Wolff of the Endless Waltz -chapter 20

Wolff of the Endless Waltz

For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

Chapter 20
Northern Continent, Front line. Apollo 6, 2345 local time
Human Empire Command Post.

Maiha sat quietly on the foot of her 100-ton SA-7B Katana. In one hand she held a hot cup of coffee the other was the newest Intel on the Gorgonzola Navy. The more she read the more her confusion grew.

‘Okay sister what’s got your panties in a twist this time?’ Dee Dee snarked in the back of her head.

‘AS much as I detest my older sister’s vulgar comment. It is accurate Commander. You’re more upset over this new data that is acceptable.’ Charlie commented.

‘I doubt that you two would understand, but I’ll tell you anyway. This report goes a long way in explaining why those Cheesehead ships fell so easily to our fleet. It also might explain why their APSs are dropping like rocks after just a few hits. Even their Assault Class units should be able to stand up long than they are, yet our Medium and Heavy Class APS are tearing them apart.’ Maiha answered her twin AIs as she took a sip of her coffee. Setting the report down Maiha Nakatoma, the first Dowager Empress, pulled a pack of Imperial Black cigarettes from her APS pilot’s jacket pocket. After lighting her cigarette, she leaned back against the ankle of her war machine. ‘What I don’t understand is why are they using such cheap materials. I know I targeted their shipyards and heavy war production planets. Yet they’ve hade more than twenty years to rebuild.’

“Pondering the greater mysteries of the Universe my student?” The voice came from nowhere and would normally cause a person to jump. However, after more than 30 years of having this happen to her Maiha just snorted as the Reverend Mother Katsumi chuckled in the darkness.

“You one of these days someone is going to shot you in the ass for pulling that Ghost shit of yours Reverend Mother.” Maiha chuckled and hand the only woman older than herself on the battlefield. Not even Maiha knew exactly how long Katsumi was and the old nun refused to answer questions about her age.

“The only fool on this planet or any other to try that is sitting in front of me.” Katsumi retorted before lighting her own cigarette. “So, tell me has you sitting out here in the dark with just coffee and cigarettes for company?”

“Have you read this report from the Navy about the construction materials used by the Cheeseheads Katsumi?” Maiha asked waving the report.

“I have. I also have a theory that might answer those questions running around in your head. The biggest of which is why are the Cheeseheads using such cheap shit to build their APSs, tanks, ships, and other war stock. I hate to say this, but the answer is a simple one. Natural Resources.” Katsumi answered honestly.

“Okay what the hell does that mean? Didn’t they have the access to the need natural resources that we do?” Maiha asked her in confusion.

“Sadly, the answer to that is no. Most of the planets within the Gorgonzola Empire are parallel earth types with negligible resources. By that I mean most of the resources that can be found on those planets are not in the exotic category. By that I mean the ones that we use for our war stock construction. Of all the nations we’re the only one that is blessed with over thirty systems holding the needed natural raw resources. All of the others might have twelve or fifteen at most. The Cheeseheads had even fewer. We destroyed four of them in the last Succession War.” The more Katsumi laid out her thoughts for Maiha. The more the younger warrior understood the true situation within the Gorgonzola Empire.

“Let me guess. The Cheeseheads have been bluffing the rest of the universe for the last thirty odd years. Why didn’t I see this at the start? They never needed Apollo six by itself but all of the Highwinds system and the border region.” Maiha just sighed taking a drag off her cigarette. Exhaling the smoke Maiha looked up at the night sky. “Tell me something Katsumi. Is there any way to end these constant border clashes or is the human race doomed to eternal conflict?”

“There is a passage in the Ataraxia Codex Maiha that I came across in my younger years of study. I fear is the only answer I can give to your question. According to Ataraxia, revolution, war, and peace, these are the three beats of the Endless Waltz known as history. The human race is a violent race by its very nature. While peace may reign for a while it is but a dream. There shall always be conflicting ideals.” Katsumi leaned against the foot of Maiha massive war machine. “Even in our own Empire we have conflicting religious and political believes.”

“Telling me something that I don’t fracking know.” Maiha spat. “The day I stepped down from the throne I almost felt sorry for James. Then I got handed that report from the House and Parliament. After that I was more than happy to leave the Empire in his and Terresa’s hands.”

“Yet it is that very system of Government that allows our Empire to survive in peace. Each planet has their own voice in Parliament. They set the laws that govern our great nation. The House of Lords maybe smaller but they are charged with the duty of raising the funds that support our government. The Empyreal Royal Family may hold the final say in all matters, but even you must answer to the people. Our last great defense against a total dictatorship within our nation is the Supreme Hall of Justices. They ensure that all the laws passed within our nation can stand the test of time and the Scales of Lady Justice.” Katsumi countered Maiha. Then looked up at her one-time student. “Of all the rulers that I or my sisters advised over our long years of service. Only a few have ever stood as special. Of those few Maiha, you and Allison stand head and shoulders above the others.”

