Just Enough Grammar to Get in Trouble

New signs went up in the park where I live. They say "Drive Slowly" which made me laugh. They mean "Drive Slow" because the opposite of what they mean is to "drive fast" not "drive quickly". It's the rare case in English of a pronomial adjective for a verb other than to be.

An adverb modifies the action of the subject, the driver. A pronomial adjective modifies the unstated object, the car. We want the car to be slow, not the driver. :) The driver should be quick enough to react to an emergency but the car should not be fast. Driving slowly is a mime act, driving slow is a precaution. :)

Everyone understands what the sign means but someone used two extra letters in an attempt at hypercorrectness while making a fundamental error.

I get a kick out of such stuff because in junior high, our English instructor gave us extra credit for spotting such errors in signs, newspapers, books and such. Early training to be an editor, I guess. :)

If they had said "Go Slowly" or "Go Slow" -- either would have been correct; cars can go but they can't drive themselves. :)

Since it was painted on the ground to be read bottom up, it actually looks like it says, "Slowly Drive" which is even funnier. :)
