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Triple mask if necessary!
Posted in difficult times for a bit of humor.
I am not making light of the pandemic; I lost my mother to Covid. She lived in Mohave County, AZ.
PS. That's me in the top photo... AND in the bottom photo too!
Gotta steal ...
... that laugh button/response from Facebook ... :)
... oh, just shoot me ...
My eye just skipped completely over the line about your Mom ...
So very sorry ...
May all beings be happy,
May all beings be free of pain,
May all beings be Loved in this World, and in the Next.
Not funny; not laughing.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
So Very Sorry
I'm sorry you lost your mother. Damn shame.
Happy your heart is open enough to share some humor.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Covid is a Bitch
Gov is not an entity but "they" would like everyone to think so. Have "they" handled the situation correctly? In my humble opinion not by a long shot. Because of my occupations, when "they" told everyone to mask up I thought about going full environmental suit on them. It was a fleeting idea knowing all the fear I would spread as I walked into the stores.
Them and their silly little masks was sheer ignorance. Six foot distancing? Fools! Neither didn't and won't stop infectious virus. We are going to carry it home no matter how careful we are. A full environmental suit and a decontamination chamber before one enters the home is the only true way to be safe from what society is sharing at the moment. Did I forget to mention the home must be sterile? I caught the Corona Virus and am a lot better prepared for any other virus floating around out there. I'm not taking any of their shots or pills or government cures. Lucky me I'm employed where no one can force me by firing me or cutting off my paycheck. I'm not against anyone taking the shots but don't force me to join you in your fear.
The loss of a loved one is an emotional empty one will carry to their death. Mortal life isn't infinite and no one can feel what another has lost.
Dee, hugs hon
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Oh Barbie
I can think of millions of reasons why I dislike gov. Reasons -- as in dollars that were taken from me under the patine of "governing." Reasons as in stupid wars fought for all the wrong reasons. If we had to have a war after 9/11 why wasn't it against the Saudis?
I disagree with almost everything you said in your post about fighting contagious diseases. Yet, I'm glad you posted. I had dinner the other night with a very nice couple who admitted to being extremely angry with anti-vaccers. I shared their fear that anti-vaccers would prolong the existence of the coronavirus and increase the odds of a deadly variant.
Yet - you're a nice person who is entitled to your view. I would hate it if someone, including the gov, imposed their worldview on me.
Then we switched to discussing abortion. I'm pro-choice and they're pro-life. It only took us about five minutes to discover our core views on the topic were identical. We both abhor abortion and think there are too many being performed. We all are old enough to remember the trips to Canada and backroom abortions -- and the suicides before Roe vs. Wade. None of us want to go back to that.
The problem with most issues is that the political parties love wedge issues as they are great for getting out their vote and fund-raising. Beyond that social media needs controversy to stimulate clicks and "news" channels need issues to be hot to attract eyeballs.
Do you remember when we got all the news we needed from a fifteen minutes daily broadcast and some pre-feature newsreels at the movies? There isn't any more news today, just vapid opinions. I was on the high school and college newspapers. We did our level best to keep opinions to the editorial page. Why aren't all these talk shows plainly. . .and consistently. . .marked on the screen as "editorials?"
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
The Best Friend
Jill, have you read your best friend is one who disagrees with you and tells you when you have strayed. Debates are the airing of differences of minds not fact or truth. Wars are fought by tossing young men and women into the proverbial meat grinder for political reasons not for justice. My buddy in the Navy was happy the war was in full swing. America's military might was flush with funds, advancement in grade an automatic given. Provided one lived long enough to pass. I cried as I looked at some of those choppers they brought in. No way anyone could survive. I hated that damn war!
I won't be asking for a second chance next time God invites me Home. Not sure I'll ask to take another trip through mortal life? Pray I was good enough this time I could turn it down if it's offered. Is trans the ultimate test depending on how we accepts it and how we try and make it better for those who follow? God handed me a very thin Rule Book along with a ton of unusual talents this time around. Did I use them as He wished? I'm the least among you and the most blessed. It's been a heck of a ride.
Love you Jill. You are always there sunshine and rain. You have made me smile from ear to ear and grind my teeth in frustration. Certainly one of the most interesting and frustrating GF I ever had.
Hugs Hon
Life is too short to take seriously. I know God has a sense of humor. She made me.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl