I am trying to start weekly video zoom meeting for trans girls like myself. My preferred time though that is negotiable is 7:00 PM Sundays CMT. If you would like to join this meeting PM me through this website and I will send you an invite and details. You will need to create a zoom account (it is free). You can use a phone or a computer with a camera on it.
I’m interested Hon……
But the timing is bad for me.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Timing for Zoom chat?
Since 19:00 Central (UTC-6) is also inconvenient for me here in Germany at UTC+1, what timing would be more convenient for you?
Zoom account?
I attend Zoom meetings anywhere from monthly to weekly. My wife attends at least four a week. Neither of us has a Zoom account. We just needed to download the Zoom client.
However, to participate, you do need a Web camera and microphone, so I have to use a laptop computer, not my usual desktop system, to attend and participate. It can also be done with a smartphone, but I don't have one of those. Fortunately, I do have two spare laptops, though.
web cam
If you have a spare USB port. There are inexpensive web cams with microphones, like this one.
Available at Best Buy
I got one for my wife so she could do online doctor visits during the Covid lock down. It hangs on the top of your monitor and plugs into a USB port. It's plug and play so no real setup needed.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I bought this web cam
I am very VERY happy with the sound and picture of this web cam that I bought. It normally sells for CAN$39.99 but frequently goes on sale for less. I have it sitting on the top of my monitor. Unless you need a higher frame rate and resolution (which a professional influencer would want) then you are not likely to find a significantly better deal.
Zoom and camera...
Zoom only need a microphone to work.
No account or camera needed, or that was working the last time I need to use it.
Peace and Love tmf
What time zone is CMT?
What time zone is that? Or, at least, what country & city? (I can look the time zone up from that.)
Central Main Time
Americas Central Main Time, it I'm not mistaking.
It should be UTC-5
Peace and love tmf
"CMT" =? Eastern Standard Time
I've heard of a lot of time zones, but I never heard of "Central Main Time."
UTC-5 would be Eastern Standard Time (EST), at least in the USA and Canada.
(or, conceivably Atlantic Daylight Time.)
I also see that Ecuador, Columbia, and Peru use UTC-5 (no DST), but they don't
use the acronym CMT.
So I'm curious: what location (or subculture) uses "CMT" for their (UTC-5) time zone?
Google search for CMT time give CST/CDT (Central Standard Time and Central Daylight Time)
Peace and Love tmf
Is this PC?
I'm no kid, and it has been CST, then CST/CDT as long as I've been alive. Is this supposed to be some kind of new PC term? Something akin to adding black and brown to the rainbow? (There is scientific proof that black and brown will never appear in the visual spectrum of a rainbow. Neither is a primary color.)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Don't know...!
I was curious of when it was, and that's what pop up.!
Nice Zoom chat
Thank you for the chat we had last night Wendy and LeeAnn. Hopefully more will join us next week.
Unfortunately the time of 19:00 Central Time (UTC-6) is a tad inconvenient for me, since that puts it at 02:00 the next day here in Germany. So an earlier start time would be more convenient for me.
Jessica Nicole