Chapter 22 - Moving On

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description


At very least the confrontation between Judith and Rich ended with, if not acceptance, at least tolerance, which is more than I can say about my own parents when I came out to them.

It went about as I'd predicted. Eventually they just stopped communicating with me, even when I reached out to them. I learned later that Dad died in oh-four of a heart attack, and Mom went last year from the same thing. They never returned any of my letters. I wrote twice a year. I just kept busy at a local salon, while Jenny worked her desk at the medical group.

Jenny's parents were out of the country when I came home, and I never met them the two weeks we were together before that, so we didn't meet 'til July of ninety-eight. They were surprised, but not half as much as Jenny was!

In the mean time, Rich and Heather were getting into the swing of being new parents. Rich loved being 'Mister Mom' to Faith and ran the house like his own personal fire team! Shortly after she was born, they started looking into moving. There were too many sad memories lurking around the home she grew up in, and Rich wanted a place that would be all their own.


Brooke checked herself in the mirror one more time as Jenny came out of their bedroom. "Are you sure I look alright?" Brooke asked nervously.

"Um... yeah!" Jenny said even more anxiously. "You... you look beautiful! They're gonna love you, almost as much as I do!" Her assurances did little to boost her own lack of confidence. "Um... Brooke? Can... can I ask you something?"

Stopping her primping, Brooke looked away from the large hall mirror to look at her love. "You don't need to ask. You look hot!"

Fidgeting with her purse, she blushed and smiled before fear took her once more. "Um... your parents. Have... have you heard back from them yet?"

Her smile melting in an instant, Brooke looked at the floor. "Not since that last letter they sent me."

"You... you've sent them like four more since then!" Jenny pointed out.

"Yeah." Brooke admitted. "Given what Dad said in that last letter though, I don't expect they'll write back any more. At least I know my Old Man isn't gonna rat me out to his old Corp buddies that are still in, so there's that. He's too embarrassed to tell them!"

Turning quickly, Jenny let it finally come out. "I'm scared, Brooke! What... what if Mom and Dad hate me? I mean, it's not like they had any warning signs or anything! I dated in High School! Boys even! I never even looked at a girl before you... or since! I still don't think I'm gay! I just love you!"

Trying to calm her, Brooke gently put her hands on her shoulders. "You're adorable! I promise I'll be with you the whole time, OK? No matter what they say, you'll always have me there for you! If your parents are half as wonderful as you are though, everything will be fine!"

Wrapping her in a warm embrace, Brooke held Jenny until her fears subsided and Brooke felt the woman's arms snake up her back. Responding, Brooke leaned her head over as Jenny tilted her face up and let the woman five years her senior kiss her gently. Her worries forgotten for the moment, Jenny relaxed into the kiss. Finally separating, she looked up at Brooke happily.

"Wow! If they could bottle that, it would beat Prozac!" Jenny giggled.

Wiping Jenny's lipstick off with a tissue, Brooke smiled seductively. "Come on! Go fix yourself and let's find out what else you can do with those lips!" Seeing Jenny's mouth drop open at the innuendo, Brooke laughed.

"Brooke!" Jenny gasped. "What, now?"

"I mean talking to your parents!" Brooke answered coyly. "Jeez! Where did your mind go? Gutter, much? Or is it you'd rather do that than go see them?" Unable to control herself, Brooke started to laugh at her own joke.

About to explode in frustration, Jenny couldn't help but smile as Brooke's infectious laugh spread to her as well. "Damn it, Brooke! Why can't I stay mad at you?" she started to giggle.

"Because you love me!" she came back. "That and I learned from the best!" Thinking of Jack so far away and not having had a chance to see their baby with Richard and Heather since Jenny couldn't get more time off work ended Brooke's laughter quickly. "Anyway, we really should get going, babe. You go finish getting ready, and I'll go warm up the car."

Half an hour later, Jenny pulled up in front of her parents' house. "This is it." she said ominously. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be!" sighed Brooke, climbing out of the passenger side before slamming the door shut.

Heading up the short walk, Jenny stopped herself from just walking in and rang the bell, unsure of her welcome. As the door swung open, she cleared her throat and pasted a fake smile on to hide her insecurity.

