Emergency Dash!

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There won't be a proper post today or perhaps even Sunday for which I apologise. For why? Well you will recall the news about the lock up where most of my worldly goods are stored? Just to recap, we have been given a week to quit so it's a case of finding an alternative and moving everything by next Monday or lose it.

Before I go further, thank you to everyone who has sent me support, whether words or more tangible, it really is appreciated.

Anyhoo, back to the 'plot', without going into detail, I think i've got another lock up, quite close to the original so i'm heading north as I type this. If things pan out, I hope to have it sorted today so I can at least start the move tomorrow. In theory I should be able to do the bulk in a day (I need to get a sack barrow to speed things along) so in theory I should be done and can travel back south Friday or Saturday.

Well that's the plan as it stands, obviously any delays will put back the timetable and if the new lock up falls through for any reason we move to plan B which will be more expensive and take a bit of organising, van hire etc - anyone got a Luton van?

So there we are, if plan A comes off I should be able to post on Sunday, if it's plan B it could be next Wednesday.

I've got about three more hours to Sheffield, think I'll try to get 40 winks.

Madeline Anafrid


Contracts ?

Seems rather short notice. Do you have a contract and does it say anything about notice periods ?
If possible, the new place should have a contract which gives you more time if this happens again ...