“Would you believe that I spent most of that time on the throne winging it?” Maiha asked with a snide chuckle.

“Knowing you the way that I do. Yes.” Katsumi chuckled along with Maiha. “Though I’m not really surprised by that statement. You always were one to react the situation as it present itself.”

“What can I say? I’m a soldier first and politician second. Always have been, always will be. We both know that I only parked my ass on that throne out of duty. I know that I tired to give James the tools to be a better Emperor than I was ever Empress.” Maiha sighed honestly. “So far he has lived up to his training.”

“Maiha, I hate to tell you this, but he is more like you than you like to admit. Of all your children, only young Richard has ever been a true politician. The day that James appointed him to be the Speaker of the Hall of Lords was a stroke of brilliance. Richard can charm even the most stubborn of Lords or Ladies.” Katsumi chuckled. “James’ place is on the throne and at the front leading our people.”

“Speaking of James. Have you seen the report he sent over?” Maiha asked.

“Yes.” The snarl was barely kept from the Reverend Mother’s voice. “I truly fear that once the word gets out about those ethnic mass graves. The harder it will be to control our own people. Only the troops with Emperor James are Death Dealers. Those that comprise our forces are all mercenary troops. As such they don’t have to abide by the orders of Empyreal High Command. Your orders are another matter. Though they might just take the penalty and break their contract. If they do that they’ll be free to hunt down the Cheeseheads in their own way.”

“And there is no guarantee that they’ll abide by the War Accords should that happen.” Maiha grunted as she lite another cigarette. “This war is about to become very personal for a lot of these men and women.”

“What do mean, my student?” Katsumi already knew what was going through Maiha’s mind. She had seen it the eyes of more than one mercenary.

“Those mass graves will be the trigger event for the whole sale slaughter of the Cheeseheads. It won’t matter what I try, there is far too much bad blood between us and the Cheeseheads to overlook those graves.” Maiha sighed as she thought of how those mercenary units would react.

“What of your fellow Apollo six citizens?” Katsumi asked knowing of Maiha’s ties to the planet and its people.

“Let’s just say that there is a reason that Apollo six has given us more Death Dealers than any other system in the Empire. Once word gets out among the population about those graves nothing will stop the screams for blood. There is a saying on Apollo six about revenge Reverend Mother. It is a dish best survived cold in a hot blood sauce.” Maiha chuckled as she thought about life as a child on Apollo 6. “And the people of Apollo are very hot blooded.”

“Tell me something Maiha. How did Apollo six become such mix of cultures? I mean sense we’ve been on planet I have seen at least nine deferent ancient earth cultures.” This question had been plaguing Katsumi for the last few days.

“It actually goes back to the very founding of Apollo six. The Greeks might have been the first settlers here, but they were quick to welcome others to their new home. Yet those Greek settlers remembered their own history as the first Democracy. Unlike most other planetary systems there was no High Family backing for that founding. Only in the last hundred years have the High Families been able to worm their way into the planet’s actual government.” Maiha explained as she recalled her birth planet’s history. “One of the conditions in the planet’s constitution is that no culture be turned away as long as they agree to one simple condition. Live and let live. That ideal is what drew all the other cultures to Apollo.”

Maiha sat forward on the foot of her APS smiling to herself as she let her memory fall back to her schooldays. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. I know that those words sound flowery and all not to mention they were taken from the Constitution of a long dead Earth Prime nation. Yet they hold a special meaning to the people of this planet. They’ve also been a guideline for me. One that I’ve held a very special place in my own heart and soul.”

“One that has guided you through a great many challenges over the years. I take it?” Katsumi asked with a small smile. Maiha just nodded her head. “I can see where this ideal can become a foundation for more than just a way of life.”

“It was. It became the founding principal for one of the greatest nations of ancient Earth. One that became a true Superpower and World Leader.” Maiha smiled as she thought about that once great nation then sighed as she remembered what happen fallowing the turbulent 20’s and 30’s of the 21st century. “Sadly, that nation tore itself apart in a civil war that eventually lead to the Third World War. It took more than a hundred years for Earth and that nation to recover.”

“What led to their civil war?”

“The same thing that leds to most civil wars. Politics.” Maiha snorted. “Ignorant political beliefs held by people too damned stubborn or stupid to actually sit down and talk with each other to work towards common goals.”

“Is that why you pushed so hard for the changes in the Parliament and Hall of Lords?” Katsumi asked Maiha with a knowing smile.

“In some ways. Yet it was those words that remember from my childhood that drove me to make those changes.” The more Maiha talked about the changes she had made the more Maiha wanted to get back on the topic of the war. “The rest is up to James and Terresa. They’ll be the ones to lead our nation forward. Right now, I need to end the Battle of Apollo six. Not mention keep the mercs from going rogue.”

“A tall order under normal circumstances. Thought not one you haven’t faced before.” Katsumi chuckled as she considered all of the Dowager Empress’ past achievements. “The only advice I can give is to do what you always have. Lead from the front. You are after all the first, First High Lady of the Death Dealers. You are Death’s Own Daughter. The most feared woman in modern history.”

At the very mention of her old nickname a savage glow lite Maiha eyes. “Time to remind the rest of the universe of that fact.”

Carswell Town limit, Route 94

I stood still as the blood pounded in my ears. The gore and blood dripping from my Close Quarters Combat blades was thick as frozen molasses. I looked around me at the carnage that I had unleashed over the last twenty minutes. I don’t know what had come over me. Yes I do. I just don’t want to admit that I had lost control again. I’d rolled up on the Brownshirt CID unit in my mission to linkup with my team. They were nothing more than a light infantry unit. They might have stood a chance against a normal Death Dealer, but I’m not normal.

They were in the process of moving the people of Carswell towards a massive trench dug alongside the roadway. I should have just turned and run. But the COBRA os took over thanks to my emotional overload of rage. I barreled into the CID unit killing every Brownshirt I saw or could reach with my combat blades. The ones that were out of reach for my CQC blades I burned down with my antipersonnel lasers. Their transports were destroyed by my PPC and PPL. Even as their assault rifles were turned on me I didn’t care or feel anything. The small high caliber rounds were just not enough to penetrate my bio-armor.

My rage over what these monsters had done fueled my attack. Now that my blood lust and thrust for revenge had been satisfied I felt hallow for some reason. This wasn’t like the last time COBRA os took over or the other times. Until now I’ve basically been able to keep my emotions from triggering the os to a point. I’ve been an emotional person. I’ve kept them bottled up for most of my life.

‘Tell me something Robert. Have you always this cold and emotionless?’

‘To a point. To be honest with you Celest I’ve been forced to bury my emotions from a young age. I had to if I wanted to survive. The streets of Goulcrest would have eaten my ass alive if I hadn’t. It’s one of the reasons that I earned the street name of Ripper. The other reason was my preferred weapon.’

‘I take it that your preferred weapon was a knife?’

‘You could say that Celest. I always carried either my mother’s or father’s combat knife with me everywhere I went. The local gangs learned the hard way that I knew how to use knife. I learn that the gongs only respected strength and emotionless efficiency. So that’s what I gave them.’

‘This last engagement truly has you unsettled, Robert. Why? Who cares if you gave into your need for revenge? Until now you have been the personification of the professional soldier. Why let this one engagement unsettle you?’

‘Because I let my emotions get the better damn it! I’ve busted my ass to live up to Father Mike’s example. He was what all real professional soldiers should be. I let him down. He would never let his emotions get the better of him like I did.’

‘I think I understand Robert. Yet I must point out that you’ve upheld his ideals in even this last engagement. Before you contradict me let me explain. Granted you gave into your emotions and need for revenge. Yet you still controlled the COBRA os to a point. You didn’t become an uncontrolled killer. You only targeted the Brownshirts. If had truly lost all control the civilians would have been targeted as well. You even stopped the Brownshirts from using the civilians as human shields. You gave the Brownshirts nothing but took from them everything. These is the way of the professional soldier in battle.’

‘Find whatever Celest. I got to deal with the town mayor right now.’ I told her as I watched the man walk towards me. I wondered what was going through his head.

“Excuse sir. Are you part of the relief force?” The man asked nervously.

“No. I came in as part of a Special Operations team just after the start of the war. Until a few days ago I was helping with the resistance in Goulcrest. I’ve been trying to linkup with the rest of my team.” I answered him honestly.

“Well on behalf of my town thank you for saving us. Have the Brownshirts been clearing out other towns?” He asked.

“Yes sir. I don’t have any information on exactly how many towns were cleared out though. I know of only one other town, but I’m sure there has to be more.” I really didn’t want to tell this man that his town had escaped a possible gas attack. Tigger had informed me that the Black Saints had been on a one team seek and destroy mission for the last few weeks. They’ve hunted down and destroyed nineteen of those Chemical Weapon Units to the last man. “I’m just trying my best to link backup with my team. They were supposed to have been head in this direction according to my last update but that was two days ago.”

“That must have been the Death Dealers that came through here yesterday. Are you Warrant Office Robert Wolff?” He asked me with a bright smile.

“Yes sir. Did my give you an indication as to where they were headed next?”

“According to the acting team leader to White Haven. Just take route forty-one south for sixty miles, then route one-twelve east for eighty-one miles. I’ll tell you now. There is a Cheesehead Command unit operating in the now. They moved through here late last night. If you need more information I can get the man who identified the unit to talk with you.” The mayor explained.

“If you don’t mind, sir. The more intel I have to work with the better my chances of surviving this war in one piece.” I chuckled.

“Gunther get over here!” The mayor yield at a man in a Forest Ranger uniform. “The Death Dealer needs to know about that Command Unit you saw last night.”

“That wasn’t a Command Unit Yohan, you dumbass. I told you that was a Fire and Control unit for a Field Artillery Unit.” Gunther snapped at the mayor. Then turn to face with a frown. “Unless you got a satellite uplink on that Tomahawk partner. You’re out of luck. They’ll hear your ass coming long before you can get in range for your weapons to do them any harm.”

“I wasn’t planning on engaging them myself Ranger. I just need to know what is up ahead. I’ve already had one unexpected run in with the Cheeseheads. I just want to linkup with my team.” I almost snarled.

“If you’re talking about that team of Death Dealers that rolled through here don’t try. There is at least three other combat units between you and them. I counted two High Mobility Infantry battalions, and one armor battalion on route one-twelve. Your team is most likely POWs by now.” Gunther grunted with real honesty.

“You don’t know my team Ranger. If they’re anywhere near those units. They’re sitting back radioing in the positions of the Cheeseheads. They live for this kind of shit. Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.” I told him with the same honesty.

“Then all I can say is good luck.” Gunther said with a wave as he turned to walk away. “Because you’ll need it in more ways than one.”

“Thanks a lot Ranger.” I called out to his retreating back. Then once he was out of ear shout. “What an asshole.”

As I turned and headed for my Tomahawk I picked up the sound of another Speeder headed in my direction. From the sounds of the engine, I could make up the make of the Speeder. It was another Tomahawk. Though this one wasn’t weighted down as heavily as mine. If I had to guess this one was the lighter Scout version to my Mobile Infantry version. The main deference between the two was firepower. Mine had more pure and simple. The Scout made up for its lack of firepower with speed.

‘Robert I have an unknown signal trying to make contact with us.’

‘What is the frequency and call sign Celest?’

‘It’s the Emperor’s hand frequency and the call sign is Blackjack. Holy shit! Robert that crazy fracking cyborg survived the occupation.’

‘No surprise there Celest. That woman has more lives than a damn Rigel six long tailed bobcat. Patch her through.’ I waited for Celest to connect me to Blackjack with a chuckle. “Nice to hear from you Blackjack. Happy to see you’re still among the living. Where the hell you been hiding?”

“Oh, fracking eat my shit you two timing, good for nothing, floor flushing, gangbanging, street rat. When I get my hands on you. You’ll be praying for death. Do you know what I had to go through to get my hands on a damned Speeder that was fast enough to catch up to you? I won’t even begin to go into what that little girl back at the orphanage put me through. You’re an asshole!”

I couldn’t help it as I started to chuckle then laugh as I could actually picture what Blackjack had gone through with my friends. Most of whom were diehard gangbangers and cops. People not used to trusting anyone from outside of Apollo 6. I won’t even go into what Penny would have put her through. Penny may be small, but that girl is fisty and fights dirty.

“Sorry about that Blackjack. I really am. From the sounds of it you’re just around the bend from where I am currently. Having you seen the Carswell Town limit sign yet?” I asked her as the sound of her Speeder grew louder.

“I just passed it, Ripper.”

“Then start slowing down. In about fifteen-hundred feet you becoming up on a blood-soaked ambush site. I kind of lost it and killed a company of Brownshirts. I fill you in on all the details when you get here.” I told her as I neared the road’s edge. I wanted to be where she would see me and my Speeder. As my feet touched the road surface I heard the sound of a second then third Tomahawk speeder. Blackjack wasn’t alone. “How many friends are riding with you Blackjack?”

“Just two, Ripper. We were trying to hide our numbers by riding single file and using the dampers. How did you pick us up?”

“Did you forget who you were dealing with here Blackjack? All my normal senses are jacked up to fracking stupid levels. I once I heard you coming I was able to sort out the other two speeder engines.” I told her as I looked towards the bend that block my view of the town limit. I started to chuckle as the three MT-350 Tomahawk speeder hover bikes rounded the bend. “Where the hell did you get your hands on that many Tomahawks on short notice?”

“I stole them from the PDF motorpol on the southside of Goulcrest. It’s not like they were going to use them anytime soon. The Brownshirts executed the whole Infantry Battalion these Tomahawks belong to. Ripper what the hell are you standing next to? Is that and open grave?” Blackjack asked bluntly.

“It will be once the citizens of Carswell get around to dumping the bodies of the Brownshirts in it.” I told her honestly over the radio as the trio pulled to a stop in front of me. I could tell by body type who all three were. Blackjack was the only female and riding a MT-350S Scout Tomahawk. With her riding a MT-350A Attack Tomahawk was Spider. The MT-350A was the heaviest of the speeders and carried the most firepower of all four. The last speeder was another MT-350E like mine and its rider was Captain Wallace. I wanted to chuckle at the sight of the old man riding a high-performance hover bike. “Damn Wallace. Weren’t you the one that always said only fools or dumbasses ride hover bikes?”

Wallace just chuckled as he pulled his helmet off. “And a fool is riding this damned thing, Ripper. Because only a fool would ride something like this into combat.”

“Damn. Ripper we’ve been trying to track you ass down for the last few days. Why did you split like that bro?” Spider asked after he had his helmet off.

“Look you guys have done your part. Goulcrest is free. Go home. You don’t need to place yourselves in further danger. From here on out this is a job for professionals. People and assholes like me.” I told all three harshly.

“I hate to tell you this Ripper, but I can’t let this go bro. In that last battle with the Cheeseheads I lost two thirds of my members. The Demond Pistols never let something like that go. The Brownshirts fracking owe, and they’ll pay in blood.” Spider snarled as he spat on the ground. “We were the only ones to take heavy losses at the hands of the Brownshirts. What’s left of the Whitechapel gangs have spread out from Goulcrest to hunt down those frackers.”

“The same can be said me and my people Robert. Of my original complement of two-hundred officers only eighty-two remain. The core members for the gangs not to mention my people are using FAVs and BEARs in hunter/killer teams. Only the three of us set out to find you. Penny told me where you were headed. She also told me what you planned on doing once you linked up with your team.” Captain Wallace grunted then looked me in the eye. “Dying a glorious death on the battlefield is for the fracking stupid and ignorant, Robert. You were raised better than that.”

“Who said anything about me dying a glorious death on the battlefield?” I asked sharply. “If I wanted that I could done it months ago.”

“Then why the frack are you operating out here in the open on your own?” Blackjack asked of me with a knowing look in her human eyes. It still weirded me out to see her in her prosthetic skin at times. “Because only a fool hunting metals pulls something like this you shithead or are your hunting revenge?”

“Neither Blackjack.” I snapped.

“Then why the FRACK did you attack a full company of Brownshirt Infantry, Robert?” Captain Wallace demand of me. “Only a fool bent on revenge or glory does something like this asshole. You’re smart than that.”

“This was a nothing more than the fog of war. I rounded the bend and came under fire. The next thing I know I’m in the middle of a firefight with a company of light infantry. I had to go all out to just to keep my ass in one piece.” I know that I was lying to a point. Spider and Wallace weren’t cleared to know about the COBRA system. Blackjack just gave me a slight nod of understanding. She knew exactly what had happened the moment I came under surprise attack. “They paid for their mistakes with their lives. I don’t care what the odds are I will always fight to survive. Just ask Spider how many hitters sent to the morg.”

“More than any other gangster on the streets of Goulcrest. Ripper is the Original Gangster of Gangsters. We paid a heavy price learning to leave him and the Sky Reach Orphanage alone.” Spider chuckled heavily. “Not to mention all the other orphanages in Goulcrest. That was the Brownshirts’ biggest mistake.”

“No Spider. Their biggest mistake was fracking coming to Apollo six in the first place.” I snarled as I mounted my speeder. “IF you’re set on following my ass. Then we need to get moving. We still got to find an F-n-C for an Artillery unit.”

“What’s an F-n-C?” Spider asked.

“Fire and Control unit. The heartbeat for a Division level Artillery Unit. All targeting and fire commands go through these units. If there is an F-n-C out there somewhere it needs to be found and destroyed.” Captain Wallace answered. “It won’t be a heavily guarded as a Division level TOC but it will be guarded.”

“Just how important are these types of units, Ripper?” Spider asked as the four of us slowly worked our way through Carswell.

“TOC or Tactical Operations Command units are priority one targets, Spider. You hit them and you stand a good chance of disrupting the chain of command. Hit a C-n-C or Communications and Control units you disrupt the enemies communications. There is a whole list of target units that I could go over Spider that hurt the enemy’s ability to wage war. Just remember that there are more ways to hurt an enemy army than just taking out their front-line troops.” Blackjack answered for me as we passed the people of Carswell walking back to their town. “Ripper do you have any idea of why these people were targeted by the Brownshirts?”

