I lost a friend this week

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My friend and co-writer Marina Kelly suffered a major stroke this past weekend. She has been in a coma and only semi-awake since then. Her daughter reports that she squeezes her hand when she tells her to, but she is not breathing on her own and she needs a gastric feeding tube. We are hoping that she wakes up, but things are touch and go right now. I don't think that we will be able to collaborate on any more stories. Because she lives 800 miles away, I will probably never hear from her again.

Please pray for her.

Thank you, Monica.


All of my prayers are with you

and your friend. It is a good sign that she is able to squeeze her daughter's hand, although she will almost certainly never get back to who she was before the stroke, it is possible she could recover to some extent. When I lost my mother to a stroke, she never responded to anything, we knew it was over.

Love and all the hugs you could ever need, Holly

You are both

Angharad's picture

in my thoughts. I hope she recovers.


Love and support

erin's picture

The pain one feels when a friend or loved one is suffering is uniquely one's own. Still, we share such pains to make them bearable.

We're here. Pain for one is pain for all. Our hopes are for Marina's recovery.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.