Betty Hooks smiled as she saw her daughter standing at her door. "Jennifer!" she cried as she stepped back to allow her entrance. "Since when do you need to ring to come in to your own home!"

"Hi, Mom!" Jenny squeaked as her voice almost faltered. "I... I just didn't know if... if..."

"...if you were welcome?" Betty fake-frowned. "Why wouldn't you be, dear?"

Gathering her courage, Jenny raised her chin. "Mom? I... I'd like you to meet Brooke... Brooke Hathaway!" indicating the tall ex-Marine standing to her side and slightly behind her.

Confused, Betty turned to her daughter's guest at her home. "How do you do, Miss Hathaway." she said politely.

"Mrs. Hooks." Brooke nodded at the woman with fading curly brown hair and good looks that told her where Jenny had gotten both.

Turning back to her daughter, Betty furrowed her brow curiously. "Won't you two come in?"

Stepping into her childhood home, Jenny embraced her mother while nearly shaking in fear. "Thanks, Mom! I... I just knew that you and Dad have been away a while and... and I didn't know if it was OK to... to... just come in with a... a friend! After all, I don't live here anymore!"

"Honey!" Betty held her child warmly. "You know perfectly well that you'll always be welcome in this house... and any of your friends!" Holding her a moment, she broke off the hug and gestured toward the living room. "Come in!" she beamed. Turning her head, she shouted, "Charles! Jennifer's here!" Turning back to her guests, she shook her head exasperatedly. "So why did you really think you had to be invited in?"

"Maybe she thought you and Mr. Hooks were 'enjoying a moment'!" Brooke offered slyly. Jenny blushed three shades of red as she sat on her mother's couch and looked at the floor, while her mother raised a hand to her mouth and gasped at the suggestion. Thinking she'd pushed too far with people she didn't really know, Brooke looked away embarrassedly and was about to apologize before she heard the snort of laughter.

Growing from an embarrassed giggle to full belly laughing interspersed with snorts, Betty tried to control herself. "I... I suppose I can see your point!"

While the two women giggled together, Jenny could only stare at the floor, trying not to imagine her parents being romantic. She finally looked up at the sound of a throat being cleared. "Daddy!" she smiled as she leapt up and ran into his arms.

Charles Hooks wrapped his arms around his grown daughter who stood most of a foot shorter than his own six-foot two athletic frame. Though he was in his late forties, he'd managed to stay in shape and looked younger than he was. "Baby girl!" he sighed as he welcomed her affection. Rocking her back and forth a moment, he stepped back and looked at her. "I sure missed you, baby girl!"

Clearing her throat, she turned toward Brooke with one arm wrapped around his waist. "Daddy? I... I'd like you to meet Brooke Hathaway! Brooke? This is my father, Charles!"

Taking the man's hand, she gripped it firmly. "Mr. Hooks!" she nodded.

Surprised at the firmness of her shake, Charles adapted and returned it. "Miss Hathaway! Please! Call me Chuck!"

"Alright!" Brooke smiled as she released him. "Then it's Brooke, Chuck!"

Sitting a respectful distance from one another on the sofa, Jenny and Brooke waited while Chuck took his favorite seat in his armchair and Betty pulled another seat in close to her husband's, finally settling in with a smile.

"So..." Chuck began. "Brooke? It's nice to meet any friend of our daughter! What brings you here?"

Unsure how to answer, Brooke hedged. "Well, my best friend Rich, Richard Hargrave, got married November before last after moving out here with his fiancée. I was her Maid of Honor."

"Oh!" Betty perked up. "Jennifer, I remember you telling me that you were a bridesmaid at a wedding! Was that the same one, dear?"

Jenny nodded shyly. "That's where I met Brooke! Well, I first met her at the fitting that was before the wedding!" she noted, smiling at the memory of the humorous turn of events.

"Ugh!" Brooke sighed. "Don't remind me!"

"Let me guess!" Betty smiled. "Horrid dress?"

"Yes!" agreed Brooke.

"No!" Jenny insisted emphatically at the same time.

Looking from one to the other, Betty smiled. "Well which is it?"

"She looked gorgeous in that dress, Mom!" Jenny over-emphasized.