“The town of Carswell was founded by Joseph Smith the twelfth as part of the Latter-Day Saint religion. Though from what I understand the people of Carswell are more of an offshoot of the actual LDS church. They hold to certain beliefs that the rest of their faith don’t. The biggest of which is the whole polygamy thing.” I snorted over the speeder radio team network. “Most of the men in this town have four or five wives. One of their core beliefs hold women just above slave level. They’re more property than actual people in the eyes of their faith.”

“From the tone of your voice Ripper you don’t hold these people and their faith in high regard.” Blackjack chuckled.

“Let’s just say that Ripper might have let the Brownshirts kill this town if he knew who he was saving.” Spider told her before I could say anything. “These frackers used come into Goulcrest and the major cities to find teenage girls in the orphanages. They would ‘adopt’ those girls only so they could be used as wives once they were back in Carswell. The gangs put a stop to that shit a few years ago.”

“The gangs weren’t the only ones Spider. More than a few of my officers discouraged the ‘good’ people of Carswell from coming into Goulcrest.” Wallace chuckled evilly. “Ripper’s not the only one who would have happily let the men in that town die.”

“Yet your planet’s constitution protects their twisted religion. Talk about double standards.” Blackjack sighed as we exited Carswell. “But I guess it’s better than most planet constitutions. That and your people actually believe in those laws.”

“It’s one of the few things about my home that actually makes it worth saving.” Spider grunted as we road through the countryside. “Though Carswell might be one of the few places we ignore that law because of their bullshit.”

I decided to leave the matter of Carswell and it’s people alone for now. “Frack them assholes. We got a F-n-C to destroy.”

Forward Command for 68th Grand Expeditionary Freedom Forces

Field Commanding General Erick Yost last of the Commanding Officers for the 68th Grand Expeditionary Freedom Forces could only grind his teeth in frustration. All of their plans had been for nothing. Their fleet was nothing more than scape metal floating in space now. Their subjugation forces reduced to a mere handful of platoon sized units. Even their front-line units were now nothing more than a combination of ragtag thrown together in a futile effort to push back the mercenary army of Empress Maiha Nakatoma and the Combat Divisions of the 1st Death Dealer Battle Group under Emperor James Nakatoma. His forces were so outnumber that it wasn’t funny.

“Sir, incoming message from the forty-first Calvary.” A young Lieutenant called out to him from over at the Communications station.

“What does Lieutenant Colonel How what now?” Yost sighed.

“He reports that his unit has come under attack from Ground Attack Aerospace Fighters. He’s requesting fighters support to drive over the enemy fighters.” The Lieutenant answered quickly as he off the report.

“Damn. Do we have any fighters near the area to supply the needed aircover?” Yost asked with a heavy sigh. He already knew that they most likely didn’t.

“No, sir. The nearest fighters are more than an hour away at Killion airbase.” The second the Lieutenant answered Yost knew that the 41st Calvary Regiment was done for. Her knew he needed to do something to save the 41st. The question was what.

“Sir the first battalion of the one-eleventh ADA can be in position to provide close air antiaircraft fire in twenty minutes.” Said the last remaining officer of the F-n-C that was acting as the forward Command post.

“Send them.” Yost ordered as he stepped over to the map table. As he studied the map of the front-line trace Yost realized something. “Belay that order Captain. Redirect that ADA unit to grid four-nine-six-two by eight-seven-two-two. Have the second battalion enforce them. They’re to setup an air interdiction zone.”

“But sir! If we do nothing the forty-first will be lost!” The Lieutenant confronted Yost. “We have to do something!”

The bullet that smashed through the Lieutenant’s forehead was only milliseconds ahead of the gunshot’s crack. As he put away his pistol Yost growled in annoyance. “Anyone else want to question my orders?”

When the rest of his meager command staff said nothing Yost snorted. “Get that cowardly piece of shit out of here. I will not have my orders questioned again.”

“Sir my I have a moment of your time outside?” Asked the Artillery Captain. Yost knew that if he wanted to maintain some form of discipline he had to agree.

Yost waited until they were both far enough away from the tent to confront the Captain. “Alright Captain let’s hear it.”

“Sir if we let the forty-first die without sending any form of help there is a good chance that the rest of the Command Staff will revolt.” The Captain knew he was on thin ice with Yost. Yet he had to worn the man.

“It’s not like I have a choice in the matter, Thorn. Damn it! I know that I just sentenced the forty-first to death.” Yost sighed then explained his reasoning. “But those ADA units will be too late to save them. They’ll only become targets for those Ground Attack Fighters as they setup in support of the forty-first.”

