For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.
Chapter 24
Arco dei Gavi, San Vitruvio, Gorgonzola Empire
T-98 TOC, 22nd Death Dealer Battlegroup
Lady Saris Victoria stood as the delegation from the Gorgonzola Empire exited the F-45 transport shuttle. She like every member of her staff was shocked by the sudden surrender of the Gorgonzola Empire’s last remaining military force. Even now the men manning the city of Acro dei Gavi’s defenses are marching out of the city. The reports she was receiving from her frontline commanders basically told the story of the ‘home guard’ forces. Instead of young men between 18-40 they were nothing more than old men well pass their prime and boys barely old enough to hold a rifle.
“Such a waste. All in the name of a diluted fool.” Saris sighed as she scanned the five men stepping off the shuttle. She looked over at her Sergeant in charge of the guard detail. “Sergeant York if they fart wrong. Blast them straight to hell.”
“Yes, ma’am.” York answered crisply then snarled. “Though why we aren’t blasting their sorry asses now is beyond me. Everybody knows you can trust a Cheesehead.”
“As much as it twists my guts they’re here under a flag of truce Sergeant. That means we have to abide by the Accords set forth in the Treaty of Broken Armies. Until they frack the pooch we play by the rules.” Saris snorted.
“Sorry ma’am. Permission to speak freely?” York asked only to receive a nod from Saris. “Frack the Treaty of Broken Armies. Those Accords no longer apply. They broke the Accords when they used WMDs on civilians.”
“That maybe true Sergeant, but Empire James’ orders are to play by the rules.” Saris sighed heavily then looked over at the delegation. “At least until they break them again. After that all bets are off.”
“Understood ma’am.” York chuckled evilly. “Can I say that I hope they get stupid during the peace talks ma’am?”
“You’re not he only one Sergeant. Just look around you. There isn’t one Death Dealer or Regular Army trooper here that doesn’t feel that way.” Saris chuckled as she popped her knuckles. “That includes myself as well.”
As the delegation neared her and the table that had been setup for the peace talks one of them stepped to the front. “I’m the Grand War Commander, Jules Gavreau for the Glorious Gorgonzola Empire. To whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”
“First High Lady of the Death Dealers, Commander Saris Victoria.” Saris informed Jules as he took in the 5 golden stars adorning her color tabs. She could tell that the man was expecting someone else by his stance. “I’ll be the one that you’ll deal with over this matter of your surrender.”
“I’m sorry Lady Saris but I can only enter into peace talks with Emperor James Nakatoma. Those are the orders of the new ruling party. Will he be joining us any time soon?” Jules explained. Only to be greeted by a round of chuckles from the gathered Death Dealers. “Excuse me but this is no joking matter.”
“That’s where you’re wrong shithead. The only reason I’m even talking to you is because you and that pack of rejects showed up under a flag of truce.” Saris snarled as her anger filled her voice. “Let me lay things out for you. You either deal with me or once that city is evacuated. The Battle platform Katsumi will unleash its main guns and rain down hellfire on that once proud city. We’ll level every square block until nothing is left standing over one foot.”
“You won’t dare!” Jules almost screamed.
“Not only would I dare to level that city. I would take great joy in giving the order. I’ll set back with a bowl of thunder figs and a cold beer watching as each round slams down enjoying the show.” Saris sneered just before she pointed to the chair on the other side of the table. “Now sit the frack down or leave!”
“Very well then Lady Saris. As you are leaving us no choice in the matter. You quite latterly have us over the barrel. Only that barrel is a gun barrel.” Jules sighed as he took his seat a cross from her. Once the two were seated Saris handed him a copy of the Peace Treaty between the two nations.
“Read and sign jackass.” Saris snapped.
Seeing no way out to save what was left of his nation Jules began to read. He was surprise to find that the terms were rather favorable. The biggest surprise was the forming a Self Defense Border Force along the Balzac Imperium Dictatorship. The second surprise came when he read the forming of a separate governing body for Gorgonzola. The only stipulation that worried Jules was the demand for all members of their High Command to surrender to the now occupying forces. As much as he wanted to defend their position as ‘Following Orders’ Jules knew that nothing he could say would change that condition. The list of War Crimes was a long one.
The had only been two other times in human history that a nation’s leaders were charged with a list this long. The Nuremburg Trails of the Nazi Germany’s Third Reich in November of 1945 through October 1946. The second was the Hamigotea Trails on Piahiri following the Ocean World War of Genocide. Both of which lead to major changes in the way that wars were fought, and peace was handled. Jules looked up from the Peace Treaty at Saris.
“The remains of the High Command are here with me now. The rest are either dead or have fled to the Outer Rim planets.” Jules informed the formidable Lady Saris.
“Then I suggest you turn over their names and destination planets. If not the treaty will be considered invalid and Arco dei Gavi will be leveled.” Saris snorted.
“Ministers Achille Martin, Bernard Rodin, and Paul Pleimelding, along with their families have headed for Cauter and Vilara in the Pleasure System. Warlords Jarno De Saeger, Youri Dereumaux, plus their staffs and families all headed for Fordtown Ice Fields on the ice-planet Katis. Warlords Valentin Chausson and Théodore along with their families should be landing at the Bacque Sennegate Enclave on the resort water world of Chothitis Prime with the Chothitis System.” Jules wasn’t about to argue with the Death Dealer over her request. After all, those seven men, their families and their staffs had abandoned the people of their Empire to the enemy. If the Human Empire was willing to hunt them down. Then he would give them all the information he had on the traitors. “If you dispatch one of your Naval battlegroups now. You should be able to catch all three dropships as they near the Pizza Nebula.”
“Thank you for the intel General.” Saris said with a small grin as she turned to Admiral Cosby. “Daniel how soon can the seventy-seventh Carrier Group reach the Pizza Nebula under full power?”