"Eh!" Brooke scoffed. "I looked like a Barbie Doll in it! I was so glad when Heather relented and let me wear my dress blues!"

"Dress blue?" Beth asked curiously. "You mean a blue dress?"

"No, I mean my dress blues, Mrs. Hooks." Brooke started to explain.

"Please! Call me Betty!" she smiled sweetly.

Nodding, Brooke continued. "OK, Betty! And please, just call me Brooke. See, I'm a Marine. So's Rich, my best friend who was the groom. When he married Heather, his fiancée, I was still in active service, so I wore my dress blues, my formal uniform, to the wedding and reception."

"Oh!" Betty looked at her with surprise. "You... you were in the service?"

Having sat back and listened, Chuck nodded. "That explains the shake!"

"What, dear?" Betty turned to him.

"Oh! When Brooke and I shook hands, she had a firm grip is all. I was just saying..."

"She's not a man, Charles!" Betty scowled at him. "Just because she was in the service doesn't mean she wanted to be a man!"

"Oh, Betty!" he retorted. "I was complimenting her!"

"How? By suggesting that she has a manly handshake? Really, Charles!"

Turning to his guests, Chuck laughed once. "Sorry, girls! Brooke? I hope you weren't offended at my remark. You certainly aren't mannish! In fact you're quite attractive! I bet you were very popular with the servicemen!"

"Too popular!" Brooke grumbled.

Wanting to change the subject, Betty smiled. "So, you came to Concord for your friend's wedding, and his fiancée asked you to be her Maid of Honor?"

"I met Heather the same time Rich did." she explained. "So she and I were good friends, too."

"I see!" Betty grinned. "So, afterward you decided to stay in Concord?"

Listening to the exchange, Jenny could see the direction it was headed and decided to cut to the chase and take the plunge. Standing up quickly, she looked at her parents. "Mom? Dad? Brooke and I are in love!"

Stunned silence filled the room like thick soup. Brooke sighed and slowly rose to stand beside Jenny, taking the younger girl's hand in her own.

"You... you're what?" Betty finally gasped after the momentary shock wore off. Looking at her daughter she asked, "But... Jennifer! Are you..."

Suddenly very unsure of herself, Jenny shrank back and looked down. "I... I suppose... maybe?"

"But..." her mother stammered. "But you dated! You dated boys! Did she..."

Pursing his lips, Chuck's face was an unreadable mask as he looked at them carefully. "Did you seduce my daughter, Miss Hathaway?"

Looking up suddenly at the accusation, Jenny suddenly felt very protective of her. "No, Daddy! Brooke didn't do anything wrong! She... she waited for me to say I liked her first! She had to! She could've been... um..."

"Dishonorably discharged." Brooke filled in the blank. "Mr. and Mrs. Hooks? I love Jenny! I think I fell in love with her the first moment we spoke. She's a wonderful woman! The kind I've been looking for all my life! She... she completes me. In ways I never knew I needed! You should be very proud of her."

"Miss Hathaway, I am proud of my daughter!" Betty snapped. "I... I just... I can't believe that she'd... she..."

"Betty?" Chuck interrupted her. Looking at the two, he sighed and smiled weakly as he turned his eyes to Brooke. "I... uh... I just want my baby girl to be happy, Brooke." Looking at his daughter, he sighed. "Does she make you happy, baby girl?"

Nodding emphatically, Jenny smiled as tears began to run down her cheeks. "Yes, Daddy! She does! Happier than I ever thought I could be! I... I love her!" She turned to Brooke and took both of her hands before looking up into the brunette's eyes. "I'm so proud of her! What serving means to her. She denied being with me for a year to fulfill her oath! She's wonderful!"

Standing back up, Chuck walked over to them and stood in front of Brooke as the two turned to face him. "Brooke? Do you intend on staying with my baby girl? Making sure she's happy and take care of her? Never hurt her?"

Facing him, Brooke looked up to lock eyes with him. "Chuck? I'd kill or die for her. I'll never hurt or abandon her. You have my word of honor, sir!"

"I can see that word actually means something to you." he noted. Stepping over to regard his daughter, he smiled down at her. "You sure, baby girl?"

