Wolff of the Endless Waltz -chapter 21

Wolff of the Endless Waltz

For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

Chapter 21
Outer Jump point, San Vitruvio System, Gorgonzola Empire.
Bridge of the Shinigami Battle Platform Katsumi, 22nd Death Dealer Battlegroup

Lady Saris Victoria stood in the shadowed area behind her command chair looking out the forward view screen. There before her was the home planet of the Gorgonzola Empire and the heart of the enemy. The fires of hate burned deep in her heart for this nation. While her home planet of Wallachia wasn’t part of the Highlands System, Gorgonzola border zone, it too had been the target of the Cheesehead aggression in the past. It had been in one of those attacks that she had lost her sister and brother. That was forty years ago.

“It’s fracking time for payback.” Lady Saris snarled quietly to herself. “XO bring us about. Set course for San Vitruvio. Full speed ahead.”

“Aye, aye, sir. Navigation plot a course for San Vitruvio. Engineering full power to the engines. Coms, signal the fleet to move out. Also inform all carriers to standby to launch all fighters, and bombers. They’re to clear out those Cheesehead carriers before they can get one bird off their decks. Guns get a lock on those DPF satellite platforms. Don’t give them a chance to fire a single missile. Get a move on people. Assholes and elbows.” Even as the XO was giving out the orders to attack San Vitruvio all throughout the fleet ship captains were giving their own battle orders. The 22nd Death Dealer Battle Group was about to rain down death and destruction on the Capital Planet that had start this war.

Super Carrier Lady Dai Etsu, Empyreal Naval Fleet: other side of the system.

Daniel Cosby could barely contain his smile as the last of the seven combined fleets entered the San Vitruvio system. “Number One has the twenty-second begun their attack on the inner system yet?”

“Lady Saris just gave the order to move in sir.” Daniel knew that his XO wanted to be in on this attack more than any other officer in his command. “The rest of the fleet is ready to support them, sir.”

“Then give the order Number One. Time to end this war.” Cosby ordered coldly.

“Aye, aye, sir.” His XO turned to the bridge crew and began to issue orders. Cosby just turned and left the bridge. He wouldn’t be needed for a few hours. No, that time would come when they reached the inner system. When what remained of the Cheesehead Navy moved to intercept his combined fleet.

“Sir, incoming telex message from the Katsumi.” When Cosby hear this he stopped dead in his tracks. If the Lady Saris was sending orders contradictory to his own he needed to be on the bridge. “Messages reads. To Lord Danial Cosby. Congratulations on your promotion. We’ll raise a glass when the fighting is over. Lady Saris Victoria, First High Lady of the Death Dealers. PS Good hunting.”

“Coms, send the following reply. TO Lady Saris Victoria. I’ll have the saké warm and the beer cold. You bring the whiskey. Save a few Cheeseheads for us. Lord Danial Cosby Admiral of the Grand Fleet. PS Good hunting.” Danial ordered then turned back towards the bridge exit. “Number One, I’ll be in my quarters until we reach combat range. We should have about eight to twelve hours before the Cheeseheads realize that hell is a train head straight for them.”

PDF System Outer Picket Satellite Station 45

Joseph Agular looked up at the only bright spot on his sensor console. The centerfold pinup from Empyreal Armed Forces Monthly. “Yeah David, do you think that Miss April really does have a double DD cup?”

“Most likely Joe. You do know that the Commissars for AFM have an unlimited budget for that rag of theirs. I wouldn’t put it pass those slugs to surgically augment their models.” David Yates grunted as he turned from his own sensor console to face his watch partner. “Then again that picture could be nothing more than a CG print.”

“Ah man.” Joseph whined as he pulled down the pinup with a heavy sigh. “You just had to go and ruin it for me. Its most likely CG. After all I doubt they would go so far as to augment a woman for a centerfold.”

“Joe I won’t put it passed those slugs to drag some flat chested fourteen-year-old girl into a surgery for just that. Do you really think that there’re that many women in the Empire with bodies that good looking?” Joseph grunted. “There is something else you got to remember. More than half of the girls in those mags are juvenal delinquents out on parole.”

“What the hell are you talking about David?” Joseph asked as he looked over at David. “It’s against the law to enlist juvenal delinquents.”

“Hate to bust your dream bro. The people over at AFM have a freehand in producing those damned rags. They can draw from anywhere in the Empire to produce those rags. Do you know why my ass is sitting out here on a four-man picket satellite instead of a ship of the line with my analytical skills?” David asked his partner.

“I figured you were like everyone out here bro. Doing a standard six-month rotation then heading out for your next assignment.” Joseph answered honestly. It wasn’t like he actually thought about why David or any of the others were out here in this basically go nowhere assignment. Joseph knew why he was here. He looked at something he shouldn’t have and now was paying the price.