“I give the order and ‘Storming Jack’ will be underway in thirty-nine-minutes. I can pass it off to ‘Blitzkrieg Bill’ with the fifty-third Marine Carrier Group and they can be there eight hours sooner than the seventy-seventh. Choice is yours Lady Saris. Who do you want?” Daniel asked with a vicious smile.
Saris thought about the Admiral and Marine Corps General that Daniel suggested. Of the two men both were held in high regard. They each had their own strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention their own individual approaches in solving problems. As this was a situation involving the possibility of boarding a dropship in transit she had her answer. “Send in Blitzkrieg Bill. Order his men to board and capture the fugitive war criminals along with anyone accompanying them. That includes their family members. I don’t care how old they are understood.”
Daniel just saluted and head for the T-98. He had his orders to pass onto General William ‘Blitzkrieg Bill’ Doras. In 41hrs those three dropships would be getting some very unwelcome guests. Knowing how General Doras’ Marines had a habit of driving at point home at gun. Daniel won’t be surprised to hear more than a few complaints about excessive use of force. Not that he really cared in the long run. As far as Daniel was concerned the Cheeseheads deserved what they got at the hands of Doras’ Marines and dropship crews.
“I always knew that a war with the Empire was pointless.” Jules sighed as he moved to stand up. “Now everything that I wished to protect lies in ruins.”
“Then why didn’t you remove Exalted Supreme High Chancellor Innocenzo Juliana and his cronies before now?” Saris snapped. “The war could have been avoided. Along with all the needless bloodshed and destruction.”
“Like all soldiers I am loyal to my nation, its laws, and its leaders. Are you not the same?” Jules asked her honestly.
“Have you ever heard the philosophy of the ‘Just War’ General?” Saris asked him pointedly with a sad smile. Saris could tell that this was a strange concept for the man as he stood there looked at her in confusion. “Just war theory deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought. The justification can be either theoretical or historical. The theoretical aspect is concerned with ethically justifying war and the forms that warfare may or may not take. The historical aspect, or the ‘just war tradition,’ deals with the historical body of rules or agreements that have applied in various wars across the ages.”
“Ah yes. You speak of those foolish teachings and beliefs held by religious men. Men who have never placed themselves in the line of fire to protect something greater than themselves. We here in the Gorgonzola Empire do not subscribe to such foolishness. There is only one rule in war. Survive.” Jules answered Saris harshly.
“I see. Then have you ever heard of the Von Stauffenberg Oath, Gavreau?” Saris asked the defeated General with an even sadder smile. She already knew the answer by the look of confusion on the man’s face. “I’ll give it to in its simplest form. It is an oath to protect the people of a nation while flowing the laws of that nation. It is not one of blind loyalty to that nation’s leaders. This is the oath that all Death Dealers and Empyreal Military swear upon their first hour of service.”
“I don’t understand. How can you swear an oath to protect a nation before its leader? It makes no sense at all.” Jules was truly confused now.
“I didn’t say that Gavreau. It is every soldier’s duty to question the orders of those appointed over them. If they are illegal or immoral it is that soldier’s duty to disobey these unlawful or immoral orders. Something that you should have been taught during your academy years, General.” Saris snarled.
“Your nation’s military has a very strange point of view for following the orders of your leaders. There are no such thing as illegal or immoral orders. Orders are orders and are meant to be followed. End of discussion. To allow a lowly soldier to question his superiors is to invite anarchy. No army would stand for more than a day if such behavior were to be allowed.” Jules countered quickly knowing he was standing on firm ground with his argument.
“Then the killing of unarmed civilians is acceptable? Oh, fighting armed rebels in open rebellion is one thing, but the mass murder of innocent civilians is another. The crimes you and the rest of the High Command face are the same ones that the Nazis of World War two on Earth Prime now face. You can try to argue that the individual unit commanders act on their own, but it will do you no good. As the overall commanders you are legally liable for their actions in the field.” Saris stood up from the table and turned to Sergeant York. “Sergeant take the delegation into custody. They are to be treated as war criminals not POWs.”
“Yes ma’am!” York shouted as he snapped to attention and saluted. He looked over at the twenty-man guard detail. “Your heard Lady Saris. Slap these slugs in irons.”
As one the detail moved to arrest Gavreau, the four accompanying General Staff, and newly appointed Ministers. When Gavreau went to object assault rifles were pointed at their heads. Sergeant York worked straight up to Gavreau and snarled in his face. “Please make the mistake of pissing off my men, Gavreau. You and these thugs with you are no longer military commanders. You gave up that protection the day your people used chemical weapons on the people of Apollo six. I will not go into the rest of the shit your occupation forces pulled. I will tell you this much. Theft, rape, torture, and murder are just the fracking tip of the iceberg.”
“I see. You and your men hold us responsible.” Gavreau sighed as he placed his hands behind his head. He looked over at the rest of the peace delegation. “Do not resist. What happens to us now is nothing more than a victor’s right.”
“That’s where you’re wrong Gavreau. You and all those responsible for this war will face a Tribunal of Judges. Ones picked from both our nation and your own civilians. Not only will you be held accountable for your crimes against our people but your own as well. Do you really think we haven’t been investigating the reports of oppression by your own people? Every last one has been investigated and recorded. The time of your Military rule is over. We will be the ones to train the National Border Defense Force. They shall be answerable to the duly appointed Civilian Governor and the Representatives of your citizens.” Saris quickly explained then turned to York and his men. “Get these slugs out of my AO, Sergeant. If they try to run. Shoot them in the damned head. Frack the tribunal.”
That final order let Gavreau and the rest of the peace delegation know exactly where they stood. They could either take their chances with a War Crimes Tribunal or face certain death at the hands of the Death Dealer Guards. As they were led away Gavreau thought about the one thing he could do to insure he faced his death on his own terms. Hidden in the heel of his left boot was a capsule of highly concentrated poison. His wife of 35 years had given it to him the day he earned the rank of Colonel. She knew that should he continue to raise through the ranks of the Gorgonzola Military there was the very real chance of him dying by Empyreal order.
