One of the biggest questions I get here, is 'What happened to Woodcrest?', which is kind of an exaggeration because most of you aren't even reading it. So why did I stop writing it exactly? I first want to say that when I first started writing here, I began with Allison's Pledge because there were no good sorority stories on here. Now I know that many of you are going to provide links to what you think is the best sorority story on here and I just want to say no, it isn't. That story is terrible, it used absolutely no contractions and was about as rooted in reality as the fever dream I masturbated to last night.
I stopped writing because no one here was reading anymore. You stopped reading when I stopped providing you with your fantasy material. Here's what you guys want to read: a story that involves a main character with no personality that you can project yourself onto while imagining that you'd lived a life similar to that back in the 1950's while you were trying on your sister's panties. This doesn't go for everyone here, but it does go for a lot of you, quite honestly. You get off on trans feel good stories and the moment an author wants to express themselves in any other way, you abandon them. There are a lot of good authors here, though they tend to lose confidence because they think their stories are lacking. It took me a while to come to this conclusion, but I should have thought of it the moment someone commented on one of my stories attacking me for making fun of Republicans. I mean, you apparently get off on our stories while voting against our interests, so here's how it's going to go. I'll take Woodcrest, which was badly written specifically for your reading level (which is about that of a toddler), and I'll turn it into something a lot better. Hopefully none of you ever find it, but if you do, pretend you've never heard of me.
There are a few people here who don't match this description, but eh, the majority of you can go to the special hell.
What the…
Uh first cool down.
Second you can chat via message or via discord if you wish. I will listen.
I do not like sexual fantasy stories, actually when someone starts in on leisbian or whatever scenes of sex in a story I usually stop reading. Heck in movies or otherwise I skip that part if I can. There is so much more to a story than that.
People here generally don’t comment much on stories anymore. Be glad if you get kudos. I write because I need to get a story out of my head. However that takes time because my stories are very detailed. Sometimes a little too much. Anxiety disorder prevents me from being able to concentrate as much as I need to write so I have t posted in awhile.
I've noticed a number of people have let off steam in recent times, probably due to CoVid in part. This may be a friendly enough place that people can let their guard down. That's where they let off steam when under too much pressure or stress (both variants on the same quantity -- force divided by area).
-- Daphne Xu
Ever notice with friends you usually vent frustrations for a bit then talk about something else.
Same idea have to let off steam as it builds up. With covid and no face to face contact it’s much much worse everything sets you off.
That may not be the case here.
Quite an interesting posting
I never started reading Audrissa's stories, I can't remember why, so I wasn't one of those who abonded her.
However, it's quite interesting that she complains that people stopped reading a story that was badly written on purpose ("...which was badly written specifically for your reading level (which is about that of a toddler)"). By the way a story intended for younger readers should most definitely not be badly written.
On a more general note a diatribe like this, while quite satisfying for the moment to write, serves no real purpose. The intended target group will only get defensive. For example it's quite easy to dismiss someone who takes one example and make that out to be something that represents the majority.
The assertion that "You stopped reading when I stopped providing you with your fantasy material", while possibly true, remains to be proven. Long series almost always suffer reader attrition regardless of subject and author (also, see above).
Also, provided the allegation is correct, that is not something to be surprised of at a site like BCTS where people come to find a refuge and sometimes to provide a space for their fantasies.
Some authors recognize this but at the same time finds it worthwile to post stories that may not be that appealing to the majority for the joy of writing and/or reaching a less elevated number of "worthy" readers.
Mary Q
I make no claim to any writing skills or any other positive characteristics.
OK, 'guilty' here of (mostly) not commenting ...
Sometimes I'm maybe lazy, sometimes I don't think I have anything to add, sometimes the story and the last comment were posted many years ago ...
Some stories I will stop reading if they get too 'yukky' (my definition), or if I decide 'sorry, this story is simply not for me'. Some authors have an 'odd' writing style, and it might take me several tries to get used to the style, and then enjoy their stories. For the stories and chapters I do finish reading, I nearly always click 'kudos'.
There are >a lot< of stories here, and elsewhere. And some stories are Big. Angharad's "Bike" and Teddie S's "Tommy - Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?" each took me more than a year to read/catch up to most recent chapter.
So if I missed (your) "Story X" ... sorry... Even with the scrolling 'front page', and search, and people blogging 'check out story "X"', I'm going to miss a lot.
I recognize and appreciate the effort and work that authors put in. Some authors undoubtedly put very personal and painful experiences into their stories, and that takes several kinds of courage.
I value the authors and stories here for many reasons.
Many authors give me 'happy sniffles'. Visiting other worlds (examples: sci-fi, fantasy, magic, fan-fic) is fun. Watching someone, even an imaginary person, get their heart's desire ... yeah, that's nice, even if their desire isn't mine.
Keep on writing. Some things we >have< write - the story won't leave us alone, won't get out of our heads until it is written. Keep on publishing the stuff you want to. Chances are, someone will see it, maybe kudo it, maybe comment, maybe check out and like your other stuff. This has happened for me.
Don't know where I fall
On your ranking. I read what I want to read, when I want to read it. That means it could be six months (maybe more, maybe less) before I decide to read a story. There may be stories left to read when I pass. Don't see that it matters after that point, not like I'll be in a position to care. Dead's dead, ya know?
Was gonna tell you I read ABC-XYZ stories and enjoyed them, but what does it matter? Either I posted a comment at the time or I didn't. If I wasn't inspired to comment then how sincere would I look if I posted it now?
But don't feel you have to write down to me. I'm fully capable of enjoying a story that has no sex, no fem/sub, no hot steamy sex scenes or any of that other stuff. Give me some solid TG plot and a well-crafted story and I'm a happy camper.
Oh, in case it hasn't occurred to you, nobody misses a story that hasn't been written. We may publically moan about missing a particular author's type of stories: say JulieO or Bob Arnold, but we can't and don't complain that author X didn't write story Y. If he or she didn't talk about writing story Y we can hardly complain about story Y being missing.
If you have a story that you want or need to write, then go for it! Put it up on the site and see what people think. Remember, with a few restrictions, Erin pretty much guarantees a place to post. She does NOT guarantee you will get the reception you think the story deserves. That's the same boat the rest of us authors are in. I don't believe there is a single author on BC that hasn't posted a story that bombed. If you haven't dropped a stinker, you ain't trying hard enough!
Honestly, I don't know what went on with Woodcrest, I haven't read it. Why, I don't even remember. But if you have people asking about it, then somebody liked it. Ignore the naysayers.
Used to be a guy on here that wrote a collection of real duds. Very little in the way of compliments, but lots of groans. So what did he do? He kept writing. He even got trashed on other website's message boards. But you know what? He was such a darned nice guy! He was always helpful, always ready to say something nice about another's writings. He was a mess, but he was OUR mess. Some of us (including me) went to those other message boards and defended him. Why? Because if the situation was reversed, he'd be the first one to speak up for us!
He has a special dedication on the front page, RH column. And don't be fooled, all those other dedications, such as the one to my late partner, were paid for by somebody. But Stanman's dedication was posted by Erin herself.
So take a page from Stanman's book. Last story didn't get a great reaction? Write another one! Illegitimi Non Carborundum! Swing for the fences!
Or, you could just quit.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb