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Book one of the Valg
The forested mountains rolled slowly by like a long, verdant necklace, chained together one after the other with occasional gaps allowing the frigid, snow-fed, crystal clear creeks and rivers to make their way to the numerous lakes in the region. The tops of the mountains still stubbornly held onto their snowcaps as spring gave way to the warmth of summer. The drive to Grandma’s home was always a spectacular one.
Grandma’s estate was where I spent much of my life growing up, living there for years at a time with my mother as she tried her best in her own unique way to raise me without a father or siblings. The house itself was a woodworker’s dream mansion, consisting of eight large bedrooms, seven bathrooms, and every inch of it made from natural materials giving it a warm and wonderful feel. It was earthy and grounding, cocooning me with a deep sense of security whenever I was there. The estate sat on just over two hundred acres of prime untouched forest, backed onto national forest, and had nearly a mile of Lake Pend Oreille waterfront. It was exclusive and private. Being the last home on a dead-end road, on the east side of the lake, it was a paradise.
So, why then did I dread returning here? For one reason, Mother and I didn’t get along very well. She was driven and pushed me to excel in everything I did. Nothing was ever good enough for her. For many years, I was socially inept as she kept me from public school insisting on teaching me herself. When I reached my teens, I rebelled against the control she imposed and demanded to go to school in nearby Sandpoint, Idaho. That didn’t last long as I was so bored my grades faltered and that was unacceptable to Mother.
There were always people at the house, but few my own age. They took care of the household and assisted with Grandma and Mother’s business interests. Some tutored me when Mother wasn’t available.
I had visited only once in the past seven years and last stayed for only a few days before turning around and heading back to my classes in Salt Lake City. Last week I finished my final exams and was ready to begin my career as something. I worked my way through university, taking too many years of classes since I kept changing degrees. Now, everything was in transition for me and I hadn’t yet determined where I would start my career, what I would do, or live. I was currently couch surfing at a friend’s house. That’s where I was when I got the text from Grandma.
‘We need you.’
That was it. No explanation and anything I texted back received no responses. Knowing how Grandma and Mother operated, it was simply expected I drop everything and come. And since I had nothing better to do, I did.
It was already dark when I drove the final miles towards the house. The trees closed in on either side of me. Without the bright lights of a nearby city, darkness here felt as thick and foreboding as being submerged in a vat of black ink. At this time of night, deer often made their way to the water and I was being particularly watchful when I turned a corner and found Mother in the middle of the road. A huge wolf was tearing into her leg and dragging her towards the forest.
I skidded to a stop and leapt from the car. My heart pounded in my chest.
Her eyes went wide as she kicked the face of the wolf with her free foot.
“Run, Aiden! Get out of here!”
A second wolf appeared and slunk slowly towards Mother. I grabbed a branch from the side of the road and ran to Mother’s side. I swung with everything I had and smashed the wolf’s head that had its teeth sunk into Mother’s leg. The wolf barely flinched but dropped Mother’s leg and turned its snarling face towards me. I held the heavy stick in front of me and tried to push the wolf away, but it grabbed the end of the stick with its teeth and ripped it from my hand.
The two wolves turned their focus back on Mother, ignoring me altogether. They crept slowly towards her, then stopped as one. At the same time, their ears perked up and they looked towards the mountain side of the road before bolting away in the opposite direction.
I grabbed Mother and supported her, helping her into the car.
“Hang in there, Mother! We’re almost to the house.”
I floored my 1998 Toyota 4Runner, bounced over the stick I had used, and headed up a rise. Mother groaned beside me, but she was surprisingly lucid.
“Don’t run us off the road, Aiden. I’ll be fine.”
“You’re not fine, Mother!” I took a quick glance down to see the jeans around her right calf shredded and blood dripping heavily onto my worn rubber floor mats.
“Aiden, watch out!”
Right in front of us a man was standing in the middle of the road. I slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. I wouldn’t be able to stop in time. The 4Runner’s back end started spinning to the right as the tires locked up and shuddered, then something crashed into the side of my car like a freight train, but there were no trains this side of the lake. Glass shattered, metal tore and ripped with loud, high-pitched screeching. The 4Runner was lifted into the air as it rolled off the side of the steep bank.
I must have hit my head as I only saw flashes, snippets of events.
One moment we were upside down, glass floated in front of my eyes. My headlights tipped ominously down towards a rocky creek.
Blackness and silence.
The left rear quarter panel smashed into a tree and I was jolted sideways as we spun through the air. I felt my left leg and ribs shatter.
More blackness and silence.
I was leaning against a tree trunk, somehow miraculously out of the wreckage. The 4Runner was a devastated ruin and on fire. Mother!
Black spots ate into my vision once again as I tried to crawl my way to the wreckage.
Silence and darkness.
I heard Mother’s voice. “He’s dying Mom… turn him… save him…” She was pleading. Crying.
The darkness overtook me once again.
I could barely open my eyes. I heard the fire roaring and felt the heat. Orange light flickered through the trees of the forest casting ominous ghostly shadows. Standing before me was the largest panther I had ever seen. It snarled and bared its fangs before lunging forward and crushing my right shoulder in its jaws.
I screamed as darkness overwhelmed me once again.
I could hear footsteps pacing back and forth before I opened my eyes. I expected to find myself in a hospital, but I was in my room at Grandma’s house. Mother’s steps halted and she leaned over me. There was something different in her eyes. Worry? Concern? Fear?
“Aiden… You’re all right.”
I tried to sit up but winced as my ribs ached.
“Slowly, Aiden. We had quite the accident.” She reached down and helped me into a sitting position and adjusted a pillow behind my back. My left arm was badly bruised. My left leg ached deeply, right to the bones. I reached up with my right hand and felt crusted blood in my hair.
“What happened? You’re leg! The accident!”
“I’m fine. I told you that in the car.” She looked over her shoulder a few seconds before Grandma came in. Grandma looked drained. Older than I ever remembered her.
“Have you told him yet?”
“He just woke, Mom.”
“Let’s get him some breakfast and we will do it together. He only has until tomorrow night. He needs to know everything.”
Mother exhaled heavily as she faced me. “Get up and get changed, Aiden. Meet us downstairs for breakfast. We have some important things to share with you.”
There it was. The determined, fierce, driven, shove the emotions to the side Mother I always knew. She left the room with Grandma and closed the door behind them.
My whole body ached as I maneuvered to swing my legs off the edge of the bed. My left leg protested with sharp pains and almost gave out when I put weight on it. Memories of last night flickered through my mind. I recalled bones breaking and blood. Lots of blood. The flames. I must have hit my head harder than I thought. The panther could never have existed.
I limped a little on my way to the bathroom but even the short walk helped ease the stiffness and pain. My mirror showed an angry welt and bruising on my head, one eye was dark, and my hair still had some blood in it. I gingerly pulled off my shirt. My left arm and ribs were black and blue. My right shoulder… I ran my fingers over the skin and muscles there. There was no damage at all, just pink marks like young scars, but the memory of the panther was so vivid. I must have imagined it and the marks were caused by the accident. My left leg was heavily bruised as well, mottled with yellow, green, red, blue, and black coloring. I washed my face and wiped the blood from my hair with a damp cloth.
My bag still had bits of glass on it and some of the material was charred, but I found my spare clothes and put them on. By the time I made it downstairs, I had more questions than pain. I was, however, starving.
Mother and Grandma were sitting together at the breakfast table speaking in hushed tones. A heaping plate of eggs, potatoes, bacon, ham, and toast was placed in front of me seconds after I sat down. That was far more than I usually ate, but I was hungry.
“Thank you, Corine.”
Corine smiled and headed back the kitchen. “There’s more if you need it.”
Mother and Grandma stopped talking and watched me closely.
Between bites, I looked back and forth between the two of them. “Are you waiting for me to finish eating? Because I can talk and eat at the same time. What exactly happened last night?”
Mother’s tone was cagey. “That’s a little hard to explain.”
“Let’s start with why you were out on the road being attacked by wolves. We never had wolves this close before.”
Grandma leaned into Mother. “He has to know. Tell him.”
Grandma had always been the less stern one, but the crispness in her voice was something new to me. It reminded much of Mother.
“Those weren’t wolves, Aiden.”
“Well, they weren’t coyotes, nor were they house pets. They were huge. They were wolves.”
“They were shifters. Supernatural humans with the ability to turn themselves into wolves.”
I chuckled. “Right.” I glanced down and half my plate was already eaten. I frowned as I was still quite hungry.
“I was waiting for you and out patrolling the area when they attacked me.”
“Why were you patrolling the area?”
“A wolf shifter was killed the other day and the local pack has been much more active. Normally they stay well away from here.”
“You said the word shifter again. So, you have a horde of werewolves in the area that got upset and they decided to attack you thinking you might have had something to do with the death of their brother Rover?”
“Not a horde. A pack. Not werewolves. Wolf shifters. There is a difference. Werewolves are rogue, solitary, and ruled by their animal nature, whereas wolf shifters still have the ability to think like a human while in animal form. And yes, I believe they think I had something to do with it because I’m also a shifter, but a unique and special breed. The term used is werecat, which simply means a cat shifter and werecats don’t get along very well with wolf shifters.”
My plate was empty and Corine came in with a second helping. “You need more food to keep healing and in preparation for tomorrow.”
“Uhm… Thank you?” I was hungry. I turned my gaze back to Mother. “Shifters and werecats. Next you will tell me there are vampires.”
“Well, come to think of it, you almost hit one last night and I’m fairly certain it was a second vampire that slammed into the vehicle pushing us off the edge of the ravine.”
“Vampires. How about witches, warlocks, fairies, and sprites?”
“Witches, fae, and mages exist. There are five supernatural species.”
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head last night, Mother? What I find odd is that Grandma isn’t correcting you.”
Grandma reached over and patted my hand. “That’s because she’s telling the truth, dear. Your Mother and I are both werecats, and… so are you.”
“After last night, that is.” My Mother added.
I rubbed my face in my hands. “You’re both serious?”
“Finish your food. I think you need to see for yourself.”
Neither of them said another word. We silently got into Mother’s Jeep Grand Cherokee and drove to the scene of the accident. We carefully made our way down the steep bank of the ravine to the wreckage. The 4Runner was nothing but a charred, broken shell. It was almost beyond recognition. The driver’s side door and roof area were so smashed in that bits of the driver’s door were pushed halfway into the passenger seat.
I looked down at my arm and the bruising had begun to fade. My leg and ribs were hurting less and less as each hour passed. Having taken a few years of medical school, I knew this wasn’t possible.
“How… How is it even fathomable that either of us survived?”
“I’m a cat shifter, Aiden. My leg was already healing, and I managed to jump from the vehicle before we hit the trees and ground.”
“Cat shifter… Seriously, Mother. That makes no sense at all.”
Grandma moved next to me. “Sit down, Aiden. I wouldn’t want you to fall over and hit your head again.”
I sat down on a log and before my eyes, Mother’s shape shimmered and distorted. After roughly thirty seconds all that was standing before me was a very large cat, resembling a super-sized mountain lion.
I gasped as the cat silently padded towards me and laid her head on my lap. As if on auto-pilot, my fingers reached out and tentatively touched her soft fur. My brain was trying to prove this wasn’t imaginary, but the mountain lion was all to real. A moment later she pulled away, shimmered again, and turned back into herself.
“I’m hallucinating. Concussed. In a coma or dreaming. This. Isn’t. Real.”
“It’s all too real, Aiden. You were dying. Near death. Your leg, arm, and ribs were shattered. You could barely breathe, and I suspect you had, at the very least, a punctured lung. You had massive internal bleeding and a severe gash on your head. You were minutes from death.”
“I’ve had broken bones before and I healed like anyone else, Mother. It’s impossible for me to heal this quickly.”
Grandma sat down next to me. “That’s because you weren’t a werecat. You are now. It was the only way we could save you and speed the healing process.”
“Wait…” I stared back at the wreckage of the 4Runner as I tried to pull the fragments of my memory together. “I remember Mother saying something last night. Something about… turning me? There was a panther that bit my shoulder. That was real?”
“Yes, dear. The bite of a cat shifter can turn someone into a werecat, that is if they are powerful enough and put their will into the bite to affect the turning. The panther you saw was me, and I turned you into a werecat to save your life.”
My eyes narrowed. “No… This isn’t real. You think on the next full moon I’ll turn into a cat?”
Grandma stood and in less than half the time that Mother had taken, transformed into a huge black panther. She shifted back just as quickly.
Mother’s eyes took on that fearful, worried look again from this morning. “Transformation isn’t tied to the moon, Aiden. However, tomorrow night, you will transform into a werecat for the first time. It’s frightening, painful, and you will be more animal than human. I’m sorry, Aiden. We’ve kept this from you your entire life. None of this was supposed to happen.”
The clipped, sharp tone was back in Grandma’s voice. “What your Mother is failing to tell you, is that cat shifters are a special and rare form of shifter. There are no male werecats, only female. The genes pass down the line between a mother and their daughter. Male children of werecats are extremely rare, but, while they hold the werecat gene, it’s recessive. When I bit you, I forced those recessive genes to activate. After your first transformation, you will no longer be male.”
“Excuse me? No… no way.”
Mother put her hands on her hips. “You took several years of medical school.” She pulled up her pant leg and I could see only faint pink marks where the wolf had shredded her calf muscle. “We heal incredibly fast. You were minutes, possibly seconds from death. Your grandmother saved your life, but not without significant sacrifice. We called you here because your grandma is going to die soon. She had a few months left, but now, perhaps only a week.”
“You look fine, Grandma. You’re not going to die in a week.”
“We know when we’re about to die, Aiden. You will learn this. I’m over two hundred years old. Your mother is seventy-one. Werecats will normally live between two hundred and twenty and two hundred and forty years. I feel my energy depleting. It is the way of life for us.”
“Come here, Aiden.” Mother moved to the far side of the charred remains of the vehicle. “You want more proof of the supernatural? Look at this.”
On the passenger side panel of the 4Runner, two handprints were pressed into the metal. They were easy to spot as the impressions were over an inch deep. Mother reached down and rolled the vehicle over, so the panel smashed into a tree.
“Those handprints were from a vampire. We don’t need regular law enforcement to see them.”
“You just rolled over a car!”
“It was already leaning. I’m not strong enough to lift an entire car. While in human form we are generally three times as strong and fast as a normal human, even more when we transform.”
I found another log to sit down on and put my head in my hands.
“I know what you’re thinking, Aiden.”
“Do you?” I shouted. “Because unless you lived your life believing shifters and vampires were only fiction, and that your mother and grandmother were human, then I’m not sure how you could possibly know what I’m thinking. If what you say is true, and I’m starting to think I need to check myself into an insane asylum, then by tomorrow night I’m going to change into Mittens the kitten and wake up as a girl.”
Grandma chuckled. “Mittens the kitten. I like that even though it is a grossly inaccurate analogy. We need to get you home, give you more to eat, and show you the room.”
My stomach growled. “Why am I so hungry?”
“Your new cat shifter physiology is working hard to fully heal your body and it’s preparing you for your first transformation.”
I was quiet, buried in my own thoughts through lunch. Corine kept brining food until I was full. She didn’t even bat an eye at the amount I ate.
Mother tapped her fingers on my shoulder. “It’s time for you to learn more about cat shifters, Aiden. Grandma is resting. Follow me.”
I followed Mother through the house, down some stairs, and stopped at a basement wall where she removed a hidden panel. Retinal scanners skimmed her eyes with red light and a door slid open revealing stone stairs that descended even further.
“I never knew this existed.”
“And you never would have. You’re the first man to enter this room but that will be immaterial by tomorrow night. This is a sacred place for us.”
We descended at least two stories. The room reminded me of an ancient castle, gothic with its large gray stone floors, but den-like with wood-paneled walls. The space reminded me of an ancient library. Leather-bound books and rolled parchment scrolls rested on dozens of floor to ceiling shelves. Several comfortable leather chairs sat around the periphery with good lighting for reading. A large desk was placed in the middle of the room. What seemed wildly out of place was a large enclosure with iron bars as thick as my wrist.
“You have a prison?”
“The cage is rarely used but will be tomorrow night when you go through your first transformation. We have no idea what type of werecat you will be, but we need to keep those that make their first shifts safe and close. It’s also for everyone else’s protection.”
“You think I’ll want to kill something?”
“I know you will. The wild cat inside will take control. Every werecat is placed into a hierarchy. I’m a guard. Your grandmother is a matriarch. The type of werecat and their strength determine position and rank. While we’re mostly solitary, when werecats come together there is hierarchy and structure as there is in the entire shifter community. You will read about it as you study our lore and history.”
“The people that work here…?”
“Have worked for the Wellington family for many generations. They’re human but live with the knowledge of who and what we are. They are fiercely loyal to us and will never disclose our secrets.”
“You’re a guard?”
“Protector or guard.”
“Is that why you taught me to fight?”
“Yes. Partly. It’s in my nature to defend and fight. It was why I was out patrolling. Remember when I was hesitant to let you go to public school?”
“The more interaction we have with normal humans, the greater the chances we will expose ourselves for what we are. As I said, we’re solitary by nature. By having you in school…”
“I was exposing the family to unwanted human involvement. But why teach me to fight?”
“The supernatural species hold a tenuous peace. If humans or other supernaturals knew of your existence, your ability to protect yourself would be essential.”
“And my father… Who was he?”
“He was someone I deeply loved. A human. He was killed during a skirmish with some wolf shifters. As I mentioned before, wolf shifters and werecats generally don’t get along well.”
“So much is falling into place even if it still sounds a lot like a fantasy novel. I never fully understood you. You were harsh. Demanding.”
“A werecat almost always has a daughter for a child. It’s what a werecat mother dreams of. There were many days I didn’t know what to do with you and I couldn’t share my innermost secret and nature with you. I couldn’t teach you all that was inside of me. The inability to share who I was with you created a gulf between us.”
“That’s why you pulled away so many times. You took lengthy trips into the mountains. I thought you hated me.”
“No, Aiden. I never hated you. I loved you as much as I could. You remind me a lot of your father. You look like him. It hurts to look upon you and remember my loss.”
“Why didn’t you find someone else?”
“Werecats mate for life. I don’t think it would be possible for me to find another.”
“Why didn’t you turn me when I was a child? You could have had the daughter you always wanted then.”
“I’m not strong enough. Only matriarchs are strong enough to turn a human and she refused to turn you when you were a baby. She believed we shouldn’t alter fate. It takes energy to turn a human into a werecat, even more if that human is male. That’s why Grandma has so little time left. She used most of her remaining energy to turn you. She sacrificed months of her life so you could live. I know this is hard for you to understand and even harder to imagine what will take place tomorrow night. Had we not intervened, you would have been dead, and I would have had to bury the second man in my life.”
She turned away and paused. “Start with the large book on the desk. I’ll see you at dinner.”
I watched her leave the room, too stunned to say anything else.
I spent hours reading the book on the desk. It was a genealogy mixed with some lore and history all in one. Throughout the afternoon, I fought my anger at Mother and my pending changes that I couldn’t fully comprehend. A glance at the cage in the room was often all I needed to realize I needed to stay focused on the positives. I had been spared and Mother had her reasons for being who she was. From time to time I would stand and stretch, contemplating what this all meant for me. I spent years trying to find my place in the world and now I was even more confused. This couldn’t be real.
I resisted the information on every page I read, especially the genealogies showing the years Grandma and Mother were born. Mother didn’t look a day over thirty-five. She had always seemed ageless to me.
I found more information about werecats from another book on their physiology. Werecats tended to resemble large cats found in the wild. A werecat’s strength and speed were loosely bound to their wild cat likeness. The majority of werecats were like Mother, tawny-colored, large mountain lions which were always the guardians and protectors of the werecat world. Grandma was a matriarch. Matriarchs had the likeness of a panther. In the wild and as with werecats, panthers were larger, stronger, and faster than mountain lions. Scouts tended to be the weakest and yet fastest of the werecats, often resembling cheetahs in their animal form.
Overall, a scout could easily outrun a wolf shifter but was slightly less strong than one. A guardian was generally one and a half times the strength of the average wolf. A matriarch was equitable to an alpha wolf shifter in strength, which was twice as strong as the average wolf pack member. Werecats had better sight, hearing, and speed, but a slightly worse sense of smell than a wolf shifter. However, compared to humans, a werecat had forty times the smell sensors, a wolf, forty-four times.
While in human form, werecats and wolf shifters still had their enhanced healing, senses, strength, and speed, just in a reduced amount compared to their animal forms.
What may have been even more difficult to swallow was the information about the history of supernaturals on earth, or as the books called earth, the mortal plane. Supernatural species had their own world, called the immortal plane. It was thousands of years ago that the species found gateways to earth and began coming through. The limited magic in the mortal plane gave the supernatural species vast advantages over normal humans, however, the mating cycles of supernatural species is much slower. Over time, humans quickly overran the supernaturals and many left earth to reside in the immortal plane.
Those that stayed and were born here, were tempered in their abilities. Technically, a shifter born in the immortal plane, would be able to shift into their primary animal form, and anything smaller than their primary form. On earth, shifters gravitated to a single animal form, and those forms were examples of earth animals. One other tidbit of information was that earth’s confined magic meant that wolf shifters and werecats always gave birth to children with the same shifter animal. In other words, wolf shifters gave birth to wolf shifters, werecats to werecats.
My head was spinning from all the information and my stomach growled again as I made my way back upstairs for dinner.
Mother greeted me with an awkward, but warm smile. “Your Grandma is still resting, so it will be just you and me for dinner.”
“I feel badly that she’s weaker because of me.”
“She doesn’t want you to feel guilty, Aiden. At her age, a few months less of her life means much less to her than saving her only grandchild’s life.”
We sat down as Corine brought out plates of food.
“It’s a lot to absorb, Aiden. Had you been born a girl I would have shared with you everything over your formative years. A child’s first transformation doesn’t happen until they’re awakened. On earth, we tend to wait for this to happen until the child is usually in their teens. That is when they also receive their strength and speed. Until then, they’re quite normal even by human standards. I’m sorry I withheld everything from you all these years, but it was for all our good.”
“Was it?”
“You think I should have told you about our nature when you would have had no connection to our world? Ignorance can sometimes be a blessing.”
“Ignorance is never a blessing, Mother.”
I put my fork down, frustrated with myself. “I’m sorry, Mother. My worldview has fractured. You’re not who I thought you were. There are worlds of supernatural beings I know very little about. I plotted my life and career based upon incorrect thinking.”
“It’s not like you have a career chosen. You’ve floundered for years trying to figure out what you want to do.”
Mother had never been fond of my choices. “Thirty-six hours from now I’m going to wake up as a girl. A girl with no name, no credentials, and certainly no training or work experience. I hardly think it matters how much I floundered in the past.”
“You will have a name. It will be Mia Wellington. We’re already preparing for this.”
“You picked my name already?”
“It’s what I would have named you had you been a daughter instead of a son.”
“Mia…” I frowned. The name wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t me. “How do I even begin to prepare for something like this? What will I even look like?”
“I have no idea. You will be beautiful. That’s for certain. All supernaturals have exquisite human forms, but werecats and fae tend to have the most beautiful women. Your age will be the same as you are now, and you will, for all intents and purposes, stop aging, have no disease, and never need to go to the doctor.”
“So many benefits.” My voice dripped with sarcasm.