“Joe I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Seeing as how you have only been here for two months. Every man or woman out here on the earlier warning picket line is being punished for something. We’re the last stop before Carman’s Rock. Every last one of us on the sixty picket satellites are one step away from military prison. We’ve all made mistakes that the higher ups couldn’t send us to Carman for, but they had to do something to punish to us.” David sighed. “Whenever someone reaches the end of the punishment they get shipped out sure. The only problem is that none of them stay in the military. They’re all discharged.”

“Wait a minute. Are you saying that I’ll be here until the end of my enlistment?” Joseph asked in shock as he had five years to go on his current enlistment.

“Yup. Welcome to your last duty station my friend. Whatever you did to piss of the high ups most have been a good one. Not that it matters around here. I’ve been out here for two years. Sue has been here for three years. Beth has nineteen months. Don’t worry though. By the time it comes for me to ship out someone will be here to replace me. They never let these stations go understaffed for long.” David chuckled as he stood up and stretched. “Look at it this way. At least you know where you’ll be for the next few years.”

The explosion that ended their conversation and their lives came as a total surprise. The other two crew members died in their sleep. PDF earlier warning picket station 45 was the first of fifteen such stations to die that hour. The F-25 Vindicator 1000lbs skipper torpedo was the Human Empyreal Navy’s newest and greatest secret weapon. The main reason for this is its stealth capabilities and its ability to be deployed from Corvette class dropships. Over the next three hours every last PDF EWP station was destroyed. Of the 238 personnel manning those stations only 4 would survive the attacks of the Vindicators.

Ready room of the Shinigami Katsumi

Saris looked at the system map displayed in her privet holo tank with the eyes of a conquering general. In her lamp Saris held a laptop with a listing of all her assets. From the Battle platform under her feet to number of fighters and torpedo bombers aboard the carriers. Next came the number and type of ground units under her overall command. Between her standard 18 Death Dealer Divisions in her Battle Group and the six Empyreal Armies she had 138 ground divisions under her command. She was using a 30mm Vulcan cannon to kill a fly. She was drawn out of her thoughts by her XO’s words on the upcoming invasion.

“Talk about fracking overkill. A hundred and thirty-eight divisions attacking one planet is nuts. They don’t stand a fracking chance.”

“Mike how many times do I have to tell you that there is no such thing as overkill for Death Dealers. Only open fire and reload.” Saris told her XO with a friendly smile that never reached her eyes. “The Cheeseheads call the tune for this war. We’re just the agents collecting for the piper.”

“Lady Saris I understand what you’re saying. Believe me I do. The Gorgonzola Empire has been attacking our people for the last century or longer. What I don’t understand is why have we gone so far as to destroy this nation. Surely we could have just recaptured our territory and punished the invading forces like we did in the past.” Mike asked her honestly.

“Mike of all the nations in Human space with the exception of the Velmaro Consortium. Only the Gorgonzola Empire as gone out of its way to push beyond acceptable border raids. Their leaders have dreamt of placing their asses on the Throne of our Empire from the time of the Great Shattering. They were warned by Empress Maiha to stay out of our Empire the last time. Granted Emperor James could have stopped with just reclaiming the Highwinds sector and bombing the Capital Planets of the Cheeseheads.” Saris chuckled evilly. “Only unlike his mother, Emperor James believes in ending a problem by ripping out its very heart.”

“That’s why we’re hitting San Vitruvio with such a massive force. To show the rest of the Human Universe to leave us the frack alone.” Mike said as he finally grasped the full picture. This was more than just a war to punish the enemy. It was a war to remove one of the greatest threats to their home.

“To that end I plan on breaking our battle group down into three combat teams. One to the western hemisphere northern continent. One to the eastern hemisphere’s main continent. With the last to the eastern hemisphere’s southern continent. Each one of those Combat Teams will be support by two standard armies. Between the three Combat Teams attacking from three fronts the Cheeseheads will have no chance. They’ll have to split their already depleted forces to engage our overwhelming forces. I know it sounds strange, but I want to put an end to this war as soon as possible, Mike.” Saris sighed and looked down at her left hand. “I’ve grown tired of the warriors life old friend. I earned my retirement ten years ago. I think I want to spend the rest of my life on a nice quiet beach somewhere drinking those fruity drinks that come with an umbrella.”

“I fear the day that you retire Lady Saris. Because when that day comes the Empire will be just a little less safe.” Mike told her honestly.

“I doubt that Mike. Because if the reports coming out of Apollo six are even halfway true. There is a Death Dealer on that world right now who will replace me. One whose legend will only be matched by that of Lord James J. Owens Sr.” Saris told Mike with a grin of satisfaction. “The man we once called Death now has an equal. The Whitechapel Ripper.”

“No offence ma’am. No one will ever be equal to Death. With the exception of his daughter. The Empress Maiha.” Mike grunted.

“I suggest you read the reports from the Battle for Apollo six. That lone Death Dealer did more to upend the plans of the occupying the force than ten full Special Operations teams. That doesn’t even take into count the sheer number of body bags he filled on his own.” Saris reached over and punched in a command used for accessing the main Death Dealer Royal Archives. “Here take a look at the latest updates for the young man’s source code recordings.”

