I write too much. I am not as attractive as I once was, I am overweight and I write too much. There - I have said it.
But the problem is that I am still doing it - voraciously.
Is there a story count mechanism on BC? Not that I need it. The number will be too many.
But then in responding to a message about "Kerry Cottage" I have discovered that a story that has appeared on Fictionmania has not been posted here! I will fix that, but it is distressing.
Does anybody know of any other full story appearing over there that is not here when it should be?
When I say "full story" I am not talking of my caption inspired brain farts but real stories - more than 1,000 words. Some of those lesser things will be turned into full stories when I have time. What I don't seem to have time for is the management of my back catalogue!
Can anybody help?
It is a problem
when you post to more than one site.
What I do now is as follows.
I keep THREE directory trees of my work. One for work in progress called 'WIP'.
The second is for work I post to my blog called... wait for it... 'Pub_MyBlog'
The third is for work posted here called ironically 'Pub_BigCloset'.
In each of the last two trees, I had folders for each year and each month in that year.
Inside each monthly folder, there are the files that are exact copies of the work I post with a date prefix. For example. for Oct 2021
01Oct-CountySheriff_The Interview.edited.docx
The prefix allows the normal 'sort by title' to work when showing a directory/folder. Months are done the same way. January is 01Jan.
This way, I can plan what I post and when plus I can search for the titles and get the dates they were published on the sites.
In my WIP folder I have a section called 'others'. that's where what you call 'brain farts' go. They might languish there for years and never go anywhere but... sometimes I browse them and a new flash of inspiration allows me to finish off the piece and it gets published.
It isn't foolproof but it is a lot better than nothing. It works for me.
And yes, I have given a heads up as to what is coming down the pipe for the rest of this month.
I hope that this can give you some ideas for your own document management system.
I think that I am an organized person Samantha, but not as organized as you.
I have only one copy. Maybe that is my problem.
I have a folder of "ideas", one of stories that I was to extend "Extensions" and one of other stories "WIP" Work In Progress.
Then I have finished files in a file "Complete" - there are 20 in there now.
I post these on my Patreon page as drafts - a first peek for those interested in what I do. I transfer the file to a "Posted" folder.
Next I send some stories out for ediy before I post here on BC and transfer my copy to the "BC" folder.
Smaller stuff goes straight to FM (if I get a positive response it might go back to "Extensions") but otherwise it gets posted there after BC.
That is why finding a full story on FM but not here is distressing.
I fear multiple copies will blow my hard drive but I admire your system!
Then I