Mother rolled her eyes. “I wish the turning were instantaneous. It would have been easier on all of us.”
“There’s the emotionless Mother I know and love.”
Mother winced and I immediately regretted saying those words.
“I’m sorry. I think I will retire early.”
I went to bed and woke up refreshed but intensely hungry. I had no stiffness or any residual signs I was ever in an accident. I dressed and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.
Mother and Grandma were there. Grandma looked tired and weaker than I had ever seen her before. Seeing her so frail and knowing I had little time left with her, it brought to life that I never had the chance to truly know either of them.
I glanced furtively at Grandma, struggling to force the feeling of impending loss down. “I’ve missed so much of your lives.”
Grandma laughed. “Not much to miss really, but I too wish I had more time to see you blossom, Mittens.”
“I’m going to regret saying that, aren’t I?”
Corine brought out a huge platter of food for me. “In all my family’s generations with the Wellingtons, your later in life turning will be a first for us. We’re all very excited.”
“Thank you, Corine.”
“Oh… I’ve been told you get no second helpings this morning, Aiden. You and your mother will be training.”
Mother shrugged when I looked at her. “It’s been years. I need to see if you have kept up your skills.”
“I have. It’s possibly the one thing that got ingrained in me over the years. However, now I know why I could never beat you. You were cheating with your extra strength and speed.”
“It’s not cheating if this is who I am.”
“No pads?”
“Why have pads when you can heal quickly?”
Mother tossed me a pair of batons. “You know the drill. Come at me, Mittens the kitten.”
We fought and trained for two hours. As usual, I didn’t land a single hit on her. I was sore, bruised, and currently lying on the grass staring up at the blue sky between the treetops. The restful moment was almost pleasant.
“Get up and come at me again.”
I rolled my head from side to side. “I’m done for the day.”
“You need to stop quitting everything you start.”
I rolled over and slowly stood to my feet. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You started medical school and quit that three years in. Then you took forensics. You dropped that and took your MBA.”
“I finished my MBA last week with top honors. I paid for every dollar of my education by working as I went to school. Does that sound like quitting to you?”
“It’s admirable, and yet misguided. You were bound to get a degree of some sort after so many years of schooling. Those skills as a security guard, an employee at a morgue, a bartender, and a photographer aren’t going to help you much in the future. You need to pick something and stick with it, then, when you’ve mastered that, move on if you find you need more challenge.”
“Spoken like someone that knows they can live six generations.”
“Let’s keep training. Come at me again.”
I threw down the wooden daggers we had been recently switched to for sparring. “You don’t know when to stop, do you? Will I ever live up to your expectations? I feel like I’m on death row, awaiting my final meal. Maybe I won’t be physically dead, but as of tomorrow, Aiden Wellington will be, and I can’t wrap my head around that. I can’t imagine what life will be like as a girl.”
“You’re right, Aiden. I’m sorry. I’m imagining our future together to be so much better. I’m looking further ahead and not from your immediate and looming circumstances. There’s no changing what ‘ about to happen to you. If you fight it, it will be harder and more painful, yet the result will be the same. I just know, deep down, you will learn to love everything about being a werecat and I feel in the core of my being that we will understand each other better.”
“It’s not knowing what my life will be like that’s so difficult to process. My head is about to explode with questions and worries.”
“What questions and worries?”
“Where will I get clothes? What about identification? What will we do about the 4Runner? I will need a vehicle. What about my old friends? Where does Aiden go? Have you ever met the other species? Have you ever been to the other plane?”
“I can answer many of those things if you would like that.”
“Yes, please.”
“Grab your gear and put it away. Let’s go for a walk.”
We took a long walk through the forest and wound up at the lakefront where we sat down on a bench that overlooked the lake and mountains to the west.
“About clothes. The first transformation usually lasts about four hours. It starts almost exactly forty-eight hours from the time of the turning bite. That would be nine forty-seven tonight. You will be sleeping heavily even before you transform back from your animal form. The sleep will be as deeply as if you were unconscious giving your body necessary rest to realign itself after your first shift. We’ve made some educated guesses as to your height, weight, and body shape and purchased several sets of clothing and outfits of various sizes. Tomorrow, we can measure you more accurately, and we will get new and used clothing for you from wherever we need. I suspect you will be similar in size and shape to me.”
I let out a long breath, not being able to picture myself as a woman dressed in frilly clothes. “What about identification?”
“We already have a start on them. We just need to take some photos tomorrow. We can make passable identification by lunch tomorrow and permanent ones in about a week.”
“How can you do that? They will be legitimate?”
“The supernatural community is larger than you might suspect or comprehend. There are supernaturals in many government offices and locations that can provide us real identification. We all live much longer than humans and to hide our existence in the mortal plane we typically move every twenty to thirty years. We procure new age-adjusted identification so that we’re not seen as being ageless when everyone around us withers and dies.”
“Now the more difficult question. What happens to Aiden Wellington?”
“Do you really want to know?”
I nodded.
“Using connections we have at a regional morgue, we’ve found an unidentified male, about your size, age, and build. Last night that body was placed into the 4Runner showing similar damage to what you received in the crash, then the body was burned in place. We expect the police to discover the 4Runner and the body tomorrow or the next day based upon an anonymous tip that we will provide. You will officially become your twin sister and will attend the funeral services.”
“Ugh. That’s so morbid. I don’t even want to know how you found a body let alone made the injuries similar to what I sustained in the crash.”
“As I mentioned before, the supernatural community must be flexible in how we handle things so that humans won’t discover us. As for a vehicle, your grandma owns half a dozen. She told me you can choose any one you want and we will have it transferred into your new name.”
My vision wavered and my muscles tensed sharply. I bent over at my waist and groaned loudly.
Mother’s hand was on my back rubbing small circles. “Breathe through it, Aiden. This is called a pre-transformation wave. You will have several today before your transformation.”
I gasped through gritted teeth. “Like birth pains.”
Mother chuckled. “Oh no. These are much gentler.”
The pain eased. “Remind me never to get pregnant.”
“I’m sure you know how baby werecats are made but I would be happy to explain it to you.”
I sat up. “You’re enjoying this too much.”
“In a way, I am. I can’t wait to go on a run and hunt with you. There is simply nothing like it.”
“Where were we? What about a resume, jobs, and education?”
“We can get you an MBA and match many of your classes that you took over the years through an accredited university. By having some continuity between your previous education and jobs, we can create a plausible backstory that makes it so you won’t have to lie about everything. Many schools offer online classes these days so we can avoid the social interaction history you will lack. I can get you references from jobs similar to what you already had, or you can work for the suite of Wellington companies. I want you to stay here as much as possible, at least for a season to help you adjust. There are events happening in the supernatural community and having you close would be safer. It would be nice if you can help me after your grandma is gone. I will need a lot of help.”
“I can’t promise anything. Not until I know more of how this will impact my life, but I will make an effort to stay. I have much to learn.”
“That you do. What other questions do you have?”
“The other species. Have you met any? Have you ever been to the other plane?”
“This community has both vampires and wolf shifters. I have met quite a few of them plus the alpha shifter and the local vampire queen. I have only met a few fae, witches and mages. I’ve not been to the immortal plane before, but your grandma has.”
“It’s overwhelming. If I wanted to go to the other plane, would I take a Harry Potter train?”
“We have a gateway here in Sandpoint. Maybe once you’re settled we can both go together.”
I nodded, trying hard not to let my anxiety overwhelm me.
The day lapsed slower than waiting for the final minutes of a week of work for me. I couldn’t stop thinking and fretting about what was to take place. I still couldn’t believe I would wake up as a girl and somehow hoped this was all just an elaborate hoax. I had several more uncomfortable pre-transformational waves, which left me wondering how painful the first full transformation might be. The waves were not so gentle reminders that something was going on with me that wasn’t normal.
When night came, Mother had me change into a pair of sweatpants and a sweater before leading me downstairs. Grandma was there waiting for us. Each day she looked older and frailer. Grandma hugged me close and kissed my cheek.
“It’s the last time I will get to do that with you as a strapping young man.”
With no pomp or ceremony, Mother led me into the cage. She hugged me before stepping out and locking the heavy cage door.
“The transformation can be very disorientating, Aiden. Often you may thrash about and therefore the cage has nothing in it. Not that it would hurt you as you would heal rapidly, but better to keep such things away so they don’t get damaged or cause you unnecessary harm. When the shift happens, try to remain calm and let it happen. Once fully transformed, you will feel like you’re a passenger and the animal has taken control. This only happens during the first transformation and it should be nothing to fear in the future when you will have far more control of your animal form.”
“I feel like I’m being told all the side effects of a new drug.”
Grandma pulled up a chair, at least one paw, claw, and leg distance away from the cage. “Try to relax. Meditate. Focus on your breathing.”
I paced like a caged tiger in a zoo and chuckled to myself about the analogy. I sat down and watched the time tick by. When 9:47pm came and went with nothing happening, I started to stand. “It was all a big hoax. Wasn’t…”
I fell to the ground and rolled onto my side. My vision blurred, then refocused sharper than ever. My muscles began tearing as bones twisted and cracked. I watched my hand shimmer and morph as tremendous pain rippled through me. My screams were cut off as my throat constricted and then expanded. My mouth pushed outwards, my teeth elongated. I tried to scream, but the only thing that came out was a low guttural roar.
“Breathe through the pain, Aiden. Accept the changes that are happening.”
It was hard to focus as my spine realigned and my hips twisted violently. I pierced the night with an earth-shattering roar as the pain eased. I now understood what Mother had been saying. The animal inside me took over. I saw everything with startling clarity. I could hear the staff in the kitchen upstairs. Every movement was enhanced in my sight, drawing attention, and increasing my desire to pounce, rip, tear, and kill.
A large, gray and white spotted rabbit was let loose into the cage. I leapt on it so speedily the rabbit had no chance. My teeth easily crushed the rabbit into two, passing through bones as if they were butter. I tore the rabbit to shreds and swallowed it in two bites.
“She’s very large. A jaguar, but it’s almost hard to tell. Her fur is undulating and adapting to the shades in the room.” I recognized Grandma’s voice and turned my head to face her.
“A queen, perhaps?” My ear twitched toward Mother.
“Most definitely.”
“Aiden. Try to take control.”
I closed my eyes and felt my tongue slide heavily between my fangs. I could smell the scent of the rabbit and the taste of coppery blood in my mouth. I turned my head towards Mother and opened my eyes. My animal instincts wanted me to crash into the bars, but I held steady before slowly standing. I padded silently forward, and my control slipped for a moment as a snarl echoed through the basement. I fought to bring my human nature to the forefront and managed to push my head against the bars.
Mother reached out with a shaking hand and placed it upon my head.
“Very good, Aiden. Try to rest now.”
I laid down next to the bars and let sleep overtake me.
I could smell breakfast before I opened my eyes. I was hungry again and I could discern every individual item Corine was cooking. I could hear Mother and Grandma talking in the dining room. My senses were undoubtedly vastly improved.
I opened my eyes to early morning sun and blue skies. Through the windows, I spotted birds as they flitted between the trees, their slightest movements catching my attention. As I laid there, I quickly remembered all that had taken place. Today I was different and as I reached out to various parts of my body, I felt different.
Daring to look down, I spotted the top of a thin, light beige top. Soft scalloped lace edged the neckline with a small, flat-ribbon bow at the center. Two breasts pressed outward creating a gap between the fabric and my chest. I was afraid to move but forced myself. I paused my hand as it reached up to pull the sheet and blanket down. Long, delicate fingers stretched out in front of my eyes.
I took a deep breath and pulled the sheet down. The sheets and blanket slid effortlessly across the silk clothing I was wearing. I pushed up onto my elbows to glimpse past my breasts. I could see a hint of skin from a silky-smooth stomach and hip bones. Gone was any hint of my old male parts. I pulled the sheet back more and sat up, suddenly feeling the weight of my hair and breasts. I pulled my hair around in front of my eyes. I held a handful of long blonde strands of hair. It felt as soft as rabbit’s fur, yet it was thick and full.
I impressed myself that I hadn’t screamed yet. I pulled the rest of the sheets off me and found a pair of feet sticking out from the pair of matching silk sleeping pants. Grateful they were feet and not paws, I swung them over the edge of the bed. I felt the weight of my breasts shift. Now, mostly upright, they pulled slightly as I stood to my feet.
Everything felt larger to me and I was much lighter than I was before. I took my first tentative steps towards the bathroom expecting to be ungainly, yet my walk was smooth, graceful, and almost perfectly silent. Cat-like came to mind.
I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light. I brought my hand to my mouth to stifle my gasp. I was stunning, slowly pulling my hand away to take in my entire reflection. My blonde hair was simply gorgeous. It had different shades of blonde, even a few strands that were almost and orange in color, but it all blended perfectly together. It was quite the mane, full, lush and reaching down to the middle of my back.
My eyes were large, expressive, and bright. My blue irises ranged from a stormy, dark-blue outer ring to a brilliant sapphire that was so blue it almost made me wonder if they were fake. I had never seen such beautiful eyes. I had a small, pert nose and full, red lips.
I leaned forward, getting a closer look at my face before pulling away from the mirror. My breasts were large, and while not an expert, I estimated they were at least a c-cup but probably a d-cup in size. I pulled up the bottom of the thin chemise top to just below my breasts. My stomach was flat, and I could see the shape of defined abdominal muscles. My fingers brushed lightly against my skin sending goosebumps down my arms.
An excitement was building inside me. I had imagined many things, but not what I was seeing. I spun around and looked around the room. On a bench at the foot of the bed was a pair of black leather pants, a beige blouse, a pair of stylish black boots that made me smile, and a pair of black, lacey panties and bra. A note was positioned next to the clothes.
‘I know you’re hungry, but you should take the time to shower first. I placed a new hairbrush and hair products in the bathroom to help you with your long hair. Wash your hair well and use conditioner. Leave it a touch damp before you brush it out. Use the hair dryer if you want after you have it brushed. Long hair is going to be an interesting challenge for you. I’ll meet you for breakfast, Mia. Love, Mom.’
I rushed back into the bathroom and removed my sleeping clothes. It took another twenty minutes before I could tear myself away from the mirror and start my shower.
In the privacy of my room, I felt secure. I loved how I looked and was exhilarated by every new sensation and feeling. After putting on the clothes, I was delighted at what I beheld in the mirror. The hardest part came when I opened the door to the rest of the world.
I swallowed as I turned the handle. Maybe Mother was right that this change would help give me a new sense of direction for my life. I stepped out of my room and paused.
“What does it mean that she’s a queen?” Mother asked.
I recalled Grandma’s words from last night but didn’t know how it related to me.
I poked my head around the corner of the dining room. Mother looked up and gave me the warmest smile she had ever shared with me. She stood quickly to her feet.
“Mia. Is everything all right? We thought it best to give you some privacy this morning.”
“I’m… good.”
She took a step forward as I stepped around the corner. The next thing I knew, I was running across the space and threw myself into her arms, hugging her tightly.
“I imagined such horrible things. I believed it was all a hoax. I think I will be fine with some time to adjust to everything.”
Mother held me close and then pulled back. Her eyes were moist. “Let’s look at you.”
I stepped back.
Grandma rose slowly to her feet. “You’re a vision of pure loveliness, Mia. How do you feel?”
“Nervous. I like the changes, I really do, but the world feels a little bigger, perhaps a little more frightening this morning.”
Mother moved some hair from my eyes. “That will change quickly. You’re an apex predator and so much stronger and faster than ever before.”
I hugged Grandma and felt the frailty within her. “I never would have chosen this life, but I thank you for your sacrifice. You saved my life, Grandma.”
Corine entered and almost dropped the plate of food. “Holy cow! Look at you! Is it all right if I suggest you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen?”
“Uhm… It certainly doesn’t hurt my fragile ego.”
“You’re going to be starving. I’m so envious. You can eat anything and not get fat. Werecats have such a high metabolism. It looks like we need to adjust a few sizes. You’re a little taller than I expected and you’re a little shapelier. Sit. Eat.”
I helped Grandma sit before starting into my food.
“What happens now? How do I transform? Where do my clothes go when I transform? If I eat something as a cat, will I have to deal with the bones and things coming out later? What did I look like?”
“That’s a lot of questions, Mia.”
“I have a lot more, Mom.”
Mom gasped. “You called me mom. It sounds so much more appealing than mother.”
“Do you think this is a werecat transformational thing that I’m feeling… happy? Joyful?”
“Maybe. It could also be that you agonized so much about the transformation that when confronted with the final outcome it was much better than you expected. When I transform from my animal form back into human form, I feel a tangible loss of senses and strength, even though I’m far stronger than a normal human. I would suggest perhaps the opposite is true for you, going from normal human to waking up stronger and with heightened senses assists your transition. You must feel better than ever before.”
“I do. I feel incredible.”
An older gentleman walked into the room. He was holding a camera. “Might I impose upon a moment of your time, Mia? If I could get a picture for your identification, we could work on finishing the temporaries and permanent ones.”
“Of course.”
After a dozen pictures with various backdrops I sat back down and continued my breakfast.
“Everyone is calling me Mia.”
“We communicated to the staff early this morning. Do you like your name?”
“It feels… fitting.”
Corine slid some more food my way. “I think the communication went something like this. If you see a beautiful blonde young woman, please address her as Mia. Oh. You’ll probably notice you can’t eat as much. Your stomach is smaller than before. You were just over six feet tall and roughly one hundred and ninety-five pounds. I’m guessing you’re close to five feet eight and one hundred and twenty pounds now.”
“Thank you, Corine. You’re right. I’m filling up much faster than before.” I turned back to Mom. “If I transform, do I keep the same mass?”
Mom smiled. “So many questions. Let’s start answering them one at a time. Maybe by next month we will get through them all.” Her tone was light and encouraging. The tension between us seemed to be dissipating quickly.
“As for what happens now, Mia, I think we need to make sure you’re properly attired. Corine will run into town and get a few more items of clothing, then when you’re feeling up to it, we can shop some more. We need to test you in your human form. That will include training today. We also need to be prepared as we have officially noted Aiden as missing with the local authorities. Our stories must be accurate and aligned. Aiden communicated to us that he was coming for a visit. We had no idea regarding the time of his arrival. We haven’t heard from him for several days. Of course, we need to be sincerely shocked when ‘Aiden’ is discovered to be dead. If asked, you arrived earlier this week. Just so you know, your wallet and bag were burned in the wreck.”
“Oh. Okay. That’s a lot to process.”
“While we’re training, I will teach you to transform. The more often you do this, the easier it gets. You did amazingly well last night. I’ve not heard anyone being able to control their animal form during the first transformation. For the second transformation most werecats have about seventy-five percent control and it improves each time. Some of the most powerful werecats can even partially transform.”
“Like eyes or maybe just claws?”
“Yes. Transformation is a magical act.”
“Magic exists?”
“Yes, but it varies in how it is used by species. Werecats can’t conjure fireballs, but our human selves, including our clothing, is hidden and our animal bodies brought to the surface. You asked about mass. Your new cat form is probably close to three hundred pounds of pure muscle.”
“Three hundred pounds?”
Grandma tapped her fingers on the table. “You’re the largest werecat I’ve ever seen. A jaguar form. Lethal and beautiful. Your fur coat seems to alter its pattern depending on your mood or the environment around you. It will allow you to blend into any surrounding. I believe you would be classified a queen in werecat hierarchy.”
“What does that mean, exactly?”
“It’s very rare. Imagine the entire northwest of the United States. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington combined. There might be one hundred werecats and one matriarch in that area. There may be only one queen for all North America. Queens are so rare, there is little known about them. There might be between five and ten worldwide, possibly even fewer.”
“How does my form affect me?”
Grandma shrugged. “I guess we will find out. And about your poop question. Don’t worry about it. When you feed as a cat, the nutrients flow to both human and animal forms. If you have dirt and blood on your face as a cat, when you transform back to human, you will appear as you did before you transformed. If wounded as a cat or human, those wounds will be mated in your other form. You will heal faster in animal form than human form.”
“Any more questions, Mia?”
I started to speak, then stopped. “Not at the moment.”
Mom had me change into stretchy training pants that resembled yoga pants. They were very comfortable and accentuated my shapely legs and butt. Combined with a ponytail scrunchie, a t-shirt and exercise bra, I was ready to go.
Grandma sat off to the side and watched us. “Start Mia off with a simple jump. Before you both fight, she needs to understand her strength and speed first. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
Mom led me to several trees. She jumped up and grabbed a branch about twelve feet off the ground.
“That’s… incredible!”
She pulled me over to another tree. “Often when just learning your new abilities, you will overthink and use too much power or force. The branch I jumped to is near my limit in human form. I don’t want you hitting your head on it, so we will start you on this branch. It’s about thirty feet off the ground.”
“I thought your jump was impossible.”
“Try it.”
I positioned myself under the branch and jumped for all I was worth. My fingers grazed the bark of the branch and I fell back down landing softly. I stared up at the branch. “No way!”
Grandma chuckled. “Definitely a queen. Whatever you can jump, you can safely drop the same height without injuring yourself. Remember to always be aware of what’s around you. You never want to perform supernatural acts where a human can see you. Smell, watch, and listen at all times. Be gentle on your mom when you spar with her.”
I hugged Mom and beamed a smile. “I finally beat you.”
“It’s not fair when you’re well over twice my speed and strength, but your form needs a lot of work and you need to become faster through use of your heightened senses. Use your enhanced eyesight to alert you to telltale movements of your opponent. Let’s go for a run.”
We ran side by side deep into the forest and up into the hills. Mom continued to increase her speed and I easily kept pace, itching to go faster. When we were several miles from home, Mom paused. I was hardly breathing.
“Let’s transform. At first, it’s easiest to close your eyes and picture your animal form. You need to mentally reach for it. Use your hearing and sense of smell to help you complete the image in your mind. When you have the image, picture yourself sliding into your animal form. Returning to human form is the opposite.”
I was nervous. “What if I get lost out here?”
“I don’t think it’s possible. Werecats have an innate sense of direction. I will be with you. Use your mind to call to me. We should be able to communicate.”
I took a few deep breaths. “Ready, I guess.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
I closed my eyes and listened to the life all around me. I smelled the fresh pine and fir trees. There were hints of musky-smelling rodents nearby.
“Good, Mia. Now imagine hearing everything through your animal form.”
I could see my animal form in my mind, and I slipped inside it. My eyes flew open, the air shimmered around me, there were several sharp, painful pops, then the world bloomed around me. My excellent eyesight became sharper. My hearing doubled as did my sense of smell. I felt incredibly powerful.
“Your transformation was so fast, Mia. Three seconds.”
I turned to face her. My animal instinct was much subdued, but I felt I could unleash it if necessary.
Mom pulled out a phone and took a picture, then she began to shimmer. When her tawny form settled, I could tell I was nearly half again as large as her. I looked down at my paw and saw the mottled color of my fur. I glanced around the forest and felt a ripple across my body. My fur adjusted its color to match the browns of the forest floor.
“Can you hear me, Mia?”
“This is so unbelievably amazing!”
“Keep your senses alert. Let’s see if we can find a deer.”
“You want to hunt a deer?”
A low growl sounded from Mom. I could understand it was the equivalent to licking her lips. “Feel the forest around you. You should be able to sense a large animal like a deer several miles away.”