“More likely for the Empire’s own Artillery Units or their damned Corvette dropships sir. Speaking of their Corvette ships sir. They haven’t begun their normal operation of supporting the ground attack. It makes no sense.” Captain Thorn point out.

“Most likely because neither the Empress Maiha nor Emperor James have reached our main battlements. Once that happens we’ll be lucky if half of our forces survive.” Yost told the younger man honestly. “Those two ADA units are the only ones that have a chance at stopping those Corvettes. That’s why I’ve ordered them to those grid coordinates. Once Death Own Daughter hits our trenches she’ll call down those Corvettes or something heavier. Those two ADA units are the only chance at stopping those ships. As small as that chance is it’s our only hope. Other than surrender.”

“Sir, are you really thinking about surrender?” Thorn asked in shock.

“If we’re going to save any of our men. It may be the only way.” Yost didn’t want to tell a front-line officer exactly how bad their situation was, but he had to talk with someone. “Thorn what I’m about to tell you most go no further.”

“You have my word sir.” Thorn answered quickly.

“First we’ve been cut off from the High Command for the last few months. We have no way of contacting them. Also, there will be no relief force for us. Our nation has been overrun to the point that our capital is within striking distance of the Empire’s main fleet. More than three quarters of our Empire is in open revolt. They’re actually welcoming the Human Empire forces on some of our planets. If it hadn’t been for a highspeed currier dropship that landed just before Death’s Own Daughter touched down I won’t know that much.” Yost could tell that Thorn was having problems grasping the full situation. “We’ve lost this war, Thorn.”

“Damn. How could we fail? We are the superior nation.” Thorn demanded.

“You shouldn’t have believed the propaganda, Thorn. Here is the truth behind the lies. The Gorgonzola Empire has been bluffing the rest of the universe for the last two hundred years. As strong as our military appeared it was nothing more than a paper tiger at best when compared to the Human Empire. If we had attacked Balzac Imperium Dictatorship we would have stood a chance of winning. Seeing as how they are the only other nation that we share a border with they were the only real threat. The Human Empire could have conquered us long ago.” As Yost was explaining the facts of life for Thorn he pulled a map out of his pants pocket. “Here take a look at the galaxy map of nations. Tell me what you see.”

“Sir, is this map accurate?” Thorn asked in shock. Yost just nodded his had yes. “How could have the High Command lied to us for so long?”

“It was easy for them, Captain. They have kept the truth hidden from our people for so long that seeing that map is a Capital offence.” Yost chuckled. “If one of our surviving Political commissars should catch us with that map. He would be forced to kill the both us. Just to keep the truth from getting out.”

“But sir. This map shows two nations not on any of our official galaxy maps. Not to mention that the Human Empire is almost twice the side of any other nation.” Thorn was having the hardest time at grasping what he was seeing.

“Of course, it does. I found it in the Goulcrest City Library before the Political commissars purged the building.” Yost told the younger man.

“Sir, can I make a suggestion?” Thorn asked as he realized how deadly this scarp of paper was to their lives. “Burn this before Commissar Yates sees it.”

Before Yost could respond the scream of incoming artillery stopped all conversation. The impacting rounds exploded deep in the ground and in the air overhead. Neither man saw or heard the artillery shell that end their lives. The Fire and Control unit that had been acting as Yost’s Forward Command Post was reduced to nothing more than shattered bodies, smashed vehicles, and shredded tents in a matter of minutes. Even after the unit was rendered useless as a Command Post the shelling continued. The resulting death and destruction of this one unit would have far reaching consequences. Consequences that the instigator of the would never realize.

Woodline overlook, Route 112

If Celest hadn’t picked up the radio signals when she had we would have rolled right on that F-n-C. With what I was seeing in the clearing below that firefight would have been more that a little one-side in favor of the enemy. Thankfully this part of the countryside is one of the most heavily wooded areas on the Northern Continent. The underbrush and old growth trees damped the sound of our engines as we worked our way through the woods. At first I was only going to bypass the F-n-C. That was until Blackjack told me she had a direct link to the 1st Death Dealer Battlegroup’s Command post. I thought I would shit when she showed me the man portable satellite communications unit.

In all of history innovation had birthed weapons of tremendous power and terror. The first of these was the bow and arrow. Then there was gunpowder. This led to guns, cannon, and finally machineguns. Spotter balloons led to airplanes, which led to fighters and bombers. Until the tank first appeared on the battlefield artillery was the king of battle. Yet these weapons were not enough to satisfy man’s blood lust for soon chemical weapons graced the battlefield. These weapons led to the advent of the atomic bombs. Weapons of terrible power that changed how the world view war. With each innovation though there was one constant truth. Without a target those weapons were worthless. Communication has always been the greatest strength and weakness in battle. The Fog of War was more than just a saying but a fact of the battlefield that commanders were forced to deal with constantly through history.

