Sephrena's computer exploded last week, just as the holiday weekend was starting. Then she got snowed out today when she went to pick it up. So? Tomorrow? We can hope...
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TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Sephrena's computer exploded last week, just as the holiday weekend was starting. Then she got snowed out today when she went to pick it up. So? Tomorrow? We can hope...
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Did she just get it repaired?
If so, hope it was not the power supply, the failure of which could take out a lot of other parts with it.
Not the power supply
Apparently the heat sink on her graphics card failed but it did take out her motherboard as well. Repairs were about half the value of the computer. Some parts were under warranty, I think.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Graphics Card fans
Ug! I had a video card eat itself about 9 years ago when the fan stopped running without warning. GPU overheated before I could shut down the system and POP! Molten GPU dripping on the next card down. (ruined that too) Ever since then I've stuck with video cards that have a passive cooling system. Sure, you won't get the latest bleeding-edge technology, but still good enough for anything I would run and one less thing to fail. (my main CPU heat sink has dual fans for this reason... no single point of failure)
Hope she got everything sorted and didn't lose any data. (which is why I do regular backups now... too many hours of work lost to HD crashes, and all HDs crash eventually)
Give her my best if you would!
Well there is always redundancy
There are triple fan cards out there so I doubt it will instantaneously melt down if one out of the three fans fail.
If one has a modern case with a glass side panel and RGB on the fan I think a dead fan would be obvious.
A passively cooled GPU/CPU/PS of course means a silent computer which of course provides quality of life.
Quality of life
Considering that my main PC is also the main entertainment center for the house, (hooked up to a UHD 65" TV and 7.1 channel amp) quiet is not only a matter of quality of life, but a matter of being able to hear the show we're watching.
The case doesn't have a glass panel... it's solid and has noise insulation on the inside to damper the (little) noise of the PS fans and CPU fans. (which are all 6" fans that don't have to turn fast and thus make a lot of noise to move a lot of air) It's also tucked away in the Entertainment Center where, even if it had a glass panel, it wouldn't be easy to see. Thus why relying on any single point of failure isn't an option. (even the the main data HDs are in a RAID 1 configuration, so a HD failure won't even result in downtime, let alone loss of data)
But I digress... :^)
RobertaME (proud computer geek girl)
Hope she’s ok
As someone from Essex in the UK, how do you get ‘snowed out’?
We’ve just had a couple of 14°c days (about 57°f) so we’re highly unlikely to see a flake of snow any time soon.
Hugs (and happy new year)
Six inches of snow
Six inches of snow fell in a few early morning hours in the downtown area of her city, keeping her, or the employees, from reaching the store. The drifts were, of course, much higher and the snowplow crews were not letting anyone even try to get through.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Six inches …. Zoinks
sounds like fun!
Sounds like fun!
We normally get a nice downfall of snow here, then it melts off the next day, so I prayed we might have a White Christmas this year. I've been missing them since I've moved to Spokane. It's been 3 weeks that we've had snow on the ground now, and it's still coming down.
I didn't expect my prayer to cover everywhere, though! Lol!
I believe
it was officially a white Christmas in parts of the UK this last year, a few flakes fell on Stornaway airport or some such thing.
(Didn't think anyone admitted to living in Essex 8-) )
Nowt wrong with essex …..
……. It’s not all like TOWIE you know ….. (some bits are worse lol)
Oh, you mean Sarfend and Canvey Island then?
{ducks to avoid incoming white stiletto's}
Actually ….
… I was thinking Basilscum or BasVegas, call it what you will ;p
(Won’t ever catch me stilettos (white or otherwise) I broke both my ankles years ago, strictly flats for me)
Been to Clacton-on-See...
... and Frinton-on-See... Still Essex. But it was quite nice!
(once walked from Clacton to Naze Tower and back... Funny thing, at another visit walked along the sea to the South-West from Clacton Pier, but managed to completely miss "Martello Tower E"...)
at a guess
Erin means snowed in as snowed out makes no sense whatsoever!
Apparently they are forecasting snow for southern England later in the month - there were several falls up in GOC before Xmas, i doubt they've seen the last either, it is after all, the middle of winter!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I guess it is like the "Fog
I guess it is like the "Fog in Channel, Continent cut off !" headline.
She was blocked out of the shop, not blocked in her house ?
Could leave the house but couldn't reach downtown.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
she probably spilled coke on it.
everyone knows computers prefer Pepsi.
I hope everything gets fixed quick
Computers prefer tea. At least, once they've hung out with me long enough they do.
We tried many drinks...
But still, no definite answer, what is computer preferred drink?..
We tried several brands of cola, couple of types of lemonade, red wine, white wine, sparkly wine, beers and ales, coffee, tea...
Only definite so far is: computers do not like white coffee with 3 (or more) spoons of sugar.
Good thing she was snowed out and not snowed in
In colloquial Swedish "insnöad" (snowed in) has the meaning of narrowminded and ignorant.