Wolff of the Endless Waltz -chapter 16

Wolff of the Endless Waltz

For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

Chapter 16
Command Deck, Dropship Morning Mist: Day 40 of the war

Maiha stood still as a statue. There in the view screen hung her target, Apollo 6. Around her floating in formation the equivalent of 5 heavy APS divisions, 8 light APS divisions, 5 heavy armor divisions, 2 armored calvary divisions, and 5 armored infantry divisions. With each AU they had traveled through the Highlands System another mercenary had joined her forces. Her fleet of 90 pirate ships had grown to 105 with the arrival of 5 more Cruisers and 10 more Destroyers. Even then she knew that those pirates would pay a heavy price for punching a hole through the blockade for her landing force. “I had hoped he would show up.”

“Worry not child. He’ll arrive on time. My question is how are you going to attack this situation? I mean you’re taking on a full Gorgonzola Empyreal Assault Fleet. With a thrown together Task Force of pirates. A motley crew made up of Lone Wolves, scallywags, and ne’er-do-wells. Fighters every one of them sure, but not people who usually work well together.” Dai Etsu asked of her with smile.

“Unless the Golden Corridor Pirates arrive in the next few hours. The destroyers and cruisers will be our lance. Their target shall be those damned battle platforms.” Maiha snarled as she watched the third New Castle class battle platform move into position to block her fleet. One was bad enough, two was a bitch, three a nightmare. The Gorgonzola New Castle class battle platform may not be a match for a Shinigami in a one-on-one fight, but three-on-one is another matter. Maiha quickly realized that her fleet of 105 pirates would pay dearly to get her landing force planet side. “They’re going to make us pay in blood for every last AU we cover.”

“They can try your Majesty.” Captain Saza snarled. “Every last Cheesehead Fleet Commander makes the same mistake. They treat them as nothing more than a nuisance. Mark my words those corvettes will claim three for each one they lose. If not more. Those little bastards fight so far above their weight class it’s not funny. When it comes to pirates they’re three times as nastier than normal corvettes.”

“Normally I would agree with you Captain, but we’re staring down the barrels of three New Castle battle platforms.” Maiha sighed. “We both know those monster don’t travel along. We’re facing three full battlegroups. We’re fracked!”

“Don’t count us out just yet, Empress Maiha. We’re still waiting on the main guest to arrive.” Captain Saza chuckled told her and looked over at the sensor operations station. “How are we looking Cutter?”

“T-minus fifty and counting Captain. I suggest we hold our position unless we want to get caught in their arrival rip.” The operator called out calmly. Only to change tone before he even looked away from his monitor. “CAPTAIN! WE HAVE MULTIPLE JUMP POINTS OPENING IN FRONT OF US. I’M PICKING UP TRANSPONDERS FOR MOST OF THE GOLDEN CORRIDOR PIRATES! THEY’VE COME SIR!”

“So, I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him.” Captain Saza whispered in a voice just barely load enough for Maiha to hear. “Comms signal the assault fleet ‘ALL AHEAD FULL’. To the pirates ‘RAISE THE BLACK FLAG AND ATTACK’. Engineering full power to the engines. Guns give me a full sweep of the anti-aircraft batteries. EW keep those bastards out of our systems. Sensors keep your eyes sharp.”

Maiha did the calculations in her head. With the arrival of the Golden Corridor Pirates the pirate ships were now at two-to-one odds. That still left the three New Castle class battle platforms. The second those three monsters moved into the fight it was all over with. They weren’t Shinigami’s but they were still battle platforms. That was all that mattered in the end.

“CAPTAIN! I’ve got a massive surge of energy forming twenty-five AUs off the port bow! SIR! It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen!” The sensor operator yelled.

“The last of the party guests have arrived. Captain, please open the following channel please?” Maiha asked politely with a knowing smile as she rattled off the channel. “My son will be in a right fit about now.”

“I doubt that child. James knows your little quirks and deals with them.” Dai Etsu smirked from behind Maiha. “Well, at least most of them. Though this time you might have gone just a little overboard.”

“Incoming message on the Wave Dancer Network Captain.” The Comms Officer called out. “The header says it’s from Joker.”

“Send it to my station, Comms.” Captain Saza called out. When the message open at his station. He was greeted by the very pissed off visage of Emperor James Nakatoma. “Your Majesty, how may I be of service?”

“Captain is my mothers aboard your ship?” James asked fighting to keep his own temper in check over Maiha’s latest stunt.

“I’m right here James and DON’T take that attitude with me YOUNG MAN. The last time I looked I’m still your MOTHER.” Maiha huffed. “Besides, you have a war to fight. This is a family matter. The last time I checked. I still handle those.”

“Mom how can raising an army for invasion be considered a FAMILY matter?” James sighed. “Though in your case this would be a small response to someone threatening our family. I’m surprised you don’t have the Bloodline warriors or Ida-ten Knights out there in that mix.”

