What it is to be a woman, I asked on here and got some good answers. I asked it on a contact site I have been of for a few years and started world war 3! There are 15 pages so far. Mainly 3 or people arguing.
I put a comment on there this morning and there have been a 112 posts since then.
The main argument started about Professor Kathleen Stock , who has strong views on "intact" trans women. Then it just took off. A lot of people on there have axes to grind.
I don't think you can see without an account though.
It's a political question
Hardly surprising that you got a flame war going.
The question "what is a woman," or more precisely, who has the right to call themselves a woman, is a political question, not one of fact or evidence. The only thing we'd learn from looking at it would be who hates what (or whom.)
I think I'll pass.
I actually asked it for some
I actually asked it for some perspectives on a story i'm writing. I got a few answers then it just degenerated in a free for all between a these members. a lot of about Kathleen Stock. I'd never heard of her, or her views before.
I am only on the fringe of LGBTQ and whatever else it is now. Not sure where I sit on there. So much anger over which box someone sits in.
You were brave (or perhaps naive') to dip your tootsies into that cauldron. Surprised you didn't end up with you toe being bitten off by a TERF Shark. As you know Leeanna, we've already chatted about my take on gender, I'm way past the arguments after seventy years of never being sure. I just look over my septuagenarian shoulder and mutter to myself,
'let them bloody get on with it; I'm well out of it all now.
Bev xx
Hi Beverly, up to 18 pages
Hi Beverly, up to 18 pages now. There are about 5 people including guys having a go. The TV on there think they are looked down upon etc.
I have just posted this
"My original question appears to be unanswerable. It will depend on who you ask and in which context they are answering.
Each person will say their definition is correct, because to them it is."
I expect another 5 pages if I check back tomorrow. I have taken all my stories off there and all but one picture. It is a bit nasty there sometimes.