Straight from their Comeback Tour, Missy and Patsy, the Pellegrino Twins, offer this not so Golden but still Oldie tribute to Erin Halfelvin on the anniversary of her birth
thinking things would change
wouldn't it be nice if we were older
then we wouldn't have to wait so long
and wouldn't it be nice to live together
in the kind of world where we belong
but since then things have gotten colder
even though we've prayed for oh so long
sorta like we'll never get together
so we decided that we'd sing this song
we've got a chance to mature
cause when we write and visit this site
we feel like we can endure (what life throws at us)
no longer scared or unprepared
we got strength to face the day
cause on this site we feel alright
accepted all the way
we've got a lot to live for
and part of it comes from you
you give us room to stretch and grow
and see our dreams come true
so happy birthday Erin
and many many more
we hope every wish comes true for you
you're the administrator we adore!!!!!!!
Wow...that was awesome! How are things between you and Tony?
Uh... since her GRS? Dreamy!
Uh...holy fuck!
Well as a matter of fact, she is. You and Meimei?
Still in love...
The Pelegrino Twins hail from Jersey City, and are the imaginary second cousins, twice removed, of 'drea DiMaggio.
Happy birthday, Erin! And great song, Drea! :)
Happy birthday
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
May today and your future be blessed
Hugs Erin
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Words cannot describe
how much it means to me to have Erin as a friend who always tells me the truth...even when it hurts.
I have described her as "Our Charles Shultz" and in so many ways she is just that and more. Another birthday and still chugging along, trying her very best to herd the gaggle of cats who inhabit Top Shelf and keep a site afloat that has has helped more people than I can count.
In my case, she helped me to become a dream I always had, that of being a writer and, a PUBLISHED writer with a REAL book out there for sale! Finding my name on a site that lists Science Fiction writers alongside of Ben Bova, Aurther Clark, and other NAMES is a thrill I never thought I'd ever experience.
Happy Birthday Erin, from one of the unruly cats. If I knew how to purr, I would.
CAThy. (get it?)
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Day off
Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)
The Romans used to celebrate this day as Solar Day, the day the Earth was closest to the sun. (It isn't, that's actually in January.)
In some years, the Pagan holiday of Lammas falls on August 5th. (Not this year.)
It's Neil Armstrong's birthday, too.
However you count it, it's always been the only holiday in August to me. :) I hope you find some small way to celebrate it, too.
I'm going to the Orange County Fair with friends where we can eat corn dogs and shop in the tent sales.
Have fun.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day at the fair!
Have a great birthday!
And say Hello to Orangey the Orange
or whatever the Fair's mascot's name is
~hugs, Veronica
If I was that close to Huntington I'd have to make
a side trip and jump in, if even for just 20 minutes.
Missing the ocean is almost a physical thing for me.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I know what you mean
I lived in Huntington for 17 years, I do miss it. The Fairgrounds are about two miles from the water, we will certainly take a detour to have a look at the least.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Fair sounds fun!
I'd lived in Orange County for a while, but I don't think I ever went to the fair. Have a funnel cake for me, or whatever they have there to snack on. ;)
... from me too!
Happy birthday, Erin!
"May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live." -Irish Proverb.
A big hand
to the Pelegrino Twins and to the birthday girl too. Happy birthday Erin, have fun at the fair.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3