“Oh, I sent them to the other planetary systems in the Highlands to keep them busy and give the Cheeseheads a hard time.” Maiha waved airily. “Besides, if I let the Owens Clan hit Apollo six. There’d be nothing left for me to pound on.”

“How were you planning on dealing with the three New Castle battle platforms, mother?” Terresa asked in a sickly-sweet tone.

“With grace and decorum, Terresa. These are values that you are still cultivating in yourself. Ones that have served myself and Alice greatly over the years of our rule. As the new Empress you will find that being able to sweettalk certain politicians easier than threatening them with a cocked forty-five.” Maiha answered her daughter-in-law just as sweetly.

“Only if you mean using a PPC or PPL as grace and decorum in political negotiations. Should I remind you of your last visit to the Parliament?” James asked kindly referring to Maiha’s address in the Hall of Parliament exposing the Amazon Rebels.

“No need to go into ancient history James.” Maiha sniffed just as the guns of Ryuk open fired on the three Gorgonzola battle platforms. “Oh my. It seems Ryuk is upset about something James. You won’t happen to know what?”


“Captain can we have a view of the battle?” Dai Etsu asked kindly.

Without comment the forward view screen changed view and displaced a view of the battle between the four monster ships engaged in ship-to-ship combat. Even at 3-to-1 odds the vast deference in firepower, technology, and design could be seen between the two designs. Captain Saza grabbed the back of his command chair to steady his feet. He like all of his crew had heard the legends of the Shinigami battle platforms. How their firepower was unmatched and the savagery of their AIs without equal. Like all sailors of the black he had put those legends down to nothing more than tall tales. Yet here before his eyes and theirs was the very uncomfortable and horrifying truth. IT took a Shinigami to kill a Shinigami.

“By the Gods of War.” The XO whispered.

“Oh my. The old boy isn’t holding back today. He must be upset over something. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this enraged before.” Dai Etsu commented calmly. “Why I do believe that he is unleashing his full power on each Cheesehead one at a time.”

“Not yet Mother Dai Etsu. Close but not fully.” Maiha snarked.

Even as the massive nightmare war machine that was Ryuk charged into battle he gleefully disgorged his aerospace fighters, and bombers. The F/B-11A2 Claymores started killing enemy fighters before Ryuk reached the Cheeseheads. The roar of Railguns, the thunder of PPCs, the scream of PPLs, the thump of missiles and torpedoes leaving their launchers could be heard over the Captain’s screen. Over the roar of battle the sound of beating drums could be heard quickly followed by Ryuk’s calm voice. All three of the Granddames of House Nakatoma turned to look at each other in wonder. “Fifty years in the worlds of the living is but the swiftest of dreams to those devas of creation who take their rest within the Nirmanarati Heaven. From when we’re born it is our fate from the lowest peasant to the highest daimyao death will come for one and all! TO BATTLE!”

“Did he just quote Oda Nobunaga?” Alice asked in shock.


“My god MOTHER! What did you tell him?” James yelled over Ryuk’s uncontrolled laughter and joy at being engaged in battle.

“I warned you how he gets when faced with a real fight James. Right now, he has three knockoff battle platforms in his sights.” Maiha cackled. “Of course, he’s going to take over control for his weapons. Remember he is one of the six original Demon Gods of Death. Right now, he’s having fun.”

“Oh lord. I should have retired him when you stepped down.” James sighed only to have the ancient AI cackled in the background. “Shut up and finish taking care of those damned battle platforms you so gleefully engaged, asshole.”

“All in good time my dear boy. I’m not done teaching them the error of their ways.” Ryuk chuckled. “Your mother knows what I’m doing.”

“What is he talking about mother?” James demanded.

“The Gorgonzola New Castle battle platforms are linked. For each one he destroys the others feel the death. Ryuk is going out of his way to destroy the backbone of the Gorgonzola Empire’s Navy. Through the use of sheer force.” Maiha explained. “He’s out to do more than just punch a hole in the blockade. He’s out to crush it.”

“The Last of the true Death Gods has returned to reclaim his undisputed place on the battlefield.” Dai Etsu’s voice while calm was filled with the finality of the grave. Dai Etsu pointed towards the forward view screen at Ryuk. “Ryuk is the last of the original Shinigami. The original Death Gods that secured our nation. He will not stop until every last invader has been driven from our skies.”

The blinding flash in the view screen drew the bridge crew’s attention. There before them first of the New Castle battle platforms died. Even as the others pounded his massive bulk with every weapon in their arsenals. Not that it did them any good. Between Ryuk’s overlaying shields, and dushiulium steel haul the Gorgonzola battle platforms’ attacks did little more than peel paint. With each hit on his defenses Ryuk’s laughter grew by leaps and bounds. Along with his joy at battle.

