Although I've been transgendered as far back as I can remember, I only started writing TG fiction during my university years. My very first story was the result of a gender studies course I was taking; I was attempting to combine my personal insights with the theoretical models I'd been researching at the time. The final draft was somewhat dry and academic, reading more like a seminar paper than a conventional piece of literature, so I decided to shelve it as a 'non-starter,' so to speak.
A few years after I completed my degree, I came across a number of sites including BC, Fictionmania and Nifty, where my curiosity was piqued once again. I read voraciously for weeks, fascinated by the sheer volume of material that had been posted online. The odd thing was that despite the generally high quality of the writing, I couldn't find the kind of story that I wanted to read - ie something that reflected my personal worldview and perspectives.
Eventually, I sat down at the keyboard and started revising the old 'non-starter' I'd put into cold storage years before. I streamlined the narrative as much as possible, removing all of the philosophical monologues and academic clap-trap. The revision wasn't perfect, but it was something I was pleased with - a simple, PG rated fantasy with a straightforward, three act structure - beginning, middle and end.
To this day, I still have problems with purple prose and character development, but like almost everyone here, I continue posting whenever I have a flash of inspiration or (hopefully) a tale worth telling. At the end of the day, maybe that's what writing is all about...
Ms Frankenstein
I think that was my first TG fiction and when I was writing it, the story felt like a true horror screamer. I hadn't intended to 'come out' and it was a horrifying surprise. My family were acting like such asses and accused me of all sorts of fiction. Finally, I said fuck it and started living as a woman. I had been on some psych meds and after I came out, the shrinks really loaded me up on them. That's when I started writing that story and while the story page says 2008, I think I first posted it to Storysite in 2001 and later in 2005 again. My memory is a little hazy on this.
My first TG, for roughly a
My first TG, for roughly a decade, was "John's Living Nightmare", first posted on ASSM in the late '90s. (It's one of my stories here, with a huge hittage.) I wanted to show what it was like to torment a child and to have everyone out to get him. It was one of several stories on ASSM, and my only TG one. I was writing in a number of -- fetishes, perhaps?
-- Daphne Xu
Writing bug
My first TG story was written in college. It was a novel called "Sixteen, the Hard Way." I wrote most of it on my lunch hours, longhand in various notebooks which I have since lost. It was about a teenage boy who finds out at age 15 that he is intersex, with a complete set of functioning female organs inside. He decides to try being a girl for a time to see if he likes it.
In the 1990s, I began writing again, working on what later became "Kelly Girl". The first eight chapters were written first person, then discarded and rewritten third person. I posted some of those chapters to Alt.Sex.Stories.TG. I stopped writing for some years but when I discovered BigCloset, I dug out Kelly Girl and began posting it and finished it with plans to write more.
I'm really terrible about finishing things. :{
I started writing as the only means of expressing myself as Andrea.
Love, Andrea Lena
They say
"Write what you know", so I did. By the time I fictionalized the characters, blurred the location, and worked up a plot, there was damned little resemblance to reality. Oh, there are a few bits here and there, but I'm not telling.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
When and why?
The when is easy. I published my first story "Zoran" on Fictionmania on Nov. 23 2017 - less than four years ago. I followed it up with "Cobra's Moll" on Dec 5 2017. That might have been my first story written probably in early November 2017. Today I made my 648th posting on FM which makes me the largest number of stories on that site by some margin and the 39th most prolific by kilobytes written. But despite what some may say, volume is not my objective. You pose the harder question - why?
I wish I could say that it was for some academic pursuit, but the fact is more visceral. I needed to express my frustrations. There is something about what is said by you - reading the stories of others did not hit the spot somehow. The fact is that while I write for a living I had never written any fiction since high school when I sat down and wrote "Cobra's Moll", but somehow it just spilled out.
That is the way it has been ever since. I think that I wrote four stories and said that was me done, but I was wrong. They just kept coming.
I would like to think that I am getting better. I do try, but the speed with which it all emerges results in mistakes. My thanks to all those who have helped me with this including Bronwen and Rose, and Gabi and Eric on the books, and Erin with her advice.