He would not give the Human Empire the pleasure of taking his life. Once he was in his cell. He would write a letter of goodbye to his wife and children. He would asked for a cup of water take the poison capsule and go to sleep never to awaken. The good thing about Phantom Venom it kills 99 times out of 100. It is also totally indictable in the blood after an hour. To someone not familiar with the poison the victim appears to have died in their sleep from natural causes. Even those who know of the poison are hard pressed to spot the signs of usage.
“They thought that by surrendering we would treat them as enemy combatants and allow them to remain in command. What a bunch of damned fools. To believe they could claim they were only following orders as if that absolved them all responsibility for the crimes of their forces.” Lady Saris sighed as she watched the peace delegation being led away.
“What was that ma’am?” Asked a young Marine Second Lieutenant that was assigned to witness the signing of the Peace Treaty and surrender of the Gorgonzola Empire.
“Nothing Lieutenant just commenting on the foolish beliefs of a fallen enemy.” Saris answered him bluntly. She looked over at him and the other witnesses. “Mark this day and remember it well ladies and gentlemen. I doubt that we shall ever see its like again in our time or any other. This is what happens when good men and women are pushed to their limits.”
With that Lady Saris Victoria turned and walked back to her T-98 Goliath. As she entered the massive Mobile Command Post the witness finally realized what she was talking about. In the seven centuries no one spacefaring nation had been able to gain the advantage over the other. With the fall of the Gorgonzola Empire that dramatically changed the galactic map.
Within months of the treaty whole garrisons of PDF forces would be redeployed along both sides of the border with the Balzac Imperium Dictatorship. All cross the former Gorgonzola Empire elections would be held at the planetary level for Planetary Governors and Parliament. Unless they were found to be guilty of war crimes or crimes against Humanity the Nobility of the Empire would be granted ceremonial positions within the Human Empire’s overall Government in the Hall of Lords. It would take time but in the coming years the people of Gorgonzola will welcome their new place as citizens within the Human Empire.
Most would become so fanatic about their new stations as full citizens of the Human Empire that thousands upon thousands would join the Empyreal Military. The main reason behind this change in attitude would be the elimination of forced enlistments of the old Gorgonzola Empire. In the case of one planet whole towns of young men and women enlisted upon graduation from high school. That was another change the Human Empire brought to their new citizens.
Unlike the rule under of the former Militaristic Government all citizens were guaranteed a basic education. It would be that education and right to freedom of speech that fuel the loyalty of those young men and women. Never before in the history of the Human Empire would enter towns of young men and women earn the Imperial Blacks of Death Dealers. Emperor James and the Empyreal Military High Command would be forced to give these Death Dealer units a separate designation because of their loyalty. Loyalty not only to each other but to the Empire itself. They would be held up to the rest of the Human Empire as an example.
But these were not Lady Saris’ concerns for the moment. Nor would they ever become her concern. This day was one that she had toiled long and hard for over her military carrier. She had reached the pinnacle of any offer’s carrier. Today Lady Saris’ only concern was the bottle of 50-year-old Scotch that was a present to her from Grand Lady Dai Etsu upon her appointment to First High Lady of Death Dealers. As she opened the bottle Saris thought about the letter she was about to write. "Do I really deserve to retire at this time?”
“No offense ma’am. You’ve earned your retirement.” General James Dockens said her from the doorway to her quarters. “I thought I’d find you in here Lady Saris.”
“I believe that of all my Field Marshals and Generals you’re the only one that would dare to walk in on me, James.” Saris held up the battle looking at the label. “Care to join me in a toast to my retirement?”
“It would be my honor, Lady Saris.” With those words General James Dockens closed the door and joined Saris at her desk. As he sat down James pulled a folded piece of paper from inside his jacket. “Though we’ll be drinking to more than just one retirement Saris. Like you I’m done. There’s a little beach bar on Aquarian three with my name on it. I’ve eaten enough cold field rations and slept on enough armored tank decks to last me for the rest of my lifetime.”
“How long have you worn the uniform James?” Saris with a grin.
“Just short of forty years now. How long has it been for you Saris?” James asked her as she poured them their drinks.
“Let’s just say that I’ve spent the majority of my adult life in uniform. Just like you old friend.” Saris looked over at the galactic map on her wall. “The universe as we know it has changed once more. How do you think the new citizens of our Empire will face the challenges before them?”
“No idea. We can only hope that they move forward with their new lives.” James raised his glass. “To peace. Lets hope this time it lasts.”
Goulcrest, Apollo 6
Demon Pistol Stash house
Spider couldn’t believe that Emperor James and Empress Terresa were actually standing in the middle of his gang’s stash house. Then again his people had someone that the Royal Couple would walk through the very fires of hell to get their hands on. “Nutjob, Crazy, go get the shithead.”
“You sure boss man? I mean the Resistance Council gave us strict orders to keep the jack hole on ice.” The gangbanger called Nutjob asked with real worry in his voice.
“Frack those assholes. I run this gang and this part of Whitechapel not them. Now go get that shithead. Before I take your damned head off.” Spider snarled then grinned evilly. “Of would you rather talk to Ripper about this?”
Nutjob and the other gang member ‘Crazy’ ran from the room as if the Hound of Hell were snapping at their heels. Then again the threat of being sent to face off against Robert Wolff was bad enough in the old days. Now that he was a Death Dealer none of them wanted to face the Devil himself in a fight. Spider turned to his Royal guests with a bow from the waist. “Please pardon my men Your Majesties.”
“Forget about Mister Lloyd. We understand that we’re uninvited guests within your territory.” James answered as he looked around the stash house. “Though I do have to wonder at the location. Shouldn’t your people have turned Vanderbilt over to the current provisional government for safe keeping?”
