Dealing with Depression

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I'm not really sure how to go about starting this so I'll just jump in...

I had a visit with my GP today and have received my first ever prescription for an anti-depressant. My visit with him today was specifically to talk about depression treatments and to follow up on with diabetes care (type 2).

For quite a while now, probably a little over a year, I've not felt any pleasure in doing my normal activities and hobbies, have felt extreme anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed with work. What brought about my doctors visit was while at work a couple of weeks I was sitting at my desk checking my email and just burst in to tears. I cried for about 5 minutes then texted my spouse letting them know what had just happened and that I think I might have depression. We texted back and fourth for a while, with me crying through most of it. I couldn't leave work just yet as I had to meet with someone who needed technical assistance with their computer. I was able to get myself under control long enough to meet with them and immediately left for home after we were done.

Once I got home my spouse and I talked more and I cried even harder, and continued to cry for about 2 hours. I felt like I was failure to them and myself, that everything was hopeless. Talking with my spouse did help calm me down some and I made an appointment to see my doctor that same day. I talked to my boss the next day to explain why I had left work early and they were supportive. I was able to make it to the doctors today without another crying breakdown, but still feeling like nothing mattered.

while talking with the doctor I broke again and did some heavy crying. He prescribed Lexapro and explained that I might want to consult with a counselor as well. I'm to meet with my GP again in about 6 weeks to check on my progress with the medication.

To be honest I'm scared. I never thought of myself as someone that this would happen too. I mean yes I'm transgender, I've been full time since 2003, and I've dealt with my share of discrimination and intolerance, especially from my family, but this doesn't feel the same to me. Just the utter hopelessness of it all. Not wanting to even do anything because I know it won't bring me joy or pleasure.

As far as I am consciously aware I haven't had any thoughts of self harm, but I can't say that I haven't had such thoughts in the past. But one of the things the doctor told me about the medication was that a possible side effect may be an increase of these thoughts. It was after he told me this and handed me a pamphlet for the local behavioral center that I broke down crying. I know I don't want to have those kind of thoughts, it scares me so much, and I don't want to end of in a psych ward somewhere, but if taking the medication helps me with my depression is it worth the risk?

My first pill will be taken this morning when I wake up, along with my other pills I normally take. I know it takes some time for the medication to build up in the system before you can really start seeing the effects (or side effects),

so I just wanted to write this blog post as a way to get my thoughts out and hopefully give myself some reassurance that this is the way to go for now and just see how things progress. I've asked my spouse to monitor me and take action if it appears that there are negative effects that show up and I don't recognize them. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I've always been scared of having this illness of because of my upbringing and how people with mental illnesses were looked down on by my friends and family.

Being closeted trans for 29 years and knowing how that was looked on by my family as well just added to that fear. I only came out after I had moved 2 states away from my family and that is when I started transition and began living full time. Soon after I lost my job and had to move back home to my parents. They were not supportive of my transition, but let me live there as they at least wouldn't turn their child away. It takes its toll being deadnamed and misgendered constantly though. That however would be a conversation for another Blog.

I think this has gone long enough so I'll close it here.


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