But fundamentally I write TG fiction to sustain the fantasy. I failed in my transition, but there is always the dream of a truly happy ending. That is why I do not write magical stories. I want to believe that a female future is possible, and to bring in the supernatural chases the prospect away. My stories are about circumstances driving men into womanhood in a way that they cannot resist - removing the element of choce that makes many of us feel guilty for betraying our families and friends. And happy endings - there may be a few exceptions but I want happy endings. Usually my man becomes the woman he was destined to be and meets the man for her dreams.
As long as there are stories like that out there, I will be writing them.
I've posted TG stories ...
... for a couple of different reasons. I think the biggest reason was because while I'd found some really well written stories, only some of them were the kinds of stories I enjoyed reading, so I decided to try writing the kinds of stories I'd like to read. The second biggest reason, is because I wanted to take some of my history growing up as a TG kid, then create a story based on that, but change things, so it went the way I'd wished things could have gone.
The first TG story I ever posted was called "The Princess' New Gown". While it can be found here at BCTS, I originally posted it in FictionMania on 11/01/2005. Basically, I had wanted to tell the kinda fairytale I'd wished I coulda been told when I was a kid, with characters I could relate to. The second story I'd posted was "Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure", which started off as a pretty close retelling of something that had actually happened, but then went off into how I had wished things might have gone.
Relief of Pressure
Complete break from thinking about my job during time away and long flights. It helped me to switch off and when I read a few stories I wanted to write myself so I decided to join BC and I gave writing a try. One chapter led to another and then another and a few members encouraged me. I really appreciated their encouragement because it kept me sane .
I enjoyed lots of the stories I was reading and especially the thrill of publishing my own work. I could write stories about my own life experiences and thoughts. I wrote stories about things I'd seen and places I'd visited and sometimes around songs. I liked a challenge too and submitted entries. I've written a book as a continuation of another authors story and offered it to her. She never had time to do it herself so it was my gift.
I have surprised myself as I'd never written stories or published anything. I've been fortunate in my life and I hope I've contributed a little to the success of the site and brought some comfort to those who didn't get the breaks, support or opportunities I've had. I count my blessings.
So much hidden talent on the site.
Figuring myself out
I didn't so much start writing TG fiction as start writing stories as a way of dealing with various issues and feelings in myself through narratives. I had and have no intention of showing them to anyone else. I looked back at my "Oldstories" folder, and the first couple of stories were not TG at all. They were more or less dictated to me by some unconscious process in my mind, chapter by chapter. And as gender became more and more a forefront issue in my life, it also became more and more a forefront issue in my stories.
So once I was consciously wrestling with whether I was trans and, if so, what that meant to me, the stories pouring out of my unconscious tended to revolve around being trans or, as in my first real TG story "Melanie's Story", having transness kind of thrust upon me, and working out how to feel about it. When I finished that story, I kind of said, what the hey, it probably won't be the worst story to show up at BC, and I posted it. In my later stories, which also kind of were dictated by my unconsious, the TG aspect is frequently not a particularly important one, perhaps because by now, for me, being trans isn't a big issue any more, it's just who I am, and I'm now wrestling with other demons (mostly a lot worse than the trans demon.)
I've noticed that I'm not coming up with stories any more, and I think, maybe it's because I'm gradually pulling the issues (if you have C-PTSD, you have a lot of issues) out of my unconscious and facing them. (Or getting chased around by them.)
my first story wasn't "transgender" as such....
My first story (which became a novel, Missing Without A Trace available from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book), I'd decided to write a first-person story with a woman as the story teller. I had the notion that my life would have been different (and easier) if I hadn't had all the baggage of being male. So I wanted to see if I could write, first person, as a woman with a woman's personality.
I was pretty successful, creating a personality which--on the surface--was bubbly and outgoing. But underneath, she kept many secrets as to how she was really feeling and all my readers seemed to come back to me and say, "This is really cool, but I get the impression that your character Kelly isn't as brave, happy, and courageous as she pretends to be in her story."
Which was true. I came to the conclusion that my life might have been a little more easy, but the problems I felt about not fitting in and fulfilling what was expected of me would have remained pretty much the same.
