The Feminine Queendom 10

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The feminista culture has

The feminista culture has become so ingrained they've managed to brainwash themselves.
If they keep at it they'll either be extinct or there will be revolts, you can only push so far before people decide they've had enough and fight back. You would think they would know that after all that's what got them in charge.

You are exactly right GR but the question is:-

How will those like Charlie get the revolution/reformation going without too much bloodshed. When men get seriously angered and the promise of sex (Despite the sex-bots) becomes evanescent, the sh-t is going to hit the fan.


this doesn't sound good

the sooner Charlie and Claire get out of the country the better


Taliban And ISIS

joannebarbarella's picture

With the shoe on the other foot.

Faulty assumption

Jamie Lee's picture

If those suits believe they can legally gain Charlie's sperm they will be opening a can of worms that goes against their so called core beliefs. If they are legally able to usurp Chloe's right to decide whether or not she decides if Charlie's sperm will be given to the sperm bank then they have started a pebble rolling down the hill that will pick up speed until their core beliefs are in tatters. Until anything anyone one in power thinks is valuable to the society can be taken without regards to the rights given under the law.

That Colonel has her head up her ass, thinking she will get revenge against Charlie because she refuses to accept blame for making herself look bad. If anything happens to Charlie and it's discovered she was involved, her career in the military is over. And she might be lucky if she doesn't spend several years behind bars.

Others have feelings too.