebrows may have been raised, it was often in amusement. I also saw a man use a ladies loo claiming the cubicle in the men's was out of order. In which case I think he had a lawful need, mind you the smell was awful.

Why has all this been stirred up recently? I don't know I think it's fearmongering by TERFs and the expected overreaction by trans activists which the press love, especially the Mail and Sun . I'm not sure what is fuelling all this but it's time it stopped, there are real issues which are far more frightening to women that need dealing with.

Starmer, as a respected lawyer, is putting the legal case, anyone who has approval from the GRP is legally of that gender/sex, Rowling is talking nonsense which is based upon some perceived fear which as far as we know is as irrational as a phobia. But given most people don't question what celebrities say, it appears to add a false credence to their opinions, which is as we know total bollocks. I wonder if Rowling believes 5G masts spread Covid?


and women do use mens toilets

especially when there is a huge queue for the ladies. I've seen a man standing guard while women use the facility. He's there to stop men from using it while it is engaged. I think that the last time I saw it was at a Jethro Tull gig in 2019.

Starmer as Angharad has stated a respected lawyer and while he's next to useless as leader of the opposition, I do respect his views when it comes to points of law.
Rowling is in danger of losing any respect that she might have with the public at large. For most people, this is a total non issue.


Strangely enough, another

leeanna19's picture

Strangely enough, another daily mail article

About Lisa Townsend , Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner in Surrey re-tweeted JK's stuff and got into trouble. She says the same thing 1000's of messages. I just think the one worried because the media engender fear.

I'm on a local neighborhood chat group. It is full of "This man was in my garden last night" It was 7.30pm and she put a guys picture on there. i said it was probably a delivery driver trying to find a house number.and that not everyone is trying to murder you. I got flamed for it.

A few days later , some one said it was their father trying to deliver a pizza. Yesterday I saw one where 2 guys had knocked on her door asking for Hatfield lodge. She closed the door and rang the police. I checked google maps. Hatfield lodge was a house less than half a mile away from her.

Social media and news media has made us all paranoid.


A Modren-Day Form of Bread and circuses

Right-wing rags like the Mail and The Sun love to sell papers, distract people from the more pressing issues and push the narrative that change is bad. They are stalwart champions of the authoritarian right. They know right now trans issues are a great way to rally, distract, and entertain their base. It is a modern-day form of bread and circuses. People cannot the real more pressing issues when their attention is the trivial matters. There is also the added bonus of keeping people from uniting.

There is a huge issue with how authoritarianism is taking over conservatism. Instead of wanting to work together and find common ground and make progress towards a better world, authoritarianism wants to make sure that their ideology wins out in the end. This is not a both-side issue. Look at America right now Biden is still under the impression that he can work with Mitch McConnell. Biden gave so many concessions to his Build Back Better plan and in the end only what the Republicans wanted in it passed. They did not give anything. People like Mitch McConnell know that they can keep up with their real agenda by throwing the red meat of things like trans issues and CRT to get the base riled up.

How uncomfortable would an en femme trans person be

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

What these complainers need to consider is the consequences of transgender presenting female using the men's room would be. While the women may feel uncomfortable when they misgender the transgender as male, what would be the reaction of men if that same female presenting transgender were to use the men's room?

The complaining women obviously see men as aggressive. For the sake of argument, let's say they are right. Look at the documented cases of the trans-phobic males attacking and even murdering transgenders. Then compare it to the documented cases of men presenting as women in the women's room attacking women... Oh wait, there are none. I've yet to see a documented case of that anywhere in either the UK or the US.

I struggled with this restroom issue. Before I settled it in my mind, I was out and about and had lost track of anyplace near me that had a "family restroom" and needed to relieve myself desperately. Finally, I used the men's room. I marched in, took the stall and peed, quickly wiped myself and marched out. The whole time, my heart was in my throat in fear that the man at the urinal would react to me being there. I think I had a right to feel more than uncomfortable.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


Does anyone else enjoy the rich irony of Joanne becoming the spokesperson for the Whacky Right?