As the updates played within the holo-tank before eyes, second in command for the 22nd Death Dealer Battlegroup, Lieutenant General Mike Deveron, gasped. What he saw made him whish for this man to be under his own command. “By the Gods of Battle. This man could command a Regimental Combat Team on his own. How up to date is this recording ma’am? Is he still operating on Apollo six?”

“That update is more than a week old, Mike. At last report Warrant Officer Robert Wolff is still operating on Apollo six. The only reason we have that update is because he used an uplink to call in an artillery strike. The First Death Dealer Battlegroup has been in contact with the rest of his team and the one other Special Operations team that was sent in. None of their battle records even come close to Warrant Officer Wolff’s record.” Saris chuckled as she gave Mike an appraising look. “Do you think he’ll live long enough to clam his place among our legends?”

“I believe that he will surprise us all, Lady Saris.” Mike told her honestly. Then chuckled himself. “You know there is an old war hero’s saying about the ripper.”

“Do you know where that saying came from? It came from the men that policed the streets of Whitechapel in London, England during the late eighteen hundreds. That saying is true in more ways than one.” Saris snarked. “Never turn your back on the Ripper. It seems that our young Warrant Officer truly is the Ghost of Jack the Ripper come back to haunt the battlefield.”

Arco dei Gavi, Capital City, San Vitruvio, Gorgonzola Empire.

Innocenzo Juliana walked the line of his personal bodyguard APS unit. It didn’t matter that most of these Armored Power Suits were more than 150 years out of date. They were all 100tn Assault Class Power Suits. Each with enough firepower to stop a full lance of Light to Medium APS units. He was sure that with these twenty suits he would be able to secure his place in history as the greatest leader of his nation. It didn’t matter if he died in battle or that his nation lost the war. His final battle against the Human Empire would go down in the annuls of history. One that would equal the last stand of the 300.

“Excuse me sire, but you’re needed in the war room. It is a matter of some urgency.” His aid for the day called out to him.

“What do those fools in the War Room need now, Stephen?” Juliana snarled as he moved to join the aid.

The aid waited until Juliana was near him enough to whisper. “Sire we have lost contact with our Early Warning Satellites.”

Juliana stopped dead in his tracks. Dropping his own voice to just barely above a whisper Juliana asked quickly. “How many are down?”

“All of them sire.” The aid answered honestly.

“All? But how?” Juliana couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“I do not know sire. I was only told that the EW Satellites were offline and to let you know you were needed in the war room.” Stephen answered honestly.

“They’ve finally arrived then.” Juliana sighed then looked towards the sky with a slight smile. “Only Death Dealers could have destroyed our EW Satellites with such easy. At least the little bastard has seen fit to send me his best.”

“Um… Sire, are you feeling alright?” The aid asked with real concern.

“I’m fine Stephen. Just commenting on the situation. It seems that the false Emperor James Nakatoma has sent his finest troops to attack us. It is befitting that only the best of our two nations decide our fates on this battleground.” Juliana raised his arms above his head as he spoke. Clenching his fists with his arms raised high Juliana yelled at the top of his lungs. “Come on you little bastard! Quite making me wait. Time for one of us to die!”

Little did the Exalted Supreme High Chancellor of the Gorgonzola Empire know that James Nakatoma was nowhere near his planet. In fact, the Royal couple was even now planning the final stages for the Battle of Apollo 6. It would not be a rival ruler that would end Juliana’s reign but the Grand Marshal First High Lady of Death Dealers Lady Saris Victoria. A woman with more than a lifetime of combat under her belt. A woman who had but one goal. The total destruction of her enemy.

Apollo 6, Highwinds System
Northern Front lines, 1st Death Dealer Battlegroup Command

James stood quietly studying the map of the frontline. To either side of his main force were his mother’s mercenary forces. In front of him was 500mls of trench works held by the enemy. Trench works that were strong enough to repulse their attacks. The four times that Terresa had sent in recon flights they had been blasted out of the sky. The ADA defense for those trench works was deadly as hell. Not even with the extremely high-speeds of the FB-11A2 Claymore could get accurate photos of the trench works. His only intel came from high orbit photos. Even then those photos weren’t always reliable. The Cheeseheads had begun to shift their forces inside their trenches hourly. For the first time since landing on Apollo 6 James knew he faced a worthy adversary. Until now they had been ripping through the enemy forces as if they were made from tissue paper.

“Excuse me sir, but our scouts are reporting troop movements within the enemy trenches. Sir, it looks like they’re getting ready to charge our position.” The officer in command of the Communications station called out.

“What? Are they sure?” James asked in shock. For the last week and a half, the enemy has steadily retreated. Why would they go on the offensive now. It just didn’t make any sense to him at all.

“From the reports we’re receiving sir that is the only conclusion that can be assumed. Sir before you say it. Yes I know that assume means to make an ass out of you and me.” The Colonel said as she looked over her shoulder at James.