Some time in the mid 80s
I didn't start writing until I got my first computer in the early 80s. That was pre-internet. I wrote a thing called "Jerry, Gerry, Jerry". It was pretty autobiographical. I attempted to have it published by sending it (dead tree) to a Seattle based trans story publisher. The didn't even acknowledge receiving it. I think I tried to write a few other things, but real life got in the way.
It was years later when AOL made it possible for me to get on the internet. I put up a site on Tripod and posted a half a dozen stories there. At about that time, I became involve in a couple of trans bulletin boards. One of them had an employee of "Reluctant Press" who visited my site and encouraged me to submit stories there. One of the first stories that I published there, was "Alan Through the Looking Glass". Which they re-titled "Looking Glass Girl". It wasn't a very well written piece, but they paid me $200 dollars for it just the same.
I followed that with "Why" A much better written piece. LGG didn't have much in the way of character developement, while "Why" let you get into the mind of the protagonist.
That was the end of my published works. Real life got in the way again. I found Fictionmania, Nifty, Storysite and then Big Closet (Classic Site). I published several stories on Storiesite, and Fictionmania and a few on the BC Classic site. Then I found BCTS.
It was the community feel of the site that made me become an actual member of the site and start publishing my stories here. I've since put up a couple of stories on Amazon and about a half a dozen on Smashwords. Between them I get some pocket change. I'm not near prolific enough to earn any serious money publishing eBooks.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
No idea really. I've been writing fiction on and off since my school days, it was a sort of relief valve from the daily grind, i'm quite an avid reader too, SF, Fantasy, crime, biography, humour - well even some romance stuff. When the opportunity to read stuff on the interweb came my way in the late '90's i found more 'niche' stuff, some of which i identified with and this started to influence some of my writing. When i say niche, everything from bizarre body modifications through clothing, bondage and yes, the whole CD/TG spectrum, some i enjoyed, some were so far left of centre i couldn't relate to on any level.
It was probably @ 2003 after reading several stories with similar storylines of male suffers injury with the result of a forced gender change and the, at the time, edgy Tuck series that i decided i could do at least as well. The rest, as they say, is history - I posted a few shorts with Crystal, the feedback was quite positive, Gaby was born and best bit of 20 years later i've written quite a few words with TG/CD themes.
I've known that i'm trans almost my entire life but at the same time i've long had what i now know to be a few interesting 'kinks', some of these have crossed over into my writing, my characters could do things that in RL i couldn't/wouldn't. Wish fulfilment? maybe, some of those ideas that have haunted my dreams have turned to reality as i've become a bit braver with age, just as much will never happen in a million years.
Write what you know is always good advice, obviously if your personal experience is wider you can offer more stuff in a convincing manner, many of my stories combine multiple strands of that knowledge base, cycling, travel, history, models, food, fetish's etc, etc. Writing outside of my box of experience is something i find difficult to do in a convincing way, I get irritated when i see, what are to me, annoying errors in settings/locations/facts, i have often spent longer on the research than on the writing when my storyline takes in locations or subjects i'm not familiar with.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Didn't like doing things on command of others
That included "manning up" and writing when I was in school.
I was a member of FPE before it merged into Tri-ESS, and have been a reader of this stuff before that.
Although I did some writing for work, including one published technical paper, I continued to dislike writing.
In 2016 BCTS had an April Fools writing contest. The bathroom bills seemed a suitable topic. So I was inspired to churn out "A Night at the Theater". With the help of a few kind people providing editing and posting help, I managed to post it here.
I discovered writing my own chosen subjects with only self imposed deadlines and getting non-troll feedback, can actually be fun.
Two words
Two words: wish fulfilment. All the stories I write are the life I wish I could've lived when I was younger (albeit with maybe a bit more drama). I'm never going to get to be a schoolgirl or a stewardess or a ballerina, so why not live out these fantasies in words instead of deeds?