“Not if you want to keep the cock bite under lock and key. The man has more than a few of those monkey nuts in his pocket. Then there’s the militia shitbirds that he’s bribed over the years. Give them a chance to rescue their piggy bank and they will. Which is exactly what would happen. If we kept Vanderbilt in the Courthouse cell blocks or anywhere else in the Government Square area.” Spider looked around his gang’s stash house. “The only people who know about this place are Demon Pistols. None of them would rate this place out to the cops. Let alone the provisional jackboots that other resistance organizations setup.”
The disgust in Spider’s voice spoke more than his words for James. “I take it that you trust the provisional government as far as I can throw my APS?”
“Not even close to that, your Majesty. Most of those jackbooted cocksuckers are union reps.” Spider snarled then popped his knuckles. “And they all have their own agenda. None of which are concerned with the people of Goulcrest.”
“I see that we need to take a hard look at this provisional government. I didn’t realize that it was stacked with union bosses.” Terresa sighed.
“It won’t do you any good, your Majesty. The common people of Goulcrest will still get screwed. Especially the gangs. You got to remember that this city is a natural zone. We’ve never had representation at the planetary government levels. Hell, we’ve never even had representation at the local levels. If it wasn’t for the local mayor this whole city would be run by a bunch of City Aldermen. A third the cops are on the take, another third can’t be trusted to pour the piss out of a boot with the directions written on the heel, and what’s left do their best to keep the bullshit from getting out of hand. As for the rest of the first responders. They do the best they can with what they got. If it wasn’t for the gangs stepping in to keep the real shitbags in line. The crime would run ramped in this city.” Spider grunted as he looked at the Royal Couple with nothing but respect and pride.
“That will be changed. You will have my word on this Mister Lloyd.” James grunted then gave the younger man a considerate look. “How do you feel about politics?”
“Never gave them a second thought sire. Why do you ask?” Spider wondered.
“James what are you up to?” Terresa asked sweetly.
“I do believe that our former gang leader would make one hell of a Parliament Representative. One that will bring the voice of the common man to that august body of law makers. Don’t you think?” James smirked.
“Not to mention a set of brass knuckles for settling arguments.” Terresa giggled as Spider blinked his eyes with his mouth gaping like a fish out of water. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing from the Emperor and Empress. They were talking about making him some kind of politician.
“Hold on here your Majesties. Not that I don’t appreciate the offer, but you would be better off one with of the more respectable men of Goulcrest. Someone like Captain Wallace or Mister Laynee. I’m nothing more than a street rat.” Spider tried to dissuade the two monarchs from making a major mistake.
“Sorry partner. But once the wife has made up her mind there’s no changing it. You’re the new Parliamentary Governor for Apollo six.” James chuckled as the stunned Spider fell into the nearest chair. James pulled a small stack of cards from his jacket and hand them to Spider. “Mister Lloyd you and your people did more for the resistance of Apollo six than any of the other citizens and should be rewarded. I have heard that the Regular Army and Navy have been trying to recruit your people. If there are any problems with their enlistment just have the recruiter contact this number. You all deserve a second chance at a new life.”
“Thank you sire. Splinter hand these out to the guys. Everyone gets one.” Spider told the nearest gang member. He stood back up and looked around the stash house at his gathered gang members. “Listen up people. All of you have been approached by the military recruiters. Take some advice. Enlist and get off this rock. Do it now. Those jackboots in the provisional government are going to be gunning for us all. I’ve already talked with the leaders of the other gangs. After next week none of the core members will be in Goulcrest or on Apollo six. To put it bluntly. All the gangs are getting out while we can.”
“What about you boss? You staying or going?” Asked one of the younger members.
“I’m gone, Lobo. I got nothing to hold me here any longer.” Spider answered then turned to James and Terresa. “Thanks for the offer Majesties. But I ship out for Seth, in the New Egypt system in five days. You should talk to Elisabeth White if you want someone to act as a Parliamentary Governor. She has a real grasp of politics and knows how to act like a real High Families Lady when she needs to.”
“Thank you for the advice Mister Lloyd.” About that time Nutjob and Crazy came back into the room dragging Grayson Vanderbilt between them. This was not the overly arrogant High Families scion of the Vanderbilt family that was sent here years ago. It was a broken and beaten down shell of a man that now faced the Royal Couple. James and Terresa could tell that Grayson’s time in captivity at the hands of the Demon Pistols had not conformed to the POW conventions.
All the finger bones of his left hand were clearly broken. At least six of his teeth had been pulled none too gently from his mouth. His left eye was swollen shut. His nose had been broken at least twice. His right eardrum showed clear signs of rupturing as shown by the blood running down his neck. Then there was the numerous cigarette and electrical burns the length of his torse. Then there was the odd angle at which his right leg hung. James and Terresa could tell that the leg had clearly been dislocated at the hip and knee joints. The last sign of the torture that Vanderbilt had suffered at the hands of these hardened gang members was the trembling of Grayson hands. The man was clearly going through withdraw.
“What the hell did you do to him?!” Spider yelled.
“The bastard thought he could bribe his way out of facing the consequences of what he had done boss. The cocksucker thought we we’re a bunch of mercenary thugs. Stupid son-of-bitch offered us five-grand a-piece to smuggle him out of the city. We maybe a bunch of street rats but we’s got principles. You know.” Nutjob snarled.
“Fine. Which one of you jacked him up on Warlock?” Spider asked bluntly.
“Didn’t use the good stuff Spider. We used a mix of Blue Ammo and Vampire Dust. Got some really interesting dirt on the Vanderbilt and Hightower families.” Crazy chuckled. “Never expected him to get hooked like he did though boss. It just kind of happened. I mean Blue Ammo and Vampire Dust aren’t anywhere near as addictive as Warlock. Yet this poor fracker has to have his fix twice a day.”
“Is he halfway coherent young man?” Terresa asked Crazy.