“IF YOU SEEK PEACE! PREPARE FOR WAR!” Ryuk roared over the sound of his own weapons. Maiha, Alice and Dai Etsu could only chuckle at the ancient warrior’s glee. Suddenly Alice remembered the Latin phase carved into the doors leading to the Royal quarters aboard Ryuk. ‘Si pacem. Perpare bellum.’ The phase that had haunted everyday of her life for thirty plus years. This understanding was punctuated with the death of a second Gorgonzola battle platform.

Captain Saza had stood still during the battle between the four battle platforms. He like his crew had heard tales about the Shinigami battle platforms. Most of these stories he could put down to being true for the new battle platforms of the class, but this was one of the originals Shinigami that he was watching. What he saw was where the truth for those legends were born. Ryuk smashed the last Gorgonzola battle platform as if were nothing more than an irritating fly.

While Ryuk and the New Castle battle platforms fought for dominance in the stars above Apollo 6. The battleships of the opposing fleets clashed with blazing fury. Aerospace fighters from the carries hunted each other with savage intent while their heavier cousins the torpedo/bombers went after the carriers. Not to be out done by their bigger cousins of war the destroyers and cruisers slammed into each other with deadly intent. With their royal cousins raising marry-hell with each other the corvette were left to amuse themselves and amuse themselves they did. They harkened back to their ancestors the MPT Boats of World War Two. They swarmed in among the big ships firing off Mark-78 anti-ship torpedoes and raking the enemy with medium caliber laser fire. Once again they kill rate belied their deceptive size. For the corvettes claimed three enemy ships for every one of their losses.

“This is why the Shinigami have been so feared though our history Captain. Their AIs all carve one thing. A glorious death in battle. Even now Ryuk will soon feel the fading joy of unbridled battle as his enemies die around him. Their samurai souls will not let them go quietly into that gentle night. They will always rage against the dying of the light.” Dai Etsu sighed as she stepped up next to the Morning Mist’s captain. “Please head for the planet’s surface before Ryuk remembers that we’re here. Come daughters, if we’re not on the bridge the good Captain can honestly inform my grandson that he has no idea of where we are.”

“He’ll be fine mother. Besides James will most likely be leading the Hounds from the front once they are on the surface.” Maiha giggled as she shifted the two sword at her hip. “I want a piece of the Cheeseheads for myself.”

“Hold it right there mother!” James called out to the vanishing backs of his parents as they walked off the bridge. “DAMN IT! Whatever you do Captain Saza. Do not put down on Apollo six. Am I understood?”

“No offence your Majesty if you think that I’m going to ignore all three of your aunts, both mothers, and grandmother. You’re fracking nuts. Helm all ahead full. Make for the Northern continent of Apollo six.” Captain ordered as he chuckled at the face that James pulled while Terresa giggled before she cut the line.

Government Square, Goulcrest: Day 40 of the war

Grayson Vanderbilt seethed at the sight of the twenty gallows that had been built around the square. Each one holding five ropes apiece. At the end of those ropes a hangman’s noose wrapped around the neck of a child. General Kurt von Klaus was going to carry out his threat no matter what his people in the Brownshirts tried to advise against. The man was ruthless and there was nothing that Grayson or his people could do to stop this travesty. Unlike von Klaus, Grayson knew the man that they were trying to flush out. “This will not end well for you Kurt.”

“What was that sir?” Markus asked him quietly.

“Von Klaus believes that he can force the Death Dealer and gang leaders of Goulcrest to surrender by executing children. The fool has gravely underestimated the resolve of those criminals.” Grayson sighed then looked toward the two central gallows. “Not to mention the gang leaders’ dedication to their families.”

“How do you see this playing out sir?” Markus asked his boss.

“Depends on how many of those children up there are orphans. For each orphan that hangs we gain one more hour before the Goulcrest gangs attack. We got lucky that the first seven are from the Tiny Toes Home and not the Sky Reach Orphanage. Those Sky Reach kids are a symbol that not even I’m stupid enough to in danger. We’d have the enter city of Goulcrest raising hell here this morning. As it is we’ll barely be able to control the situation once the executions being.” Grayson looked around the square at the gathering crowd. “Are our people moving into position?”

“They began moving into position twenty minutes ago sir. The majority of our people will be in place before the first child swings. We have only one concern. None of the gangs have yet to show.” Markus informed Grayson quietly. When Grayson looked over at him Markus waved his hand to taken in the gathering crowed. “Do you see any of the recognized gang colors in the crowd?”

“Damn you’re right. Those thugs are nothing but predicable when it comes to wearing their colors. They won’t remove them once they’ve earned them. Not even for weddings and funerals. There is no conceivable reason for them to unite. That would be the only reason they would remove their colors. All to present a united front against our ‘Overlords.” As the realization stroke home Grayson knew that his plans for rescuing the children were about to be upstaged. “Shit! They’re here already!”