To this end they developed hundreds of methods for long distance communication. Flag corps, signal fires, drum corps, signal arrows. All of these were used and many, many more. Then came the greatest innovation in warfare. The portable two-way transmission radio. These marvels of the mid-twentieth century transformed the way battles were fought. With almost instant contact between a commander and the forces under his command the Fog of War was returned to the realm of chance. It was exactly that which now placed me in position to rain down hellfire and brimstone on the enemy F-n-C. in my hands was the most dangerous weapon on any battlefield. The modern satellite uplink man portable radio.

“Delta-delta-black come in. This is Fallen Angle actual. Over” I knew that Death Dealer command would need authentication if they answered. I had Celest already looking up the day’s challenge and password.

“Fallen Angle actual this is Delta-black-three. Authenticate Thunder Road. Over”

“Black-three I authenticate E Street. Over” I knew that they would give me a ration of shit at the minimum for being out of contact for so long.

“About damned time you made contact Fallen Angle. Where the hell have you been? The last report we had you were dead. Over”

“Let’s just say that it’ll take more than a battery of KT-105 Requiem Gatling Cannon to kill my ass, Black-three. Spent the last few months giving the Cheeseheads hell in Goulcrest. Hopefully you can provide a helping hand with a current problem. Over” I was hoping like hell there at least one Field Artillery unit within range. That or an MLRS unit that could drop a few warheads on that F-n-C.

“What you need Fallen Angle? Over”

“Artillery strike at grid seven-seven-five-two by two-one-six-eight. Target is F-n-C in the open. Over” I knew that I would have to give them more info if they could provide the strike depending on the unit.

“Copy that Fallen Angle. Hold for Thunder-six. Over” Not the response I wanted but I could deal. I mean if you’re going to call in an artillery strike go for the big guns, and nothing is bigger than 16in Long Toms. Thanks to Celest I knew that Thunder 6 is the call sign for the Colonel for 6/78th Field Artillery. The main weapon for this is the M-36 Long Tom Cannon.

“Fallen Angle one this is Thunder-six. Over”

“Thunder-six stand by for fire mission. Over”

“Send your traffic Fallen Angle. Over”

“Fire mission grid seven-seven-five-two by two-one-six-eight. Target is F-n-C in the open. Mix load. HE quick, with Beehive. Eight round saturation mission. Over” I knew what I was asking for was overkill but in the words of my cousin. There is no such thing as overkill. Only open fire and reload. These words ran through my mind as I waited for Thunder 6 to repeat the fire mission back to me.

“Fire mission grid seven-seven-five-two by two-one-six-eight. Target is F-n-C in the open. Mix load. HE quick, with Beehive. Eight round saturation mission. Over”

I gave the only order I could. “Send it! Over”

“On the way! Time on target one mike. Over”

One minute later the first rounds impacted dead center of the F-n-C. “Target! Fire for effect! I say again. Fire for effect! Over!”

“On the way! Observe and report! Over”

I sat back against the nearest tree watching the massive shells land in, around, and on the F-n-C for the next ten minutes before I called a halt. “Thunder-six cease fire. Target destroyed. I say again cease fire. Target destroyed. Over”

“Copy that Fallen Angle. Target destroyed. Last rounds in bound now. Over”

As the last rounds impacted I verified their impact. “All rounds accounted for Thunder-six. Total destruction of F-n-C. Over”

“Copy Fallen Angle. If you find any more targets. Contact call sign Red Hook six on tac nine-nine-four. They’ll relay you to the appropriate unit. It’s been a pleasure doing business. Thunder six out.”

“God Damn, Ripper! What the hell did you do?” Spider asked as he studied the carriage below through a pair of field glasses.

“I called in the big guns, Spider. The biggest guns on the planet.” I snarked.

“I thought you were only going to call in an artillery strike. Not a naval bombardment Robert.” Captain Wallace grunted.

“I did, Captain. Those weren’t naval cannons that hit the target.” I chuckled.

“Then what the hell were they?” Blackjack demanded.

“Those were the M-thirty-six sixteen inch Long Tom Cannons of the sixth of the seventy-eighth Field Artillery. Better know the rest of the military world as the Empress’s Harbingers of Doom.” I chuckled as Wallace and Blackjack both facepalmed at the flippant way I answered her question.

“I got to ask Ripper. Do you doing anything anymore by normal standards?” Spider wanted to know as he gave me a strange look.

“Sure, I do.” I answered with a half-smile. “Normal by Death Dealer standards.”


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