“Colonel Two-knives, you’re the Intelligence expert here. What do you make of this?” James demanded of the older officer.

“I can only go off of these Scout reports, sir. Give me a few minutes to read through them before answering that question.” Two-knives called out as he grabbed the first of the reports from the Communications Station. James waited as the Elf read through the reports. When he finished Two-knives grunted. “Colonel Kelly is correct your Majesty. The Cheeseheads are gathering their forces for an all-out attack on this position. The part I don’t understand is what their rest of the forces are currently doing. It’s like no one is in charge over there above Regimental levels. If we only had contact with one of those Spec Ops teams. Then we could direct them to hunt down the Cheesehead High Command.”

“Speaking of those two teams. Why aren’t we in contact with them?” James demanded.

“They’re following mission SOP, sire. Just as they have been from the start. Daily check ins at appointed times. Unless they have priority targets.” Kelly explained for James quickly. “Sire, I know that Spec Ops was never your specialty. Might I suggest you call in your brother-in-law.”

“I would IF I knew where that monkey nut was.” James grumbled.

“Sylvester is over with the third Special Operations Group, James. He can be here in about forty minutes.” Terresa answered as she entered the Goliath Mobile Command Post. “Though I don’t think we need to call him in just yet.”

“What are you thinking love?” James asked her with a smile.

“I’ve been listening to what you all have been talking about. I think I know what is going on with the Cheeseheads. It all concerns the units directly across from the Death Dealers.” Terresa knew that she had everyone’s undivided attention now. “Those are Grim Reaper Battalions. The true diehards of the Cheesehead military.”

“Oh, Fracking shit!” Colonel Two-knives gasped as he reached for the Scout reports once more. “Damn it! Why didn’t I see this? How could I have missed it?”

“Talk to me Colonel. What did you miss?” James demanded.

“They’re going to attack our position as a diversion. They’re hoping to tie us up in a prolonged battle long enough to swing their regular forces into our rear by rolling up one of our flanks. The Cheeseheads have never held mercenary units in high regard as professional military forces. That’s why they’ve been reenforcing their flanks. It all makes sense now.” Two-knives snarled as he pounded his fist into the wall of the Goliath. “Damn it.”

“Get me Admiral Stokes on the line now.” James ordered Colonel Kelly quickly. He knew what he needed to do now. His mother, the War Princess Alison, had been the first to pioneer the method on the planet Seth. He had more than enough artillery to pound the Cheeseheads flat once they were in the open. The problem was they’re currently in secured areas behind their trench works. Areas that were protected by anti-artillery and aircraft cover fire. The only answer to his problem was the Corvettes, Frigates, Destroyers, and Coursers of the 1st Death Dealer Battlegroup. A few highspeed over flights from those powerful ships would end this battle before it even began. At least it should.

“Sir I have the Admiral on the line.” Colonel Kelly called out. “Do you want to take it at the holo-tank or here at the console?”

“I’ll take it here please.” James told and waited for the transfer to happen. When Admiral Stokes appeared in the holo-tank James got straight to the business at hand. “Admiral this is a Falling Star. I repeat Falling Star. Coordinates are as follows. Sector forty-one, grid thirty-one, target location three-one-five-six to three-one-seven-seven. Full flyover of all Cursers, Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes. Total number of flyovers three. Understood?”

“One Falling Star on the way sir. Trip attack by all Cursers and below. We’ll turn the fracking area into glass. Attack will commence in twenty-five minutes.” Admiral Stokes answered back then cut the line.

“Welp, it looks like the battle is about to begin ladies and gentlemen. Time to mount up. Pass the word, Colonel. We take the enemy tranches in forty minutes. Terresa can your fighters take care of any remaining enemy aircraft?” James asked as he turned towards the rear ramp of the Goliath.

“I hope that was a rhetorical question James.” Terresa snapped as she followed him down the ramp. “My people will be overhead in twenty to provide top cover for those dropships. I know that sounds impossible, but we’ll be there. The Wraths have never backed down from a fight yet. I’ll be damned if I let them start now.”

“Just remember to wear the outer flight suit, love.” James ordered her just before he gave her a kiss for luck. He then helped her into the FAV that was her transport back to the temporary flight line. “Be careful and come back to me.”

“Are you kidding? Between Smoke, and Ghost I haven’t had a chance to get even close to an enemy aircraft. Let alone target one.” Terresa grumbled. “I might as well be going up for training missions. The only thing I’ve been able to target are stationary ground targets. Things like MCUs, FCCs, Firebases, Supply bases and shit like that. Even then they would only let me strafe or bomb from altitude.”

The pout in Terresa’s voice had James fighting the chuckle that threaten to rise within his chest. Terresa spotted the mirth playing within his eyes and snarled. “If you even snicker once buddy boy. You’ll be sleeping on a cot for the next year.”