Looking back up at him, Jenny smiled. "Yes, Daddy! I've never been more sure of anything in my life!"

Walking up next to her husband, Beth took his arm. "But Jennifer dear, you aren't a... a..." she stammered, unable to say the word.

"Lesbian." Chuck said for her.

"Thank you, dear." Beth blushed. "I mean, I know you aren't! You used to tell me all the time how cute you thought Jimmy Francis, the boy you dated, was! I mean, you... you had a crush on Kirk Cameron for years, for God's sake!"

"Mom!" Jenny whined. "I was a teenager! All the girls back then were in love with Kirk Cameron!"

"Actually, I kind of had a thing for his sister Candice." Brooke pointed out. "At least in the later seasons."

"You see?" Beth pressed the point. "You... you're not... um..."

"Gay." Chuck said for her again. "I don't think that's what Jenny's trying to tell us, Betty. Just that she loves Brooke." Putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder, he smiled at her. "Baby girl, it's OK. We still love you. Brooke seems like a... a fine woman! I... I'm happy for you, sweetie!"

"Charles!" Betty whined. "Aren't you even a little upset by all this? I mean, our daughter is in love with another woman! I mean, doesn't that make her gay?" Realizing how she sounded, the woman backtracked as she turned to Jenny. "Oh, sweetie! I'm not angry! I love you, dear! It's just... this is all so sudden! I mean, we were only gone for a year! When did this happen?"

Walking toward the dining room, Chuck gestured to the table. "Why don't we sit down together and talk about it." he suggested. "We were about to eat. Would you two like to join us?"

Sitting around the table, the two couples looked at one another in silence for a moment. Taking Brooke's hand for comfort, Jenny took a breath and told them about the day they'd met.

"So by the time we got back from our walk, I was..." she sighed happily. "I was in love!"

"We both were!" Brooke added.

"I see." Beth sighed. "But Jennifer dear, are you sure about all this? I mean, what about children? Don't you want to be a mother someday?"

"They can still do that, Beth." Chuck pointed out with a grin. "I understand it involves a donor, and something similar to a turkey baster..."

"Charles, please!" Beth gasped. "Don't be flippant! How can you be so calm about all this!" Turning back to their two guests, she added, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not passing judgement or saying it's wrong. I just..." She again regarded her husband. "I just don't see how you can sit there and take it all in! Aren't you upset at all?"

"Are you kidding, Beth?" Chuck grinned. "I'm happy for my baby girl! Heck! I'm happy for me!"

"What in heaven's name are you babbling about, Charles!" she asked.

"My baby girl found true love! On top of that, I don't ever have to think about a man 'giving it' to my little baby girl! What daughter's father wouldn't give his left arm for that privilege?"

Sighing in exasperation while Jenny blushed and looked away, Brooke just chuckled. Betty got up exasperatedly and headed for the kitchen. "You can be so crude sometimes, Charles!"

Seeing Brooke's laugh diminish, Chuck looked at her seriously and waited until she finished. "Seriously though, I am happy for you two! I won't pretend to not be surprised by it all, but I think I understand. I meant what I said, baby girl. Brooke seems like a fine woman! And Brooke? I hope you know what a special girl you're getting!"

Coming back from the kitchen with a crock-pot full of stew, Betty set it down as she looked at her daughter. "Are you sure she can make you happy, dear? I mean, don't get me wrong Brooke, you're a lovely woman, but that's sort of my point. If you're... well... gay, Jennifer dear, shouldn't you want someone more... um..."

"Butch?" Chuck continued acting as her vocabulary.

"Mom!" Jenny nearly shouted.

Returning to the kitchen for rolls, Beth shook her head. "I guess I just don't understand, dear. You're obviously attracted to men, yet you fall in love with a woman who, if you'll excuse me for saying, isn't handsome, but beautiful! Very attractive, actually! I mean, how does that even work?"

"I don't care how she looks, Mom!" Jenny argued.

"Hey!" Brooke exclaimed.

"Oh! I'm sorry, honey! I didn't mean it that way! I mean..."

Laughing at the exchange, Chuck spooned up some of the stew and handed the bowl to his daughter. "Here, baby girl. Just stuff a roll in your mouth once you get your foot out!"