“For right now, he is ma’am. Once he gets his fix. He’ll be off to la-la-land in no time.” Crazy snorted then kicked Grayson in the ass. “If you want your damned fix shithead you’ll answer the Empress’ questions.”
“Yes sir.” Grayson whimpered.
“Were you the one who leaked the information about this planet’s defenses to the Cheeseheads?” Terresa demanded of Grayson.
“Yes.” Was the only answer Grayson could give. He knew that it was worthless to try lying in front of these hard-core gangbangers. They didn’t care about civil rights. They only cared about resalts. “I was also the one that gave them the override codes to the orbital defense satellites.”
“What about the raid that got Cathy Pike killed?” Terresa snarled.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen. Prince James and his lance weren’t supposed to be anywhere near that planet. Everything my spies told me they had left the day before. They should have been on a dropship outbound for the nearest jump point.” Grayson slubbered as he tried to justify his actions that caused the death of Cathy Pike. The punch to the back of his head almost blinded him. He didn’t need to look to see who had hit him. He already knew that it was the gangster known as Nutjob.
“Hold on Nutjob. The Emperor and Empress have a few more questions for the shithead. You can kill his ass later.” Spider told the number two hitter for the gang.
“Whatever boss. I say we dump his ass off the end of Johnson pier with a concrete block tied to his worthless ass. He’s been blabbering on about some deal he has with that lady representative and the rest of the ‘legitimate resistance’.” Crazy spat out as he kicked Grayson in the ass. “Like we would believe that shit.”
“Gentlemen if I might make a suggestion?” James asked with a sly smile. Spider just nodded to his Emperor. “Allow my Imperial Investigators to handle this matter.”
James grinned as the four men who had accompanied them entered the house. Each one wore the uniform of a Death Dealer Imperial investigator. They grabbed Grayson by the arms and dragged him from the house face down.
“Imperial Investigators? Here? On Apollo six? You have to be kidding me?” Spider gasped out in front of his gang. “Just wish you had sent one of those Emperor’s Hand people here before this all started.”
“Oh, they were here Mister Lloyd. I had three full teams on this planet just before the war started. They were in the process of gathering the needed evidence to take down the corrupt government when the Cheeseheads attacked.” Terresa sighed heavily as she thought about the cost of that war among their number. “During the war the majority of them lost their lives.”
“I don’t know who they were your Majesty.” Spider told her sadly. “But the gangs of Goulcrest will remember them. Van Gogh take care of it.”
As if to underscore this point one of the youngest gang members there began to paint something on the wall of the stash house. Terresa and James could tell that this boy was in charge of tagging the gang’s territory. The Royal Couple could already tell that the young teenager was a very talented street artist. It didn’t take him long to have the outline of a crown hovering over the middle finger of a right hand with fingers spread wide. He turned to the Royals.
“How many members of the Emperor’s Hand were on Apollo six?” He asked.
“There was a total of twelve. Eleven of whom lost their lives in the war to free Apollo six.” James answered the boy honestly. Van Gogh began to place the outlines of eleven bullets around the hand and crown. James understood immediately what the bullets stood for and ordered. “Place one more at the very center. Only make the last one solid black with the others being gold, young man.”
“Who’s the solid black one for?” The boy asked as he began to paint the twelfth bullet in the palm of the hand.
“Combat Arms Master Warrant Officer, James O’Brian. You know him as Father Mike of the Sky Reach Orphanage.” James answered bluntly.
“OH SHIT! FATHER MIKE WAS A DEATH DEALER?!” One of the gathered gangsters shouted.
“One of our greatest. Even though he was retired he gave his life in the defense of this planet.” Terresa told them quietly. “Like all Death Dealers. He may have taken off his uniform, but he never stopped being a Death Dealer.”
“What does that meant, ma’am?” The boy asked of Terresa for the others.
“Do you really want to know the answer to that young man?” Terresa asked with a kind smile. Van Gogh wasn’t the only one to nod his head in answer to that question. “Then tomorrow join the children of Sky Reach Orphanage at Phoenix Funeral home. There you shall understand what it means to wear the Imperial Blacks of a Death Dealer. When you do I challenge you all to try and win them.”
With that James and Terresa left the gang’s stash house. Spider turned to his fallowers. “Full colors tomorrow. We got a funeral to attend.”
Peace Memorial cemetery next day
I looked up at the heavily overcast sky. The day couldn’t be any more cliche. The only thing missing was the rain. I watched as the limbers and caissons with the ‘riderless horse’ entered the cemetery. The graveside detail stood waiting for the casket that held the mortal remains of Father Mike. I took in the seven-man rifle team, and six-man pallbearer detail. Those thirteen men and women would carry Father Mike to his final resting place in the Field of Honor. Father Mike was to be buried in a part of Peace Memorial cemetery known as Normandy Fields.
This one section of the cemetery held all of those who had earned the highest military honors. It did not matter if they were PDF or regular Empyreal Military. If they were awarded the Ruby Lion medal for bravery or higher this was where they were buried. Father Mike had been posthumously awarded the Parliamentary Medal of Honor for his actins during the Gorgonzola Occupation of Apollo six. Not surprising really. Of all the medals award the PMH is the most often awarded to the dead.
There were only three other medals that were held in as much regard. One of which now adorned my uniform. The Silver Wings Assault badge. The other two awards were the Grand Comet and the Imperial Blazing Heart. I wasn’t too sure how I felt about winning the Silver Wings. Too often they marked those who had earned a reputation for pulling off the impossible. I wasn’t the only one to be awarded the Silver Wings. Every surviving member of Fallen Angels and Blacks Saints had received them.