“Go on love get to your fighter. I’m sure that you’ll get your chance to finally break the century mark for kills. As it is Raven is only two Jolly Rogers ahead of you with ninety-eight to your ninety-six. I’m sure that if you talk to them Smoke and Raven will let you get in on the fun.” James assured Terresa. He knew how much Terresa wanted to break the century mark for confirmed kills before she was grounded because of the baby. James knew that it would at least two years before Terresa could fly again. James truly regrated the day of his wife’s grounding. He knew that flying was one of her greatest joys in life.

“Your wife is truly a one-of-a-kind James.” Cathy Pike’s voice had James turning to face his lance mate and friend. “Though I do have to wonder over your decision at letting her fly combat missions right now.”

“I hate to say this Jim, but I agree with Cathy on this.” Derick grunted.

“Believe me guys. If I could ground her right now. I would. I have to trust in her squadron. Because there is no way that she’ll stay out of this fight.” James sighed.

“That’s not what we’re saying here Jim. We know that the Wraths will protect your wife. It’s the G-forces that we’re worried about.” Steven Light Horse pointed out.

“Not to mention the extreme high speeds her fighter needs to operate during combat.” Joseph Silver Leaf told his friend.

“That is why the triple seven have been ordered to engage in ground support operations only.” James told his friends with a chuckle. “They’re also being reinforced by the seven-seventy-eighth and seven-seventy-nineth squadrons from Ryuk’s fighter contingent. Between the Specters and the Phantoms nothing will get anywhere near my wife’s squadron as they support the incoming attack.”

“What the hell? Are you nuts James? Three full squadrons of Claymores is on the overkill side of things.” Cathy gasped then got a good look at the smirk on his face. “Oh frack! What else have you not told Terresa?”

“What are you talking about Cathy?” Derick asked his wife.

“James has more than just those two squadrons supporting the Wraths. I would beat that there is at least two to three Carrier squadrons flying extreme top cover.” Cathy explained then chuckled at the snarky smile that graced James’ face.

“That’s just downright sneaky bro. You do know that if Terresa finds out you’ll spend the next year on the couch?” Derick asked him jokingly.

“Trust me I know that more than anyone what her temper is like. That’s why I didn’t tell her about the reinforcements. She would just push herself that much harder. If anything, that crazy wife of mine will find a way to get those last four Jolly Rogers. She wants that hundredth kill in a major way. It’s become her unicorn.” James sighed then looked towards the temporary airfield. “The only place you’ll ever find Terresa in a fight is in the cockpit of a fighter. She just won’t be herself if it was any other way. The next few years are going to be tough on her.”

“I doubt that James.” Cathy told him with a knowing smile. “Being a mother is one of the most rewarding occupations for a young woman. She won’t be alone.”

“Cathy are you trying to tell me something?” Derick asked her bluntly.

“Derick I love you like a brother.” James sighed then thumped him on the back. “But you really need to pay more attention to the medical reports from Cathy’s APS.”

“Thank you James. I’ve trying to figure out a way to tell the big lug head.” Cathy chuckled then kissed Derick on the cheek. “I had Doc Cole confirm the medical readouts from my APS this morning. I’m pregnant.”

“Congratulations old man. About time.” Joseph said as he put his arm around Derick’s shoulders. “Trust me fatherhood is one mission that none of us prepared for.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Derick asked in confusion.

“Think about it. You go out and buy one of those home entertainment center holo projectors. It comes with a fifty-page manual on everything you need to know about it. You have a baby, and they send you home with nothing but a seven-day supply of diapers, formula, stuffed in a bag. No manual on how to be parent. It is truly a Learn On the Job from the start.” Explained Joseph as the only father among the four young men with a chuckle. “Don’t worry the first one is the hardest.”

“Okay guys we need to mount up and move into position. Cathy you’re to keep your ass back behind the rest of us. We’ll operate in a one-three-one formation. I’m on point, Cathy you’re tail-end Charlie. No bitching.” James ordered. Then gave her a smile when she pouted. “You’ve got the longest range of all of us. That makes you the best for overwatch and ADA.”

“Gotcha boss man. I’ll take care of any enemy close air support if the Fury doesn’t knock them down before I do.” Cathy looked towards the temporary airfield. “I got a feeling that she’ll earn those five kills today.”

Temporary Airfield Command Tent for 777th Interceptor Squadron.

Colonel Raven Nevermore was never one to become nervousness over an up coming mission show. Let for some reason today’s fight had her on end. “What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way?”

“What was that ma’am?” Smoke asked of her.

“Nothing Smoke. I was just talking with myself.” Raven chuckled.

“You that’s the first sign of insanity right boss?” Smoke asked her with a smile.

“I thought it was hearing voices?” Raven smirked. “Then again with this bunch we have to throw that sign out the window.”

Her comment about hearing voices had Smoke chuckling himself. As Death Dealers they all heard voices in their heads thanks to their AIs. “That’s the truth. Then again I believe that most pilots are a little nuts to begin with.”

“Only a few of are crazy Smoke.” Terresa’s voice drew their attention as she entered the tent. “The rest of us are just too stupid to realize that flying at Mach two plus is dangerous for our health.”