Jenny blushed and took the bowl while Brooke offered an explanation to her mother as the woman sat back down at the table. "Beth? Jenny isn't gay the way I am. I've known I liked other girls since I was seven, and I never liked boys, except as friends." Taking the bowl of stew that Beth handed her, she placed it in front of her. "Thank you. Anyway, the way I see it, Jenny isn't so much attracted to me physically as she is emotionally."

Shaking her head, trying to puzzle it all out, Beth served herself last. "I... I suppose so." Turning to Jenny, she still looked concerned. "But how can you be happy with her if you aren't... well... attracted to her? I mean, there's an aspect of relationships that needs that sort of... um..." Her hand shook with nervousness as she tried to phrase herself delicately.

"Sexual fulfillment." Chuck answered as he broke up a roll and dropped the pieces in his stew.

"Yes!" Beth agreed. "Thank you, Charles." Turning back to Jenny who was only slowly stirring the hot stew, she sighed. "I... I just want you to be happy, dear, and... well... attraction and sex are part of a fulfilling life!"

Looking at Brooke, Chuck smiled. "I think they're both fulfilled, Beth!"

Smiling as she looked across the table at her love's father while she stirred her stew, Brooke chose to neither confirm nor deny his assertion and instead tried to change the subject. "So, Chuck. Jenny never got around to telling me. Why were you two away for so long?"

"Just work." he stated plainly as he finished stirring in his roll.

"Work?" she asked, realizing that Jenny had never talked to her about what her father did for a living.

Seeing the confused look on Brooke's face, he smiled wryly and turned his hazel eyes to Jenny. "You mean, she doesn't know? You didn't tell her?"

"I... I didn't know how to tell her!" Jenny admitted.

"Know what? Tell me what?" Brooke asked nervously.

Chuck smiled and laughed lightly. "That her old man's a pastor?" Seeing the look of shock on Brooke's face as he happily reached out and took Beth's hand and then Jenny's, Chuck nodded to her. "That's right! You're marrying a pastor's daughter, Brooke! Shall we pray?"

Stepping out of the car, Richard looked hopefully at the abandoned house. Smiling inwardly, he made sure not to let his first impression show to the real estate agent that was standing on the marble steps and waiting for them. Helping Heather out as she moved Faith onto her shoulder, the chill of the late November air stung their noses as she bundled Faith against the cold.

"Thanks, Fredrick." Richard nodded to the newly hired chauffeur who had opened the door for them. "Wait for us here, please?"

"As you wish, Master Hargrave." he intoned flatly.

Rolling his eyes at the man's formality, despite his repeated requests to the contrary, Richard took Heather's free hand and led his wife and daughter toward the building.

"Richard Hargrave?" the agent asked rhetorically as she extended her hand. "I'm Wendy! Wendy Baker from Baker Realty!"

Wincing at her first name, he nevertheless took her hand and shook it.

"Let's go in, shall we?" she bubbled. Unlocking the massive front door, it opened with a groan. Stepping inside, their footfalls against the cold marble floors echoed throughout the hollow building. "This is the entry hall!" she chirped, her voice echoing everywhere. "Over here on the left is a spacious walk-in closet and mud room for coats, winter gear, and anything else you might need to store! You can see the stairs leading up to the second floor, with two landings and all marble construction!"

Only half-listening to the woman's sales pitch, Richard instead looked at the dilapidated structure with an eye to what it would look like after he'd gotten it restored and couldn't help but smile.

"You can see on the walls that the building's original gaslight system is still in place! This building is truly unique in that it was originally built with both gas and electric lighting, rather than most houses of this one's vintage that were retrofitted with electric and the gas systems removed." she droned on.

Leading them through the house, showing them the upstairs bedrooms, the woman opened the first door on the right of the hallway that ran through the middle of the second floor. "This is one of the three larger bedrooms, each with its own private bath! The one across the hall is a mirror image of it!"

Looking at the room, Richard saw a nursery and felt the sting of loss. It had been only five months earlier, just after Heather had fully recovered from her emergency C-section, when they'd learned that she couldn't have any more children. They'd planned on several, three at least. Looking around the room that would have been big enough for five, Richard saw in his mind how it could become their only daughter's private playroom and bedroom.