I focused on my surroundings. Past the crest of the hill and down into the next valley, several large animals moved. “Got some, I think.”
“In the next valley?”
“Let’s see how fast and silent you can move.”
Mom took off and I bolted after her. Being in animal form was indescribable. We ran at an easy pace at what I would estimate being close to forty miles per hour. My fur rippled as we neared greener underbrush as Mom slowed.
“Watch for injured or aged animals. Those will be our target. Let your animal instincts take over. Killing another animal can be brutal and ugly, but it’s a part of life.”
I eased off my control and my body immediately slunk to the ground, creeping forward silently. Mom and I positioned ourselves downwind of the deer. We could hear the deer moving closer to us as we settled into the underbrush.
“Patience, Mia. There. You see the second deer? It’s hobbling. Possibly hit by a car. That’s our target. I will let you lead as this will give you a good chance to feel your raw power. This is not a time to play. Kill the deer as quickly as possible. We don’t want it to suffer.”
“Got it.”
My muscles tensed like coiled steel springs ready to unleash. The deer was moving closer. When it was forty feet away, I leapt, spanning the distance in a single jump. I wrapped my jaws around the deer’s neck and with barely a thought, I bit through the spine. The deer thrashed, but I knew it was already dead.
The other deer scattered. Mom came from the underbrush and for a moment, I lost control. I lashed out and snarled protecting my meal. It took just a second to pull control back.
“Sorry, Mom.”
“A kill is primal, Mia. This is natural that you might let your control slip a little.” She bit into the loin, placing her claws down to hold the deer in place as she ripped into the meat with her teeth.
At first, I was squeamish, but gave additional control to my animal and tore a huge chunk of meat from the torso. We spent the next half hour devouring the deer, then licking ourselves clean.
“Will I start eating my meat rare now?”
Mom chuckled in my mind. “I want you to lead the way home.”
I inherently knew my way home and led us straight there. We transformed back to our human forms a half mile from the house. Even though my human form senses were far greater than a human, the sudden loss of my senses was startling.
I waited for Mom to transform, then hugged her. “I think I’m starting to understand. There is no way anyone could describe or be able to relate to this aspect of our lives.”
“Being a werecat is a gift, Mia.”
“I believe that. I feel much less nervous now. I’m also not hungry for a change.”
“let’s get inside and cleaned up. Corine should have a few more clothes for you by now.”
I showered, enjoying myself much more than I did in the morning. My new body was thrilling to touch and very sensitive. I perused the closet and spotted a dress, a skirt, and several more blouses. In a drawer, there were several more bras and panties, and some leggings. I bit my lower lip and a smile tugged up. I grabbed the leggings, skirt, and a blouse.
I found Mom and Grandma in the main living area. I felt buoyant and joy bubbled up inside me.
“You look… “
I felt my smile drop. “Too much? Too soon?”
“No. I didn’t expect… You’re gorgeous. Mia.”
The doorbell rang and George, one of the staff opened the door. I could hear the discussion from several rooms away.
“Is Miss Wellington at home?”
“We have three here at the moment. Angela, Catherine, and Mia.”
“Catherine.” That was Mom’s name.
I looked at Mom and whispered. “Police?”
She nodded and I silently raced up to my bedroom and closed the door. I didn’t want my emotions to betray anything. I could still clearly hear their discussion.
“Please, come in.”
“Catherine Wellington? I’m Sargent Wilks.”
“Have you found or heard from my son?”
“I’m very sorry to tell you this, Miss Wellington. Your son is… dead.”
To Mom’s credit, she screamed so realistically that I started crying with the weight of loss.
After a few long moments of Mom denying my death, the Sargent continued.
“We found his vehicle less than two miles from here. It appears the vehicle went off the road and into a ravine. The vehicle was completely destroyed. All I can tell you is that based upon the damage and condition of your son’s body, he didn’t suffer.”
“Can we see him?”
I could hear the Sargent’s foot sliding back and forth on the hardwood floors. “We’ve moved his body to the Sandpoint Funeral Home. I’m very sorry, but the vehicle caught fire and there is little left to…”
Mom’s sobs were so real, they broke my heart. I had been reveling in my new body and life. This was a sobering reminder that everything that had made me who I was had just ended.
“Miss Wellington? Could you come to town tomorrow? We need you to help us with the final arrangements.”
“I… I’ll… be there.”
“I’m very sorry for your loss.”
I stayed in my room until Mom knocked on my door.
“Come in.”
As soon as the door opened, I rushed into Mom’s arms.
“I knew this wouldn’t be easy on you, Mia.”
“I feel guilty I moved on so quickly. Aiden is gone forever. Twenty-seven years of life, snuffed out in the blink of an eye.”
The following day I stayed at the house with Grandma. Each day she was getting weaker and that tore at my heart. The day after was my own funeral and many of the staff met us at the funeral home. Communications had gone out to my old friends. There were a few letters of condolences but none of them could make it on such a short notice. I grieved that my own funeral was attended by so few people. I hadn’t made any impact in the world. No legacy. Nothing.
A week later Grandma invited Mom and I out for a run together. We ran hard and fast in our animal forms. Grandma was faster than Mom, but it was clear her weakening state was affecting her. We didn’t hunt but we stopped on the crest of a high hill that overlooked the lake and mountains well below. Snow was still present at this elevation, and my fur coat shifted to white to blend in.
“This is my last run, and it’s an honor to come here with you both.”
I laid down next to her and rubbed my head against hers. “I don’t want to see you leave us.”
“To see you in all your glory sets my heart free, Mia. I love you both.”
We laid there until the sun had set and darkness bathed the mountains. This was the first time I ran at night and it was even more exhilarating than the day. When we entered the house, Corine and the staff prepared a celebration meal. We ate, drank, and told stories. By morning, Grandma had left us forever.
I wore one of Mom’s black dresses and shoes. Grandma had planned everything. We held a ceremony at the house. The staff organized a coffin and we laid Grandma to rest on a special plot of land that overlooked the lake and mountains. It was a somber day made even more difficult when Grandma’s will was read and the entire estate was distributed to Mom and me. I didn’t care about the money or the properties around the world, the cars, or the businesses. I wanted Grandma back.
For three days I sulked around the house until Mom declared enough was enough.
“I’m not going to have you moping around the house another day, Mia. It’s time you get out and explore a little on your own. Go into town, do some clothes shopping, go to lunch, have a drink, and don’t come back until it’s dark.”
Except for the funeral, which was a short, focused trip with people I knew, I had not left the house or been around anyone else. Each day I was more familiar with my new body and I had found it easy to distance myself from my own past. I loved everything about my new life.
My mouth opened several times to say something, but I quickly closed it again muzzling my mixed thoughts. Mom sat next to me on the couch and I laid my head on her shoulder. We had never been so close.
“You’re afraid, Mia?”
“I’m comfortable here with everyone that knows me. I’m not sure what it will be like. I have this fear that someone will point at me and say, that’s Aiden Wellington.”
“Nobody will ever say that, Mia. If anything, you will simply be ogled for your beauty. You need to learn to accept this part of you and be able to interact with the world. I love that you’ve been pursuing your new identity. You need to find your own sense of style. Discover what you like and don’t like. You can’t do that here in seclusion.”
“I thought werecats tend to isolate themselves.”
“I’m not telling you to live in New York City. Think of this as another form of training. I want you to buy three new outfits and talk to ten people.”
“A few weeks ago, as Aiden I would have thought your request crazy. Today, not so much. I still can’t get the image of the funeral home out of my mind. The room had less than a dozen people, most of which were staff. It broke my heart that I had accomplished so little and touched so few lives.”
Mom pulled me into a hug. “Then change that.”
I headed to my room and brushed out my long hair and put on the black pants outfit even though I had begun preferring the feel of a skirt or dress. I had only worn a dress once for my own funeral. I felt the pants would make me more inconspicuous.
I had a small, over the shoulder black purse that I carried my identification and money in. I was just about ready when Mom knocked on my bedroom door. She entered holding a knife.
“When I go out in public, I usually carry a knife hidden on me. You never know when you might need one. I figured you might wear the pants. This knife can slide safely into your boot.”
“You’re expecting me to get into trouble?”
“Things have been tense lately in the supernatural community around here. Remember that showing your nature, strength, or speed can be dangerous for all of us. A well-handled knife can help you avoid needing to use excessive force when other people are around.”
I slipped the knife with its little sheath into my boot. “Wouldn’t a pistol work just as well?”
“No. A knife this small can be well hidden in your hand when a pistol is quite visible. Plus, they’re bulky. Off you get.”
We walked to the oversized eight-bay garage. It was the first time I stepped into it since I arrived.
“Oh my God! Eleanor! Grandma owned Eleanor!”
“What’s an Eleanor?”
“I know it’s the least practical car in the garage, but Eleanor is the name given to a car from the movie Gone in Sixty Seconds.” I pointed to the metallic green with broad white striped muscle car. “Eleanor, a 1967 Shelby GT500. Can I take it?”
“Take whatever you like.” Mom’s tone was completely neutral as if the car didn’t matter.
“I had no idea Grandma was such a bad ass.”
I ran my fingers along the flawless fender before slipping into the driver’s seat. On the passenger seat was a key on a white rabbit’s foot keychain and a nametag that said ‘Mia’. A wave of sadness rolled over me.
“She knew. Grandma knew out of all the cars in here I would pick this one.”
“Drive safe and have some fun, Mia.”
I hastily wiped a tear and smiled as the engine roared to life. The rumble echoed through the garage. It reminded me of my own growl when I was in my animal form. I waved goodbye and drove the short distance to Sandpoint.
I could hear Mom chuckling at me in my head throughout the day. I dressed to look as inconspicuous as possible, then drove up in one of the most iconic cars in the world. I got out of the car wearing my tight-fitting black leather pants, a beige blouse, and black boots with my long, wavy blond hair and actress looks, and every eye in town was looking at me. Real smooth, Mia. That’s the way to blend in and not be noticed.
I found several nice clothing stores and discovered shopping for clothes was no longer boring. I used to go into Sierra Trading Post as a guy, head straight to the clearance section, grab two pairs of pants, two shirts, and walk out of the store fifteen minutes later, never having to shop again for another year. Today, every time I turned around, I found something I wanted to try on.
I purchased three casual dresses, two skirts, some additional leggings, several blouses, a formal dress, some shoes, and a pair of jeans. I asked the store owner if I could wear a red, knee-length casual dress and red matching flats from the store. She readily agreed. Of course, I would have to leave my knife behind in the car, but Sandpoint hadn’t changed much over the years. It was still a very safe town.
After shopping, I quickly realized the red dress was attracting more attention than my pants. I found a restaurant that overlooked the lake and sat outside in the sun. I swear werecats were like housecats. I could have curled up and slept, but I was ravenous and ate a healthy-sized meal as passersby often stopped and stared at me. At first it was unnerving, but slowly it pleased me I had that effect on people.
As I people gazed, it was thought-provoking to watch the men. Even with their wives or girlfriends, they would point out a distant sight of interest, only to steal glances at me when their significant other was looking somewhere else. Some were blatantly leering, even with their wives and girlfriends at their side.
I was sipping some hot tea as I randomly scanned the people moving from place to place. Strangely, while I had dabbled, actually more than dabbled numerous times with my new body, I hadn’t spent any time contemplating my sexuality. As my eyes shifted from person to person, I recognized the beauty of the women, but found myself looking at their clothes, hairstyles, and how they adorned themselves with accessories. For the first time since my transformation, I realized I didn’t consider women in the same light I had before. The men, however, only slightly stirred my interests. As I perused the men walking by, I found myself putting them into categories, mentally slotting them into maybe, no, not a chance, and not even if he were the last guy on earth. For my own sanity, I was grateful there were no ‘Yes!’ categories.
After lunch I took time to simply browse and mingle as Mom suggested. I stopped by one store inside an enclosed bridge mall that stretched over a small canal. The store was filled with cosmetics and the sales clerk was thrilled to have me as a customer, eagerly offering me a mini makeover to sell me items. In the end, I walked out of there with my eyes highlighted with a smokey eyeshadow, my lips slightly more defined with a subtle red lipstick, and a bag of like products I would need to practice with.
In another store, I found a sexy black nightgown that I bought, wanting to try it in place of the two-piece sleeping clothes I had been wearing. After attempting and somewhat failing to have any real conversations with people, I dropped off my purchases at the car and stepped into a local bar.
Mom told me my metabolism would make it difficult for me to get drunk, but I wanted to impress her and accomplish everything she had given me to do as part of my training. My eyes didn’t have to adjust to the dark interior as I ambled up to a seat at the bar. With my red dress and my makeup that was subtly done, I realized I was dressed too classy for the place and my first inclination was to order a wine. After all, that’s what women tended to drink. Instead, I examined the rich dark ales that were on tap and ordered one.
“Haven’t seen you here before. Are you visiting Sandpoint?”
The bartender’s casual way about him made it easy to open up.
“Just returned to the area.” Less information was better. I took a sip of the ale and smiled. “This is delightfully smooth with no bitter aftertaste.”
“We make it here onsite. Most people order our IPAs, but I enjoy the dark, less bitter taste of the one you have. I’m Cooper, by the way.”
“Lovely name.”
“Thank you. I like it because it’s short and I don’t get writing cramps when I sign my name.”
He nodded noting other customers were waiting for him. “Enjoy your beer.”
I spun on the barstool and took in the patrons at the bar. My sense of smell was telling me all kinds of things. A woman’s perfume was so thick, I got the feeling she was trying to get noticed as she sat at a table and waved to any guy that walked by. There was a musky scent in the bar, like several wet dogs.
“We need to go back, Matthias.”
I turned further to locate the man that just spoke. He was in an isolated corner. A woman was straddling one man, rubbing herself against him as she kissed his scruffy face. Two other men sat at a table next to the couple. They seemed to all be together.
The largest of them leaned forward. “I’d like to get another taste of that werecat.” That would be Matthias. They were whispering in hushed tones, so I doubted anyone else could hear them. My eyes narrowed at hearing the world werecat.
Matthias continued. “I hear the old broad finally died. That leaves only one out there. I’m positive it was a cat shifter that murdered our brother.”
“Darius won’t allow it.”
“Darius should be tearing the entire region apart looking for the killer. He can’t tell us what to do if he’s not around. He should be the one demanding that cat be served to us on a platter. I say we round up a few more brothers and take care of this ourselves tonight.”
That did not bode well. Matthias must be the one that bit Mom’s leg the night I arrived. I itched to tear him apart, and I struggled to suppress the growl that wanted to escape my lips. Matthias pushed his chair back and came up to the bar, standing next to me as he placed his order. I memorized his unique odor and stiffened as he stood near me.
“Hey, darlin.”
I ignored him and took another sip from my beer. I got the impression he wasn’t used to being ignored.
“I’m talking to you, girl.”
“My name is not darlin or girl.”
“She speaks. What’s your name then?”
My left hand clenched while hidden under the bar. I swore my nails started to grow out into claws. I tried to calm myself and waved my other hand in front of my nose. “You might want to find a breath mint.”
“Join us at our table. I’ll show you a good time.”
“You want me to dry hump you like that floozy over there with your buddy? I don’t think so.”
He went to grab my wrist just as the bartended interrupted.
“You want another round, Matthias? Leave her alone and it’s on the house.”
Mattias glared at me. He sniffed, then turned to Cooper. “One more round, then we’re out of here. We’ve got business to attend to.”
“I’ll bring it over.”
Matthias leaned over me. “You should have said yes, darlin.”
I wanted to slam his head through the wooden bar counter so badly. He turned and walked away.
“Thanks, Cooper. Nice patrons you have here.”
“They usually keep to themselves. Hard to resist a beautiful woman like yourself though. Best stay clear of them if you can.”
“No doubt.” I dropped a fifty-dollar bill on the counter. “Keep the change. You shouldn’t have to pay for their beer when you intervened on my behalf.”
He pushed the bill back. “As much as I appreciate the kindness in your action, a free round of cheap beer is less expensive than a trashed bar.”
“Nope. I’m not taking your money tonight. I want you to come back.”
“Thank you. I best be going.”
“Be safe, Mia.”
With a smile at Cooper and a glance at the wolf shifters in the corner, I headed to my car and drove quickly home.
Mom rushed in from the dining room. “What’s wrong, Mia?”
“We’re going to have company. Three wolf shifters were in a bar I stopped at. I overheard their conversation. They’re planning on grabbing a few friends and come over to take care of you. Permanently.”
Mom grinned. “This is going to be fun. Nice dress by the way. You might want to change as you wouldn’t want to ruin the dress in case blood starts flying. However, if they come here, I want you to stay inside.”
“What? No!”
“You haven’t fought another shifter or anything with their pack mentality.”
“How will I learn that unless I get into a fight? You think I’m going to sit back while those rabid mutts attack you?”
I growled.
“Don’t growl at me, young lady.”
I grabbed my things and ran upstairs, changing as fast as I could into the black leather pants and a white t-shirt. I put my boots on and slipped the knife into the boot before racing back downstairs. I heard a truck engine roar and the skidding of tires on the loose gravel. Through a window I saw Mom standing out front waiting for them. Six large men stepped from the truck. There was no way in hell I was letting her fight them alone.
I stepped outside as the men formed a semi-circle around Mom.
Mom was confident as she spoke to them. “What are you boys doing here? You know this land is off limits without an invitation.”
Matthias stepped forward as two of the men dropped back and to the sides. I saw them start to shift into their wolf forms. I stepped forward and Matthias turned his gaze on me.
“You’re the pretty one from the bar. When we’re done here, I’ll make sure we all take our turns with you.”
“Back inside, Mia!” Mom shouted.
I growled and ran back inside, looked around, and spotted a shotgun above the fireplace mantle. I pulled the double-barreled shotgun from the wall and popped it open. Corine came around the corner with a pair of shells.
“These have saltpeter in them. They will burn like molten lava, but not kill anyone.”
I smiled as I slipped then into the chambers and pulled the barrel closed with a satisfying metallic click.
“We have the staff ready with guns if you need help.”
“Thank you, Corine.”
I stepped back outside. Two shifters in their large wolf forms slowly stalked Mom. As if on cue, the two wolves attacked Mom as the others began shifting. I didn’t hesitate and brought the shotgun up and let both barrels blast the hindquarters of the wolf nearest me. He rolled end over end from the force of the blast, crashing into the wheel of the pickup truck. I tossed the shotgun aside and grabbed the tail of the second wolf that was lunging for Mom as she began transforming.
This wolf was large, almost two hundred pounds. I spun and flung the wolf across the driveway and into the windshield of the truck, crushing the glass and sending the shifter in a heap into the cab. Mom completed her shift just in time to smash another wolf with her paw sending it sprawling, but it rolled back to its feet and approached her warily. Matthias finished his transformation and turned his focus on me. I could hear them talking amongst themselves.
“Jonas and Darren on the dark-haired one. Cane and I will take the girl. She has strength so she’s a werecat, but she hasn’t transformed yet. We still have the advantage.”
He slunk forward and barred his teeth. I could hear the other wolf creeping up behind me. Over the past weeks, I shifted multiple times per day and my speed was steadily improving. I waited, wanting them to be taken off guard. When they were close, I transformed in a second, spun around, and swiped the wolf that was lunging for my leg. My paw and claws crashed heavily into his ribs. I heard them crack. My claws tore open a satisfying hole in his side. The wolf rolled for thirty feet and struggled several times to get to its feet.
Matthias snapped for my hind leg. I whipped my head around and caught his neck in my massive jaws. He tried to scratch at me with his paws and I closed my jaws a little tighter.
“If you don’t stop, I will snap your neck!” I shouted in my mind to him. He stopped thrashing and hung limply from my jaws as I turned to see Mom transform back into her human form. Wolves lay scattered across the driveway. I turned my focus back to Matthias. My fur rippled with my ager, turning it black as night as I growled through my razor-sharp teeth.
“Blink if you can understand me.”
Matthias blinked his gray eyes.
“You will take this sorry lot back to your pound and never come back here. You tell your alpha we never had anything to do with the death of your brother. If any one of you even whizzes on a stick within two miles of here, I will hunt you down. Do you understand me?”
The wolves began shifting back to their human forms. Matthias blinked. I sniffed. “Did you wet yourself? Disgusting.”I let him go just as Mom touched my head.
Matthias slunk away with his tail between his legs. I transformed back to my human form.
“None of them will die. You showed amazing self-control, Mia. What part of stay inside didn’t you understand?”
We watched them painfully slide into the truck. One needed to be lifted into the bed at the back. Matthias glared at me as he turned the truck around and drove off.
“I’m fairly certain I didn’t hear you, Mom.”
“You can hear a fly landing on a leaf a mile away, Mia. You heard me.”
“Can you chalk this up to a training exercise?”
“They know you exist now, Mia.”
“I’m pretty sure they can smell me.”
“I think your nature, being a queen makes your scent untraceable. I can only smell you when I’m close to you when you’re in your animal form or by the scent of your hair products or detergent lingering in your clothes.”
“I didn’t know that. Do you think they will come back?”
“Not a chance. Their alpha, Darius, will be quite upset. You should have stayed inside, Mia, but I’ve never been prouder of you. You fought like a seasoned werecat and you’re so fast and strong, I doubt Darius would attempt to attack us with his entire pack.”
“How many do they have?”
“About thirty-five, last count.”
“That’s way too much kibble.”
Mom put her hand around my shoulder. “Come inside, Mia.”
I grabbed the shotgun and ejected the shells. Corine was waiting for us as were most of the staff. They all held a variety of guns.
“That’s the first time I saw your animal form, Mia. Incredible. They didn’t stand a chance.”
“Thanks for being ready. All of you.”
“Are you hungry?”
I smiled. “Always.”
After a hearty meal I sat down with Mom in the living room.
“I accomplished your training list today.”
“I bought clothes, talked to people, had lunch and a drink. I avoided a bar fight with Matthias, the leader of the group of misfits that came to say hello.”
“You bought some makeup, I see.”
“I can’t tell you how much I love the new me. I was so worried and angry before my transformation, but this has been a blessing. I want to look beautiful. I love choosing clothes that make me feel…”
“Desirable? Beautiful?”
“Yes. Both. Do you think that’s strange?”
“Not at all.”
“This is awkward to mention, but how did you feel about men and women before you met Dad?”
I nodded.
“I felt nothing for women. Barely anything for men until I met your father. Werecats are monogamous. While I have never been around any male that was turned before, you’re a werecat and I would expect you would feel no different than any other werecat born as a female.”
“It’s hard for me to wrap my head around it.”
“There’s no rush, sweetheart. During the fight, why did you hesitate to shift?”
“You know I can shift quickly.”
“Faster than any werecat I’ve ever heard of or seen.”
“I could hear them talking. Can you hear them?”
“No. I can only hear other werecats. You can hear them?”
“Yes. Matthias was ordering their attack. He thought I was in trouble because I didn’t shift, that it would take too long. I wanted to have a strategic advantage and take them off guard. I spoke to him as well in my mind.”
“I’ve never heard of that before. Perhaps these are queen abilities surfacing.”
“The night I first arrived, why didn’t you transform when they were attacking you on the road?”
“I felt you were arriving soon, so I went to keep watch. I heard your 4Runner and was focused on you. That’s when they attacked me. I take thirty seconds to transform and, in a fight, that is far too long. Pain also inhibits transformation. Additionally, I couldn’t expose my true self to you.”