The people she's now chums with are the same people who condemned her to Hell twenty years ago for espousing witchcraft!I

Maybe she thinks they were offering a sacrifice to her when they burned her books?

I can't agree that she's a mediocre writer. Her characters are memorable. Her plots are compellingly. Her settings are. . .magical.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Here's someone who stopped Ronnie the Rapist

laika's picture

And she seems to think trans women are women.

After fighting off a rapist she found the image of her battered face being used without her consent to push an anti-trans bathroom hysteria bill in Oregon back in 2017; a bill she was staunchly opposed to. While her experience was horrible her acceptance of us was heartening.

This is the blog I posted about her at the time:

And this is the article itself:
~hugs, Veronica

Ronnie the rapist? Now I know how women named Karen feel...
"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

i remember your blog Veronica

leeanna19's picture

i remember your blog Veronica. the Problem is women like JK will only believe the alt version of the story like this one

Then that one prerson represents the whole spectrum of transgender folks. (I hate saying community, it makes it sound like trans people all live together in a little village)

When I said Ronnie the rapist. , no actual Ronnie's Ronney's or Ronald'a were intended to be the target of offence. Perhaps I should have said Freddy the... well perhaps not.


No use Rupert

0.25tspgirl's picture

Please edit your comments to reference Rupert (Murdock) the rapist. He, and his criminal minions (the spying scandal), are responsible for 90% of the media attacks on LGBT issues. No name deserves karenization more than his.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

0.25tspgirl, done .

leeanna19's picture

0.25tspgirl, done .

Rupert the rapist it is! LOL

My woke son educated me about the press and media. Once you know, you can see it in action. Wasn't Boris about to get sacked before Ukraine happened?

It's like the povery porn shows on tv, they show everyone on social security has 3 undeclared jobs and a BMW. Must be true it's on TV


I've been in a men's room

I've been in a men's room when a woman came out of one of the stalls, pretty obviously embarrassed that she had to use it. I just said 'No problem' and went back to my business.

It's not like she was trying to stand next to me to try to give me pointers, or make fun of anything. It was just to go to the bathroom.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

"I'm sure men would be if

"I'm sure men would be if there were women posing as men using men's toilet to take pictures..."
There are many models of devices to allow women to urinate standing in the male assigned toilets. Never heard of any complaints by men...
I had accidentally used female assigned toilets several times while in full male DRAB. Got several curious looks. No complaints or anything.
But maybe it is just our Russian quirk... And maybe I am just androgynous enough to look like butch girl... I am getting "miss" treatment often enough, even with three day stubble on my face...
Not to waste time on creating a new post... It is a huge problem. If I shave my face - I have no visible stubble for a day or two. But the fact of needing to shave even rarely is just breaking the illusion...
I can go electrolysis way... But I've seen results. I am still not sure it will work for me - I can get a bad case of rash just by touching my chin... Electrolysis is just a bad case of such rash times 100... :-/

Safety razor or straight

Safety razor or straight razor can give you a closer shave, if you want to go that route (with the grain, then against the grain).

Electrolysis... If the hairs are dark, you can get the follicles killed via laser (heat). If they're light (blond, clear/white) then electrolysis is about the only way - but you can do it in small doses.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

As I mentioned...

I had several cases of "miss" treatment even with 3 days of stubble... I am now old enough (but not that old) that my hair is almost completely grey, as is my stubble. And I am fat enough that after any kind of shave I look "baby faced" for the couple of days...
I once bought a lipstick in my favorite colour... And found that my lips are of that exact colour most of the time by themselves...

When I was in my mid 20's I

leeanna19's picture

When I was in my mid 20's I had a lot more hair. I went out dressed and walked around a shopping center in London. I didn't go into any shops. I did get caught short. I used the ladies without any problems.. I think those i there just assumed I was female.

Which ws part of the point, who would ever know unless you were looking very masculine?


BTW... "Very masculine"

I had a coworker who looked like a very bad case of "late MTF transition"... Bald spots, no hips, potbelly... But... "GG". Mother of 4 children... (all carried to term by herself, no adoptions...)
Looking at some of the "pre-op" transgirls... Nature could be very cruel.