I have had nothing but grief from Amazon/Kindle over publishing the latest book. What really grates is that it is entirely done by automated message.
Their gripe is that my writing is still here, and therefore I 'do not hold copyright'. As an attempt to break the routine of their bots, I have therefore removed the contents of the stories in the new book. If it works, great, and I shall then try and restore them here.
The work this morning to enable that was further interrupted, first by a Micro**** auto update, and then by a power cut.
Anyone listening in at my home would have heard more than a little offensive language.
you have
To play by their rules!
I always do the Kindle stuff before anything else, once it's up then I do Lulu and in time, do my posts here.
Another way around is to use a different title as that's what their bots look for first. So for example i've done a couple of compendiums of short stories that are posted here but because the new title was quite different it was okayed in a matter of minutes.
One blocker for you may be that you have two different author names so their Bot will see one and if it doesn't match what you are using for kindle it thinks you are 'stealing' the work.
Anyhow, hope you've got it resolved now
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Just Amazon being Amazon
This seems to be typical for how Amazon operates. I call them "Robber Baron rules." Basically, anything goes as long as it increases their profits.
Their distribution centers are sweatshops (that's why their usually set up in economically depressed areas, where people are desperate for any sort of income), and they squeeze their suppliers as far as they can without actually driving their supplier to give up their business. People here who post their stories on Amazon (given how little they contribute to the product, it doesn't really count as "publishing") are treated as small-scale, desperate suppliers, to be cheated as much as they can. It's "heads I win, tails you lose."
This is why I refuse to buy from Amazon. (That includes stories that BC authors post there.)
(When the news came out that Jeff Bezos was going to be launched into space, everyone I know cheered -- until they found out they were going to bring him back again.)
When the toilet…
…that I bought on Amazon arrived (by free overnight shipping from a few states away) as a hundred-pound box of razor-sharp porcelain shards, they insisted that I ship them back. That was so they could dispose of them safely and responsibly, right?
If you hold copyright, then you can publish where ever you want
What you've described is exactly why I refuse to publish Kindle content. I prefer to publish with Smashwords. The only thing they check is to see if your story has been published elsewhere under a different authors name.
Pros publishing with Smashwords:
They convert your doc file to several (I think all) eBook formats including epub and mobi. In the process, your book is checked for proper formatting. They provide FREE ISBN numbers, FREE author profile page, FREE ebook conversion to multiple formats from a Word .doc, FREE unlimited anytime-updates to books and metadata, FREE consolidated sales reporting simplifies year-end tax reporting, FREE centralized metadata management. FREE exclusive marketing and selling tools such as our Smashwords Coupon Manager, Special Deals, Smashwords Alerts, Smashwords Series Manager. Since you retain the copyright and all other rights to the story, you are free to publish any where else you like.
Cons publishing with Smashwords:
No pay for page reading. You're on your own to publish in print. To my knowledge Erin hasn't set up an affiliate so BCTS gets something for referring people.
Here's a link to the informational page about publishing with Smashwords. https://www.smashwords.com/about/how_to_publish_on_smashwords
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I have removed the 'words' from the stories involved, and will slip them back in shortly, hence the 'placeholder' for each. The book is now live...
Offensive Comment
I bought a gnome for my spouse on Amazon. It arrived in pieces. I posted a review sitting the packaging wasn't adequate and it was removed as offensive. No %$&^$. Just a factual comment. The same thing happened when I posted a review about charging a $950 delivery charge on an item that cost $75.
Evidently, Bezo's motto is I have a right to thirty percent of everything and no duty to anyone to assure anything.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Scam Is On
Is the correct pronunciation of the name of the aforementioned company.
Return of the Files
Book published, so stories back up here