“Makes sense.”
I was excited to wear my new nightgown when I went to bed the night before. After putting it on, I spun slowly in front of the mirror admiring how it made me feel and how it looked on me.
The next day, it was business as usual. Mom and I trained hard, reviewed the businesses, and were relaxing when I heard someone drive up. I was on my feet in an instant. Two men stepped from a classic GTO. I noted one held slightly back from the other. I could smell them. They were both wolf shifters.
“I know, sweetheart. I was expecting him.”
“Expecting a shifter? Who?”
“Darius, the pack alpha.”
George, one of the staff, opened the door. Mom stood with her arms crossed further back in the living room.
“I’m here to see Mia.”
George looked at me as I came to the door. He stepped aside.
“Wellington. And who might you be?”
Sorry Eleanor, but this guy was hotter than you. Holy cow! He had this bad boy, good boy mix going on. Handsome? Yeah. GQ handsome. Male fitness model handsome. He was tall, his muscles pressed the expensive fabric of this open collared buttoned shirt snugly. He absolutely radiated power, confidence, and authority. Eeek.
“Darius Stanton. May I come in?”
He held out his hand and I took it. I glanced over his shoulder to a huge man that came with him.
“Just you. Keep Old Yeller outside. I’m not sure if your boys are house trained.”
The man behind Darius growled. Darius chuckled.
“Of course. You heard the lady, Carson.”
Darius followed me inside. I heard him sniff.
I stopped walking and faced him. “You sniffed me? That’s a little rude.”
“You smell delightful, Mia. Not like a werecat at all.”
Mom still stood with her arms crossed. Darius tipped his head towards her.
“Darius. I think I know why you’re here, but to make sure, why have you come and specifically asked for my daughter Mia and not me?” Came her silky-smooth reply.
“Your daughter?” He looked back at me.
“I’ve been away, recently called back for Grandma’s passing.”
“My condolences to you both. Angela was a remarkable woman.”
I nodded.
“You both roughed up some of my boys last night. The only name they gave me was Mia’s. You took out four.”
This time my growl did escape my lips.
“I’m here to apologize. They were not acting under my orders. We have had a truce for many years, and I do not want to start a war with werecats. I have told them if they whiz on any sticks within two miles of here, I will have their hides. I understand that was what you told Matthias last night, Mia?”
Mom raised her eyebrow.
“I told them I would hunt them down, not that you would have their hides. Just to be clear.”
“Consider them dually warned then. What kind of werecat are you, Mia?”
“A blonde one.”
“Is that a new class? Because I don’t recall any lore about werecats being able to speak to werewolves while they’re transformed, nor a werecat that can transform in seconds.”
“It was a tense moment for your men. I’m certain they exaggerated the events.”
“Once again, my apologies and if either your or your mother suffered any injuries or losses, I would be happy to compensate you.”
“Nope. None.”
“My pack is rightly upset that one of our own was murdered near your property.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “What evidence suggests it was a werecat?”
“He was mutilated.”
“Show me your evidence.”
Mom tipped her head. I couldn’t get a read on what she was thinking.
Darius pulled out his cell phone and brought up a grizzly picture.
I winced at the sight of the poor man’s body. “I’m so sorry that happened to him. That wasn’t done by a werecat and he didn’t die here.”
“That’s not what the investigators believe.”
“Where are you finding your investigators? Walmart?”
Darius shrugged. “Enlighten me.”
“Those are blade cuts, not claw cuts. A cut that deep by a werecat claw would be much wider. Our claws are not thin at the depth these cuts are. These are strategically placed, arterial cuts. The goal of the killer was most likely to bleed out the person before he could heal. Wait. On second thought, some cuts appear fresher than others. He may have been bled out over several days. Look at the leaf matter on the forest floor around him. Arterial cuts would spray blood everywhere. There is no blood spray anywhere in the photo. He was killed somewhere else and deposited near our property. You can also see bruising over the mouth and neck. Someone came up from behind and attacked him while he was still alive.”
“How do I know you didn’t kill him with a knife?”
“By that same logic, I could ask you the same question. Fire your investigators. They know diddly.”
He faced Mom. “I like her. I hope she sticks around. My apologies for the interruption. And please, don’t worry. My pack won’t be bothering you again.”
“It was a great training exercise. Send them over anytime.”
He tipped his head towards Mom. “Good day, Catherine.”
“Pleasure to see you again, Darius.”
He faced me. “If I may?” He reached for my hand and brought my knuckles to his lips. “I hope to see you soon, Mia.”
I tried to keep my voice level. “Good day, Darius.”
I kept my eyes on him until he left. I let out my breath not realizing I had been holding it in.
“That was an interesting exchange, Mia. You seem to have left quite the impression.”
“I hope I handled that well.”
“Very well. Where did all that detective stuff come from?”
“I guess my years in medical school, forensics, and my job in the morgue finally came in handy. My MBA, not so much.”
“I can’t believe you told one of the strongest alphas in North America he was rude to sniff you. I’ll laugh over that exchange for years.”
The next morning the first phone call I heard since arriving blared through the house. Mom answered it.
“You want Mia?” There was a pause. “To come to your home?” Another pause. “For what exactly?” More delay. I was frustrated I was in my room and could only catch Mom’s side of the call. “I’ll ask her.”
I had dressed in one of my casual dresses and was now curious if I needed to change again. I stepped out of my room just as Mom was about to knock.
“Darius requests your presence. It appears he fired his investigators and is asking for you. There’s been a second murder.”
“He wants me to investigate a murder? I’m not Perry Mason.”
“I would encourage you to accept. By working together, you can help bridge the gulf between our shifter species and hopefully reduce the anger towards us over the first murder.”
“Where is his home?”
Not knowing if I might need to go off road, I drove the Jeep. Darius’ estate was ten miles down the road towards Sandpoint, then up into the mountains a few more miles, I came to a large gate. A guard with a shotgun in his mini office and a handgun on his hip approached the car. He smelled human.
“What is your purpose here?”
“I’m Mia Wellington here to see Darius.”
“Really?” He gave me a look that suggested ‘no way’.
“What am I supposed to say to that?”
“You don’t look like a hooker.”
“Well, thank God for that. Does Darius call on hookers often?”
“No. Never. But the boys do from time to time.”
“I’m here to interview for the head of security. I’m tasked with removing the riff raff. What’s your name so I can write it down for my report?”
He laughed. “Good one. You should turn around. I don’t have you on the guest list.”
“Call Darius.”
“Not a chance.”
I hit the horn. Any mutt miles away could hear it.
The phone rang in the mini office.
“Yes sir!”
The gate opened.
“Apparently you are on the guest list after all.”
“Go figure.”
I drove ahead and parked in front of a building that looked like the hotel from the original Shining movie. Stairs led up to massive double doors.
“I wonder if he is compensating for something?” I whispered to myself.
I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Two wolf shifters opened the door and growled at me. I recognized both of them. Matthias and the one I shot with saltpeter. They bared their teeth and sniffed at the air.
“Greetings boys. Can Darius come out to play?”
They pushed forward and closed the door behind them.
“What are you doing here?” Matthias’ voice was low and gravely.
“Seriously? Does no one communicate here?”
Matthias took a swing at my head. I caught his arm, twisted it, and slammed him face first into the door. I was quite certain I broke his nose. The other one tried to take advantage of the situation and rushed me from my left side. While holding Matthias’ arm behind his back, I reached out with my left hand and grabbed the fellow’s neck. My fingernails grew into razor sharp claws that pricked his skin trickling blood. That was new.
The door flew open and Matthias fell face first to the tile floor. Darius glanced from me to his two men. He let out a low chuckle even though I could see pain in his eyes.
“I fail to see this as being funny, Darius.”
“You can let him go, Mia. They won’t touch you. I didn’t expect you so soon.”
“Mom said it was urgent, so I cancelled cheese club and came right over.”
He turned to the two men. “If you ever touch Mia again, I will have your heads on a pike. She is my honored guest.”
They both blanched. I had never seen anyone turn so pale.
“Well. No harm done. How can I help?”
“I’m having my driver pull the car around.”
“I have a driver’s license and a car right there. No driver needed.”
“I would prefer to have your undivided attention.”
A four-door Jeep Rubicon pulled up. I was expecting a black limousine but this was Idaho where every other car is either a Jeep or a Subaru. Come to think of it, wasn’t Subaru the car company for dogs?
Darius’ driver opened the door for me. I felt only slight trepidation when Darius slid in next to me. No words were spoken. We drove down the driveway and further up the road into the hills.
“Thank you for coming, Mia.”
“Just trying to be neighborly.”
“Did you replace your grandmother as matriarch.”
“It doesn’t work that way in the werecat family. You’re born as you are. There is no passing on hierarchies or taking them by brute force.”
“You were born a matriarch?”
“Not exactly.”
“You’re being elusive, Mia.”
“I’m being guarded. There’s a difference. So, another murder. I’m really sorry to hear that.”
Darius’ hands balled into fists. “I haven’t been to the body yet.”
The vehicle stopped and the door opened. I got out and looked around, taking in a deep breath. Darius came around to my side.
“How long ago?”
“We believe he was killed last night.”
I caught the scent of blood and pointed into the distance. “About a quarter mile that way? I’m not smelling anything lingering from the road.”
“Neither do I. The killer didn’t use the road. Good catch, Mia. Come.”
We stepped through the brush near the roadside, then it opened to forest with scant underbrush. The scent of death filled the air. We paused twenty paces from the body. He was face down. Darius tensed with seething anger at the sight.
“Did anyone touch the body yet?”
“No. I waited for you.”
“You do realize I’m not a detective, right?”
“You may not be, but you were right. My investigators were useless.”
Darius started moving forward and I pulled him back. He glared at me. “That’s a member of my pack. He’s like a brother to me!”
“I know. I’m so sorry for your loss. Please. Let’s take in the surroundings before we go to him.”
Darius calmed, but his focus was on the dead man. He was shaking.
I closed my eyes and focused on my animal senses. When I opened my eyes, Darius was staring at me.
“That’s remarkable. Your eyes changed. You transformed only enough to connect to your animal senses?”
“Yes. Do you smell that? Just a hint of… what is that?”
“Isopropyl alcohol.”
“It’s very subtle. I’m sure you can track it better than I can, Darius. Let’s circle the body from this distance to see if we pick it up anywhere around.”
By the time we circled the body it was clear that the smell was coming from the body and not from anywhere else.
“He wasn’t dragged here.” I looked up. “He was dropped.”
Darius looked up. “I see it. The branches are broken.”
“But not straight above. At an angle. He was dropped from an aircraft of some kind traveling south to north. Hard to tell the speed without knowing how high the drop was from.”
We moved forward to the body. Darius dropped down and ran a shaking hand through the man’s matted hair. He let out a blood curdling scream of pain that tore through me right to my heart.
I placed my hand on his shuddering shoulder. “Will you get police involved?”
“Not local police. Supernatural enforcers.”
I frowned and Darius looked up from the dead man.
“You don’t seem impressed.”
“If they’re the same ones that were investigating, then not so much. May I move the body?”
“Gently please. We need to honor him.”
The body was face down, so I rolled him over as tenderly as I could, cradling his head. Just like the last body, this one had been bled out. This man, like the other one, was completely nude.
“Look here. Does that look like a slight indentation in the skin around the incision area? Circular. Here, and here. I see it again.”
“I see it. What would make that mark?”
“Perhaps a suction device. His blood was captured. Around the face and neck, more bruising. On his left wrist there is a very small puncture wound. IV perhaps?”
Darius gritted his teeth.
“How tall would you say he is?”
“Six feet.”
“The person who killed him is taller. You can tell by the bruising marks. They are very even.”
“How does that mean the killer is taller?”
“Stand up and turn your back to me.”
He did and I reached up and wrapped my hand around his neck. His scent was overpowering as was his closeness. I could tell he was torn. There was a part of him that wanted and needed my closeness and another that was simmering with anger.
“This is new for a first date.” He tried to make his tone light, but his voice was strained.
“You don’t need to joke, Darius.”
“If I don’t, I might kill something.”
“I understand, Darius. Concentrate. Where is the pressure coming from my hand?”
“At the top of your hand.”
“Trade places.”
I shivered as he moved behind me and placed his face near my neck. He buried his nose in my hair and inhaled.
“You smell amazing, Mia.” His voice was still shaking.
“Darius. I know this is hard. Please focus. Put your hand around my neck.” I swallowed as he did. “Where is the pressure from your hand? Top or bottom?”
“Equally distributed.”
“Your shoulders are above mine. The killer was taller.”
His fingers slid slowly along my neck before they moved down the outside of my arms. I turned slowly, letting my heightened senses drop. He held me there facing him as he stared into my eyes.
“You’re highly perceptive, Mia.”
“Just observant.” I took a step back from him as my stomach fluttered. Wolf shifter packs were like large families. The loss of one tore at all of them as if they had lost their closest brother and friend. I bent back down to the man and imagined what he must have gone through. I cupped his face with my hand.
Darius gently pulled me up. I wiped at my face to hide my tears.
He wrapped me in his arms. At first I didn’t know what to do, but I could feel his shaking. I pulled him closer to me and held him for several minutes.
Slowly he pulled away from me. “Let me take you back to the car.”
We walked silently back to the road. Darius spoke to the driver at length before he opened the door for me, and I pulled myself up into the back seat.
“The enforcement team will arrive in a few hours and look for any additional clues and take care of the body.”
“The murderer is a vampire or another supernatural. No human could overpower a wolf shifter. When Mom was attacked by Matthias, there were at least two vampires in the area. You need to see if there was a pattern to where your two men were. Did they go to the same restaurant or bar? Were they on patrol? Hunting?”
“Don’t you mean we?”
“I told you I’m not an investigator and, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, your men hate me.”
“They will do what I tell them and if they touch you, they will answer to me. I think you bring much to the investigation.”
We pulled up to the mansion. Darius waved off the driver as he opened the door for me and offered his hand to help me down.
“You know I won’t hurt myself with a two-foot drop, right?”
Darius seemed to be more himself the longer we were away from the body. “What’s the fun in that? Come inside with me. Please.”
“Come closer said the spider to the fly…” I whispered.
“What did you say, Mia?”
“You have excellent hearing, Darius. I’m sure you heard me quite clearly.”
“I understand you don’t trust me or us. My men have attacked you and your family twice now.”
“Three times, actually if you count the incident at the door. I feel perfectly safe walking into a wolf’s den.”
“She said. Her words dripping with sarcasm.” Darius grinned.
He appeared to enjoy the light banter and after what we had just seen, I was anxious to lift my own spirits. It was a delicate dance of words and emotions to convey my sorrow and yet try to uplift our moods.
“Fine. I always wondered how you feed wolf shifters. Do they like dried or canned? This will give me an opportunity to see for myself. However, if things go awry, would you be so kind as to pin a note on me for Mom.”
“What would the note say?”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
Darius laughed so hard he doubled over and slapped his knee. “I needed that laugh today. After you, my lady.”
The double doors opened. Matthias was already sporting black eyes and his nose still had flakes of blood under it. He gave me a look that suggested he would like to see me drawn and quartered. His buddy was more deferential to Darius and only glanced at me.
The interior of the place was brighter than I would have expected. It smelled of wet dog, but aside from that unpleasantness, it was symmetrical, well-furnished, and obviously cared for. The wide, tall foyer had two curving staircases leading up to the second floor. Through the tiled entry area, Darius led me into the main living space. At least ten pairs of eyes tracked me. Nope, not leering or disquieting in the least.
Darius was, by far, the most handsome and well-proportioned of the pack, but nothing about these men and women were ugly. They were dressed in expensive clothes and looked clean and respectable. I recognized a few from the attack, and one that had the girl on his lap at the bar. Darren, if my memory wasn’t failing me.
He made a beeline for us. “You let that beast in here?”
Darius moved so quickly he was almost a blur. He had Darren by the throat and pushed up against the wall in a second. Darren’s feet slowly lifted off the ground.
“How dare you question me? Mia is my guest. She is assisting me in the murders of your brothers. You will show as much respect to her as you do to me.” He held Darren there and turned his glowering face towards the others. “The same goes for all of you.”
He let go and Darren slumped to the floor. He was still livid as he grabbed my arm and pulled. “Come.” He hissed.
I yanked my arm from his and slapped him. Definitely not my finest moment. “I am not one of your pets that you order around and if you ever grab me like that again, I will not retaliate with a mere slap.”
Those that were sitting all rose to their feet. I had just put Darius in a difficult situation. He was their alpha and demanded respect. Respect that I had just denied him.
He held up his hand to stop the pack that was inching forward. “I apologize, Mia. My anger at your treatment by my own pack members is not acceptable. The loss of two beloved brothers is haunting me. I was still angry when I took your arm.”
“I acted hastily, Darius. I apologize for hitting you. I don’t expect your members to be cordial to me, but I do expect civility. I believe I should go as I am making them uncomfortable. I’m truly very sorry for your loss.”
He nodded slowly. “At least let me walk you to the door.”
I wanted to run from there, from him, but I kept my steps deliberate. Perhaps there was some silent signal, but we saw no one around as we exited the house and walked towards my car.
“I’m sorry, Mia. I should have never grabbed you that way or ordered you like that. I’m losing my hold on the pack. These murders are tearing us and me apart and some are questioning my ability to lead. You were right to hit me, Mia.”
“But my actions diminished your leadership in your pack’s eyes. If I can hit you and you let me get away with it, then they will not hesitate to challenge you. I’m sorry. Would it help if you took me by the hair and dragged me through the house?”
Darius cracked a smiled. “While most would be pleased, I could never do that to you. I teach my men that women are to be cherished and honored. I failed today to provide a proper example for them. I will say that you are the first woman to have ever put me in my place.”
“The first? That suggests there have been others.”
There was a part of me that wanted to be dragged across the floor, tossed onto a bed and… I felt heat rise to my cheeks. “Not a chance. If there is anything I can do to help, don’t be shy.”
Mom grilled me on the events of the day. She was deeply concerned about the second murder, and inquisitive about Darius. We trained, did an evening hunt, then went to bed.
It was just after lunch the following day and I found myself curled up on the couch with my legs folded underneath me. My dress draped over my feet. I loved the comfortable feeling and my dress was like a warm blanket. I was reading about vampire lore when I heard a vehicle pull up. The low rumble of the engine was all I needed to know that Darius was back.
Mom came down the stairs as I opened the door.
“Hello, Mia.”
“Please don’t tell me you have another murder.”
“No. Not at all. May I come in?”
“Where’s Old Yeller?”
“I had to put him down. He was foaming at the mouth. You suggested if there was anything you could do to help to just ask. That’s why I’m here.”
“Did she?” Mom appeared next to me. She looked amused.
“Yes. That was shortly after she slapped me. I believe she felt remorseful afterwards.”
“Apologetic, not remorseful.” I corrected.
Mom laughed. “It feels like I’m not needed here, so I will let you two have some privacy as it is clear there are things needing to be worked out. Always a pleasure, Darius.”
“Nice to see you too, Catherine.”
I held the door open as Mom slipped away. “Please come in, kind sir. I would curtsey, but I’m afraid I would probably fall on my backside and present a most ungainly spectacle.”
“It would be entertaining though. You’re being so polite after how badly I treated you yesterday.”
“Well, today is a new day for personal infractions. I try to wipe the slate clean each morning, so I don’t accumulate too many.”
“That’s something I should start doing. I’m sorry to bother you again so soon.”
“How can I help you?”
“I believe I have come up with a plan to remedy our situation.”
“I didn’t know ‘we’ had a situation.”
“There are the murders of course, and there is the issue I’m having with my pack. Let’s just say, things were strained after you left.”
“And here I thought me leaving would improve things. I guess with me there I’m an easier target than you. Would you like to sit?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
I waited for him to choose a seat. He chose the couch, patted a spot next to him, and so I chose a chair nearby.
“Tell me, Mia, who do you think are the biggest threats to my status in the pack?”
“I don’t know everyone, but I’ve had interactions with at least six, with two acting out the most. Matthias and Darren. Obviously, anyone willing to attack Mom and me against your direct orders and counter to a longstanding truce would fall into that category. Matthias was the leader of the attack, but he is hardly a threat on his own. Certainly not physically, but possibly more with his words and actions that are undermining.”
“How would you handle it?”
“I’m hardly the person to ask for advice. I haven’t ever managed anyone before.”
“You claim to not be an investigator, yet you have produced more leads than professionals. I value your opinion.”
I laughed. “The value you place on me will greatly diminish the longer you know me.”
“I’m finding quite the opposite. What would you do?”
“I would sit them all down and carefully explain what you’re doing to solve the murders and seek justice. Provide them with all the details you have so far. Tell them you support their independent actions to aid in the investigation as long as those actions don’t threaten the safety or the social standing of the pack. No one is to approach the vampires without your direct authorization. This would demonstrate to them your leadership, your concern for your lost comrades, and release them to do what they do best attesting to your trust in their skills and abilities.”
“Even without leadership experience, you just demonstrated remarkable skill in your off the cuff response.”
“Perhaps that’s because I’m trying my best to empathize with them. I would want to know my leader trusts me and gives my ideas and concerns careful consideration. That shopws me respect. I would follow a leader like that. It’s almost counter-intuitive. The more you trust them, the more they want you to lead.”
“I believe your recommendations have great merit. Now, how do I help you earn respect with my pack?”
“Why is that important?”
“Because I like having you around.”
We heard Mom’s voice from another room. “Can you elaborate, Darius? How would having Mia around be any different than other women in your pack?” She walked into the room as I buried my head in my hands.
“She’s a werecat for one, and none of the women you mention have ever captured my attention. I believe they see my actions with Mia and potentially threatening for the hierarchy and status of the pack. Additionally, Mia is assisting me with the investigation of the murders, and I would very much like that to continue.”
“Perhaps you can expound upon your first point, shall we?”
Darius looked at me and gave me a heart stopping smile. “I have never met a woman that moves my heart like Mia does. I would like to get to know Mia better.”
Mom tapped her foot. “What you’re saying is that you wish to date my daughter, while using her brilliant intellect to help you solve your murders, and you need your pack to accept her, even though she is a werecat that some should-be-neutered imbeciles from your pack believe killed your brethren.”
“Well stated. I believe that is exactly my conundrum with Mia.”
My mouth dropped open.
Mom smiled. “Okay then. Carry on.” She walked away again.
“Now that is all out in the open, what are your plans for dinner?”
“I’m not going to dinner with you. At least not this soon. We don’t even know each other. Besides, you’re forgetting that your pack hates me, and I don’t want to break someone’s nose every time I visit.”
“The reason for dinner is to get to know you, but I won’t be pushy about it. If you don’t want to go, then I will back off. We do need to address my pack and how they relate to you as I hope you will continue helping me with the murders. Shifters in general respond to strength and power. I assume you’re trained in fighting techniques while in human form?”
“Yes, but I don’t want to fight your pack.”
“Only one or two to demonstrate your skills.”
“Haven’t I done that already. Several times, actually?”
“But not when all the others are watching and can admire your…”
“Skills is the correct word.”
He grinned. “Among other things.”
“That might help them accept that I can hold my own and am not a frail woman, but not help them realize my Mom and I had no part in the murders.”
“Leave that up to me. You might want to change into something you feel comfortable fighting in.”
