Artistic Cyber-Skills

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I am looking to publish another book on Amazon later this month which is a collection of my historical character based stories. Covers for my other books ( are attractive images on theme, but for this next book I have been toying with a cover that will be a collage of some of the characters in the book. The problem is that I have no idea what I am doing, as my attempt below will show!
Can anybody help me do this?




Maddy Bell's picture

on your timescale. I can do what you are after however my laptop struggles! I will have a machine capable of doing graphics up and running in a couple of weeks if you can wait that long, its not hard to do just a bit time intensive, supplied images i could easily turn around in a day, if i have to find them - well a bit longer!



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Here's what I invision

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Hi Maryanne,

I have some talent in computer graphics, Here's what I envision, These photos are just some that I grabbed off the web to demonstrate my idea. If you supply the photos I can incorporate them.

historical MAP.jpg

Of course, I would be willing to change everything (background included) if you can articulate what you want in a way I can get a grip on. ;o)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Hi Maryanne, you can use

leeanna19's picture

Hi Maryanne, you can use powerpoint Design to suggest ideas. You can put it in portrait mode. I did this in under 5 mins

It was just 1 of 5 idea's it came up with. You can move things or resize them.

