This isn't a complaint or problem. I'm happy to read comments, but I'm not looking for a solution to anything. I'm just sharing. So don't be from Mars or Venus -- whichever is the one that needs to fix things. Just see if you can relate.
If you look at my posting history, it might appear that I haven't written anything since August of last year. It isn't the case: I'm writing every day. EVVVERRY DAY. Hours, literal hours, each day. Words flowing out "like endless rain into a paper cup" as the Bard of Liverpool has it. Except that a paper cup overflows, and the rain is lost. My words go onto a hard disk with nearly 400 giggling bytes of free space, and that disk is so hard that all the words are still there, even a week later.
Well! I've been quite excited -- excited even to an absurd degree -- over a story that I've been banging away at since last September. Not constantly or consistently -- I kept jumping from one story to another -- but this one in particular was taking 50% of my attention. And then at the start of May I worked out all the kinks and wrinkles and questions in the plot. Then, after revamping chapter one, I was off. Since then, I've been zooming away, writing chapter after chapter.
Then I got to a certain bend in the story. I'd already written a detailed sketch of the chapter, so I knew where things were going.
One thing I've found, incidentally, is that writing a fairly detailed sketch of a chapter makes the chapter much easier to write, and it tends to be longer, less condensed. Longer in a good way, yes. Sure, you have to take breaks, but you never lack for material.
Overall, and quite apart from that thing about detailed sketches, I think that this story is quite honestly a breakthrough for me. I've learned something about story construction that I never knew before, and I'm very excited to get to the end so I can go back for the rewrites and start posting the chapters here. It's going to be a while (months), but taking the time is worth it to me.
The current chapter, the one I'm writing, is different from earlier ones. It's more intimate. In this, our heroine is alone with a man who makes a lot of suggestions, and those suggestions are very suggestive. And then, the two end up having sex. They can't help it, really.
I can't say I was surprised. I always knew it would happen. It was part of the plot, the plan, the evolution of the characters' relationships... and after these two sleep together, the effects of that liason ripple out.
And yet... just as they were about to start kissing, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. I looked through the salacious lines of their lovemaking. It was pretty explicit. It gave me pause. Not because I wasn't in favor of it. It isn't me. It's those other people.
I know there are some BCTS citizens who won't read it, not even with a ten-foot-pole, if there is any hint of sex. As soon as a character drops their pants, those readers are gone.
Or so I surmise. BCTS readers don't usually give feedback on stories with/about/for sex. One doesn't want to be seen as someone who looks at that sort of thing.
Which is fine. I am perfectly fine with not getting comments. Some comments I wish I hadn't gotten, but those are few: supercilious comments in which a reader tries to assert their moral superiority to me by turning their nose up at what I choose to write about.
And -- without of course any reference to me -- every so often someone writes a blog post about "OMG - what is it with people who have sex in their stories!?" and the comments are, "I know -- it's disgusting. I read one by accident, and had to get a new computer after I threw up on it."
I read those blogs and their comments, and feel rather as if I'm standing outside church after the Sunday service, listening to the gossip about the people who aren't there. I mean really.
Are we pretending that people who go through all the trouble of crossdressing or of gender-affirmation surgery not only never have sex, ever, but also have zero interest in the topic? Personally, I think about it a lot. I think about what it would be like, and could be like, and what would lead up to it and all the ribbons and bows around it. That's why I write about it. I write the kind of stories I wish to read.
For that reason, when someone makes the mistake of leaving a holier-than-thou comment on one of my stories, I'm usually able to shrug that hypocritical crap off and later to make a reply that satisfies my offended spirit.
I haven't been able, so far, to reply to the dread-of-sex blog posts. I've tried, but it takes tact, kindness, and wisdom that I don't possess. I don't want to spoil their fun, and that makes it difficult to push back.
Unfortunately, I've come to realize that those unholy jabs -- the ones that weren't directed at me -- are the ones that have taken their toll.
I actually had to stop and consider what I was writing -- not just the fact that these characters of mine were having sex (!) but the things they said leading up to it (!!!). Maybe it wasn't necessary. Maybe I should rework the story so there isn't any sex. Then anyone could read it.
"Anyone" of course who had already passed the threshold of reading stories on a TG website.
But then the voice of reason kicked in and pointed out a few things. First of all, I'm likely to get something like 1000 hits on any given story, and not all those hits are readers. Where will I find these other people, who will come and read if there is no sex?
Second, how will they know there is no sex? Sure, there won't be a warning, but that's much like when my Grandmother asked my sister, "Will you take my TV to your house tonight? That way, no one will break in to steal it."