"Down the hall on the left is the upstairs bath and three smaller bedrooms. On the right is the Master bed and bath with hot tub and separate shower..."

Returning to the ground floor, Richard followed the agent, not hearing much of what she was saying. His mind raced with possibilities as they explored each run-down room that looked as though it hadn't been lived in for thirty years or more.

"The laundry room is off the kitchen with a separate entry from the outside. There are no modern facilities such as a washer or dryer, just an old hand-crank wringing machine, but easily enough room to have modern appliances put in! Just outside the door is the firewood bin, with a door on the outside for loading and a door inside the living room next to the fireplace, so you don't have to haul firewood through the house!"

Following along on the tour, Heather held Faith close to her, trying to keep her warm against the freezing cold in every room. She had to admit, it was a large home, though not as large as the one she grew up in, and less than fifteen minutes from where her new private practice would be. The state of it though left her skeptical. Every room had pealing paint that was probably lead-based, the marble floors were in desperate need of a good cleaning and polishing, and the whole house stank of blood and dead animals.

"The current owner's father only used this building during hunting season, so it hasn't seen much actual use for well over a quarter century! It's very well preserved!" the agent spun. "Additionally, there is the smaller house on the property. It's what is sometimes referred to as a 'mother-in-law' cottage! That one is a complete two-bedroom, one-and-a-half bath home with oodles of storage space, but not of this building's vintage. It was built in the seventies and has all the modern conveniences, including an emergency generator! The last owner used it as a rental, but it's well kept! Would you care to go take a look at it, Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave?"

Looking around the living room, Richard sighed and watched as his breath floated up to the high ceiling. "We'd like a moment alone to discuss it first, Wendy, if that's alright?"

"Sure!" she sung. "I'll just step outside and wait for you!"

Once she closed the door behind her, Richard turned to Heather. "Well?"

"It's... it's big!" she smiled with a strain. "It's also cold!"

"See that fireplace?" Richard asked, pointing to it. "Imagine a roaring fire in there! It'd easily heat the whole house!"

"You love it, don't you Richard?" Heather smiled.

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "The library's a little on the small side, but I think that den she showed us used to be part of it. I could restore it, add a bunch more shelves, and it would easily fit all your books... and more!"

"More?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah! We'll need books for Faith! A whole wall just for children's books and encyclopedias!"

Laughing at his exuberance, Heather shook her head. "OK! I can see you're hooked! Just don't let her know that!" she smiled, nodding toward where the agent had gone. Her mood suddenly shifting, she added, "The asking price is much less than what we can get for... for my old home." Heather hung her head sadly. Shaking it off, she raised her chin. "So let's not give her the idea that they could raise the price simply because you want it so badly!"

Moving to her and taking her and Faith into his arms, Richard patted her back. "I know, love. It's hard letting go."

"It's harder to stay!" she nearly cried. "I... I miss Gregory! And Mom and Dad, Jack and Erica, and Frank and even Judith! Oh, Richard! I feel like I'm keeping you, here in the wilderness, while your family is enjoying..."

"Heather!" he admonished her. "My family is all right here! You and Faith! Besides, who's going to keep people from going crazy while I run the house? Hmm? You! Right? If you don't take the position for that retiring therapist, the closest one will be in Berlin, over an hour south!"

Unsure as she stepped back to look around the living room, she shook her head. "But Richard..."

"And what about Brooke and Jenny? If we leave, who'll be there for them when they need help? Besides, I like the idea of living out in the wilderness! No crime, no hustle and bustle, lots of trees and actual snow for Faith to play in! I bet little Eric won't even know what snow is when Jack and Erica come to visit us!"

Sighing, she exhaled and watched her own breath rise. "Let's go look at the little house. Maybe we can live there while we get this place fixed up, which will take a small fortune if I'm right!"

"That's more like it!" Richard beamed.

"What will we do with it after?" she asked as they walked toward the door.

"Dunno." he shrugged with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Rent it out, I suppose. Maybe Brooke and Jenny might want it! Wouldn't that be nice? Having them living so close?"

"It would, Richard. Family should be close!" she sighed as they closed the door behind them.

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