“I think that’s a grand idea, Mia. It’s no good only training with me. Just no training while in animal forms.”
Darius clapped his hands. “Fantastic. I’ll wait while you change.”
I stood, walked around the corner, grabbed Mom’s arm, and dragged her to my room.
“Why are you being so supportive of this?”
“He’s handsome, powerful, and strengthening an alliance with the local wolf shifter pack would be good for us.”
“How does ‘handsome’ and ‘powerful’ help strengthen an alliance?”
“I thought you knew how baby werecats were conceived. Those traits help with that.”
“Are you kidding me? You know dogs and cats don’t mix, right? What would I have? A litter of puppies? A pride of kittens? Or even worse, a bushel of puptens?”
“I see you’ve been thinking about this.”
I blushed furiously.
Mom continued. “If a werecat and wolf shifter conceive, male children are wolf shifters and females are werecats. There are no wolfcats.”
“Wonderful. Thanks for that.”
“You don’t have to do any of this, but I see you coming into your own. Every day you become more confident in who you are. For me, it’s a dream come true.”
“Thank you. It might be nice to kick some dog butt, especially if it’s in an official capacity.”
“I’ll let you change. Don’t stay out too late.”
Darius stood when I entered the living room. His eyes went wide. Stretchy yoga pants and a snug, but not overly tight t-shirt appeared to have a positive effect on him.
He coughed. “Shall I drive?”
“I’ll take Eleanor just in case you have business to take care of later on.”
“You’ll see. I’ll meet you outside.”
I tried not to saunter knowing that he was staring at my butt the entire time. I headed to the garage and pulled the Shelby out, stopping next to Darius. His window was down.
“That is sexy.”
“You better lead as I wouldn’t want to get there too much ahead of you. Also, I’m not sure you want to watch my back end.”
“I’m more than happy to watch your back end.”
He pulled out so slowly it drove me crazy. I could see him laughing in his rearview mirror. He picked up speed and we arrived at his place ten minutes later, way above the speed limit for those back roads. It was a testament to our mutual competitive nature.
After we parked, Darius and I walked up the stairs. He dropped his hand to the small of my back to usher me inside. There was no one around, not even a dog dish left out. He led me straight through the house and back outside to a large, perfectly manicured backyard. Around thirty men and women milled about.
The women openly glared at me. They were not pleased to see Darius’ hand on my back. Most female wolf shifters were mated to another member of the pack, but the single ones would see me as a threat if they wanted to mate with the alpha.
“Glad you got the message. Sorry for the delay. Mia’s car took extra time to get here.”
Matthias stepped forward and pointed at me. “Why is she here?”
Ignoring the question, Darius spoke to the pack. “I asked you all here to discuss the murders…”
For the next fifteen minutes Darius spoke to them about the murders, what we discovered together and how I helped the pack, his intense desire to seek justice, and his need for the pack’s full cooperation and support. He explained the findings and waved a man over.
“This is Milton Chambers with the supernatural enforcement team. I have invited him here today to review their findings.”
“Thank you, Darius. I must say that I’m quite impressed with your female version of Sherlock Holmes. We missed numerous clues and agree with her observations. To set things right, the incisions were likely made with a scalpel. Werecat claws could not have made the cuts. Estimated height of the killer is between six feet two to six feet five. Due to the nature of the bruising, this was a supernatural. We went back to the first location and noticed broken branches above the victim’s location suggesting he was dropped. The angle of the broken branches indicates the craft was flying west to east. On the second body, we did discover traces of isopropyl alcohol.
“The alcohol is often used in medical procedures for disinfecting. We have examined the supernatural database and have excluded werecats from our immediate suspect list as no werecat matches the profile. This leaves wolf shifters and vampires. Fae could have accomplished this, but there are no fae that have been in the area that we are aware of.”
“Thank you, Milton. It’s clear from the findings that our local werecats are, at this point, above suspicion. Some of you took action against Mia and her mother believing they murdered our brethren. At my request, Mia has freely given her time and resources to assist us. She has worked on all our behalf to seek justice. As I stated before, Mia is an honored guest and will be given the highest respect.”
“She may not have had anything to do with the murders, but she is a werecat and doesn’t deserve respect from our kind.”
“Camron, would you care to elaborate? Why do werecats not deserve our respect?”
“They aren’t like us.”
“Clearly. Mia is far more beautiful than you lot.”
That received a chuckled from the group, but the women weren’t impressed.
Camron pushed forward. “They’re just like housecats, sitting around all day, lying in the sun, lapping warm milk from gold-rimmed saucers. They’re not hunters, not fighters. They have no sense of family. Not like us.”
“Mia has given her time helping us in the investigation. None of you saw the respect and tenderness she gave to William. None of you saw her tears for someone she gave for your brother. I hope to use her skills more.”
Someone from the back of the group muttered. “She’s freaking gorgeous. I would be happy to use her skills.”
Darius’ eyes flashed silver and hardened as he locked his steely gaze on the man.
“As I was about to say before I was rudely interrupted by someone clearly not listening to my words regarding respect, I have invited Mia here this morning to provide an opportunity to help us learn more about her and her kind. Camron, you seem intent on believing werecats are not worthy adversaries. Maybe you would like to demonstrate your prowess with our local werecat.”
“Gladly. I’ve been wanting a little pussy lately.”
At that comment I almost lashed out but kept my cool.
Matthias leaned towards Camron. “Not a wise move, brother.” Possibly the first intelligent thing Matthias had spoken.
Camron pushed Matthias out of the way.
Darius stood before me. “Are you all right with this?”
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to hone my abilities. What are the rules?”
“No animal forms to honor your mother’s wishes. We could choose first blood or first to yield.”
“First blood is too easy.”
Darius quirked an eyebrow up. “Are those acceptable terms, Camron?”
“She’ll be begging me in ten seconds.”
“Make the circle.”
The pack created a large circle on the grass. Admittedly it was a little intimidating being surrounded by that many shifters that loved to fight. Camron was possibly one of the two largest men in the pack. He pulled his shirt off and he had muscles on top of muscles. I observed him closely as he him moved. He was quick and well-balanced on his feet. Given the size difference between us, I should still be at least twice as fast and strong as him in human form, and likely a fair bit more.
Darius called out. “Ready?” I nodded without breaking my gaze with Camron. “Fight.”
Camron lunged forward. I shifted to the side and brought my knee up into his gut with enough force for stop his two-hundred and sixty pounds of solid muscle in his tracks. He let out a huge lungful of air as he doubled over. I elbowed his jaw sending his head snapping back, slipped my arm under his, and brought back my hip into the small of his back. With a pull and a twist, Camron was rolled over backwards and landed on his chest and face with a satisfying amount of grass digging into his mouth. I stepped over his back, brought one arm up behind his back with a painful wrist bend, wrapped my other arm around his neck and pulled back.
“Now might be a good time to yield, friend.”
Darius squatted down in front of us and Camron struggled. “Camron?”
“I yield.” He said as he spat out bits of grass.
I let him up and I could see it in his eyes. He was furious and began to shift. I took a step back and watched the painful thirty-second transformation. Darius glanced at me as if to ask if I was all right. I shrugged.
When Camron finally completed his shift, he bared his teeth and growled. He leapt for me, his front paws scraped down my shoulder and his jaws snapped inches from my face. I grabbed him around the neck, having to use both hands to secure my grip on his thickly muscled neck. My nails began extending and started digging into his shoulders. I held him off the ground as he thrashed. My claws pushed deeper into his muscles. Finally, he stopped thrashing.
“Are you done?”
He whimpered as I placed him on the ground and retracted my claws. He started to transform back as Darius faced the pack.
“Anyone else believe Mia is not worthy of our respect?” Silence and many open mouths were his only response. “I didn’t think so.”
I offered my hand to Camron and he took it. I pulled him to his feet. Eight gashes were slowly closing around his neck.
“I’ve got your back if you ever need it, Mia. Only Darius has ever bested me like you just did. You didn’t even transform.”
Matthias nodded. “You should be very grateful she didn’t. Biggest damn werecat I’ve ever seen.”
Darius looked over his pack carefully, connecting with each of them. “Now that we have this behind us, let’s talk about next steps. I’m open to suggestions and you have free reign to act on your own with some limitations. No one is to confront a vampire or another supernatural without my direct authorization. You can observe from a distance, but we must protect our social standing in the supernatural community. Think of your actions from the opposite perspective. Would you want vampires watching us from the woods? Not a chance. Just be careful. What ideas do you have?”
“Flight plans.” Someone called out. “We know where our brothers were found, we should be able to identify any planes or helicopters that flew over those locations.”
“Excellent. You take point on that. What else?”
“We need to learn the activities of our two brothers leading up to their murders.”
Darius nodded. “Take three pack members to help with that. We should speak to every member. Any other ideas?”
“Stakeouts. I think we should station two or three around town and watch for anything suspicious.”
Milton added to this line of thinking. “Places to observe might be funeral homes, medical supply companies, and locations your brothers might have frequented.”
“You heard the man. Choose three or four of you to identify the locations and set lookouts. You all have my cell phone number. Use it if you see or learn anything. Anything else?”
“I volunteer to watch at one of the bars with Mia.”
“Can I have Mia as my partner?”
Everyone laughed, but Darius was scowling. “Mia can choose for herself, but I have other plans for her.”
“I’m sure you do, boss!”
“If there are no more worthy ideas, then get to it!”
The mood had shifted. The tensions seemed to ease as the pack scattered.
Milton stepped up to me. “I have you registered in our database, Mia, but I have no specific details. I need to know your class, size, fur color, strength, speed, and any special abilities.”
“Sorry, can’t help you.”
He glared at me. “It’s required.”
“What is required by the supernatural community is that I’m registered. I am.”
“We need the additional information.”
“You dare deny the enforcement team?”
“Yes. I’m not breaking any law and I don’t need or want people to know details about me.”
Camron and Matthias came to my side. “Is there a problem, Mia?”
I raised an eyebrow at Milton. “Is there a problem? Are we done, Milton?”
His gaze shifted to the two men next to me. “Yes. But you will hear from us again.”
Milton left as Darius finished a discussion with one of his men.
“Nice to see you boys are having a change of heart regarding Mia. See what you both can do to help us find the murderer.”
“Yes, sir.”
Moments later I was standing alone with Darius. He reached out and touched my torn shirt. His fingers brushed my already healed skin beneath the frayed fabric and I tried hard to keep my composure as it was such a tender action.
“Looks like you fared very well. I haven’t seen you fight before. I heard the men speak about their fight with you, but to see you. You’re breathtaking to watch.”
“I’m glad it all worked out.”
“About dinner…”
“You helped me restore my pack hierarchy and you have given much of your time. It would shame me if I couldn’t offer you something. I could take you to dinner, then a drink. I will be a perfect gentleman.”
The idea of him not being so gentlemanly almost made me blush again.
“All right. I should go home and change first.”
“No need. Please, come inside.”
He led me by once again placing his hand on the small of my back. His touch was slightly more present than it was when we first arrived. We walked down to a large office. On a table was a box.
“For you, Mia.”
“A box? How thoughtful.”
“Open it.”
I pulled it open to discover an incredible dress. It was made from black silk and had small silver sequins sewn into the top few inches of the halter-styled neckline. The neckline was attached to black lace that worked its way over the shoulders, upper back, and had long sleeves. Flared pleats extended from the hips to the hem that would sit above my knees. Also inside the box was a pair of two-inch heeled black dress shoes.
“The dress is my size. How did you know?”
“Yesterday in the woods when you turned your back to me. The label of your dress was accessible.”
“It’s beautiful and a little presumptuous.”
“I wanted to thank you for the help you have given us and, since we’re going to dinner anyways, I thought you could try it on.”
I fingered the softest fabric I had ever felt. “I’ll try it on, but if it is too revealing I have the right to refuse to wear it.”
“I chose this for you because I believe you will feel comfortable in it. There’s a bathroom off the side of my office that you can use. Feel free to lock the door.”
“Thank you.”
I did lock the door once I was inside the large, lavish bathroom. I giggled as I pictured the toilet being nothing more than a fire hydrant with a grate under it but grew serious as I looked at myself in the mirror. What was I getting myself into? Mom would have warned me off if getting close to Darius was dangerous or unwise.
I pulled my hair from the ponytail and combed it out with my fingertips. The dress wouldn’t work with a bra, so I had to put that to the side. I pulled my hair out from underneath the dress material and sucked in a shaky breath. I had never looked so beautiful. My hair was silky and had some curls in it from the ponytail scrunchy. It fanned out down my back. I brought some of it in front of my shoulders. My cheeks were slightly flushed. The dress was shorter than I was used to, but it enhanced every curve of my body.
I slipped my feet into the shoes and was very thankful for the balance and grace of a werecat for without it I would have certainly fallen over. After bundling up my other clothes, careful to hide my lacey bra, I stepped back into the office.
Darius was pacing back and forth with a black suit on. He turned to face me and froze. The only movement was his eyes as they moved slowly from my feet to my face.
“Good choice on the dress, Darius. Thank you. It makes me feel beautiful.”
“You don’t need anything to make you beautiful, Mia, however, that dress is incredibly flattering on you. You can leave your clothes in your car if you like. Are you ready?”
He offered his arm and I slipped mine into his. As we walked side by side it was the first time I felt shy. I was interested in Darius and concerned how my words and actions might influence his attraction to me.
There were a few wolf whistles by the time we reached the front door. My supernatural abilities gave me confidence, so I accepted the whistles as compliments even though Darius stiffened and tensed next to me.
I placed my clothes on the passenger seat of my car before Darius opened the door for me to his GTO. I was careful to slide my hand under me to make sure my dress didn’t bunch up as I sat back into the black leather seat. As it was, most of my legs were on display. Darius seemed pleased with the result.
The drive into Sandpoint didn’t take long. It was a warm evening with a gentle breeze as Darius offered his hand to help me out of the seat. We walked a few blocks and stopped at a lakefront restaurant that was elegant and romantic.
Darius ordered a bottle of wine while we looked over the menu.
“Order anything you like. I know the owner and if there is something not on the menu, I might be able to arrange that as well.”
The waiter came and asked for our orders.
“I’ll have the eighteen-ounce prime rib, rare, baked potato, loaded, and a house salad with ranch dressing.”
“Eighteen is a large cut, Miss. Are you certain? We have smaller eight and twelve-ounce cuts.”
“Eighteen, please.”
“Rare is pink on the outside and red on the inside.”
“Perfect. It could even be mooing, and I would be fine with it.”
Darius ordered the same. When the waiter left, Darius held up his glass of wine.
“To the most interesting and beautiful woman in Idaho.”
“You praise me too much, Darius.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, Mia. Do you know I find you intimidating?”
“Me? Intimidating?”
“You’re incredibly beautiful. I struggle to not simply stare at you, taking in every nuance of your body and face, and I worry if I keep stealing glimpses I will appear rude, and yet at the same time, I can’t tear my gaze from you. I have never been in a room with someone that captivates me so much that I have a hard time formulating coherent thoughts. Having seen your intelligence, your skills at fighting, and the raw speed and strength you have, I recognize you might be closer to perfection than I ever dreamed possible. I have met other alphas, fae, witches, mages, and vampire royalty all that radiate power, yet you, who appear innocent and unassuming and hide your power, exert more influence on me than any person I have ever met. I find that intimidating and addicting.”
“Those are undoubtedly the most generous and thoughtful words that have ever been spoken to me. I’m undeserving. What’s your story, Darius? How is it that someone like yourself, handsome, charming, and witty is not already spoken for?”
“I can’t be that handsome, charming, or witty if you slapped me.”
“I’m sorry about that. I know you weren’t ordering me or intentionally being rough with me. You were caught up in the anger and adrenaline of the moment. Your sudden actions and words caught me off guard and it frightened me.”
“I hang around my pack too much. They expect me to be firm and harsh. It is the way of an alpha. It will never happen again.”
“You still haven’t answered my question. Why aren’t you spoken for?”
“I’m not a good man, Mia. I’m trying to become better. When I became alpha ten years ago, I used my power and looks to take advantage of women. I never abused them in a physical way, but I used them, nonetheless. I found one woman that I developed real feelings for, but she left me. I was devastated. At that moment, I realized what she had done to me, I had been doing to others. I had badly treated those other women. I longed for something I couldn’t have. A companion and lasting love. My true mate. I took an oath to never treat another woman that way again and hoped ever since that I would find what I have been missing. I won’t lead you on, Mia. I have felt nothing for any other woman from my oath until the moment I first saw you. I don’t want to frighten you off, and yet I feel I must pursue you.”
“At least you’re being honest, and I’m still here. Werecats are monogamous. We give our hearts once. I’m flattered by your attention. I need time to be certain.”
“Why is it I never met you before?”
“Grandma and Mom were both very reclusive as werecats tend to be. I was homeschooled, only spending less than a year in a public school. Mom and I didn’t get along well and I left, rebelling against her controls. When Mom contacted me about Grandma dying, I came as quickly as I could. There has been a lot of soul searching in our house these past weeks. Mom and I have reconciled our differences, both learning to accept each other. With Grandma’s passing, we both equally inherited her estate and businesses. There is much to learn and adjust to. I’m staying put. This is my home for the foreseeable future.”
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-seven. You?”
“Thirty-six. Luckily nine years is a blip between two of our kind.”
“Cradle robber.” I grinned.
“I admired how you handled Milton. Can I ask why you don’t like to share what you are?”
“It’s none of their business. Those fellows missed so many clues, it would be a wonder if they could find their way out of a wet paper bag. I don’t like the idea that they keep a database of all supernaturals for someone to hack. I want to live my life in peace. I want to have a family. I don’t want my stuff out there for all to see that could potentially make my life and those around me less secure.”
“Understandable. Maybe together we can change the law and remove the database.”
Our food came and I savored every bite. There wasn’t a scrap left on my plate. We even ate desert. The waiter must have thought me a glutton and I saw several women glancing at the huge chunk of meat I took my time devouring.
Darius settled the bill and we talked together on the way to the bar I was at before. When we entered, Cooper waved.
“Mia! Welcome back.”
“You remember my name.”
“You’re very hard to forget.”
Darius shook Cooper’s hand. “Good to see you again, Cooper.”
“What can I get you two?”
I grinned and bobbed once on my toes. “Do you have more of that beer I had last time?”
Cooper smiled. “For you? I’ll find some. I just don’t let anyone have that. You need a discerning palette, unlike Darius here.”
Darius put some money on the counter. “We’ll take two, Cooper.”
“What do you think, Mia? Does he deserve one?”
“He only offered me one desert, but I guess so.”
Matthias came up to the bar. “Another round, Cooper.” Matthias gave me the once over. It wasn’t leering like the last time. It was respectful.
Cooper handed Darius and me our beers. “No trouble tonight, Matthias.”
“Mia and I worked things out. We’re good now. Right, Mia?”
“Right as rain.”
“You two should join us in the corner.”
Darius gave me the look that simply asked if it was all right. I nodded and he led me to their table.
“Evening boys.” I nodded.
Matthias arrived with three beers for them all.
“Any updates?” Darius asked.
“Nothing new. We have people all around town. The only thing suspicious being reported is you walking around town with a hot blonde.”
“Keep your eyes open.”
I arrived at home late that night. Darius and I had an awkward moment at the end of the evening. I knew he wanted to kiss me, but I wasn’t ready for that. Instead I hugged him and felt badly afterwards. Mom was waiting up for me, commented on my dress and did her best to pry into every aspect of my day.
The next morning, I was just out of the shower when I heard Darius’ car pull up. We had made no plans, but that hadn’t stopped him from coming by before. I heard him talking to Mom as I dressed. I took extra time to figure out what to wear, realizing I wanted to make a good impression on Darius.
I opted for the leather pants outfit, not knowing whether I would wind up trekking through the woods or fighting one of his boys.
I entered the living room just as Mom blurted out, “Exactly what are your intentions towards Mia?”
“I think very highly of Mia and, with your permission, would like the opportunity to date her. Regularly.”
“I’m all right with that. Oh, there you are, sweetheart.”
“You knew I was here.” I tapped my foot on the floor.
Darius seemed pleased with how the discussion went with Mom. “We should go, Mia.”
“Go where, Darius?”
“We need to meet Ivanna.”
“The queen of the northwest vampire clan?”
“That’s the one.”
“I should change then. Why are we going? How do I greet her?”
“She has granted us an audience to discuss the murders. Apparently, she will only speak with me and not the enforcement officers.”
“But if I go, it’s not just you.”
“Shouldn’t be much of a problem. We can handle a dozen vampires between the two of us in any case.”
“Mom. Help me out here. Should I change?”
Mom checked me out with an appraising eye. “I would go as you are. You look tougher in those pants. Vampires respect people that look tough.”
“Only if they can back up their looks.” Added Darius.
“Mom, I’m counting on you to not lead me astray. If you have concerns about any of this, including Darius, you need to let me know.”
“Including me?” Darius looked wounded. It was a terrible act.
“I’ll let you know, Mia. You should meet Ivanna. You two might become good friends.”
“Mom, she’s a vampire. She has fangs.”
“You have fangs, dear.”
“She drinks blood.”
“You eat freshly slaughtered deer. Sounds like you have a lot in common. Although, she is nearly three hundred years old.”
“Ugh. A crusty, old, moldy vampire.”
On the far side of Sandpoint, we pulled into another huge estate. What was it with this place? Supernatural central? How could I have spent years here without knowing about any of this? We drove a mile from the gate just to get to the house that looked like Downton Abbey with fewer windows.
“I haven’t actually met any vampires before.”
“You have. Cooper is a vampire. They have their own human forms that block their scent, much like you. Unlike myths and legends, they can even go outside during the day after their first few years. They differ from shifters and werecats in that we get our maximum strength immediately upon our first transformation, vampires grow their strength over time. I have met several four-hundred-year-old vampires. They’re stronger than I am, but they don’t have viscous teeth, just a pair of wimpy fangs and the occasional set of wings. Be wary of Ivanna. Strong vampires like her have intense mind control powers. She can send images into your head to make you susceptible to her wishes.”
“That’s not ominous at all.”
We reached the mansion’s door and Darius used the iron knocker that was cast in the image of a bat. Nice touch. A human opened the door and looked us over.
“And you are?” He drawled with a British accent.
“Darius Stanton and Mia Wellington.”
“Right this way, please. Madam Ivanna is waiting for you.”
We moved through a secondary set of doors which I imagined were for keeping the sunlight out of the main living room area when people entered the house. Once those doors were closed, I was surprised to see just how bright it was, all artificially lit with no UV lighting. Gorgeous men and women mingled together. Our presence caused many to lick their lips.
The staff person led us to a side room where only one person stood waiting for us.
“Madam Ivanna, your guests have arrived.” The man stated before turning back into the house leaving us to stare at the back of a tall woman with long, blood-red hair.
Ivanna turned slowly towards us. Nope. Not crusty, moldy, or old looking. Ivanna appeared to be no more than thirty-five, and she was incredibly striking. Her voice purred seductively.
“Darius. It’s so good to see you again. And who is this beautiful young woman you brought me?”
“This is Mia Wellington.”
Ivanna turned her full attention to me. “A Wellington? Mmmm. She doesn’t smell like a werecat, but I can sense her power. Thank you for the gift, Darius.”
“She isn’t your gift.” He stated with an edge to his voice.
