Nails nails damn nails

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Sort of about writing, nails had grown so long that tapping one key at a time was becoming difficult to say the least. It was a rainy morning when I passed my favourite nail bar.
I will
I won’t
I will
I won’t...and so on

After so many good weeks together my unbroken (natural) nails finally faced file. Temptation was to snatch back hand and run for it. Is it just me that loves even unpractically long no matter how much grief they cause?

Long story short...can even type on phone now -Yea!!


I have had the same problem over the years

since I transitioned. It affected my typing so much at times that I would get so mad I'd cut them back too far. Nail polish is a thing of the past for me now, but I still have to clip my nails regularly or the typo monster will GET me!

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Adjustment to Long Nails

terrynaut's picture

My nails have been long for a few weeks now. I grow them out periodically and try to get used to them. It's difficult. Typing can be a challenge but there are ways. I place my fingers differently on the keys and try to use my fingertips more to avoid the fingernails. As for phones, that's easy. Just use a stylus! :)

- Terry

I've taught myself

to alter the way I type, when I have my nails long enough, I use the nail itself to type. I don't think it would work for everyone, but with my long fingers I have to be careful how I type all the time. I had a piano player once get really jealous of how long my fingers are. It's wonderful, because in spite of the fact I have large hands, they appear slender and feminine because of the fingers.