I let my eyes fall on the rows of chairs that held the mourners. The front two rows held the children from Sky Reach Orphanage. All were dressed in new clothes that were a gift from the community of Whitechapel. Penelope stood out from the other children. The black kimono embroidered with a ruby red, ice-blue, and brilliant yellow phoenix on the left breast made her stand out as if she was born to a High Family household. Every inch of her screamed strength, beauty, and grace, at a time that most people would be at their most venerable. Only the Dowager Empress, War Princess, Grand Lady Dai Etsu, and Empress Terresa presented a more regal image. I couldn’t be more proud of my little sister.
As the six-man detail removed the coffin from the limbers and caissons I knew the funeral would soon start. The full military ceremony would take close to hour. I watched as the Death Dealer Honor Guard presented arms. I had to fight to control my emotions as the casket team secures the casket. Non-commissioned officer-in-charge, and officer-in-charge were the next to salute. I was surprised to realize that there was not military chaplain present.
Instead, it was the Reverend Mother Katsumi dressed in the uniform of an Empyreal Army Colonel who leads the funeral detail to the gravesite, followed by casket team. I scanned the funeral detail only to receive a second surprise. The OIC for the detail is Emperor James. Only he is wearing the uniform of a full Death Dealer Brigadier General. Not believing what I was seeing I shifted my eyes over to Empress Terresa’s uniform. It took me a few seconds to spot the twin eagles of a full Death Dealer Colonel on her shoulder tabs. The casket team set the casket down at the gravesite and secures the flag.
The NCOIC and OIC ensure that the flag is stretched out, level and centered over the casket. Normally it would be at this time that the family is seated but with the stress of the last few Empress Terresa felt it would be best if they were seated before the funeral began. I watched as the NCOIC and OIC backed away. I wondered chaplain what words Reverend Mother Katsumi would use as she performs the service.
“The Goddess as call home one of her most valiant of warriors. We gather here today to honor that man’s passing. Long ago in Earth’s past a great General stood before one of the planet’s mightiest governmental bodies. He gave a speech as he retired in which he reminded them of but the refrain of one of the most popular barrack ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that ‘old soldiers never die; they just fade away.’ And like the old soldier of that ballad, he closed his military career and just faded away. It was as an old soldier who continued to do his duty that the Goddess gave him the light to see that duty in his final hours. Death Dealer may set aside their uniforms, but they never stop being Death Dealers in their retirement. Master Warrant Officer, James O’Brian was just one such Death Dealer. As Father Mike he stood watch over the Sky Reach Orphanage. In his final hours he became one of our greatest heroes.” Reverend Mother Katsumi turned to the children of Sky Reach, Penny, and the gather mourners. “Please stand.”
“Attention! Presents arms!” Emperor James ordered to initiate the rifle volley. For some reason I jumped at the first of three seven-man rifle volleys. With the rifle volleys completed; a bugler played the time-honored Taps. With the honors completed the children from the orphanage were asked to be seated. I watched as the Honor Guard casket team moved into position and start to folding the Empyreal Flag I came close to losing the battle over my emotions.
Once the flag folding was completed, the flag was passed to the Emperor James. With a solemn dignity the casket team left the gravesite. I stood there at the back of the gathered mourners as Emperor James knelt before Penny to present her the folded flag. I could barely hear his words spoken only to Penny. “It is both my honor and privilege as a representative of the Human Empire Death Dealers, to present to you this flag. Let it be a symbol of the appreciation that this nation feels for the distinguished service rendered to our country, and to our flag by your loved one.”
Normally at this point a for veterans of the Planetary Defense Force, an ‘Arlington Lady’ would present cards of condolence to the next of kin, on behalf of the PDF service chief and the Lady herself. Only Father Mike wasn’t a veteran of the PDF, he was a Death Dealer. I watched as this sacred duty was handled by Dowager Empress Maiha Nakatoma herself. This day was just filled with surprises. The Reverend Mother Katsumi was the next to extend her condolences. As cemetery representative announced that the service was concluded I walked away from the gathering. I needed time to myself to get my emotions under control.
As Penny and the children of Sky Reach were lead away from the graveside I wondered over to an area of Normandy Fields often visited only by tourists. The outdoor memorial in this area was well cared for and constructed from the hardest stone on Apollo six, Baby Blue Micalipsite. The crescent shaped memorial was made up of fifty columns interconnected by the same stone across the top. In the center of the memorial stood lonely bronze statue of an eagle in flight. From the top an eternal flame burned between the tips of its wings.
“Does the flames of victory call to you Robert?” I turned to find Reverend Mother Katsumi standing just a feet behind me. “I saw you standing off to the side. Why?”
“I said my goodbyes to Stalker during the war. I don’t belong in their world anymore. Those children need to learn to live in peace.” I looked down at my clenched fist. “I’m little more than a weapon.”
“You know your great Uncle faced similar feelings. Even more so after her Secondary Configuration.” Katsumi sighed as she stepped closer. “You are the first of the new generation Death Dealers. As such you shall always question yourself.”
“I don’t question myself Reverend Mother. I’ve always had a violent streak. They’ve always called me the Whitechapel Ripper. It doesn’t matter if it was a friend or not. Every last gangbanger called me Ripper.” I snorted. “The only thing that separated me from them was a promise to Father Mike.”
“Then allow me to give you some advice young Death Dealer. Keep that promise in your heart as you cross the galaxy in search of your truth. Much the way you revered relative once did hunted for his own truth.” I turned to face the Grand Lady Dai Etsu who had walked up to us with a grace of movement that hide the fact she had two artificial legs. I don’t know what it was about the look I gave her, but she chuckled. Seeing her standing there caused me to scan the area for danger.
“Ah yes, there it is. The exact same look my brother-in-law James J. Owens held in his own eyes. He too was a rurouni, much like yourself.” Dai Etsu chuckled.
“A what?” I asked her.
“Rurouni were wondering swordsman of ancient Japan. They were landless and lordless samurai. Most were men of great honor much like James.” Dai Etsu chuckled lightly. “Though my dear brother was more than just a little rough around the edges. Much in the way that you are my nephew.”
“How did he change?” I asked her honestly.
