In this world of algorithms and jackasses, certain things do and do not count.
Bezo is a jackass.
BC needs revenue to stay viable.
BC generates a considerable amount of revenue through the sale of my books. The more positive review for my books, the more books Amazon will sell. I don't take anything from this revenue flow.
Therefore, please read the book, and then review the book. The cash coming into BC counts.
Bezo's jackassery doesn't count.
The new book is called "Her." When I have a new book, invariably it prompts sales of my other books. All proceeds go to BC for all of my books that have been published by Doppler Press. (There are one or two that were stolen by pirates.)
Have it on my list to read next. :)
Done ....
Done and done!
Now, what's my cut on those millions of dollars? ;)
The same could be said
For the Easy As Falling Off A Bike books that Doppler press do, all the proceeds go to the site.
Too bad we don't get paid per word.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Paid per word? Not a good idea I think.
My pay would be lousy if I was paid by word.
Hey wait, I just remembered that I'm not paid at all!
I have had textbooks in Economics and Business Adminstration written by US authors that quite obviously were paid by word. The problem was identifying the 5% of the texts that was of any use.
Word Padding ....
Now, that is an art form, in and of itself!
Still trying to get there! LOL!
No matter! If it's on Doppler, read it. Enjoy it. Even if you don't (enjoy it), comment on it as if you did! Regardless of whether it ALL goes to BC or only 50%, something does. So, the more that read it, the more BC benefits. If it happens to stroke us authors' egos, well so be it. ;)
Wait! Did I just say that out loud? Nah! You know the drill!
Read! ENJOY! And rate/comment. Remember, it benefits BC! ;) Ummmmm, also remember, when it comes to all of this, I'm a midget compared to the giants out there. Just support your local sheriff ... ummm ... TG website. BC is counting on you!