Lucy and Ethel go shopping for gaffs...my favorite I Love Lucy episode of all time. And what about the time Laverne forgot to pay her medical insurance just before her reassignment surgery; Shirley was right there with the money to bail her out. Betty Rubble treating Wilma to a day at the Spa, complete with full breast enhancement. And who can forget when Trixie and Alice decided to get in a convertible and drive off...oh wait...that was a dream...
I've got so many lovely friends and sisters who have made my life complete, but as to Ronnie Veronica Laika Pupkino, like Boston sings, 'there was something about her!' She has heard me and seen me at my worst, so to speak. One of my first honest to goodness 'online' pals, and she is a pal. In my sitcom of life, she is the Lucy to my Ethel...the Ronnie Lodge to my Betty Cooper, and one of the nicest people I have had the privilege and pleasure to know in my life here on this big blue wet ball. Won't you please join me in wishing her a happy birthday?
Happy Birthday, You wew angew!
she's a jolly good fellow
Happy birthday, Space Puppy!
Happy birthday,Ronny,
'you and 'Drea are such girls-----and lovely people.Enjoy!
Veronica Laika...so, long and slinky with puppy dog eyes. Sounds dangerous. Happy birthday hon
There was a knoock at the door
But low down, not at the normal height. Veronica looked through the spyhole, and saw mothing but a vaguely-familiar-looking organic-tofu-inna-bun delivery boy. What had happened to the consignment of prosthetic underarm hair she had been waiting for? Thirty six hours she had stood by the door, thirty six hours on one leg to save the other for running after the cat, and nowshe was being offered bean curd. As she opened the door, the boy's face clicked into focus in her memory: it was Larry,from the Three Stooges. For an instant she stood frozen, as the smell of badly-prepared soy curd struck her nostrils, but then she heard the clicking. She looked down.
As Larry grinned maniacally,with just a hint of drooling giggle, a sea of purple mechanical lobsters surged through her doorway, sending her stumbling back, back to the kitchen, where she seized on the first weapon she could find, a balloon whisk. The lobsters stopped, filling the room as far as she could see, and started to snap their claws. Oddly, they were doing it in unison, and suddenly she understood the rhythm: it was Morse code. Holding the whisk in front of her as a futile defence, she deciphered the repeated phrase.
on surviving another year - or more simply, Happy Birthday, Veronica.
It's The Ides Of March Again
Unlike Ol' Julius, may you be surrounded by well-wishing senators, showering you with hugs and kisses, as well as the rest of us trying to shove or shovel them out of the way so that we can get close enough to have our turn too.
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. I came across this skinny guy in the most gorgeous toga making a speech:
"Yon Ronnie bestrides the BC world like a colossus, while we poor mortals creep between her legs..." Oooh! That sounds quite risque.
Hugs from your Honeybunny
And Happy Birthday Honeybunny Too
Thank you all for making me feel so appreciated. Some of these comments are pretty surreal. And as Joanne has hinted, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that she shares half my birthday with, hers being the 14th---or is it the 16th?---and with the timeline thing it's her birthday partly at the same time, even if on different dates.
So hugs, and happy birthday dear Joannebarbarella
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Jumping Jiggawatts, Ronnie!
...that would mean that Joanne is back in the future. Happy birthday to Joanne, too. The ides have it!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
In that event,
Happy Birthday times two :-D
Hmm, and perhaps a carrot cake for the occasion... ^_^
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to one of BCTS Treasures! Very few authors truly makes me think outside of the box like you do. Your unique vision is one in a million. What else should I expect from someone with the compassion and insight to name themselves after a Space Puppy?
Biggest Hugs!
Happy Birthday, Laika!
I love how you do a T>G> version of classic comedies.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
For she's a jolly good...
...wait. That doesn't really make sense does it?
I tried and tried to figure how to deliver your birthday wish, and even designed it. I had it all planned out and it was really cute too. But the FFA came and confiscated it after it's maiden test flight. Seems the government takes a dim view of private space ships, suborbital or not, even when they look like a giant Barney and emit a purple haze as they land. Well who knew that purple food coloring reacts that way with hydrazine? And the EPA is now claiming my back yard is a Super Fund site, and cashed in my 401K (well, 201K really) to pay for the cleanup. They left about two pounds of paperwork at my door.
And now Kermit won't give me back my deposit either. Guess I'll have to find another banjo playing frog. Do you know the local musicians union doesn't even have a category for that? Seems that GLBT protection law we fought so hard for in Illinois won't let you ask about species orientation or something. Well back to the drawing board...
So if I can't get it all together, well please accept this message as the best birthday message I can muster on short notice!
Carla Ann
I'm not gonna be as creative as others have been
But, happy birthday nonetheless! I hope it brings good tidings and tasty foodstuffs!
Melanie E.
Happy Bday Laika
Haven't chatted with you in a while hope all is well for you.
Happy, Happy Birthday hon!
I hope for many, many, many more for you, and more great stories from you as well.
Carpe Cakem, Laika!!
Big Big B'day huggles from,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.