National Coming Out Day!

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So, did anybody come out today?

I did not. I remain a closeted crossdresser.

Keep wondering what would happen if I did. And if I could.


Peaking out the closet door...

Donna T's picture

I've been peaking out that closet door for over 60 years. I think many people suspect 'something' but have said nothing. Considering my carelessness about being "Donna" inadvertent discovery has not slapped me in the face so far. I see no reason at my age to kick down that closet door; nothing good would come from it.

I did write a 2019 story in which the central character has an open casket crossdressing funeral! - "Makeover of a Lifetime".

You ask: "Keep wondering what would happen if I did. And if I could" - I too keep wondering and for now my answer is 'nope', I can't. It would be interesting to see the reaction wouldn't it?




There is out and there is out

BarbieLee's picture

Many of the stories the principle actor dresses and then with a friend or by him-herself travels a safe distance away to enjoy the experience. If one needs support a friend may be that. You do know there are support groups almost everywhere and one may dress up and go out to same.
Please be careful and for God's sake no night clubbing or similar activities. Believe it or not most give off a fear of being "caught" until he-she become comfortable being the persona they wish to present. If you are within a hundred miles of me, I would be happy to meet up with you, take you out to dinner, and make damn sure you stayed safe. Hopefully you would feel safe and not give off the fear scent and emotions.
Hugs Pippa
The offer of escort extends to everyone.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

By default

shiraz's picture

I may well end up outing myself by default .... my daily wardrobe choices are primarily from the female racks and certain aspects are becoming harder to hide!


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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

"out-er" than out?

I'd love to "come out" today, but I'm not sure how.

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm trans, and I always assume most of the rest can figure it out, since I'm not especially cis-female looking. (Though I've had occasional experiences of someone clearly not knowing.) I'm not sure what else I could do. I mean, I would feel really weird running around announcing to all and sundry, "I'm a tranny! I'm a tranny!" My WASP heritage, ya know.

On the other hand, I don't know how many people know I'm lesbian, or at least "lesbi-ish." I never was the sort to hit on anyone (I wait for them to hit on me), and I'm not comfortable announcing things about myself. (WASP heritage, again.)

Who knew coming out could be so complicated? All I can say is, to quote one of Bailey Summers' characters:

“Oh well, I’m kinda screwed that way anyways so I’m just going to be me.”

I Was Going Out Dressed

Part time and I had another just-coming-out Tgal to hang with. I found a gender therapist and talked. He needed 2 or 3 months with me before I could go on HRT. When that happened, I started my real-life-test, told my work what I was doing and dressed full time.

I 'came out' to people to tell them why I was (in) Drag all the time. I was slim, too muscular but the clothes hid that. Many were surprised how good I looked, since I'd been passing as a guy. This started in Jan 1991.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,