“It took the love of a good woman to change the man called Death. It was that same love that brought the peace he hunted for so desperately.” Dai Etsu didn’t try to hide her mirth as she thought about those times in my great uncles life. “Make no mistake Robert. My brother-in-law was a rogue without equal. Much like yourself.”
“I’m a street rat Lady Dai Etsu. It’s the reason I told Lord Owens to piss off. I don’t belong among the High Families.” I looked back towards where Penny and the children of the orphanage would be leaving the cemetery. “I want to thank you for what you did for Penelope and the other children.”
“House Nakatoma always takes care of our own nephew. Your brothers and sisters shall be well looked after at their new schools have no fear on that matter.” Dai Etsu told me with a smile. “Though for your sister Penelope we will be a more direct hand in her final years of education. I see a time when she shall need skills not taught in most schools. Diplomacy, culture, languages, she will all the skills of the Diplomat as well as an administrator.”
“In years to come Robert. Always remember that you have a home here on Apollo six. If nothing else you have that.” Katsumi told me with a sadness that pulled at my heart. I had a feeling that she had lost her home world long ago to a planet killer. “And your little sister will be here watching over it.”
“Just as Father Mike will be standing his eternal vigil over the orphanage from here. In a few months a statue shall be erected here on the side of this mountain. When I read the report of Master Warrant Office O’Brian’s last stand I knew that the PMH would not be enough. I had to find a way to honor both him and all retired soldiers that stand against the evil of men in one last great act of defiance.” Maiha sighed as she stepped into view. “We shall also be honoring him on Hades in both Fiddler’s Green and in the Valley of Heroes with a twin of that statue. One of my finest sculptures has already proposed a befitting tribute. The statue will be of a battle-tired Death Dealer standing between kids and a coming, unseen threat. Made from galaxy-black bronze and golden titanium.”
“Thank you Empress. I just don’t want him to be forgotten. They can forget about me, but not him. I really do like the idea for the statue.” I told her honestly. “I’m kind of used to being forgotten really.”
“The days of the Whitechapel Ripper being forgotten are over I’m afraid Robert. Even now your reputation is spreading like wildfire among both our friends and enemies. According to the reports coming from ours spies in the other nations. Among our enemies your name has already become legion, and it is death. Even our allies fear and respect the Death Dealer who could rise from the shadows who could claim to be the successor for the ‘Man called Death’. One who is not only worthy of the name, one who is even tougher and harder to kill.” Empress Maiha told me bluntly as she pulled a stack of folded papers from her kimono sleeve’s pocket. As she handed them to me Maiha smiled. “Your team has one last duty Chief Warrant Office Wolff. After that your team is on thirty days leave.”
I snapped to attention and saluted her before reading the orders she had just handed me. They were for an escort mission to the Death Gates System and Hades Prime. The Fallen Angels were escorting Lady Penelope O’Brian, along with Lord Daniel and their retainers to Hades where they would attend their new schools. Yup I was head for the Death Dealer Home World. At least for now. If I had stuck around I might had overheard a very interesting conversation.
“He has come a long way from that brash young man from a few months ago. This war has changed him a great deal.” Dai Etsu commented to no one.
“He’s still the same young and brash man, mother. Only now he knows that he’s mortal. He learned more than a few harsh lessons that cannot be taught in training.” Maiha watched the young man who had took it upon himself to shoulder the mantle James J. Owens once held. “Death truly walks the battlefield once more in the form of a man. I fear that my nephew’s hope for peace shall come to not.”
“Why do you say that Maiha?” Alice asked her as she stepped up beside her wife.
“We have done the one thing that no other nation has been able to do until now. We completely conquered a neighboring nation. The other four remaining nations will be forced to take note of our growth. Between our annexation of High Winds and defeat of Gorgonzola the Human Empire now controls one half of the known galaxy. Only the Democracy of Horvath is not a direct threat. The Velmaro Consortium, Balzac Imperium, and USSR will come for us sooner or later.” Maiha told the gathered granddams of the Empire. “I fear that it shall be sooner rather than later.”
Maiha pointed in the direction that Robert Wolff disappeared. “It shall be men and women like Robert Wolff that will stand in the way of their anger.”
“Death Dealers plus our Empyreal Military were always meant to be a defensive military force. Their mission has never been one to conquer our enemies through blind imperialism.” Katsumi sighed as she was the first to grasp the situation. “We will need to increase our military’s size by more than triple before our enemies decide to come for us.”
“We will have time Katsumi.” Dai Etsu told her with a certainty the others did not feel. “So will that young man. When the time comes. He will be the one to strike more than just the fear of death into the very hearts of our enemies but Hell itself. Not even the Hivemind of the Velmaro will be able to contemplate the havoc he shall raise among their numbers.”
“Those are bold words of prophecy for just one Death Dealer old Friend.” Katsumi grunted as she looked to where Robert Wolff had disappeared. “Then again they may be true. Among all our Death Dealers he is the true Wolf of the Endless Waltz.”
Sorry for the delay in the posting of this chapter. I have been dealing with more than normal Real Life situations that needed my full attention. Hopefully I will be back to my normal posting schedule shortly. Starting with the final chapter in this story.
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New chapter
Always love checking and noticing a new chapter from one of my favorite authors, always makes my day.
Btw is there any update on when the removed books from amazon will be back on sell? Waiting to finish the series till I dont have to skip 2 books to finish
amazon book update
Still working on the reediting for amazon. Only through the first 2 books. Once all 8 are done I will be posting them for sale again. I am sorry for the delay but some parts have be marked as politically incorrect and need to be removed or rewritten by the Amazon editors.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Are you talking about your
Are you talking about your "Death Dealer's saga" I still have all eight of mine in my Amazon account and I can read them as well so?
I am a male lolita.
So what is lolita fashion
In that case
I hope you can find a way to make the original stories (sans PC editing) available.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
just about wrapped up
and really good stuff
Sergeant York
Couldn't help but notice the reference. I like the way you reference heroes past and battles past in your stories.
