Writing is an odd business. I mean really.
One of the things I look into are ways to improve my writing output. There is one that I have been using lately and it seems to work but damn is it odd. According to research into creativity, if you write in Comic Sans you can write more and utilize more creativity. Personally this seems to be the case, as my output has increased and ideas seem to flow better. But at what cost?
There is no way I am ever going to post stories in Comic Sans, but writing in it... that might become a thing. I am sure there is really neat science involved, and I do know that the font is easier for those with Dyslexia to read it, but I'm not sure of the details. Changing the font can change the writing... who knew?
I write in Word
So, it was very easy to try Comic Sans out. I like it.
Comic Sans
Is Comic Sans the same as Comic Sans MS? My system has the latter, and I can use it in Emacs, Notepad, and other text programs.
Also, is it possible to post a story in a particular font? Suppose, for example, I wanted to post a story in Fiolex Girls font?
-- Daphne Xu
Fiolex Girls?
It will be interesting to read the story you think Fiolex Girls font is suitable for ;)
Let's try
If you have Fiolex Girls installed, this should show up in it instead of your browser's default font:
Is this displayed in Fiolex Girls?
The same holds true for Comic Sans MS
Okay, I have them both. I'm pretty sure that most readers have "Comic Sans MS" because it came with Windows. I still don't know if "Comic Sans" is the same as "Comic Sans MS".
I don't think that I could force anyone to read in Fiolex Girls, and I'd probably be lynched if I could and did. However, Alecia Snowfall displayed the title of "Frills" in that font.
-- Daphne Xu
If you use lots of majuscules
perhaps MC Sweetie Hearts might be a font with more impact?
Same same. Comic Sans MS is
Same same. Comic Sans MS is what I'm using.
We are the change that will save the world.
Fiolex Girls font
Amazing what a Google search finds for us: https://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/Fiolex_Girls.font
Book Antiqua
Many moons ago I got hooked on using Book Antiqua for my writing and have been using it ever since. It's just somehow gentler and smoother to read, at least for me. No idea if it's easy to read for folks who have to deal with Dyslexia though.