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Babs' New Year’s Resolution 91
© Beverly Taff.
Lola Smith Bab’s adopted trans daughter.
Callista Denton (Callie). Transgendered Duchess of Denton.
Margaret Denton (Maggie). Callie’s wife.
Molly Denton Callie’s grandmother
Ellie Denton Callie’s mother.
Bab’s Barbara Smith. Lola’s adoptive ‘Nana’
Olivia Smith Bab’s adopted daughter. Lesbian black artist
Angela Smith Bab’s adopted daughter Olivia’s lover
Erica Bab’s foster daughter.
Sergeant Bridie Davies Lady Police detective protecting the girls.
Sergeant Brian Davies. Bridie’s twin brother.
Inspector John, Heading up the anti-rape-gang operation.
Gareth Jenkins, Police office trained in firearms and protection.
Belinda Harrington Lola’s university girlfriend.
Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to –
Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.
Mickey Talbot Aaron and Shirley’s oldest son.
Jessica Talbot Aaron & Shirley’s middle daughter.
Bianca Talbot Aaron & Shirley’s youngest daughter.
Henry Denton Callie’s only son.
Charlotte Denton Callie’s only daughter.
Beverly Callie’s maternal great aunt (Ellie’s paternal aunt)
Wendy Smith Beverly’s Operations Manager for Hull
Louisa Wendy’s Daughter
Griselda & Mia Wendy’s younger twin daughters.
Susan Harvey Prosecution counsel advocating for Erica in court.
Han’s The policeman’s son Erica fancies
Uncle Phillip CIA Agent.
Emily Jackson. Texan girl Kidnapped to Holland & Turkey
Sandra Jackson Sister to Emily kidnapped in Texas as a hostage.
Chapter 91.
As the police van emerged from Osterly Station, Bridie confirmed the identity of the unmarked police car that approached the station exit and made sure she personally identified the driver. She pulled out onto the busy A30 then went through the rigmarole of turning through three right-hand junctions to double back and take the road west to the M4.
Eventually the reached Reading then Bridie and the escort car left the motorway and started taking ‘A’ roads through Newbury and Marlborough and Chippenham. Next they turned north through Tetbury, and Dursley until finally they reached they reached the lane off the A38 that took them down to the Gloucester Ship Canal.
By now all the Texan girl’s questions had been answered and they simply gazed at the scenery as Bridie picked her way down the slippery lane while the police escort waited on the main road.
“Which river is that?” Sarah asked as she gazed across the tidal sandbanks.
“It’s the Severn Estuary, Erica replied. We can get a better look tomorrow if everything’s okay.”
“This is the canal the ships used to avoid navigating the estuary, it’s treacherous.” Bridie added as they arrived on the canal towpath. “And there’s the cottage.”
Both Texan girls gazed at the cottage as the early evening sun shed a soft yellowish light over the cottage.
“It looks nice,” Emily stared. “Is that the sea?”
“No, that’s still the estuary. The Sea is about forty or fifty miles further on depending on where you decide the sea starts.” Lola replied as the van stopped and the girls tumbled out.
“Gosh it’s green,” Emily opined.
“Yeah, it rain’s a lot, you’ll get used to it.” Lola replied as they hefted the Texan’s luggage to the cottage.
Once inside, Bab’s explained the set up and the girls led Sarah and Emily to their rooms.
“The cottage was extended recently so you’ve got your own bedrooms but you share the bathroom. We all eat together so you’ll be part of the family with me as the head of the household. There are no boys except Sergeant Brian who sleeps on the narrow boat moored behind the cottage. Bridie sleeps in the house and she’s effectively our armed guard. If you want, you can clean up and join us for supper about eightish. That’ll give you time to explore a bit and unpack.”
The girls dumped their baggage and agreed to explore outdoors before darkness fell so they were given the ‘Cook’s tour.’ Soon, a noisy bunch of girls first visited the tidal lock then reversed up the canal to see the Marina.