“This coming from the woman who took on a flight of B-36 Peacemakers at altitude.” Raven snarked. “Just where does that place you Gilda?”

“Oh, that’s simple old friend. I’m both slightly crazy and stupid.” Terresa chuckled as she moved to the front of the tent. “Right now, though we got a hot mission.”

“What’s up?” Raven asked as she sat forward in her chair.

“In twenty minutes, the Fleet’s Cursers, Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes are going to commence flyovers of the enemy trenches. The plan is to glass those lines. Then hit them with a full-frontal assault. Our job is to keep the Cheesehead close air support down to a minimum. In short if flies it dies.” Terresa told the gather pilots of the Royal Escort Wing.

“That’s all good for the Wraiths and Specters ma’am.” Lieutenant Colonel Billy Hall said as he stood up from his chair. “But my Phantoms aren’t suited for that kind of operation. Let’s be honest our A-1 Skyraider is at a sever handicap in air-to-air combat operations. Give a us ground target and we’ll pound into dust without a problem. That is what we’re designed for, close in air support.”

“And that is exactly what you’ll be doing, Wild Bill. If there is even one APS, tank, antitank gun, MLRS left after those flyovers. You and your people are to turn them into blood stains before they can stick their heads up. Understood?” Terresa ordered the newest commanding officer for Ryuk’s aerospace fighter contingent. Terresa looked around at the gathered pilots with real pride. She still couldn’t believe that the small band of misfits from New Texas had grown to become the most prestigious Aerospace Fighter Wing in the Human Empire.

They were still a band of misfits in many ways. Yet it was that quirk that made them so damned good at their job. Even the 779th Ground Attack Squadron was a band of outlaws, and misfits. Even the Wing designation reflected their attitude. The 770th Aerospace Fighter Wing was known to the rest of the Empire as Ryuk’s Outlaws.

The sounds of thunder rolling across the landscape drew everyone’s attention. They all stood up as one and left the tent. Raven stopped Terresa just outside. “Terresa do me a favor up there today. Don’t go pulling to far ahead of us. Okay?”

“I won’t go making any promises Raven. If the intel reports are correct the Cheeseheads still have a large number of ground attack and interceptor fighters. If they can get more than half of them into the air we’ll have our hands full.” Terresa felt she should be honest with the only woman and pilot that ever beat her in aerial combat, the Black Witch, Emily Calisto.

“Just how badly are we outnumbered Terresa?” Raven asked.

“Let’s just say that New Texas was the only time the Wraiths faced worse odds.” At Terresa’s mention of New Texas and the thought of those hard-fought battles brought a shiver to Raven’s spine. “I hate to say this, but the Wraiths are going to bare the full brunt of this battle in the air.”

“Does James know how bad we’re outnumbered?” Raven demanded.

“If the reports from that Spec Ops Warrant Officer are to be believed. We’re facing five to one odds in ground attack fighters. As for the Interceptors we’re looking at four-to-one odds. As for James knowing just how bad the odds are, let’s just say that the odds for his lance are about the same.” Terresa sighed.

“That’s why he called for the overflights. I would have thought that the Cheeseheads would be running out of troops and material by now.” Raven grunted. “How the hell were they able to hide an aerial force of that size?”

“They pulled the same stunt that the Amazon’s did on New Texas. They shipped in the extra squadrons then stationed them at multiple small satellite bases spread out across the planet. The problem has been we had no way of tracking the sheer number of bases they have.” Terresa snarled as they watched the first contrails appear as the fleet began their dissent into the upper atmosphere. “If I didn’t know better I would swear the Cheeseheads have been using mobile airfields like this one.”

“Come to think about it. That would explain a lot.” Raven grunted. When Terresa gave her a look of confusion she went onto explain. “I’ve been sending out bomber and ground attack flights to destroy the Cheesehead airfields. When they get to the reported positions for those airfields nothing’s there but empty fields.”

“Shit! That does make sense. No wonder why we haven’t found them. They launch their birds from one site and land them somewhere else.” Terresa looked over at the Command tent for the Combat Engineer Battalion. “I need to talk to Colonel White before we takeoff. Care to join me?”

“We’ll have to put that talk on hold until after the mission Terresa. If you’re right the Wing will need our guns overhead.” Raven looked towards the flight line as each ground crew prepped their individual bird. “Looks like our Chiefs are setting up their babies for air superiority roles.”

“Looks that way. You know something Raven of all the people I have faced off against in the skies. You’re the only to ever give me an honest test of my skills.” Like Raven, Terresa was looking towards the flight line and her fighter. “Let’s get a move on. I want us all in the air before the first Curser makes their overflight. For some reason I got the feeling we’ll be needed to provide cover those ships.”

“In more ways than one, Terresa.” Raven turned and looked toward the enemy lines. “There’s still that squadron of heavy torpedo bombers that are uncounted for.”

“What torpedo squadron?” Terresa asked quickly.