She walked forward and her fingers brushed against my shoulder. “Maybe she should decide that for herself.”
The room around me vanished and I was now standing in a luxurious bedroom. Ivanna was kissing me so passionately that I fell into her embrace.
“My sweet, Mia. You taste heavenly.”
One hand moved to my breast, the other slipped between my legs. I moaned and pressed myself against her.
This was wrong. This wasn’t what I wanted.
“Get out of my head!” I screamed.
It had taken all I had to mentally push myself away from her. I was abruptly back in the room with Darius. Ivanna was standing in front of me running her tongue over her fangs seductively.
“Oh! She’s very strong. Possibly the strongest I have ever met in the mortal plane. A queen, no doubt.”
I took a shuddered breath and turned away from Ivanna. “This was a mistake, Darius. Let’s go.”
“Please stay, Mia. When you’re my age, there are so few things that give me any pleasure. Darius was my favorite for almost two years, but you, dear… I could see you by my side for decades and not tire of your deliciousness.”
The images she had pushed into my mind were still strong, but I didn’t want her. She turned to Darius who was scowling. Seconds later his eyes glassed over. She was using her power on him.
“Let his mind go, Ivanna!”
“If you can’t free him, he will stay with me.”
I reached for her throat, but she caught my wrist in hers. “Tut, tut, my dear. While I do believe we’re closely matched, fighting me will not free him. Only when you accept your own desires will you be able to release my control on him. If you can’t pass this test, I will take him from you and will offer no assistance with the murders of his dogs. Time is ticking, my dear.”
My own desires? If my desires were for Ivanna, then I would be in her arms even now. I stared at Darius. I knew Ivanna had been the woman he had loved. Picturing her with him sent a chill down my spine.
“Don’t make me do this. Stop playing your mind games and let him go!”
“No, dear. You know what you must do. It’s not that hard unless you were waiting for someone better to come along. I can tell you now, I’ve never had better than Darius.”
“Damn you!”
I grabbed Darius, pulled him to me, and kissed him. His eyes came back into focus. There was a moment I saw he wanted to return my kiss, but I pulled away from him embarrassed by what I had done.
Darius growled. “Filthy bitch!” He roared at Ivanna. “It is not your place to interfere!”
“Just helping move things along, my old flame. It’s clear you’re both connected to each other. Maybe you could indulge my desires together. What a night we would all have.”
Several vampires had slipped into the room at the tone of Darius’ angry words. With a wave of Ivanna’s hand, they left. She stepped away from us and sat down in a large chair, crossing her long legs.
“The murderer of your dogs, Darius, is a vampire, but not one of my own. He’s rogue. Without a clan. We’ve been having difficulty tracking him.”
“You know him?”
“I know of him. Very little happens in my territory that I’m not aware of. He’s growing in strength rapidly. He even has his wings. I believe he is using an old, outlawed ritual. The blood of supernaturals is infusing him with additional power. We even lost one of our own recently.”
“Why didn’t you come to me sooner? I could have protected my pack.” I could hear the anger in Darius’ voice.
“I underestimated him. It’s why I reached out to you. We need to work together but I need him brought to me alive.”
“Alive?” I hissed. “Have you seen what this monster is doing?”
“I’m aware, dear. If you want my help, you will do as you are told.”
“Maybe we don’t…”
Darius slipped his hand into mine.
“Thank you for the information, Ivanna. You have my number.”
She smiled seductively. “I might have your number, but I can see I no longer have your heart. I trust you know the way out.”
I glared at the evil woman. Darius slipped his hand around my waist and tugged gently.
“Let’s be off, Mia.”
I held my tongue as we left. It wasn’t until we were outside and driving away from the property that I spoke.
“I want to kill her!”
“She has that effect on people. She plays games and manipulates people. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you there. You broke free of her control. That’s no small feat. What did she entice you with?”
“She showed herself seducing me. It felt so real.”
“She can be hard to resist, but you did. She offered you something you didn’t want in your heart. She called you a queen, Mia. What does that mean?”
I growled and hit the dashboard.
“Easy, Mia. It’s over.”
“I feel violated.” I sighed heavily and gave myself a moment to calm myself. “Mom and Grandma believe I’m a werecat queen. My animal form is a jaguar and there is little known about werecat queens because they’re so rare. There is almost no lore or history written about them.”
“That’s why you don’t want others to know. Your secret is safe with me, Mia.” He pulled the car into a lakefront park. “Let’s get out and walk a bit.”
We walked together to the water’s edge and I looked up into the mostly cloudless sky. Darius slipped his hand into mine.
I pulled myself closer to him. “She was the woman you fell in love with?”
“Yes. I was caught in her web of seduction. She made me feel we were both in love with each other. I thought I was, but I don’t believe she is capable of love. When she was done with me, it was a wake-up call. The enchantment was over, and I saw how she had controlled and manipulated me all along. She made you kiss me, Mia.”
“No. That’s not what happened. She had trapped your mind and gave me an ultimatum. Either I was to act on what was in my heart, or you would be bound to her again. I kissed you because I feel a deep connection for you.”
“I’ve told you before how I feel about you, Mia. That wasn’t the way I intended our first kiss to be like.”
“How did you want it to be?”
“Like this.” He placed his strong hand against my cheek and brought his lips to mine. It was forceful, but gentle, full of passion and longing. When he pulled away, I wanted more.
“I’ll happily remove the other one from my memory and keep this one.” I pulled him to me and kissed him again.
We walked hand in hand for a while, interspersed with the odd kiss. My body yearned for his, my brain still struggled and fought against my growing attraction to him.
When we got back to the car, Darius pulled me to him and slipped his hand around my tiny waist. “I need to get with the pack and confirm with them what we’re looking for. Also, we’re having the memorial service for William tomorrow.”
“The pack doesn’t need me around for that.”
“I think they’re getting used to having you around. I certainly want you around more.”
“As much as I would like to spend the day with you, I haven’t had a lot of time with Mom and the businesses lately. I could use the rest of the day at home. I think it would be wise to have each member of the pack paired up for protection.”
“Let’s plan on getting together later tomorrow then, Mia.”
That night I spent a lot of time thinking over the events of the previous days and my growing attachment to Darius. I spoke at length with Mom and she encouraged our budding relationship knowing that if I was feeling anything for Darius it was likely all part of the werecat bonding process.
By morning, I was anxious to see Darius again. I fretted over what to wear but chose jeans and a blouse and tossed a dress in a bag for later in the evening if we had a chance to spend more time together. It was about ten in the morning when I heard Darius’ vehicle pull up. Something was amiss if he was here since I was to meet him at his place.
I rushed down the stairs and straight into his arms. I could tell he was upset.
“What’s wrong, Darius?”
“Darren is missing. No one has seen him since the pack scattered for scouting two days ago.”
“Oh no! Where was he scouting?”
“The city wasn’t well plotted when the plan went into action. I have teams looking for him. I was hoping you could help us look.”
“Of course. Anything for you and the pack. Let’s go.”
We targeted an area on the west side of Sandpoint. There were more office and warehouse styled buildings there. We parked the car and began walking the streets, trying to pick up the scent of Darren, vampires, or anything else that might be associated with his presence.
After several hours we spotted and old boarded up commercial garage.
“Do you smell that, Mia?”
I nodded. “Disinfectant. Circle around the back while I see if I can find a way in the front.”
Darius nodded as I moved towards the front door that had been glass at one time and long since covered with plywood. The door was unlocked, but noisy as I opened it. The office area was untouched for years, but the smell of disinfectant was stronger than ever. I could also smell hints of possibly two people and Darren. I slipped into the vehicle workshop bays and froze. Darren was lying on an old wooden table. An IV was attached to him and a several tubes of blood dripped from his body into a sealed glass container. I rushed to his side just as I was yanked back.
My feet slipped as I was dragged backwards and kicked over the glass jar, shattering it and spilling blood everywhere. Two vampires lashed out at me, their wings beating frantically against my thrashing, their claws digging into my arms. I transformed and twisted in their arms, sinking my teeth into a female vampire’s shoulder. My claws raked her wing and side. She screeched and let me go, falling heavily to the ground. The male vampire was stronger and flung me away from him.
I crashed into a steel post that was embedded into the concrete floor. It felt like my hip and ribs broke. I struggled to my feet and collapsed back down. The female vampire staggered as the male vampire loomed over me. His claws reached towards me when a huge wolf tackled him. Darius managed to get his jaws around the vampire’s arm and had him pinned. The female vampire grabbed a metal pipe and was moving towards Darius. Ignoring the pain, I leapt for her and sank my teeth into her leg, crushing her femur as I clamped down hard.
The commotion was enough for the male vampire to get ahold of Darius and toss him into the cinderblock wall stunning him. I roared as the male vampire kicked me aside causing me to tear at the other vampire’s leg. He grabbed her and flew through a wood-covered window for an escape.
I transformed just as Darius came to his feet. I hobbled to Darren and felt for his pulse.
“He’s alive, Darius. Barely. I’ve got Darren. Go after the vampires. Get help!”
“Are you all right, Mia?”
“Just go! We can’t let them get away and we need the car and more help.”
Darius hesitated, then ran out of the garage.
“Oh, Darren.” I whispered. I pulled off my blouse and tore it to shreds to use to bandage up his still bleeding wounds. Darren needed blood badly. He was so cold. There were just enough medical supplies and the IV tube to fashion a crude transfusion delivery system. I was a universal blood donor. I could give him my blood through a direct transfusion. I was limping and ached everywhere but managed to fashion a needle and lead from the other end of the IV. In my injured state, I was just able to pull Darren gently from the table and to the floor, knowing I couldn’t stand much longer. I pulled him into my arms as I laid back against the wall, inserted the IV into an artery in my arm, and watched my blood flow towards him.
I stroked his head and held him tight.
I groaned and my eyes fluttered open. I must have passed out. Darius’ hand was gently stroking my cheek. A dozen members of the pack stood behind him.
I glanced down at Darren and felt for his pulse.
“No, no, no! Darren!”
“He’s gone, Mia.”
“No!” I wept and rocked Darren in my arms, stroked his head with my hand.
Darius was so tender in his touches towards me. “You set up a transfusion. You’ve lost a lot of blood. I’m going to take the needle out of your arm then we will move Darren.
I was still crying over Darren as they lifted him off me. Darius took off his shirt to cover me. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t stand. Darius lifted me into his arms.
“Please tell me you got them.”
He shook his head. “They got away.”
“When I entered, I didn’t see the vampires anywhere. All I saw was Darren. I rushed to him. He was so cold. That’s when they attacked me.”
“They must have heard us, transformed, and hid in the rafters waiting.”
I looked at the pack. “I’m so sorry. I tried everything I could to save him.”
Matthias nodded. “We know you did. You just about bled yourself out trying to save him after having been attacked by two powerful vampires. We don’t blame you, Mia. You did as much as any one of us would have done and more.”
“We need as much evidence as we can get from here.”
“We have that covered. You need to rest and to recover.”
I was brought back to Darius’ estate. He laid me in his own bed and didn’t let me get up for two days. Mom even visited the first night after Darius called and told her what had happened. The pack needed Darius and Darius and Mom both agreed it was risky to move me too soon. So, I stayed in his bed and healed. Often, I would wake to see him sleeping in a chair next to the bed even after I offered for him to join me in the bed.
By the morning of the second day, I was back to normal. Mom had left me some clothes. I showered and changed, feeling much better. Darius was just entering the bedroom as I was still dabbing my hair dry.
“You shouldn’t be up, Mia.”
“I’m fine, Darius. I’m anxious to hunt those vampire bastards.”
He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. “I was so worried about you, Mia.”
“They caught me off guard.” I shook my head. “I keep replaying everything in my mind to see if there was anything more I could have done to save Darren.”
“We’re having a service for Darren in a couple of hours.”
“I should go then. That’s pack business.”
“I want you here for it.”
“But the pack…?”
“They are also fine with you being here.”
“I should at least go change into something more appropriate.”
“Your mom brought your car over and we drove her home. You can head home and come back as soon as you’re ready.”
“I’ll go home, get changed, check on things, then come right back.” I took his hand in mine. “I kind of liked having you so close these past few days.”
“I liked having you here, but the next time you sleep in my bed, you’ll be well enough I can be there too.”
I blushed. “I offered. Several times I seem to recall.”
“Just like our first kiss, I want that moment to be the right timing and under the right circumstances. I’ll walk you out.”
Everyone back at home was thrilled to see me and filled with concern. Mom practically chewed my ear off wanting to know everything that happened from my perspective.
“If the pack wants you there for Darren’s memorial service, they have fully accepted you as one of their own.”
“It’s not like that, Mom. I think they see that Darius and I are getting closer.”
“A pack is like a family, Mia. Don’t underestimate what this means.”
“I’m honored Darius wants me there.”
“He’s in love with you, Mia.”
“I can’t say that I’m quite there myself yet, but I’m falling for him too.”
“You should talk it over before either of you go too far in the relationship.”
“That’s a good idea, Mom. Thank you.”
“You better get going. You look beautiful in that black dress.”
“I just wish I was wearing it under happier circumstances.”
I drove back to Darius’ estate. The guard didn’t even bat an eye and simply had the gate open for me.
“Nice to see you again, Mia.”
“Thank you. You too.”
I parked and Darius came out to greet me with a hug and a kiss.
“Everyone is ready in the back.”
Darius led me through the house. The pack was dressed in their finest. They tipped their head at me as I stepped off to the side.
Darius walked over to a table and handed out thirty-four crystal glasses each filled with high-end scotch. When everyone had their glass, including me, Darius addressed the pack.
“When Darren first joined our family, I was thrilled. He was smart and strong. He brought us his love of cheap beer and boy, did he love his women. He became out brother…” Darius choked on his words. “and even with his quirks and flaws, we loved him. Today, we honor him. We honor his sacrifice, being taken from us by the very monsters he was trying to hunt. May he forever be remembered and may his hunts in the beyond be always fruitful.”
Darius raised his glass. I raised mine with the pack. “To Darren.” The fiery golden liquid burned its way down my throat. It was all too much. I turned away and started to cry as the members hugged each other and shook in their sorrow. Darius hugged me after he had hugged and spoken with each member of the pack. He tried to pull me to the center of the pack, but it didn’t feel right. It was Carson that took my other arm and led me into the group. He hugged me, then one by one the others did as well.
With a silent nod from Darius, the pack formed a circle and transformed into their wolf shapes. Darius faced me.
“The pack came to me this morning. They would like to officially make you a member of our family.”
“What does that mean, Darius?”
“The pack chooses who they choose. While badly injured, you risked your own live for their brother. By accepting you as one of their own, they will protect you and your own with their lives. It means, if called, you would come just as if you called, they would come. It has nothing to do with our relationship.”
I faced the pack of wolves. “You know I would come if you called. I wish I could have saved Darren and your other brothers.”
“They know that, Mia. Are you willing to join this family? You would be the only non-wolf shifter to ever have such an honor.”
“Then stand and face them. Let them honor you.”
One by one the wolves stepped up to me and licked my hand. When the last one finished, I turned to face Darius.
“I will shift and do the same, then we ask you join us on a hunt.”
The hunt was primal. It bonded one to another. I nodded and watched Darius change. He nuzzled my hand and licked it. I shifted. It was a strange sensation to be among so many large wolves. They howled and spoke to one another.
“Can you hear me, Mia?”
“The alpha always leads the pack in the hunt. Stay next to me. It is a sign of how much value I place on you and that you are mine.”
“Am I yours?”
“Only with your acceptance of me.”
“Then, yes. I belong to you even if this feels sudden and in difficult, confusing times.”
Darius bolted into the forest and I ran along after him. The pack fanned out behind us. The amount of raw power and energy of the pack consumed me. We fed off each other’s excitedness. The trees blurred as we passed them.
We ran for miles and I could sense large game nearby. Darius paused and we all stopped.
“It is customary for the newest member of the pack to make the kill on their first hunt with the pack.”
In the distance, a massive bull elk moved through the trees.
“We’ll be right behind you.”
I crept slowly towards the elk. When I was close enough, I exploded from the underbrush, leapt, and tackled the elk, my massive jaws could barely get around the thick spine of the elk’s neck. I held the thrashing elk with my claws and crushed its spine with a bite. The pack circled in and dropped to the ground. I let go of the dead elk and backed away, letting the pack take their meat first.
We returned to the estate around dinner time. It had been exhilarating and great chance to bond with the pack. After transforming back to our human forms, I was ready to call it a day and head home. Darius was walking me through the house when a guard opened the door. Ivanna walked quickly through and stopped in front of us.
“I thought we were working together.” She snapped.
Darius’ muscles twitched. “If you mean working together is letting us do all the work, risking our own people ,and you not being forthcoming with information, then we already are.”
“I heard about your dog. You should have called, and we could have extracted the rogue vampire.”
I bristled at her words and stepped right up close to Ivanna. “If I get to them first, there will be no extraction.” I hissed out angrily.
“Leash your pet, Darius.”
She wasn’t nearly fast enough for me this time. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against the wall.
“Give me one reason to not decapitate you right now you lecherous cow! The man that was killed by those monsters had a name. His name was Darren. Do I need to remind you about William or Jerod who also lost their lives to these people you are trying to protect?”
Ivanna struggled and her eyes were wide with fear. I felt the presence of the pack behind me. I tossed her into a chair.
“If you want these vampires brought to you alive, then you need start acting like you care. There are two vampires, a man, and a woman. Who are they?”
Ivanna rubbed her neck. “Perhaps I haven’t been as forthcoming as I should have been. The man is a rogue vampire as I told you both before. His name is Frederick Barrows. He entered the region two months ago and asked to join my clan. He had no references and was unwilling to clarify his pedigree. When a queen says no to a request like this, the vampire moves on to another region. This one didn’t. The woman is someone I wasn’t expecting. She’s from my own clan, but stated she was going away for a while. To confirm, what was her hair and eye color?”
“Black hair, shoulder length. Eyes were a very dark brown.”
“Elyssia Montrose.”
Darius was now next to me. “Where can we find them?”
“Were they injured?”
“Yes. The woman couldn’t fly. Her shoulder, wing, and leg were all badly injured. The man, his arm was torn up.”
“They will heal quickly but will need to feed to get back to full strength. They will most likely seek out a party near the outskirts of town to target a human.”
“Why do you need them alive?” I asked.
“That’s clan business.”
“Not good enough.”
Ivanna stood and got in my face. “I don’t have to explain myself to a werecat!”
The room filled with snarls.
“What’s this? Wolf shifters defending a werecat? Preposterous!”
“You better hope your people find them first. Not one of us will put ourselves at risk by letting them live. You’ve not given us any good reason to keep them alive.”
She reached out and touched my cheek, leaning in close to me. I batted her hand away.
“I like a girl with fight in her. My offer still stands, Mia. I believe I was wrong about you. I think you and I could be mated. You would be my one and only.” She purred seductively.
“Don’t flatter yourself you old hag.”
“Don’t be so naïve, Mia. These mutts will turn on you. Just wait and see. Consider my offer.”
She turned to walk towards the door. “Alive! They must be alive.”
“I think you surprised her, Mia.” Darius whispered in my ear.
“She’s obviously hiding something, and, for the record, I don’t believe any of you would turn against me.”
“You are one of our own now, Mia. We will never turn on you.” Matthias said.
Darius faced the pack. “We have names. We have some descriptions. Go out in pairs and keep your eyes open. They’re strong and they can fly. Don’t approach them without backup.”
The pack scattered. Darius took me back to his office and closed the door.
“That woman gets under my skin too easily, Darius. I shouldn’t have let my anger get the better of me.”
“You think I’m upset with you, Mia?”
“This is your house, your pack, and I was out of line.”
Darius shook his head. “You said you belong to me, did you not?”
“Would it be wrong to assume you might even have a sliver of love for me?”
“No. More than a sliver, for sure.”
“From what I understand of werecats, they’re monogamous and mate for life. Is that correct?”
“Yes.” My voice was becoming softer with each question.
“I must look to the future, Mia. There is only one possible outcome to our growing relationship. We will be together. Mated in supernatural terms, married in human.”
“But it is too soon to think about such things.”
“Is it too soon, Mia? Has your heart not already told you that you’re mine and I am yours? Have you felt anything for any other man?”
“No. Of course not.”
“Then what is holding you back?”
“I’m a member of this pack now. While I’m here, I must defer to you, the alpha.”
“What if I told you that I’m not looking for a submissive mate but an equal?”
“The pack would never accept that.”
“And yet they already have. If they didn’t see you as my equal, they would not have let you take on Ivanna. It’s that simple, Mia. I love that you know the names of the men in the pack. I love that you stick up for them as a leader. I love that you risk your own life to protect them. And I love that you are mine and that I am yours.”
I cast aside logic and my brain’s hold on my heart. I wrapped my arms around Darius’ neck and kissed him. One of his hands slid behind my neck, the other to my butt to pull me into him. We staggered, twirled as we kissed, and fell onto the couch with him on top of me. My thighs parted as he pressed himself against me.
I moaned feeling intense pleasure of his hips against mine. We rocked against each other, not able to get close enough.
We stopped short of getting too carried away. My hair was somewhat disheveled and my dress slightly wrinkled, but I was grinning from ear to ear and finding it hard to not lean in and be close to Darius. Our fingers were entwined together, and he was nuzzling my neck when his phone rang.
“We think we found them. It’s a large warehouse rave.”
“Keep your eyes on them and stay back. Mia and I are on the way.”
We ran through the house and jumped into Eleanor. We raced through the streets to the location that was provided. I felt the heavy thumping of bass from the music blocks away. Camron and Matthias greeted us as we exited the car.
“They’re inside mingling with the humans.”
Darius asked about the exits.
“Just the front door and one at the rear of the building. We have several of the pack waiting there.”
Darius nodded. “Mia and I will go in together. I want two of you stay by the door here. This could get messy, especially with the humans around. We will try to lead them to the rear exit. If possible, we will take them alive, but if they become violent, then we do what we must.”
“Got it, boss.”
Darius took my hand and led me into the warehouse. The music was so loud, it hurt my ears. It was dark, but our enhanced vision gave us remarkable clarity. Laser lights flickered. Young women and men bounced across the dance floor. It was a madhouse.
Darius leaned into my ear. “You take left, I’ll go right.”
I nodded and squeezed his hand before letting go. I slipped into the crowd. Many of the guys moved to intercept me to thrust drinks at me or asked me to dance. I ignored them and weaved through the throngs of people. At the far side, I spotted Elyssia. She was dressed in a stylish black goth outfit and was pressing herself against a pretty, young woman.
I slid in next to her and wrapped my hand firmly around her wrist. “You left me all alone on the dance floor, Elyssia.”
The young woman became angry and pushed me. “Elyssia is with me!”
I wasn’t sure what Elyssia was thinking. Perhaps she needed to feed badly. Maybe she didn’t get a good look at me when we had fought. It was possible she wanted supernatural blood. Whatever it was, she pushed me to the wall and kissed me. The young woman yelled at Elyssia and stomped off into the crowd.
I spun us around and pulled my head back, breaking the kiss. “You don’t remember me?”
“Do I need to? I can feel your power. I just need a taste.”
I could feel her mind trying to gain access to mine. I pushed back with a mental shove of my own.