Reluctantly they had to return to the cottage as darkness descended because none of them had thought to bring a torch. (flashlight) However the cold Autumnal weather quickly encouraged them to return to the warmth of the cottage and soon the girls were scrubbing up for food.
“Dinner’s ready girls!” Bab’s called up the stairs, and soon the kitchen table was surrounded by hungry teenagers.
Bab’s smiled inwardly as she surveyed what she had come to regard as her brood of chicks. Fortunately, the ever-thoughtful Lola had helped prepare and serve the meal then organised the ‘clean-up’ afterwards. The conversation invariably centred on what Sarah and Emily found to be new and or surprising so the chatter was lively and noisy, as teenagers often were.
Eventually, Bab’s felt tired and bid the girls goodnight as she made for her bed. From her bedroom she smiled as the lively chatter drifted up.
“The girls obviously felt safe and happy.” She concluded as she curled under her duvet.
The following morning Bab’s woke early to hear the girls chattering on the landing. Lola’s voice was explaining to the Texan girls as they were obviously arranging to go out. Bab’s called to them through her bedroom door.
“What’s all the kerfuffle about girls?”
“I was explaining about the Severn bore!” Lola replied. “There’s a small one due this morning.”
“It won’t be much this month,” Bab’s replied, “Next month will have the biggest this year, equinoctial tides and all that.”
“I know Nan, but Emily’s a bit of a surfer freak. She wants to go and watch the surfers.”
“Is she seriously thinking of having a go?”
“Next month perhaps. She’s got no kit with her yet. She just wants to have a look.”
“Well there are few better places than the bend above the locks where the river narrows suddenly and the bore kicks up. I’ve been told if it’s a good break and the weather assists the tide, you might sometimes ride all the way up to Gloucester.”
“How far is that?” Emily asked.
“It’s about twenty miles,” Bab’s replied, “I’m no expert but I believe it’s been done by a few expert surfers all the way up to the Gloucester weir.”
“Twenty miles!” Emily shrieked.
“You’d best check with the local experts,” Bab’s cautioned. “I’ve no idea about surfing but I’m told it gets dangerous on the big tides, not least because the place gets crowded with all sorts.”
The next moment, Bab’s bedroom door opened as Erica appeared with a breakfast tray. Bab’s sat up and soon the girls were surrounding her bed.
“Is it okay to go and look this morning and see what goes on?” Emily begged.
“This place isn’t a prison. Lola can take you to see in the Land Rover.”
Within minutes the girls had scoffed their breakfasts and were out of the door. It was noon before they returned loaded with information while Emily was almost wetting herself with anticipation. That afternoon, Sergeant Bridie was using an encrypted email to have funds sent over so that Emily could buy kit in Bristol.
A fortnight later Emily had teamed up with a regular tandem surfer team and was visiting the North Cornish beaches to practice the new art form.
The following month as the equinoctial tides approached she had found her regular partner and honed her moves at a local dance school.
The day came stormy, wet and windy when she joined him at the most favoured location on the river as Bab’s and the girls took station at a riverside bank where the bore was stable and enduring.
From the bank, a club organiser called out that the bore was large because of the storm assisting the tide and a ripple of anticipation fluttered through the crowd as the surfers lined up protectively alongside the ‘tandem pairs.”
“What are they doing?” Lola asked the club organiser.
“The paddlers are protecting the tandem pairs so that they get enough clear water to lift the girls. See the local news teams are hoping to get some good shots with their drones.”
“Where’s Emily?” Angela asked.
“There she is!” Sarah squealed, “With the yellow hood on her wet suit.”
Emily looked up once, then waved to the girls before turning with her tandem partner to gauge the approaching bore and manoeuvre for a good stoke. (Local term for a good position on the bore).
The roar of the approaching bore was enough to frighten some, but the line of experienced surfers demonstrated that they felt they had little to fear as the wave surged higher and higher where the river narrowed.