My sister, irritated, replied, "How will thieves know there's no TV? Will you hang a sign on the front door that says TELEVISION GONE?"
Finally, the voice of reason asked, who am I writing for? That's an easy one. Let me look in my mirror and point at her -- yes, there I am!
Anyway, after a day, the slights wore off, and now I am ready to get crack-a-lackin' once again.
That's what I wanted to share. Peace, love, and a little get-off-my-lawn. Thanks for your patience. We now return you to your previously scheduled programming.
Hugs and bugs to all
and to all a good night,
- io
We now return you to your previously scheduled programming
sometimes this is good stuff. I've just binge-watched the Danish/Swedish Series "The Investigation". Moody, slow but totally gripping. Totally the opposite to normal US TV stuff which seems to be all chash, bang wallop.
What is normal programming anyway?
Game shows? Reruns of Friends? or as John Cleese used to say, 'And now for something completely different'.
It seems that your current story falls into the latter category. I say, go for it. Vive la Difference.
This past year and counting has been hard on many of us. I hardly spoke face to face with anyone for over 6 months. That was hard but there is light at the end of the tunnel (and it is not an oncoming train) so hang in there and celebrate that you are writing something different for you. After all how many 'Prom' or 'Frat' or 'Dare' stories do we really need eh?
Don't limit yourself to TG. Spread your wings. Who knows what will happen? You might even get a new perspective on TG Life that could help you in future writings. Many, many top writers also wrote other stuff from their normal fare. It was often published under an alias but the style of the prose could give away the writers true identity. So what. As long as people enjoy it then good.
most of us write for ourselves. It is up to you if you want to change to writing stuff that sells but isn't you. We all have to make our own decisions. Deciding to write stuff that sells is to many writes the moment you sell out to the man. There is a danger that it could become formualic but who cares if it brings in the dosh eh?
But carry on, be daring, be different. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won't. Be prepared to let others be the judge of which is which. But just carry on and take a leaf from the newspaper editors handbook, 'Publish and be dammed'.
Keep on truckin
Thanks -- that was really a lovely reply. It's much appreciated.
- io
I was about to say that sex is necessary
just look at the "Shakers"
but then I realised that with IVF etc that is no longer true.
I find it rather funny when people complain on a story with the the warning tag "EXPLICIT CONTENT" that the content is (gasp) EXPLICIT.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate
A bottle marked 'Poison'
Yes, the Shakers -- they had some wild moves, but all on the vertical. At least they made good cabinets and hat boxes, though.
But yes! I have had a comment where someone complained that the story lived up to its warnings!
It's like Alice in Wonderland where she comments, "If one drinks much from a bottle marked 'Poison,' it is certain to disagree with one, sooner or later."
- io
I'm not really asexual
It's just that my sexual proclivities are so kinky, strange and esoteric
I don't think there's even a name for what I'm into. Like being turned
on by the idea of becoming a giant purple gelatinous cube, which means
I tend to eschew stories that feature only boring ordinary human sex situations.
I love Michelle Nylons' incredibly well written + very sexy stories, for about a chapter,
but then I get bored because they're not about cubes...
Oh, won't someone PLEASE write a story about a pair
of sexily jiggling purple cubes having hot nasty cube sex???
Female cubes, of course. Male gelatinous cubes are GROSS!!!
~semi-transparent paraphilic hugs, Veronica
Of course if you do write one I'll never comment.
No one can find out my terrible shameful secret.
Oh wait- Did I say that out loud??
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I usually don't write sex scenes but
I usually don't write sex scenes but yout comment conjured up some salacious cubistic scenes in my mind. Of course only soft, or rather gelatinous, porn.
Now I understand why Swedes use the same word, 'sex', for what English speakers divide into six and sex. Given that cubes have six sides those Scandinvians are up to something.
Base 16
I'm reminded about why base 16 became "hexadecimal" rather than "sexadecimal" -- mixing Latin and Greek roots. Mind you, one would find "hexa" suspect in a different way.
-- Daphne Xu
Isn't that Cubism, Veronica?
Even Picasso had that kink!
- io
It Depends
If you write GOOD sex and if it fits into the story. I'm with Laika in being a fan of Michelle Nylons, whose stories always contain LOTS of sex, with varieties including cunnilingus and felllatio so I'm not likely to castigate you for including hot fucking in your tales, although I prefer to see skirts hitched up rather than trousers round the ankles.
Laika has just stirred a previously unrecognised desire in me to be a huge gelatinous cube (maybe a BLOB! remember that movie?) engaging in humongous sexual acts where I become one with another of my species, but I want to be the purple one, not the green one.
For some reason I'm also reminded of the urban myth of the graffiti on a wall in Auckland which said "Australia sucks" but to which somebody added "New Zealand nil".
I look forward with anticipation to your imminent posting
To each their own
First, let me say I have no hi-falutin' moral standards regarding sex in stories. I don't believe there is/are any mythical sky fariy/es handing down any edicts telling us what to do. If that's what floats your boat, go right ahead! I likely won't read it, but the as long as the "caution" flag is in the header I'm a happy camper. It's the writers that try and slip it past the reader that annoy me greatly. If I see the note, "keywoods blured for plot" that's a story that goes straight to the "Trash" folder. Don't try and put one over on us, it will not end well.
The attitude for us is sex is good, making love is even better! But it isn't a spector sport. Karen generally refers to it obliquely. Then when/if things heat up, she politely closes the door. There will be talk about it, innuendos, flirting word play. But that's it.
"Did the earth move for you?"
"No that was a 6.5 earthquake."
I guess it's the way we were raised. Everybody does it, good, bad, or indifferent. Polite people just don't talk about it in public. Be nice and flag it, and we'll get along just fine.
PS: I'll pass along a few bon mots from my minister. These touch a bit on some things I've seen lately, they may be useful. First: profanity and obscenity. To keep it short, "Damn You" is obscene, "God damn you" is a profanity. See the difference? Not that my minister encouraged either, but one was a sin "against god".
Second: "God" doesn't care about our physical body. According to "the bible" our "mortal flesh" is but a receptable. It's the spirit inside that he is interested in. In fact, again according to the "the bible" god assures his people that they'll leave this shell behind. So apply that to all the rules in the old testament. Those rules can be thrown out. They are mostly a how-to guide for a nomadic tribe tryng live and thrive in the climate they found themselves. Much of the remaining was ultimatly more political than religious. The part about wearing the garments of a woman by men? Can you say "draft dodger"? If your tribe was fighting another tribe every able-bodied man was expected to fight. No putting on a skirt and hiding.
No eating the meat of animals with cloven hooves, (and indeed all the rest of the dietary rules the Jews still follow). Pig meat spoils much faster than other kinds of meat. And the proper preperation of other foods is all pointed at not poisoning everybody in your tribe. These rules have no place in modern society, EXCEPT in the climate of the middle east.
They know they can survive
For me,
it is always more about how the sex scenes are handled, is it more gratuitous than necessary or is it appropriate to the story. I don't read these stories to titillate myself, I read them because they help me with my day to day struggles with who I am. If I wanted soft core porn, there is plenty of that out there, I don't need to find that here. Other people may read them for that kind of thing, there is lots of it to be found on tgstorytime or fictionmania, I won't avoid a story because there are sex scenes, but if that is all the story is about, it isn't what I'm looking for. Give me a good story line and good characters, well written and with a TG slant, and I'll enjoy it.
I am not a writer. I have thought of several story threads, but never gone beyond that. I have been reading stories here for years, but rarely comment, thats my fault. Not all the stories on BCTS are to my taste, some I eagerly look forwards to. But one thing they all have in common is that they have all gotten off their asses and written these stories for our benefit. None of these stories are bad. period. Some dont appeal to what I am looking for, but that is on me. All the stories here have people that read them and like them. I was always taught "if you dont have something nice to say, dont say anything". I have read stories that I didnt like, but they were well written. My hat is off to anyone here that puts their heart into writing a story. I am sorry this rambled and made no sense, it is what I feel. Thank you writers for putting metaphoric pen to paper and giving us your ideas.
I appreciate this nice and heartfelt tribute toward authors.
"I was always taught `if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything'." That does sound nice and friendly, but also censoring and oppressive. I suppose that one should find a reasonably nice way to say something if one targets the person. But certain things need correction or denunciation. (I'm censoring myself now, to avoid mentioning some of them.) May I suggest you unlearn what you were taught?
Also, may I suggest that you try something with your story threads?
-- Daphne Xu
Telling someone "your story started very good but wandered in chapter 2. you mixed up character names at x and y" is just good feedback. Telling them "your work sucks because I hate pancake stories and I read yours and critiqued it even though it was quite clear from the start" is just a senseless attack. I hate hearing of authors that get this type of bs. I dont find having myself tell myself "dont be like that, lighten up" as being censorship, just having a working filter.