“We should go. We wouldn’t want to create a scene.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
I kept my grip on her wrist and she willingly came along as we moved through the warehouse towards the back. There was an empty room before I found the large double exit doors. As soon as we entered the room, Elyssia went crazy and began transforming. Her claws came out first and dug them into my arm. Her fangs were next, and she dove for my neck as her wings unfolded.
Ignoring the pain, I twisted around and slammed her against the wall. She hissed and smiled.
“Just a taste, little pussy cat.”
She was incredibly strong and pushed herself off the wall. She grabbed my sides with both her clawed hands then flew us both for the exit doors. I transformed as we crashed through them into the cooler outside air.
“I’m going to slice you to pieces, kitten.” She hissed.
I raked her with my rear claws then pushed us apart. Matthias in wolf form, leapt for her and sunk his teeth into her wings. She screamed and batted him away like he was nothing. She tried to fly but couldn’t. We circled each other. With a single leap, I was on her. Her fangs bit into my shoulder. I twisted violently away, feeling the tearing of my flesh. My claws dug into stomach and with a single motion, she was torn wide open.
Several wolves grabbed for her legs, but she managed to kick them away. Finally, I sank my teeth into her. My jaws found their way to her neck. I dragged her back from the building and held my jaws firmly in place.
She was bleeding out but sputtered her curses. “I’m going… to kill… you all. You can’t… kill… me. Darren… was such a mutt. Couldn’t keep… his hands… off me. I… started… with his throat.”
Anger flared inside me. I bit through her neck, placed a massive paw on her chest, and pulled severing her head from her body.
I backed away and transformed. I had just killed someone. She was evil, a sadistic murderer, but her death weighed heavily on me.
Darius rushed to my side. He was scraped up but otherwise fine. I was bleeding still across my ribs and shoulder. My blood was soaking my black dress. A blood-curdling scream sounded from above us. Frederick Barrows stood on the top of the warehouse. His cold eyes bored into mine before he flew up into the night.
“Are you all right, Mia?”
“I’m not sure how to answer that. Are you all right? What about the others?”
“Just bruises for me. I fought Frederick as he tried to escape through the roof openings.”
“What do we do with her?”
“I’ll call the enforcement team.”
We left the body where it was and walked back to the car. Darius took a call.
“We’ll be right there!”
“Boys! To the Wellington’s. Now!”
The color drained from my face. I tossed Darius the keys to my car. I was in no condition to drive. We raced through the streets back to my home.
I jumped from the car as we skidded to a stop. The front door was torn from its hinges. It was clear that there had been a fight. Glass and wood splinters were scattered across the floor.
“Here, sweetheart.”
I rushed to Mom’s side. She was badly wounded. Her arms and torso were slashed.
“I’ll be all right. Just need to get bandaged up and some rest. Check on the others.”
“I’ve got her, Mia.”
Darius ripped his shirt off his body and started wrapping Mom’s larger cuts. Several of the pack just arrived. He ordered them to get first aid kits from the back of the cars.
“I’ll be back, Mom.”
I found George shredded and dead in the dining room. A soft moan sounded from the kitchen. It was Corine.
She was bleeding all over the floor, but she was still alive. She wouldn’t make it unless I turned her.
“Forgive me, Corine.” I transformed and licked her face. I summoned my energy and bit into her.
She cried out as my energy infused her. Her eyes went wide as she stared at me.
“Mia…” Was all she could speak before she lapsed into unconsciousness.
I transformed back and carried her to her room. I left her there as I ran through the house to collect first aid supplies. I found Mom sitting up and I rushed over to hold her.
“How are they, Mia?”
“George is dead. Corine… I had to turn her to save her.”
“He’s coming for you, Mia. That vampire. He won’t stop until you’re dead.”
Darius started making calls and within thirty minutes half the pack was at the house cleaning, organizing, and guarding.
“Get yourself cleaned up, Mia. Get some sleep. We have you covered.”
I kissed him and slipped silently to my bedroom.
My wounds were mostly healed by morning. I had showered and changed, then spent the night moving between Mom’s room and Corine’s. I didn’t get any sleep that night.
I sat up and moved to Corine’s bedside. “Hey there. I bet you’re hungry.”
“Do you remember anything?”
“Not much. A vampire was hell bent on killing everyone.”
“He nearly did. I found you near death in the kitchen.”
“But I’m…” Her pupils dilated. She pulled her sleeping top up. A bloody bandage was still there. She picked at it and then pulled it right off. A few pink lines remained of the horrible gashes that were there last night. She wrapped her arms around me. “I didn’t dream it?”
“Tomorrow night, you will change into a werecat. It was the only thing I could do to save you.”
“I have always dreamed of being a werecat. Thank you! You honor me, a humble employee.”
“A cherished friend and sister.”
Corine beamed a smile.
The house was busy with half the pack around. We had just finished serving lunch when Ivanna stormed in with a half dozen of her vampires. Mom stayed sitting on the couch. Darius and I faced off against Ivanna.
She pointed at me. “I told you to bring them in alive!”
“Elyssia decided otherwise and don’t you dare come into this home with your clan to threaten anyone here. It was your clan member that played a part in murdering three men. You know more than you are letting on and that makes you just as guilty as they are.”
Ivanna stepped forward to slap me, but Darius caught her hand.
“Enough, Ivanna!” He shouted. He lifted the bottom edge of my shirt to show Ivanna the healing wounds. “Elyssia fought until the very end. She was so badly wounded she would not recover. Mia did her a favor and ended her suffering.”
Ivanna tore her hand from Darius grip. “They stole something from me. A book of ancient rites. Frederick was hunting for the book as it is the only one left of its kind. It’s an invaluable relic and thousands of years old. He used Elyssia as an inside person to gain access to the book. They used it together to rapidly advance their strength. Frederick wants to rule all supernaturals and that book can help him achieve that goal. By killing them, the book might be lost forever.”
“Would that be a bad thing?” I asked.
“It’s enchanted and will find its way to a source of power. My family have been entrusted to protect the book for many generations. You have no idea what devastation would come if that book got into the wrong hands.”
“Anything else you’re holding out on, Ivanna?”
Ivanna glanced a Darius before closing the space between her and me. The anger fell from her face and she looked lovingly at me. “I’ve handled this all wrong, Mia. I’ve been dreaming about you. I realize you’re my soul mate. May I kiss you?”
“You would think if we were soul mates, I would feel something for you. I don’t. No, you may not kiss me.”
Mom came to my side. “We’ve been friends for many years, Ivanna. Stop playing games with Darius and Mia and focus on the task at hand.”
Ivanna’s face instantly became neutral. “Fine! But after this is over, I reserve the right to seek out my entertainment with these two.” She stepped away. “We need to trap Frederick.”
“Then you’ll need bait. I suspect he’s itching to kill me. That’s why he came here after Elyssia was killed.”
“No. I need two days. Everyone needs to be fully healed and rested and I have obligations to take care of since Frederick attacked us.”
“That’s not acceptable!”
“Then find Frederick on your own.” I growled.
“Fine. I’ll wait and consider the best options and locations to lure him.” She waved her hand and left with her minions.
Darius slipped his hand in mine as we watched Ivanna leave.
“Why does she annoy me so much?”
It was Mom that replied. “I’ve not seen her like this before. I suspect she’s upset that she has competition in you Mia. She has never liked losing.”
“She obviously likes to control people.”
Darius left shortly after Ivanna to go back to his home. Mom and I introduced Corine to the library beneath the house. We spent the evening with her preparing her for her transition. The next day, we were all very busy with the final repairs, a service for our lost staff, and helping Corine through her pre-transformational waves.
It was around two in the afternoon when I heard a call pull up. It wasn’t Ivanna’s or Darius’. I stepped outside to see a large man that just shoved Matthias to the ground. I was in his face in an instant and slammed into him, pushing him away from Matthias.
“Who the hell are you to come here and start picking a fight with my brother?”
The guy was slick, handsome, and powerful. One sniff of his scent and I knew he was a wolf shifter.
“I came to see you, Mia Wellington.”
I growled. “Try knocking on the door like a civilized person. You touch one of my family, and you also deal with me.” Several others from the pack filled in behind me. “Give me one good reason not to teach you a lesson and send you back where you came from with your whipped tail between your legs.”
“I’m Caleb Stanton, one of three leaders of the Mortal Plane Supernatural Enforcement Bureau. I understand you denied one of our team member’s request for information.”
I heard Darius’ car well before he pulled into the driveway. He jumped out of the car and rushed over to us.
“Care to explain yourself, Caleb?”
Caleb grinned completely unfazed by being surrounded by a pack of shifters wanting to rip into him. “Is that any way to greet your only sibling?”
Darius tackled Caleb. They rolled several times on the ground before pulling apart laughing and draping their arms over each other’s shoulders.
Darius pulled on Caleb’s tie. “What’s with the suit? Did you come back to finally get out of that stuffy job and run wild a little?”
“Unfortunately, I’m here to arrest Mia.”
The entire pack tensed. Three began to shift.
“I would love to see you try.” I hissed. “How in the hell is this pompous, uptight, hairball related to you, Darius?”
“By blood, unfortunately.” He stepped away from Caleb and gave me a kiss. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Caleb, Mia is a member of my pack and quite frankly, you wouldn’t fare well in a fight with her even with your beta strength. Let’s talk this through as you know well and good there is nothing the enforcement bureau has on Mia to arrest her.”
“Granted, Mia’s hot, but you invited a werecat into your pack?”
The entire pack growled as one.
“They invited her, brother, and yes, she’s hot.”
I blushed even though I was still angry. “Come inside.”
The three of us moved into the living room and sat down. Darius sat next to me and it felt perfectly natural for me to snuggle into his side.
Caleb leaned forward in his chair. “Let me spell this out. The enforcement bureau needs Mia’s information.”
“There is nothing in the accords or laws that states you need anything other than my basic registration information. You have that.”
“We have details on everyone.”
“I’ll tell you what. You tell me who has access to the data. Every person. I want to see the logs of all access to any record. I want to know how protected that data is and how the data is used. If, and only if you can provide satisfactory answers, then I will consider giving you my details.”
“That’s classified.”
“Then so are my details. Do you seriously think I would risk myself and my family by providing details of myself to a bunch of incompetent morons?”
Caleb growled. “Incompetent?”
“Totally.” Darius added. “Mia’s right, Caleb. What would happen if a compromised person or a hacker were to get access to that data? We’re already dealing with a rogue vampire that wants to set himself up as ruler over all supernaturals. We have to stop living in the past and assuming everything is as safe as it was a thousand years ago.”
“My staff were impressed by Mia’s analytical abilities and one witnessed her fight one of your strongest. This makes her much more interesting to us.”
“Instead of focusing on me, who has not done anything wrong, you should be hunting that rogue vampire.”
“I will let the matter drop regarding your information. For now. Since I’m here I’m offering my assistance with the vampire situation.”
I was so tempted to suggest he spread a little of his blood on himself and stand in the middle of a meadow singing the Monster Mash at the top of his lungs.
“I’m going to contact the hunters.” Caleb added.
Darius nodded. “Probably should have done that sooner. Mia, the hunters are a pair of supernaturals that live in the immortal plane. They’re gifted and very powerful, and act as guardians for the entire supernatural community. The enforcement bureau on earth, ultimately reports up to them.”
“I guess the more help the better, especially if I’m going to be bait for that monster. I’m not available until after lunch tomorrow.”
Darius squeezed my hand. “Caleb and I have some catching up to do.”
“Try to avoid Ivanna unless you want to leave Caleb on her doorstep as a gift.”
“I admit my brother is far less refined, less intelligent, and less handsome than me and completely out of line suggesting he needs to arrest you, but I’m not certain I could do that to him.”
“Don’t listen to him, Mia. I’m sure I can avoid arresting you if you dump Darius and kiss me.”
I leaned forward, placed my hand of Caleb’s knee and let my claws extend. “Not a chance, Benji.” My claws retracted, I leaned back, and kissed Darius.
Caleb let out a breath. “I like her, Darius.”
We all stood and I walked them to the door. “See you tomorrow, Mia.”
“Looking forward to it.”
Mom and I brought Corine down to the cage. Unlike me, Corine was excited and had far more knowledge than me about werecat lore. Still, I could see the nervousness on her face. For me, it was different to experience this from the outside of the cage.
“Relax Corine. When the transformation happens, don’t fight it.” Mom spoke measuredly.
“I’ll never forget what you have done for me, Mia. I’m not worthy.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.”
Mom sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. “Turning Corine was the right thing to do. She’s like a member of the family.”
Corine paced a little before sitting down on the stone floor. A minute later, her roar echoed through the room. Her transformation was slower than Mom’s, taking close to forty seconds. Corine was a scout, a magnificent, lean, cheetah in her werecat form. Her mouth opened as her green eyes fixed on us. Sharp fangs glinted in the light. She crashed against the bars, fully feral. Mom released a rabbit and Corine fell upon the little creature. She was blindingly fast.
“She’s beautiful.”
Mom smiled. “We’ll let her eat, then she should sleep.”
I stayed the night in Corine’s room. The transformation had also changed her human form. Corine’s features had become more beautiful. Her eyes were now green, her hair long, lush, and mahogany in color. Where she had been slightly heavy and short before, she was now taller and leaner.
I watched her stir as she woke.
“Good morning, Corine.”
“Mmm. Good morning! Oh my God. I don’t need glasses. Can you hear the birds outside?”
She sat up and I hugged her. “You might want to check yourself out.”
Her eyes widened and she bolted from the bed to her bathroom. “Wow!”
She ran back out and hugged me so tightly.
“You’re gorgeous, Corine. We’ll need to adjust your identification.”
“What type of werecat am I?”
“Do you want to see?”
She was practically jumping up and down and nodding emphatically. I pulled out my phone and showed her the pictures.
“I’m a scout!”
“And I bet you’re hungry.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs, Corine.”
She threw her arms around me again. “This is the happiest day of my life!”
I slipped from her room and made sure the food was ready. Thirty minutes later she bounded down the stairs and ran straight into Mom’s arms.
“Do we get to go for a hunt?”
“We will after breakfast.”
Matthias entered the room. “Who is this beautiful lady?” He sniffed. “Corine?”
Corine smiled bashfully and slipped her hair behind her ear. She nodded slowly with her bottom lip in her teeth.
“We should run together sometime.”
Corine’s smile was infectious. “I’d like that.”
“Don’t tell me you’re getting sweet on werecats, Matthias.”
“What’s good for the alpha must be good for the rest of the pack.”
Corine blushed. Matthias was a bit of a hothead, but he was improving for the better every day. “Just remember that if Corine gets hurt, you have to contend with me.”
“Duly noted.” He tipped his head at Corine. “See you later.”
Corine dove into her breakfast. “Best. Day. Ever!”
After breakfast, Mom and I took Corine outside, tested her in her human form, and went for a hunt. Not surprisingly, she was faster than both Mom and me. It was the first time I ever ran full out, and Corine still beat me, not by much, but that’s what scouts were designed for.
She was all grins as we stepped back into the house. “That was amazing and I’m finally not hungry.”
“You ate half a deer.”
“I did not! Besides, it was a small deer.”
When we entered the house we found Darius and Caleb waiting for us. With them stood a man and a woman. I could feel their power, unlike anything I had ever felt before. It made me want to tip my head or kneel in their presence.
The woman cast her eyes on me. She was fae and her beauty was otherworldly. She smiled.
“You must be Mia. I’m Mora Dayvale and this is my mate and partner Darrow Huntington.”
“You’re the hunters? From the immortal plane?”
“Yes. Might I say, you would make a beautiful fae with your hair and eyes.”
Darrow chuckled. “Don’t listen to her. You’re a shifter and a very powerful one, at that.”
I immediately liked them both. They were warm, kind, but hidden behind their gentleness was pain.
We all sat in the living room.
Mora spoke to the group. “Darius and Caleb have told us what has transpired. We will be speaking with Ivanna. Let me be as up front with you all as possible. There is a cancer growing within the supernatural community. For years it has grown, becoming more powerful and dangerous. We have been tracking them, but they remain elusive.”
Darrow continued. “The group is trying to absorb power of supernaturals, ultimately controlling everything. They will stop at nothing.”
Ivanna stormed in through the front door followed by six of her vampires.
“You contacted the hunters?” She shouted.
Darrow didn’t even look at her. “We were going to speak with you next. You should have called us before more people died.”
“This is not your place to interfere!” She hissed.
Darrow stood and moved so fast, I couldn’t even see him. He grabbed Ivanna by the throat. As the vampires took up a fighting stance, Mora stood and with a wave of her hand, the vampires were literally blown out the door. The door closed gently behind them.
Darrow whispered to Ivanna. “You have one of five relics, entrusted to you. When it was stolen, it became our place to see it properly recovered. If you don’t behave, I will have you removed as queen of this region’s vampire clan and when the relic is returned, we will find another vampire family to watch over it.”
My eyes were wide at the power of the two hunters. Ivanna lowered her chin and looked away.
“I had hoped to recover it myself. How can I assist?”
“Sit down and behave for a start.”
Ivanna sat down and rubbed her neck.
Mora sat once again and looked at me with those fae eyes of hers. “I understand you killed Frederick’s mate and he has sworn vengeance against you.”
“Understandably, everyone wants a piece of this man, but we can’t kill him. We believe he’s connected to the group we’re hunting and recovery of the relic is paramount. Unfortunately, we estimate his strength, speed, and senses to be substantially higher than normal. This will put you at greater risk, Mia, as all of us will need to stay well back in order to lure him.”
“At least a mile.” Darrow added.
Corine wrapped her hands around my arm and leaned into me. “It’s too risky, Mia.”
“I need to do this, Corine. I can survive long enough.”
Mora nodded. “You would need to survive up to a few minutes. I can use the land to speak to me and coordinate our support.”
I nodded.
The next day, I stood in the middle of a large meadow. The pack, Mom, Corine, Ivanna and her clan, and the hunters all waited just over a mile away. Mora had pulled me to the side this morning, well away from everyone’s ears.
“Capturing Frederick is extremely important, Mia. I didn’t want the others to hear this, but the land here in the mortal plane is devoid of magic. For me to attune myself to the land, magical blood will need to be spilled on it. It will only take a few drops, and it must be from a violent act. When the drops hit the ground, it will send out a magical shockwave that I can feel. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before, but I see the resolve in your eyes and the love others have for you. They would not risk you if they knew.”
She had been right. No one would have let me do this, except for Ivanna.
I stretched and lifted my eyes to see Frederick lowering himself to the ground twenty feet from me.
“You killed my mate!”
“It was her own doing, Frederick, and something she deserved for what you have both done.”
“You know nothing! You’re an impertinent shifter, powerful, yes, but of no consequence. I would have asked you to join the Valg, but not now.”
“You need to pay for the lives you have taken.”
“You’re not strong enough to defeat me and if you think your friends waiting in the wings will protect you, think again.”
Enough of this. I palmed a dagger and threw it at his chest. He caught in by the hilt inches from his chest.
“Tsk. Tsk.” He threw the dagger back at me, but I was already on the move. I dove, rolled, and transformed as I leapt for him, transforming back into human form just before we collided. My fist connected with his jaw and he reeled backward. I transformed again and plowed into him, but he threw me away before I could get a claw into him.
I rolled forty feet and before stopping, he was upon me. He slashed with his razor sharp talons. My fur sliced away, but I was unharmed as I spun and tried to maul him. His hands caught my front legs and held them apart. Again, he threw me, this time into a tree that shattered from the impact. My ribs snapped as loudly as the tree. Still, neither of us were bleeding. He could beat me senseless before either of us bled.
I laid there as he flew towards me. I shifted, grabbed a sharp chunk of wood, then pushed myself upward. We collided thirty feet in the air, the wood shard slicing into his side. He screamed, twisted, and thrust down with his wings. He aimed us for the broken tree trunk.
I was about to be skewered. I shifted, and tore at his wings, body, and face as we crashed. Wooden spikes erupted through my chest, but they also speared him. Slowly, he pulled himself back as I struggled. He was torn apart, but in far better shape than I was.
He caught his breath and grimaced in pain. Stepping forward slowly to end my life, he held up his talons, relishing my death. He was almost upon we when I lunged for him. My claws tearing through his leg, but the motion tore myself on the shattered stump that held me fast.
His scream of pain and anger echoed through the meadow. Not wanting to get hit by my claws again, he brought his talon down onto my paw, pinning it to the ground. He inched his way forward, his other talon reaching for my neck.
In that moment, I closed my eyes. I wept silently. I was going to die. I had finally found my purpose and I didn’t want to leave this world yet.
The talon flexed against my throat just as a golden blur smashed into him. The speed of the collision was frightening. I saw it was Corine as they rolled together away from me. She must have been running at well over a hundred miles per hour. Right on her heels, Darrow’s massive wolf leapt over me, grabbing Frederick’s arm and pulled his talons away from Corine.
Moments later Frederick had no fewer than a dozen vampires and shifters on him. Black spots filled my vision and I lapsed into a moment of unconsciousness.
Strong hands were lifting me off the wooden stakes of the tree trunk. I roared with pain.
“Calm, Mia.” It was Mora’s voice. “Whatever you do, don’t shift. Hang in there.”
Another wave of pain tore through me and I lapsed into darkness once again.
“Mia… stay with us. I need you to shift, Mia.”
I roared and used the pain to focus on my human form. My roar turned into a scream.
“That’s good, Mia. Everyone…”
Mora’s voice was panicked as I fell into peaceful, pain free blackness.
I was surprised I woke at all. Three people slept around me. Corine, had a dark bruise on her cheek and was sprawled on the floor next to my bed. Mom, snored softly in a chair. Darius, sat in another chair, his fingers entwined with mine as his head rested on the sheet.
I moved and hollered at the pain in my chest.
“Mia!” Darius’ face appeared above mine. He looked tired, but he hadn’t looked better.
I raised my hand and pulled him to my waiting lips. “Mmmm.”
“Enough of that, you two.” Mom’s voice cut in. “She needs air if she’s going to heal.”
Darius pulled away with a grin and concern still all over his face. “Mouth to mouth?”
Mom reached over and stroked my face. “We almost lost you, Mia.”
“Kind of feels that way.”
Corine kissed my cheek and pet my shoulder. “That was too close, Mia.”
“You saved me, Corine. Damn you’re fast.”
Mom patted Corine on her back. “When Mora alerted us, Corine raced off. No one could keep up with her. Not even Darrow.”
The door opened and Mora appeared. It ached to even turn my head. “Look who’s finally awake. You gave us all a fright. I almost hate to ask, but how did you wind up skewered on a stump?”
“Werecats don’t fly well.”
“I think I’m recovered enough to heal you more. You took everything I had, Mia.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“You had a six-inch wide stake through your lung and chest, multiple broken ribs, dislocated hip, and a hole in your right hand. If you had shifted before we removed you from the stake, you would have died instantly.”
“Sounds pretty bad.”
Mora smiled and laid her hands on me. I felt her magic flood me, my bones knit together, and my breathing eased.
Mora took a step back. “That’s about all I can do. Should be up and about by tomorrow.”
I tried to sit up a little. Pain flared in my ribs, but with help from Darius and Corine, I managed to sit in the bed. “That’s amazing, Mora. Thank you!”
Darrow stepped in and I was starting to worry just how many visitors we could squeeze into the room. “No Mia. We should all be thanking you. It took a lot of people to subdue Frederick even after you nearly killed him. We believe the group…”
“The Valg?”