I watched Sergeant York with Gary Cooper one night on TV (there was little else on I really need to cut that cord).
Now, when I see true stories and watch things about battles on the history style channels (most of which are trash now, trash pickers really? Its like Honey Booboo on "The Learning Channel" Learning what? how to be stupid?) or movies, I will look up that hero or battle to learn more of it. So I looked up Sergeant Alvin York. I was surprised that Hollywood basically had the facts of it right in the movie. York and seventeen others captured 132 German prisoners in WWI.
So um guess just saying its cool that you insert these heroes into your stories.
Welcome to my favorite game.
Welcome to my favorite game. Find the Easter Eggs. In almost every chapter there are Historic, Cultural, (both pop and historic) Literary, and Military Easter Eggs. In this chapter there are a total of 5 such Easter Eggs. You found one of them. Now see if you can find the other 4. Once you found them post your findings here and I'll pm you to let you know how many you got right.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Easter Eggs
I have noticed others in the past. I guess York stuck out to me.
Just out of curiosity, because I read a book on SOG by John Planter who cites Bob Howard... have you ever cited Bob Howard before. If not he is certainly worthy. All our heroes all. Thank you for your service Heroes all.
I look forward to your next story. I suspect the Ripper shall feature.
Possible Easter Eggs,
Nuremberg reference
Vanderbilt Rich but unscrupulous bugger
Van Gogh Artist of course
Arlington Lady
Didn't get them all of course but might have gotten 2 or 3. ;)
Robert 'Black Bob' Howard is one of my heroes.
To answer your question yes I have cited Robert 'Black Bob' Howard in the past. Robert Howard was a true soldier's soldier. He absolutely hated the political games it took to rise above the rank of Colonel. Though there was one thing he hate above the politics more. When people shortened his name to Bob. He especially hated the nickname of Black Bob. (chuckle) If you should ever get the chance to visit the US Infantry museum spend a few hours in the section dedicated to the SOG.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Military Politics
WW2 was a time of reduced politicking. 2 "mustang" (started as enlisted personnel) officers: Courtney Hodges and Walter Krueger ended up with 4 stars. Both of them had lengthy careers in the 1st half of the 20th century. The man who rose most quickly during WW2 was erstwhile actor James Stewart. He started a Private and ended a full Colonel. Stewart was an 8th Air Force B24 pilot, which was very, very, dangerous duty. When he died, Stewart was a USAF reserve Major General (2 stars).
Apologies to the Memory of Robert Howard
An amazing man. I was unaware of that. I can understand that. Robert was his name Not BOB.
Thank you for your service Robert Howard.
Once again
I came to tears while reading a story. This chapter is powerful in the way it presented the individuals that had key roles in this situation. Lots of changes happened. Lots of personal growth. The new generation will have some formidible people, people who have "seen the elephant" and hopefully will be able to lead humanity along the right path.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
The Elephant
An expert, William T. Sherman, made a definitive remark about military combat. "War is all Hell."
I think 'Hawkeye' Pierce on MASH has it correct.
"War is war and Hell is hell; of the two of them war is worse...There are no innocents in Hell."
Gumby - I'm flexible
"Imagination is more important, than knowledge" - Albert Einstein
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘that’s funny…’” - Isaac Asimov
During the Bosnian War of the 1990s
On May 15, 1995, a young US Army Captain with the UN Peacekeepers in Bosnia-Herzegovina was heard to make the comment about war to a reporter from CNN. “I don’t care what they say upstairs. There’s f*&^ing nothing civil about war.” This comment sadly ended his carrier. Despite it being the awful truth.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Just War/Chemical Weapons
Good discussion of Just War. Liked the historical precedents listed.
Also the discussion through out the series on use of chemical weapons. I was thinking the other day on the use of biological weapons. There is a good book on the subject, which i cant put my hands on right now. But even in most of the history of biological warfare, the United States has decided to avoid this subject. But one thing that is not mentioned in all my reading, is the smallpox infected blankets given to Native Americans, and the devastating effect that had on those populations. It doesn't have to be militaries who utilize those truly unjust war devices.
Why MacArthur?
I'm not sure how your reference to MacArthur's speech after being fired for trying to start WW III against Truman's orders fits this story. He truly needed to fade away.
There are people that, ignoring his screwups, worship McArthur, just like there are people that worship the orange poof. Years ago I read a book on McArthur that discussed his actual military career was nothing like the popular media showed him. But I do have to admit his "old soldiers" comment is good.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Possible Easter egg
Von Stauffenberg, the man who attempted the failed assassination of Hitler.
Another possible egg: Lobo,
Another possible egg: Lobo, from the comic.
1 more possible: Warlock,
1 more possible: Warlock, from the LKM / Black Badges stories.
Rurouni, from the Rurouni
Rurouni, from the Rurouni Kenshin series.
of enjoyment in this chapter, of emotions produced in me, of awe for the description of MWO O'Brian's Memorial's, monuments of pride to those who serve(d). Damnit Jess, you've made me cry again.
Thank you
Cheeseheads melted
The cheeseheads made a mistake thinking the could take Apollo 6, and survive. And they made the mistake during their surrender of thinking they could dictate terms. Surrender means they gave up and have to suffer any consequences for their actions.
Those of the other Empires best look long and hard at what happened to Gorgonzola, and on Apollo 6, before they make any plans to attack the Human Empire. If one Empire can fall because of arrogant leaders, and determined defenders, then others can fall for the same reason.
Robert is a warrior, an honorable warrior to the hilt. He is also a man that peace passes by. A peace that quiets the soul, which Robert needs.
Getting rid of the fat on Apollo 6 will finally benefit the people of the planet, and not just those buying favors. And with James and Theresa promising support, those still trying to run things best catch the first ship off planet.
Others have feelings too.