The girls watched fascinated as Emily and her partner started to paddle furiously then stand together as he quickly hoisted Emily above his shoulders.
Soon Emily and two other tandem pairs were surging on the bore as it surged and rumbled underneath their boards. At one stage the three flying girls actually touched fingers before having to separate as a large tree came floating down the river. By this stage, the three tandemers had surfed far out of sight of the girls and it was several kilometres up the river before they located the exhilarated six tandemers.
Bab’s was relieved to see that Emily still had her hood and goggles on’ so that the news cameras could not reveal her identity.
“Glad to see that you remembered darling. It wouldn’t do to be seen on a local newscast.”
“That’s the problem Nan. They want to interview me because they could sell the footage to a local Texan television station.”
“I think we’ve got that bit covered. Sergeant Bridie has explained to the local television company. Fortunately, the river footage is you with hood and goggles so you’re completely unidentified. Now, I think you’d better say your goodbye’s to the club and call it a day.”
“What about my partner Eddie?” He want’s to take me out on Saturday.”
“We’ll cross that bridge on Saturday after checking with the police. They’ll run a back-ground check on him to check he’s okay.”
“Shit! This safe-house stuff is a real crock. Eddie’s as pure as the driven snow.”
“I’m sure he is but it’s best to check him out. You haven’t told him anything have you?”
“No, nothing at all. He’s curious though, what with the mysterious lady from nowhere.”
“We’ll have a meeting tonight in the cottage, all the girls and the police.”
“Please Nana. For the first time in my life I’ve found something that I really enjoy and somebody nice to share it with. Eddie’s okay!”
“I thought you liked ballet?”
“I do, but this is better. Ballet on the water with a guy who’s not a wimp. You have to be strong to balance a girl while your surfboard is wobbling all over; and no stupid ballet teacher telling you to hold your body at a specific angle. You’re swaying and wobbling far too much to worry about poise and beauty, though it does count. Did you see us touch fingers?”
“No. Sadly you were too far up the river. I’ve no doubt I’ll see the footage on the news.”
“Yeah, the guys with the jet boat say they’ve got some fabulous footage. Pity I’m behind the goggles. They say my location in the middle was the most poised shot.”
“I’m sure that when this case is over, you’ll be able to come back and get a proper shot.” Bab’s comforted the slightly disappointed Emily. “The television company said they’ve also got some excellent drone footage.”
After a brief impromptu party in the pub carpark, the river surfing club split up and went their separate ways. Reluctantly, Emily re-joined her friends and they returned to the cottage as night fell.
Around the kitchen table they chatted at length and Emily begged and pleaded.
“There’s another bore tomorrow, an hour later. Not as big as that one but I’d love to ride it if it makes.”
Reluctantly, Bab’s provisionally agreed.
Okay, but hood and goggles again, especially if you’re dancing with Eddie.”
“I like that,” Emily grinned. “Dancing with Eddie; that’s a great way to describe it.”
“Do not publicise it in advance.” Sergeant Bridie advised. Just go there, and if you see Eddie; see if you can do it again. Do not tell anybody, including Eddie; that you’ll be there. We have not checked him out yet.”
Emily reluctantly agreed this was the best deal on offer. Her experiences with the gang in Texas had forewarned her enough to act cautiously and sensibly. The last thing she wanted was for the cover to be blown for everybody.
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Better Than Texas!
Greener and bigger "bore". I hope the girls settle in OK.
Glad to see
the girls just get a chance to be teenagers, hope this Eddie guy is for real.
Careful, or else
It's hard to stay hidden when something new turns out to be fun. Emily may love her new found fun time, but she also has to understand what it means to them all if she is discovered. Or if any of them are discovered before things get settled.
Others have feelings too.
Loved the surfing clip. Great to share something I’ve never imagined before.
Cheryl pinkwestch
A unique experience, especially those from Texas.