Gokachuu - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As Jacqueline walked down to one of the surface transports, people turned to stare at her, not recognizing her appearance.

As she approached the transport bay, one of the male researchers dropped his binder and stared. "Jack! Is that you?"

She turned, "Yes. We've likely found a cure, exciting isn't it?"

"I-indeed!" the researcher scrambled to pick up his binder.

As she entered the transport, she engaged the biometric scan. Mismatch. She tried again. Turning to the security booth, she said, "It isn't working for me. Can you override it?"

"Jack? You... look different." said the woman from behind the glass.

"Yes, but it is me. Throw the override. I need to get to the surface."

"Of course! Right away." the door to the transport opened. Jacqueline went inside and threw the switch, the autopilot executing a deorbit burn and automated landing. As the g-forces increased as the plasma outside the craft windows increased. She felt her body being pulled down, made extra heavy by the acceleration of gravity. As the craft entered the atmosphere and automatically deployed its landing latch to grab a mass driver rail, the sudden deceleration always caused a huge jolt. The magnetic rail decelerated as the craft slowed as it landed at Rathit's largest space port - Rongo.

Leaving the craft, the researcher drew looks from the crowd of men entering and leaving. She walked over to the local medical center. As she walked in, the male-looking receptionist behind the counter said, "Yes? What can I help you with miss..." she trailed off.

"You know me. It's Jack, or Jacqueline, I guess now. Get one of the docs. I may have found a cure but I need a body scan." Jacqueline said.

"R-right away!" said the receptionist.

Meanwhile, on Orphe, Ruri helped Meta get dressed, her transformation had just finished.

"So, when do we get our money?" Seri looked over at Ruri.

"Not until I hear back from Jack. Your patience is appreciated." Ruri replied. "How do you feel Meta?"

"Amazing. Like I'm reborn."

Zhuang and Luka sat chatting over on the other side of the room.

"I just wanna get home." Luka complained.

"Same. Orphe is fucking boring."

Suddenly, the largest screen in the room lit up.

"This is Jacqueline broadcasting from the surface. I just had a medical examination and I'm not getting influenced from the planet. I'm waiting for the council to authorize the release of the U-90, but Ruri, go ahead and figure out how they want to split the 30 million." The screen went blank.

"Well you heard her." Ruri said. "How do you want to split it?"

Seri turned to Zhuang and Luka. "Since... you know. I brought them back, I think I deserve half."

Luka nodded, "Yeah! I don't feel like I did anything, so I guess Zhuang can have the rest."

Seri glared at Zhuang, who quickly said, "No, Luka. We'll give you 5 million. You can spend it however."

"Five. Million? That's... huge." Luka exclaimed.

"Yeah, well you can think of it as an advance payment for 'services' with me and Seri." Zhuang giggled.

Luka turned red and turned away, embarassed.

"Alright, it's settled. Ruri, 15 goes to me, 10 to Zhuang and 5 to Luka." Seri handed her PDA over.

"Luka, Zhuang, give me your PDAs. Seri, come with me and we'll get that taken care of." Ruri and Seri soon left with the PDAs.

Back on the surface, there were problems.

"What do you mean you can't authorize its release?" Jacqueline yelled at the monitor, with the funding committee. "We already promised them the U-90!"

"For a cure. We don't have a mass produced cure. We have a hack way that is painful and potentially psychologically damaging." said the head of the committee, a grey haired man.

She took a deep breath in and out. "If you don't release that, you do know you put Orphe at risk right? They're bounty hunters. Essentially, pirates and assassins. Either you will have to hand it over or risk a hostage situation."

"We aren't releasing it. 30 million is sufficient a reward for them. End of discussion."

Jacqueline punched the monitor with all her might, spiderwebs of cracks erupting on it. "Damn!"

Back on board Orphe, Seri and Ruri had arrived at the money transferer on board the ship. As they walked in, Ruri locked the door and turned on the privacy shade. Seri did not notice. "Let me go get this done. Here, have some coffee." Ruri handed Seri a hot cup of coffee.

Seri noticed a slight off taste when drinking it, she concluded it was just bad coffee and drank it anyways. From behind, a hand went over her mouth while the other groped her chest. Ruri had doubled back behind her. Ruri spoke into her ear. "You're such a cutie, you know that. Ever since I laid eyes on you. And I know why you're getting 15. Because Zhuang inadvertently gave away that you were the first victim. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanna have my way with you. And don't worry, you'll love it." Ruri licked and nibbled Seri's ear. Seri felt herself unable to struggle. Struggling to think, she realized there must have been diazepines in the coffee. She had no choice but to just let it happen. Ruri had her way with Seri, stripping her and performing cunnilingus on her, while Seri was unable to resist. This went on for several minutes until Ruri's PDA began beeping. Stopping what she was doing, she turned and threw her lab coat back on and left the room. Seri tried getting to her feet, but she fell over. Crawling to the door, she heard outside the door, "They won't release the U-90? This isn't good. Yes. Keep trying. I'll figure something out."

The door opened, and Ruri saw Seri near the door. "I heard..." Seri said slowly.

"Here, take this," Ruri handed a white pill. "It's a stimulant that will counteract the tranquilizer. We don't have time to mess around."

"Why... should I trust... you?" Seri said, frowning.

"Because if you want the U-90 you're gonna have to trust me. Take the damn pill."

Seri took the pill. "Give me... my clothes back." She still didn't feel much different.

"15, 10, 5" Ruri said in the other side of the room, charging the PDAs. "I'm giving your money on the PDAs, right now. That stimulant may take a minute to kick in."

"What... are we going... to do about the U-90?" Seri asked.

"We're going to ensure you girls can get it. However, we have to stage it like a hijacking of the station since the council of Rathit doesn't want to release it. We'll help, don't worry." Ruri handed Seri her clothes and some water. "Drink the water, and then get dressed at your own pace. Also, sorry I took advantage of you."

"There's more important things to address right now..." Seri replied, slowly putting her clothes on.

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why did Gokachu just stop?