“They’re the ones that I’ve had the Wraiths hunting for from day one of operations. Out there somewhere is a squadron of TBM-3E9 Avengers. Each one capable of carrying one Mark-forty-eight anti-ship torpedo.” The more Raven told Terresa about this one threat the more Terresa itched to be behind the controls of her fighter.

With an evil grin Terresa placed her arm over Raven’s shoulders. “How do you feel about doing a little duck hunting sister?”

“I thought you would never asked.” Raven answered with a matching grin.

Hill 931, Overlooking the Gorgonzola Trench works

“Hey Ripper, are you sure we’re secure here man?” Spider asked from under the cammo netting that we were using. “Not that I’m questioning you or nothing like that. It’s just that I would love to live long enough to enlist.”

“Don’t worry bro. We’re good. That netting is specially designed for this type of shit. As for our position. It couldn’t be any better. The only way the Cheese sticks will find us is blind luck.” Blackjack chuckled from over by the speeders. We had parked all four of them ten meters back behind our observation post. “Just hope this doesn’t turn into another Heartbreak Ridge situation.”

“A what?” Spider asked her.

“It was a month-long battle which took place between September thirteenth and October fifteenth, in nineteen-fifty-one during the Korean War back on Earth Prime. It was some of the bloodiest fighting of the entire war. According to the legends that surround the battle. At one point a single four-man fire team held off three battalions of Chinese Infantry for three days.” I told him as I kept my eye to the M-78 Spyglass and Range finder. “The problem is like all military legends no one knows if that story is true or not. What we do know is that eight men won their nation’s highest awards for bravery during that battle.”

“What our intrepid leader isn't telling you Spider is the number of dead and wounded on both sides that were carried off that mountain. He also left out the part about the Battle of Bloody Ridge that took place during the same year of the Korean War from the eighteenth of August to fifth of September. To many of those men those two battles would remain the deadliest time of the war.” Captain Wallace told Spider with more than a good deal of respect in his voice. “The said part about that war was it became known as ‘The Forgotten War’ for many of the nations that fought it.”

“That is just fracked up man. You got to be kidding me. How could a whole nation forget about fighting a war?” Spider gasped in shock.

“It happens all the time bro. More than once a nation has turned its back on those who fought for them. One nation had a really bad habit of blaming their military for all their problems. Then when they were attacked screamed for their military to defend them from the enemy.” Blackjack told him honestly.

“They weren’t the first nation to treat their military like nothing more than guard dogs that were best kept chained out in the weather until needed.” I told him as I turned to look over at him. “The problem was those guard dogs were dogs of war. They had no problem with biting off the hand of the asshole that pissed them off. Too often the High Families of our Empire have made that mistake. Just look at what happen on Hades before Empress Maiha took the throne.”

“About that Robert. Just how much do you know about the Hades Uprising?” Blackjack asked me with more than normal curiosity.

“Not much Blackjack. Just what I learned in school and then at Robin Sage. Why? From the way you’re asking it sounds like you were there.” I figured it was time to confront the 800lbs Wolf-Baboon in the room.

“Ripper didn’t Father Mike teach you that a woman is allow to have her secrets?” Blackjack chuckled as she sidestepped the question. “Though I will tell you this much. The Hades Uprising is why I’m part of the Emperor’s Hand.”

“What I want to know is why Ripper didn’t stay with his team?” Spider asked me bluntly. “I mean you spend the whole time in Goulcrest organizing the resistance to drive the Cheeseheads out. Then when the fighting in the is over. You head out to find your team. Only when we finally link back up with them and that other team you just split everyone back up. Why?”

“Spread out the way we are we can do more to hurt the Cheeseheads than as a solid team. The number one mission for teams like ours is Intelligence gathering.” I reached over and patted the satellite uplink man portable radio while giving him a nasty grin. “Each team has one of these little beauties in their loadout. They don’t look deadly. Yet with one of these the right hands one man can cause more damage to the enemy than a full APS regiment.”

“Like what you did when you called in that artillery strike?” Spider asked.

“We can do more than that Spider. The biggest asset we can provide to the chain of command is Intelligence. The more information we can provide the enemy movements and emplacements to the Death Dealer High Command the better they can counter the Cheeseheads’ movements. What we give them is real time intelligence. Something that orbital scans that are a few hours old can’t.” Blackjack explained as she stepped over to the edge of the wood line. She pointed down towards the enemy tranches. “You see those units moving behind the enemy lines? I’ll give you ten-to-one odds that they’re preparing to attack the center of the Death Dealer lines in about four to five hours.”

The sounds of dropship engines drew my attention to the east. “Oh shit! Okay people everyone in the foxholes! NOW!”

Spider didn’t question my orders. Blackjack secured the tarp over the speeders before diving into the foxhole she shared with Wallace. Wallace though waited for a few minutes before dropping into their foxhole. Spider stuck his head over the edge and looked toward the east. “Tell me something Ripper. What the hell is that fracking noise? Just what the hell is heading this way?”