“Yes. We believe he was strengthened before he came to the mortal plane. When he added the power of the shifters and one vampire, he became incredibly strong. You did well and the supernatural community is in debt to you.”
“And the book?”
“He doesn’t have it. We believe he travelled to the immortal plane, and gave it to the Valg before returning. He got a taste of power and wanted it all for himself.”
“Ivanna will be pissed.”
“Each species has a relic. The protecting families gain strength and power from keeping them in their possession. So, yes. Ivanna is quite angry, but she only blames herself and has given her oath to support any effort to retrieve the relic for her family’s honor.”
“Could you all give me a moment with my mom?”
“I’ll get you some food.”
“Thanks, Corine.”
“And I’ll get a shower and cleaned up. I’ll be back later.”
“A kiss first?”
Darius looked at Mom, and she nodded before he gave me a passionate kiss.
“See you soon, Darius.”
“We’d like to stay another day if that’s all right with you, Mia?”
“Of course, Mora. You honor us by being here.”
When all had left and closed the door, Mom came close and sat on the edge of my bed. I gripped her hand tightly as tears began to fall.
“A lot flashed through my mind when I was dying. At first, I remembered how much we struggled in our relationship. How often we had argued. How disconnected I felt to from our own family. As I lapsed into unconsciousness, I remembered my own funeral. There was nothing worth celebrating from my life. The pain I felt in that moment, made me want to give up my life.
“But then you were there at my side. You were covered in my blood and weeping. Corine was there, tackling Frederick and keeping him from finishing me off. Darius was the one that lifted me from the stump. An entire wolf-shifter pack was here to support me.
“You gave me life, not once, but twice when Grandma turned me. I was so angry, upset, unbelieving. Nothing could have prepared me for this new life, but I can’t imagine a life I would rather live. You were right that in becoming a werecat it might give me purpose. It’s not a thing, a career, or a degree. It’s family. It’s you.”
Mom wiped the tears from her eyes. “Can you imagine what your funeral would be like today? The funeral home would be packed with people. In a few weeks, you have accomplished great things and touched many lives. I love you. You need to rest.”
Mom moved to rise, but I held her down.
“I need to ask you one more thing. When did you know? When did you know without a doubt that you had found your one and only mate?”
“That’s an easy question to answer. You know when you can’t live without them.”
“I can’t live without Darius.” Even saying those words made me yearn all the more for him.
“I know. I saw it the moment you two met. I approve, by the way. There’s something you need to know about the mating process.”
“I know about sex, Mom.”
Mom smiled and patted my hand. “That happens after the mating ceremony. Supernatural mating ceremonies require a mingling of blood. With two supernatural beings, there is a magical bonding that takes place. After the ceremony, you will be able to speak with Darius in your mind, similar to how we speak when we are shifted into our animal forms. Additionally, you will connect with each other’s emotions. It’s important you don’t go too far before you’re officially mated. I’ll leave my advice at that. I like Darius. He’s a good mate for you.”
“Thank you for everything, Mom. I love you.”
With the extra healing from Mora, tons of good food, and company, I was up and about the following morning with almost no evidence I was ever injured. Fae healing was impressive considering I had a six-inch hole in my chest. I wouldn’t even have a scar.
It was after breakfast that a group met in our living room. Ivanna and a couple vampires from her clan showed up. This was the first time I saw her demure. I almost pulled away as she hugged me.
“Nice to see you’re still with us, Mia.”
“Thank you.”
Caleb arrived shortly after Ivanna. He had been there with the others when Frederick was captured and had seen me. Darius immediately picked up on my tension and came to my side. Calen tipped his head towards me before offering Darius a hug. Darius just stood there with his arm around my waist.
“Is that the way it’s going to be now, brother?”
“I’m asking you to rethink the database and do us both a favor and leave Mia’s personal details out of it.”
“It isn’t like I can unsee what happened. The information is vital to aid in investigations.”
Darrow came over and shook Caleb’s hand. “I hate to see two brothers at odds. What’s all this about?”
“Mia doesn’t want to have her information in the database. She refused the enforcement agency request.”
Darrow raised an eyebrow at me. “Is that true, Mia?”
“I’m registered, as required, but I would rather no more details be in there. I understand the why, but it also presents a danger. What if Frederick or the Valg had access to the information. Could they not hunt us down for the power in our blood? Do we even know who the members of the Valg are that are trying to overthrow the supernatural community? One could work for the enforcement agency and have access to all our information.”
Darrow rubbed his chin and waved Mora over to join us. “You have a very valid point, Mia. The most powerful supernaturals are already well known, but the database does pose a risk. Caleb, I will ask you to increase security and tighten access to the database. I want logs kept of anyone looking up records send to me on a weekly basis and if Mia doesn’t wish her personal details in the system, then we need to honor that request.”
Mora shook her head. “Mia is correct, Caleb. She complied within the rules of the supernatural community. Any additional information is purely voluntary. Is that a problem?”
“No. I was planning on tightening security anyways. The audit logs will take some doing, but we will get started on it.”
“Great. Then put this nonsense away and hug your brother, and, if my hunch is correct, soon to be sister in law.”
I blushed several shades of red. Darius pulled me closer to him.
Caleb looked at us both and smiled. “No hard feelings?”
Darius pulled him into a firm hug. When they were done, Caleb offered his hand to me, but I hugged him instead.
Mora glanced at the others in the living room. “If you don’t mind, Mia, I would like to share information with the group.”
“Of course.”
Everyone settled as Mora began.
“Thank you all for coming. I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some updates regarding Frederick. Frederick has been moved to a magic-dampening holding cell in Revaria. So far, he is refusing to give up any information on the Valg, or the relic.
“The Valg have been threatening the supernatural community for many years. Darrow and I have been regularly attacked as they know the hunters are their biggest threat. Attempts on our lives have increased as has activity of the Valg. At this time, we can only assume they have the vampire relic, and possibly one other.
“It’s time the supernatural community bind together to preserve our way of life. I need all of you to be alert and coordinated in your efforts. Now is not the time to deal with supernatural incidents independently because any incident might be directly linked to Valg actions. Keep Darrow and me appraised on happenings in the region and be prepared to come together to fight the biggest threat to our existence we have ever faced.”
I was new to all of this supernatural stuff, but felt the urgency in Mora’s words. They sank deeply into me. What Frederick was doing was a symptom of something much larger and having just become part of this world, I was ready to fight to protect it.
“I’m willing to support you. Whatever it takes.”
“Thank you, Mia. Darius?”
“Mia is one of us. We support the hunters and will agree to work with everyone, even Caleb.”
Caleb huffed.
Mora turned to Ivanna. “And you, Ivanna?”
“If I must, but don’t think for a minute I’m inviting a bunch of cats and dogs to my soirees.”
“Darrow and I appreciate your support. Keep us posted.”
Mora and Darrow stood and hugged me. “Stay safe, Mia. Come visit us sometime in Revaria.”
I nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Thank you for the hospitality.”
They turned and said their goodbyes to the everyone, then Mora waved her hand in a circular motion and a shimmering portal appeared. The two of them stepped through and vanished into thin air leaving me pondering just how much I didn’t know about magic and the supernatural world.
Ivanna and her vampires turned to leave. “I’m having a soiree next week. Feel free to come.”
“I thought you told Mora that would never happen.”
“We vampires need to maintain our standards and I would hate for those in the immortal plane to think I’m cavorting with shifters. Besides, now that this is all over, the games can begin again.” She smiled seductively.
Darius waited for Ivanna to leave before he said anything more. “Would you like to go for a run with me, Mia?”
“I could use some exercise to stretch my muscles.”
We ran in our animal forms for miles until we came to a rocky bluff that overlooked the lake and valley below. We shifted back to our human forms and sat together.
“I wanted to speak with you, Mia. So much has happened and the events of the other day… I just can’t get the image of your broken body out of my head. I felt your pain a mile away. I don’t think I could survive if I lost you. I’m in love with you, Mia.”
“That’s wonderful to hear, Darius. It would be incredibly embarrassing if you didn’t because my heart has been given to you. I love you too.”
He leaned close and my heart fluttered as he kissed me. “We should plan the mating ceremony soon, because I doubt I can delay making love to you for much longer.”
“Are you sure you want to be stuck with me for the rest of your life, Darius?”
I shouldn’t have asked Darius that last question because we barely got off the bluff without falling into temptation with each other. Two weeks had passed since that day and today was our mating ceremony. I was very grateful the ceremony wasn’t a public sex scene like I had read in novels where the werewolf takes his mate before the pack.
I stood before my mirror and looked myself over carefully. My dress was not the traditional wedding dress, but it was white. That was about as traditional as it would get. I smoothed the silk fabric over my flat stomach and twisted to the side. The top of the dress was strapless, the front hem was shorter than anything I had worn before, coming to mid-thigh. The rear of the dress formed a train the fell to the ground. A silver and gem-studded belt accentuated my thin waist. It was simple, elegant, yet tantalizingly sexy.
I could smell and hear Corine before she knocked. “Come in, Corine.”
“Oh my God! Look at you! Good thing I brushed up on my CPR, because it’s going to come in handy today.”
I looked back at the mirror and smiled. I had never considered life as a woman before any of this, but now my life before felt like a vague memory. I couldn’t imagine being anything else. I almost wept as the joy of who I was flooded me afresh. My eyes were vibrant with excitement knowing what would happen later in the evening. I had no reservations, just blossoming passion, hoping I wouldn’t pounce on Darius before we made it to the bedroom.
Corine came to stand next to me. She looked gorgeous in a body-hugging maroon dress.
“You’re going to stop hearts yourself, Corine.”
“I need to make sure Matthias notices me.”
“I had my doubts about him when I first met him, but he’s proven to be a good man.”
“He told me on our date the other night all that he had done to provoke you. Is he ever loyal to you and Darius now though. He said Darius spoke to the pack the other day about you being his equal when you were both mated. The pack was so enthusiastic they celebrated long into the night. Are you ready, Mia?”
“More than ready.”
We met Mom and the staff in the living room. There were tears in Mom’s eyes as she pulled me close.
“All the dreams I ever had are fulfilled in you, Mia. I couldn’t be more proud.”
I wiped my own tears. “I wish Grandma were here. It’s because of you both that I have everything I ever wanted. I can’t describe how full my heart is right now.”
“I think I know. My heart is overflowing. I can’t wait to see Darius’ reaction to that dress. We should go.”
Everyone drove to Darius’ estate in a convoy of vehicles. The front parking lot was filled with vehicles. As we stepped from the vehicle, a shining portal opened and Darrow and Mora stepped through.
“I hope we didn’t miss anything.” Mora ran over to hug me.
“Just getting started. I’m so glad you both came.”
Mora stood back clasping both my hands. She looked me up and down and hastily wiped a tear from her face.
“Is everything all right, Mora?”
“When I look at you, Mia, and I can only imagine our own child, who is your age, being mated to their one true love.”
“I didn’t know you had a child.”
“It’s a long story. We had to hide our baby away right after I gave birth because of the threat posed by the Valg. I’m sorry, this is a special day and I don’t want my burdens to fall on you.”
I hugged her close. “We better head in before Darius sends out a search party.”
I walked up the front steps with Mom on one arm and Corine on the other. Matthias and Carson were dressed in their finest waiting for us at the top of the stairs. Matthias winked at Corine, who blushed like a fresh beet.
“May I be the first to welcome you as our newest alpha, Mia. You look stunning, far too good for Darius.”
“Thank you, Matthias. I hope you will watch out for Corine tonight.”
He smiled. “Is that an order, my alpha?”
“Never an order unless you wish me to make it one?”
“I’ll do my best to keep an eye on her.”
Carson tipped his head and opened the doors.
Mom dropped back a step as I moved forward. The draw of my mate called to me so strongly, I doubted I could have stood there any longer. I had to see Darius, to feel him, to touch him.
The foyer was sparkling clean, the floors reflected the bright, sunny back yard. Staff, pack members, and the odd vampire parted for me with appreciative nods. I moved on through the glass doors leading to the outside deck. It was there that I spotted Darius, dressed in an all-white suit. My heart about stopped as I watched his muscles tense under the snug-fitting clothes. He turned quickly, his eyes locking onto mine.
He stood as rooted in place as I was. I took in his handsome features and his eyes peeled my clothing stitch by stitch. I smiled and grinned, a burst of energy poured through me. Dropping all pretenses of formality and decorum, I ran forward and straight into his arms.
The crowd moved apart from us giving us space as Darius’ kissed me in front of everyone. I was smiling into our prolonged kiss, giddy with excitement.
“I’m so happy you showed up, Mia. I almost called to find out where you ran away to.”
“It’s easy to be a guy, you just need to roll out of bed to be handsome and ready for the day. Besides, if I got here too early, I don’t think I would have been able to hold off until tonight. You look dashing.”
“There are no words to describe how incredibly beautiful you look, Mia.” He leaned in close and whispered. “I’m tempted to forego the ceremony and drag you to my bedroom. I’m doing algebra in my head right now to keep from embarrassing myself.”
“I seem to recall I offered if you wanted to drag me through the house once before. You don’t know I’ve actually been fantasizing about that since I said it.”
“I might have to stand behind a planter.”
Darius had more composure than he let on. He kept his arm around my waist.
“Everyone! Please form a circle for the mating ceremony. In case you haven’t noticed, my mate has arrived.”
“As if every eye in the place hadn’t already figured that out, boss!”
Darius and I laughed as the crowd formed around us. When the crowd surrounded us and grew silent, Darius dropped to a knee before me, looking up into my eyes. He sniffed the air and I started laughing.
“Your fragrance is like a mountain meadow filled with wildflowers, with a hint of summer pine. Fresh and wild at the same time.”
I was fairly certain, the only thing he was smelling was my desire for him. I blushed at the thought. His hands slid slowly up my silky smooth calf towards my thigh. When his fingers reached under the hem of my dress, Darius stopped and smiled. I was incredibly turned on and embarrassed at the same time.
“Sweetheart? Wouldn’t you rather we wait for a little privacy?” My hands reached to his to stop his from going any further.
His fingers slid further up under the hem of my dress. “I found something special.”
Everyone laughed as my blush travelled from my face throughout the rest of my body. Darius grinned and pulled a jeweled, white-handled dagger from under my dress. He held it up for all to see as he slowly stood up. The fingers of one hand trailed up my side, coming to a stop just below my breast.
We were inches apart and all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and straddle him even with the guests all around us. He turned us to face the majority of the crowd and drew the blade lightly over his palm before handing me the blade. I did the same, careful to keep the dripping blood away from my dress.
He took his bleeding hand and pressed it against mine. As our blood mingled, powerful magic cascaded through my body like a crashing tsunami. I gasped, and only kept standing because we had entwined our fingers tightly together. Darius rocked backward as well, his eyes alight with fire and passion.
“Mia Wellington. You are now blood of my blood. I pledge myself to you and you alone.”
“Darius Stanton. You are now blood of my blood. I pledge myself to you and you alone.”
Someone handed Darius a wet cloth as we pulled apart and wiped the blood from our hands. Our cuts having healed almost instantly.
“You’re mine, Mia.”
His words echoed through my head and I smiled.
“And you’re mine, I hope you can handle a jaguar in bed.”
His lips were on mine as everyone cheered. Champagne was handed out to everyone. Someone shouted out a toast, then another. Before anyone came up to congratulate us, Darius held up his hand.
“Please allow us a moment. Brothers and sisters, I have spoken to you of this moment before. It’s time to accept Mia as co-alpha of the pack.”
The pack members all transformed, and one at a time, came up to me with their tails tucked low and licked my hand as a symbol of subservience to my position. When the last one slipped back into the crowd, they transformed back. Darius shouted.
“Let’s celebrate!”
Music started, food and drinks were handed out, and people came up to congratulate us. Caleb was the first to arrive at our side.
“Well done, brother!” They hugged fiercely.
Caleb moved to stand before me. “You’re my family now, Mia, even if you chose the wrong brother.”
“Thank you, Caleb.”
“If he doesn’t perform well, you have my number.”
Darius laughed and pushed Caleb out of the way. “Go find someone else to harass, brother. That’s my mate.”
“Congratulations to you both.” Caleb grinned as he looked at me over Darius’ shoulder, putting his hand towards his ear, mimicking making a phone call.
The afternoon slowly gave way to night. Darius and I danced, not letting anyone split us apart. When we finally broke away from the crowd and entered the wing of the house where Darius’ bedroom was, we practically tackled one another, kissing, grabbing, and bouncing off furniture and walls until we crashed through the door to his room. With the door closed and locked behind us, I turned to take in the room. Lit candles flickered warmly bathing the bedroom in a romantic light. Rose petals were scattered on the bed and floor. Champagne and snacks were ready on a table in a corner of the room.
“Mia.” Darius’ voice was a low, sensual growl. Him speaking my name that way sent heat through my body and chills down my back.
His fingers barely touched my shoulder and slid slowly down my exposed arms. His lips brushed my shoulder over and over again. I spun slowly and placed my hand on his cheek. I looked up into his eyes.
“Darius.” My voice was a seductive purr. I wanted him, needed him as I tipped my head up and kissed him gently and slowly. My fingers found the top buttons of his shirt and undid them one by one. My long fingernails moved slowly down his powerful chest. He groaned and pressed himself against me. I could feel his excitement pressing against my abdomen.
I slowly pulled his shirt off of him, then spun us around and pushed us both towards the bed. Darius laid down on his back, and I crawled up onto him, pulling my dress up so my bare legs straddled his hips. I bent down and kissed him, then let my lips move slowly down his broad chest. His hands went to my back. I felt the zipper of my dress being pulled down. I sat up, reached back and slipped off my high-heeled pumps, then crossed my arms and pulled my dress over my head, tossing it to the side. I was fully naked on top of him now and I felt no doubts, no lingering thoughts about my lost maleness. I was a woman and Darius was my mate.
“You’re perfect, Mia.”
I smiled as I slowly rocked myself against him.
The weeks since our mating had passed quickly. Being co-alpha, my place was with the pack. I moved in with Darius. Mom was only ten minutes away and I could visit her almost daily to take care of the businesses and the estate.
Darius and I were inseparable. He and I were both insatiable, having mind-blowing love making sessions multiple times per day.
Without murders and rogue vampires trying to kill us, life fell into a wonderful rhythm. I had never been happier. Mom and Corine had been accepted into the pack and we often ran and hunted together. Corine and Matthias were heading towards a mating ceremony soon. They were perfect for each other.
Darius and I climbed the steps to our estate having spent the evening together in town for dinner and drinks at Cooper’s bar. We entered the foyer arm in arm, I was leaning into Darius whispering to him how I was going to ravage him later when we were interrupted by Caleb. He had been sitting and waiting for us.
“Brother, what are you doing here?”
Caleb stood and ran a hand through his hair. “I have sad news for you both. The hunters, Mora and Darrow, were found murdered this morning.”
My hand flew to my mouth. They were such wonderful and kind people.
“The Valg?” Darius asked.
Caleb nodded. “It’s our only guess. I came to warn you. The Valg are on the move. Watch yourselves.”
“Thanks for the warning, Caleb. Our pack is available if you need us.”
“It might come to that. Prepare yourselves.”
Darius pulled me close. The murder of the hunters was a bad omen. The supernatural community was in danger; a community I would do anything to protect.
What happens next? Find the answers in the sequel, Hunter, Book two of the Valg .
As with all my writings, I freely give them to the BigCloset community. It is, in a small way, my attempt at easing the struggles many of you and I suffer from. I write to unload the steady onslaught of thoughts my mind presents to me every hour, to help me cope knowing I’m not who I should be.
All I ask in return is that you take a moment and leave me a message or a comment. It is your comments that help me realize if my writing has any impact.
Thank you!
Avia Conner
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Interesting bit of world building. Some minor differences to some of the were tales I have read. Wonder which clan has the other tokens and what they are. Will she get a token and be recognized as a queen/leader since there are so few matriarchs? Does her mother step up as matriarch since her mother died? Or is that tied to birth form? I wonder why they haven't turned some of the more faithful/loyal employees/retainers as a reward?prior to being forced to, or is that not allowed except in emergencies? Are the cats more solitary and loners as in nature? I was curious about mixing the blood. Ingesting by biting/tearing may be safe,as it passes through the system, but the transfusion would be straight into the system. Does their own affliction protect them, since the carrier agent seems to be restricted to a bite. You normally have to ingest from a vampire to be turned. It does seem the vamps are similar to other tales, stronger, faster, wings think they are better than most and look down on all. Also try to cover up their errors, and think they are in charge. I enjoyed it. Ya dun gud !
Such an amazing world!
So short a time in which to bring such a huge effect, a profound change, to an old world. I envy Mia, despite all the injuries, the emotional traumas, she has become who she had been destined to become. I'd trade with her in a heartbeat.
Great story,
Not my usual fare (vampires and were wolves etc), but really enjoyed reading and I’m looking forward to reading part 2.
Many thanks
Stay safe
Nice job!
I thoroughly enjoyed it!
what a fantastic story!!! Youv'd raised the bar a good bit for shifter transformation tales and your now a favored writer!
thanks so much for this
That´s really...
..a great story. So love it. Thank you!
I look forward to the next part
Nicely done. I look forward to more.
Now that was an enjoyable romp!
As a wannabe writer, I enjoyed and admired your easy style and casual wit. I was enjoying a quiet cup of coffee in a coffee shop, only to laugh out loud at reading “ Do they like dried or canned?” With other patrons looking up, I could but smile and continue chuckling as I read on.
I look forward to the next book.
I loved it! Another really enjoyable read from you Avia
Thank you
Wow what a great story.
Wow what a great story.
I first couldn't help but think of Sam and Dean when they said they called for the supernatural hunters lol.
Definitely looking forward to the sequel.
Superb episode
And I’m sure the next part will be even better. Can’t wait!
A very good start, it looks like an interesting universe. I'll be watching for book 2.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Excellent story. I do hope
Excellent story. I do hope to see more of it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Waiting for book two
A wonderful, and interesting story, with interesting characters. Waiting for the sequel to be posted.
This part of the story was a delight to read, as was the humorous moments. Parts showed how unwise it is to judge someone just because they're different. And the last showed how true love bridges those differences.
Now that the Valg has killed the hunters, and others know their plans, it will be interesting to see how they fall in the sequel.
Others have feelings too.
It feels like you picked my brain but in a good way, can't wait to read more :)
Great beginning to a new universe.
Hmm, why do I get the feeling that Mia is about to become the new Hunter?
Another wonderful story Avia. I look forward to the sequel.
Solid and Satisfying... nearly all of Avia's stories.
Onward to book two...
Beautiful Story
Avia is one of the writers I've followed since I first logged onto this site. Her trips into the imagination zone truly doesn't seem like that far from reality as her stories carries us into places we couldn't find ourselves. She injects the perfect amount of wit into her life and death chapters to bring the tale along. Although death is morbid the dark humor her actors have keeps it from dropping into an emotional abyss. Every one of her stories leave me with a feeling no matter how evil the world is the good people always win out. The fairy tale ending if one must.
Hugs Avia very well done
Life is a gift, don't waste it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Poor hunters
Im glad Mia a happy ending. I’m so sad the hunters were killed I bet the next one is about their kid. I think Caleb is varg. I loved the Eleanor bit
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Really good
I must have missed this first time - now remedied!
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."