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According to one article the most popular New Year's Resolutions are:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight
  3. Get organized
  4. Learn a new skill or hobby
  5. Live life to the fullest

That same article states that people making resolutions are successful 46% percent of the time.

My success ratio for the hundreds of resolutions I've made is zero.

However, I'm curious if any of you have made a resolution regarding your writing or reading practices on BC.

Maybe you have decided to finish a serial, post more comments, or donate more frequently.

Please share.

My resolution is to blog only when necessary.



Resolutions I've kept

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

For years I fell in along side of millions (billions??) of other people and made resolutions that were aimed at improving my life. And.... If I'd written them down, quite probably, I'd have broken the first one before the ink dried. For at lease 20 years, my rate was Zero. Then one year, in frustration, I made only one resolution that I managed to keep. I've kept it now for over 40 years now.

The resolution? I resolved to not make anymore resolutions. ;o)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

New Year's Resolutions

WillowD's picture

I hate to say it but I hope you don't actually wind up blogging less. I like to read your blogs.

I haven't made any New Year's resolutions for years. I don't find them useful. I will, now and then, make a resolution to improve myself in such and such a way for a while but I don't tie starting them to the new year.

BTW, may this year be much better than the last two. Happy New Year.


New Year's Resolutions are perfect for recycling. Most are "As New" ;)

Personally I've never bothered with them though. I have enough things to have a bad conscience about even without adding new.

I am not a fan of making New Year’s resolutions…….

D. Eden's picture

But I did in fact make several this year:

1) I resolved not to die of cancer this year. This may not seem like much, but I was in fact diagnosed with melanoma last April. I had surgery last May, and have been undergoing immunotherapy for the past six months. My last two PET scans were clear. I have resolved repeatedly to do whatever I must to survive and even prosper through this.

2) I resolved to lose weight by eating less and eating better. Although my weight has been steady - I get weighed by the doctor every three weeks as part of my treatment - I need to lose at least 30 pounds to get to my desired weight. Hopefully even more than the thirty!

3) I resolved to exercise more. I spend three or more nights each week in a hotel, which gives me access to an exercise room and an indoor pool. I also have free time every evening and plan to make better use of it. I was working out regularly in the past, but stopped in 2019; I need to get back into the habit. Taken with eating better, this should assist in my losing weight - but NOT bulking up. I want to look better, but more feminine.

As far as reading, I already do as much as possible in the available time. Creative writing is not a talent or skill I possess, and I would not subject anyone to my lack of talent.

I do hope that others will continue, or even increase their writing and posting here!

Happy New Year to all of my friends here on BCTS.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Melanie Brown's picture

A few years back I made a resolution that that was the year I would get published. And it was.


Several years ago, I made a

Rose's picture

Several years ago, I made a resolution that I've kept to this day. Hasn't been hard or anything. I resolved to make no more resolutions. It's worked out great!



See, I'm not the only one

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

It worked for me as well.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

With Jill's and Doppler's help ...

I'm working through my new stories and some of my older stories and prepping them for publication to help BC. Of course, that takes Jill's editing and Erin and Co's publishing mojo. Of course, the balancing act of trying to stay healthy, recharging my muse, writing new stuff, and plowing through old stories that aren't quite up to my current writing standards ... is tiring in and of itself.

So, while I typically don't do the resolution thing, I think I will concentrate on not alienating Jill, Erin, Piper, and Cat! Oh ... and of course staying very thankful to all that deem to read my ... stuff .... :)

HUGS and Happy New Year!


10 years ago, I resolved . . .

tigger's picture

. . .to break no resolution I didn't make.

And it remains unbroken to this day.

Which makes it unique in my history.

Warm furry New Years Hugs!!

Tigger Tree Hugging


Are you

Angharad's picture

tossing the caber, Tiggs?


nah . . .

tigger's picture

Just a pic of the scratching post where Tigger posts his scratchings.

Amazing how trees have internet access these days, eh?


warm furry hugs


New year

Erisian's picture

I haven't tried to do 'resolutions' for many years - some succeeded in the past but many didn't. As I don't want to end up piling on feelings of guilt if things don't work out, I think I'll just list some goals to aim at for the year. And if they slip or if life interferes, well...that happens.

Firstly is I'd like to get book five at least drafted. Secondly will be to survive the year at work - it's gonna be a crazy one and there's going to be a lot of changes to deal with. How much that'll impact writing time I don't know yet. Time will tell. Other than those two, hmm...saving up for a new garage door would be nice. Oh, and a new couch to replace our 22 year old one which is barely hanging on. Will be sad to see it go, though. Many happy memories on that couch of moments with people and kitties who are no longer with us. With that noted, another goal would be to visit family and friends more often if that can be safely arranged.

The kittens claim I should add to the list spoiling them even more rotten (is that possible??) with additional snugs and playtime. Definitely a worthy ambition. :)

The Couch We Love

We have two couches. The one in our family room is more like a loveseat and we're replacing it after four years with something we can sleep on. I wish you lived near me . . . I'd give the loveseat to you. We'll probably donate it to a thrift store. The replacement will be ready in Feb. We ordered it three months ago. It cost a little under $4,000 and I'm sure it will be nice. But. . .

The couch we love is in our sitting room. My spouse built it forty years ago. It's been used and abused by our four-kid family and testament to what you can do if you're willing to take a risk with minimal tools. I highly suggest you look into building your own. We've had at least five other couches come and go over the years, but the DIY couch has stayed.

I'm not sure about kitties but our puppy is a year old today and I had to stop myself this morning from singing Happy Birthday to him. There is a limit. Isn't there?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Erisian's picture

Thanks for the kind thought!! We will need a couch wide enough for three adults, two of the whom are over 6ft and not slender. Building one's own sounds neat, except I am admittedly a complete noob when it comes to carpentry. A friend of mine would insist I not touch the power tools required for such activities, and while he'd know what to do - he's too busy making really awesome things on his lathe. We'll get the cash together for something (probably half as much as your replacement, don't need a sleeper), likely by tapping the upcoming tax refund once we can file.

And singing Happy Birthday to your puppy is a perfectly fine thing to do imo. Looking to my own parents' example, it's clear that as you get older one's pets get more and more spoiled. The poor dogs I grew up with must be looking down from dog-heaven in shock at how their current pair are treated and given so many treats! Though I might draw a line at trying to put party hats on kitties or puppies unless pics can be shared. ;)


Wonder what your criteria you use, for when a blog is necessary? To me blogging is always optional. I hope you don't keep it, as I think your blogs and resulting comments add to the site.


When the blog muse nudges, it's necessary to post.

Mainly, I blog when I feel the need to connect.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)