“We call it Rolling Thunder, Spider. Keeping your head down when the shit hits. That sound you hear is the engines of Cursers, Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes lining up to blast every inch of those trench works.” The sound of KT-105 Requiem Gatling Cannons spooling up to fire from the valley floor grabbed my attention. I snatched the M-78 from its stand and the mike for the radio. It didn’t take me long to spot those monsters. There may only be four of them, but they could cause major damage to the incoming warships. “Red-Hook-six this is Fallen Angel One. Urgent traffic. I repeat Urgent traffic. Over”

“Send your traffic Fallen Angel One, Over” I was surprised that Red Hook Six didn’t ask for a confirmation of my ID.

“Priority one fire mission. One battery of Kilo-Tango-one-oh-fives in the open. Position is five klicks west of Gulf-Echo main trench works. How copy? Over” I hope like hell that Red-Hook-six realized the danger of those ADA guns.

“Fallen Angel One how positive are you of those guns? Over”

“Just rain down fire and brimstone at those coordinates damn it. That or wave off those overflights. Over” I snapped.

“Stand by to direct fire Angel One. Over”

The sound of thunder came from the Death Dealer lines. I looked towards the east but turned my attention back towards the KT-105s. The first round impacted short of their position by a 100 meters and left of them by 200 meters. I could tell by the impact that Red Hook Six was using the 1st of the 19th Field Artillery. The M-65, with their 240mm guns of the 1/19 may be smaller than their big brothers the M-36, but they made up for this with a higher rate of fire.

“Add one-hundred, come right 200, Over” I called out the corrections over the radio and waited for the next round.

“Splash over!” Rd-Hook-six answered back just as the sound of an artillery piece fired the next round. I watched as the round landed 50 meters to the right of the KT-105s, but directly in line with the unit.

“Come left 50 and fire for effect. Bring the rain, Over” I called out. The next sound we heard was the sound of 24 M-65 cannons firing at once. A few seconds later the KT-105s were pounded by 24 high explosive shells. “Target. Repeat.”

The 1st/19th fired four more times over the next two minutes. When the last round fell the KT-105s were destroyed and the first of the Corvettes was beginning its attack run. “Cease fire Red-Hook-six. Target destroyed. Over”

“Last rounds on the way Fallen Angel One. Red-Hook-six Out.” As the last rounds fell on the KT-105s the first Corvette opened fire on the trench works. Spider grabbed the edge of the foxhole in disbelieve. Even before the Corvette had cleared the area a second Corvette was blasting the trenches. As the first Corvette flew over our heads the sound of its engines were join by the roar of demons chained to the will of the true hunters of the sky.

“Holy shit! What the frack are those bro?” Spider asked as he pointed towards the fighters flying cover for the attacking dropships.

“Those are the FB-elevens of the triple seven Interceptor Squadron. Know to the rest of the universe as the Wraiths.” I chuckled as I thought about their other nickname. “Or as those of us who wear the uniform call them. The Lucky Fools.”

“The Luck Fools? Why would anyone call them that?” Spider asked in confusion.

“There is an old military saying that goes something like this Spider. ‘Never fear the professional soldier. Always fear the lucky idiot with a gun. He may be an idiot, but he’s still lucky, and he has a gun.” Captain Wallace answered the young man from his foxhole.

“No truer words have ever been spoken.” Blackjack grunted. She looked towards the shies overhead. “There go the finest pilots in all the Empire, Spider. All of them are misfits, outlaws, and meaner than a tiger with a lite torch jammed up their ass. Once they get a target in their sights. The target dies.”

“Damn. I wonder if I could ever be that good?” Spider said to no one.

“Spider, you got a clean break once this war is over. If you want I’ll sponsor you if you want to go for it.” I told him honestly.

“I don’t know man. Are pilots like officers or something? Don’t they have to have a college degree or some bullshit? You know shit that I don’t have and will never get.” Spider said with more honesty than I expected from him.

“That’s the nice thing about the Death Dealers Spider.” Blackjack said with a chuckle. “They don’t care where you came from or who you were before joining their ranks. The only thing they see is another brother or sister.”

“And a bigger, rowdier, nastier, bunch of siblings you’ll be hard pressed to find. You could screech the universe over and never find any that match the Death Dealers. We take an oath to more than just the Empire Spider. We take an oath to our fellow Death Dealers. The oath is our battle cry.” I gave Spider a cool hard look. “Remember bro. Death is Dealt by our Hands.”


P.S. Sorry for the delay but I held back the posting of this chapter to dedicate it to the all the men who fought those terrible battles of Heartbreak Ridge and Bloody Ridge 70 years ago. During my time in US Army I was stationed in South Korea. This was where I first learned of those two bloody battles and the price that was paid on both sides for those ridge lines. As an immigrant to the US I found the thought that a nation would forget the price paid in blood by their military to be one of the greatest insults to history. I had another reason for this late posting the county fair where my 4H Kids competed than then getting my youngest daughter ready for school.

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