Debs xxxx
Well, in reality,
I didn't. My initial ventures into fiction writing were in the genre I called "Loving Dominance and Submission", and were inspired by a book I purchased at B.Daltons (my darling dominatrix) which had such potential as a love story, but left me cold and unhappy. the author kept 'punishing' the dominant women - all three died rather horribly and left the male hero bereft. A lot of that book incidents where the scene was set, the tension built, and fade to black - next part is the after effects, usually rather ugly for the hero. I 'wrote' for my own use, the 'blacked out sections' trying to figure out what it was that was pulling at me.
That set me off writing my own D/s love stories. Most of the stuff on the internet purporting to be D/s aren't; they're abuse stories and any real players would shun anyone who behaved like many of those characters. There was certainly none of the unique romance, caring and communication I sought in my own fantasies. My early attempts mostly went into a 4" three ring binder I hid in my old school book box until in the early 90's, I joined a BBS and saw that one of the features was fiction written by members. I had just finished a story, Loving a Witch (it's on FM, but not here) which I envisioned as another Loving D/s story with a magic component. To my surprise, it was very well received and many requested a sequel - which I couldn't come up with. In a chat, another member told me something to the effect that, "well, after you tg'ed him, there wasn't much else for you to do there.' and my response was "what the hell is tg'ed??"
Well, I started looking for 'TG' stories, which in my mind were mostly D/s at the time. Mostly gopher and ftp sites at the time, and what I found were some really interesting stories that weren't complete. Given my experience with My Darling Dominatrix, I tried to 'finish' them, initially, so I had closure. This is middle to late 90s and the initial expansion of the 'Web". Being naive, and not knowing I was trespassing, I started sharing my endings - first on Sapphire's Listserv, and later with Nostrumo who was supervising the TG section at nifty. And then, I read Joel Lawrence's Season of Change. A Second Season was my first ending, then A Losing Season took the storyline into a different dimension (Earth 2) and I was off.
Eventually, I was given to understand that, yes your writing was great but it WASN'T YOUR STORY!!! So I got permission after that and wrote a couple more derivative stories while continuing my line of Seasons stories.
warm furry hugs
scraps and fragments
I've had scraps and fragments of TG/CD stories floating around in an ideas folder for decades. It was this damn COVID thing and the extra two hours per day it gave me. Since I was not commuting I spent some of that time working and re-working these scraps. Eventually I thought that one or two were done enough and coherent enough that I might get some constructive feedback from the kind readers here.
After a bit of "just do it " therapy from some of the kind denizens of this site I finally pushed the save button on one. That was last February.
As to why TG/CD subject mater. I guess that's the way I'm bent. I remember playing hide and seek with my sisters in the dress racks at Sears when I was a small child. I remember the dress-up box in our play room. I remember loving the feel of the gowns and dresses. The thought of wearing beautiful clothes and looking smashing in them never seems far from the front of my mind.
As to why publish here and not elsewhere? Have you read commentary and reviews on other sites? Some of those other sites are worse than any old Q-Chan website. The lovey owners and crafters who manage the care and feeding of this site seem unwilling to allow poor behavior to fester. For that I will be forever grateful.
I'm an incompetent author and poor editor. I'm slow and careless mechanic and my sentences are too complex. As some wise person once said: "The way to write a good story is to write a lot of stories." I'm at the very front edge of that process.
Your friend
Why not?
Saw no reason not to.
You can thank Shadow Run
Back when the protagonist of my first published work, 'Shadows and Dust' was just a concept for a role playing game character, I went looking for a reason someone would turn to such a life of crime. And I stumbled across TG fiction, so, here I am.
I'm out of my mind and into yours!
my first time
I was reading stories long before I tried to write. I discovered trans magazines first, then the internet. After that, it was drowning myself in the different sites and finding out what I loved.
As far as dates go, when I went to elementary school, it was so long ago that we had Tyrannosauous Rex drills on the playground. The nice thing about being a vampire is that you live forever.
I'd always known I was trans, so the adage 'write about what you know' became 'write about what you dreamed.'
I work on the education end of the word business, so this all became an outlet. I wrote and gave stuff away and wrote and received money for stories. Fortunately, I wrote under a series of fictitious names so none of that work can come back and haunt me today.
Now, my joy is just putting pen to paper. I still work in the word business. I still write my silly stories.