an anniversary is approaching for me

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Blog About: 

Next month will mark five years at Big Closet for me. I came here dragging an idea for the Wildcats and that's where the story began.

I owe the readers here a lot for the kind words, constructive criticism, and support I've received over all those days.

That's why I gave my book Taylor to Big Closet so the procedes could go directly to help keeping this wonderful place afloat.

I can see the home stretch coming up with a story I first started here called Complete Camouflage. It's now morphed into a working title I'm calling Invisible.

When it's done, I will start showing it off here. I'm hoping that will be soon.



Happy Anniversary,

Angharad's picture

I'm similarly coming up for an anniversary here in the next month of 15 years and I suppose over the years I have posted the odd thing now and again. I believe one or two actually read it when I do, so my thanks to them. Similarly, any books of mine advertised here - all proceeds go to the site.


Blushing to Be in Same Pew As You Two

All of my books have been given to Doppler Press for the support of this site. None of the proceeds go to me . . . except the vanity part which feeds my massive ego.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

May your ego inflate

WillowD's picture

and more awesome stories burst forth.

OK. I admit it. I love flattering my favorite authors in the hopes of getting more great stories. Especially since this strategy works now and then. Love ya, oh awesome one.