“Sir?” Markus asked in confusion.

“The gangs are here among the crowd. Most likely along the edges. Where are our people?” Grayson snapped as he looked slowly around the crowed.

“Top floors of the museum, Government House, city theater, watchtower, and library. All are armed with SEM-two-fifty Heavy Barrel Flexible Machineguns and SEM-Forty-eight assault rifles. Alpha and Bravo teams are also equipped with the long rang Laser Designator rifles for the SEM-forty-five Heavy MLRS outside of town. Once the word is given they’ll engage the Cheesehead APCs. While the machinegun teams engage the checkpoints and the guards in the square. The crowd should do the rest for us.” Markus informed Grayson with confidence.

“How long until we’re ready?” Grayson asked.

“Fifteen minutes before the stroke of high-noon.” Markus answered quickly.

“Damn not fastest enough. That damned Death Dealer will strike before then. I just know it. Do we have any clue as to exactly who this Whitechapel Ripper really is?” Graydon demanded of his butler.

“Very little actually sir. Though there have been unconfirmed rumors.” Markus whispered a he double checked his surroundings. “The recordings from that firefight above the spaceport and from the ambush four days ago that it’s Robert Wolff.”

“Did you say Robert Wolff? Any connections to the heroes of the Shy Reach Orphanage Standoff?” Grayson asked as he paled at the thought that the son of Majors’ Thomas and Kristine Wolff PDF was leading the local street gangs in revolt. When Markus nodded his Grayson felt the pit of his stomach drop. “By the Gods will that family never cease to hound my efforts?! Why won’t they just die off?”

“It’s in their nature sir. That family are descended from the Owens clan. They never retreat, they never surrender, and they fill body bags before dying. Remember that one of their family became the greatest of the Death Dealers. Why would the great nephew of the man called Death be any less?” Markus told him honestly.

“Markus what is the status of the cache in Dunkirk Cove?” Grayson asked with a plan forming in his head. Until now he had be able to control the access to that asset.

As always Markus double checked the area around him before opening the ever-present Dark Hacker minitablet. Once Markus had gone through the security measures to open the minitablet he handed it over to Grayson. As Grayson reached for the minitablet they were surrounded by six young street hardened men. One of them took the minitablet from Grayson’s hand. The other five ushered Grayson and Markus through the crowed square into a deserted side alleyway. Grayson could tell that these six young men were killers. All raised on some of the mean streets in Goulcrest.

“You and that worthless Planetary Governor always were too full of your own self-important attitudes Vanderbilt. You believed that only you could save our people. You and those worthless paramilitary groups. Now, the true heroes of Goulcrest and Apollo six have come seeking vengeance.” The young man’s voice was cold and filled with a cutting rage. A rage with an edge so sharp that it could cut steel. “You want to know why the coppers and gangs have been able to keep the Cheeseheads on their damned heels. We respect the man and his family that have been there for the people of this city before your ass ever set foot on this planet.”

“How dare you speak to me this way. Do you have any idea of just how much I have given to the defense of this planet?” Grayson’s rant was cut midway through by a punch to the gut. The leader of the gang members spat the doubled over politician.

“You’re such a fracking waste of human flesh that’s it’s a joke. Spike, Needle, Hammer, take this punk back to the clubhouse.” The three hardcore gangbangers grabbed Grayson up off the pavement and dragged him through the back allies of the Goulcrest. The gang leader turned to Markus waving the minitablet. “You get one chance to make yourself useful cock bite. What all is on this thing?”

“That holds a listing for all of Lord Vanderbilt’s personal holdings. Both the publicly known and those that are off the official books. In short, every illegal weapon and vehicle he has smuggled onto the planet.” Markus grinned and held out his hand. “IF I may young man?”

“You do something I don’t like” the gangbanger snarled brandishing a combat knife.

“Have no fear young man. I have no love for my former employer. He paid for my loyalty but that is where it ended. I only stayed with him as a matter of convenience. He was nothing more than a means to an end.” Markus snarled letting his true feelings show concerning Grayson Vanderbilt. Markus quickly typed in a second code on the minitablet. When he finished Markus handed the minitablet back to the gang leader. “This is the real listing, not the one that I showed that fool.”

“Damned old man this is jacked up! How the frack did you hide all this from him and the Cheeseheads?” The young man asked.

“Simple. Grayson Vanderbilt placed far too much trust in his staff. The man couldn’t tie his fracking shoes with a butler. If I had left the entrance to the underground escape route open he would have left my wife and the rest of the staff to die at his mansion. The only reason I have stood by him this long is to try and mitigate the damage his foolish plans would have cause our people.” Markus’s very blunt answer had the gangbanger staggering back a step or two. “Young man you don’t live to reach my age without learning a thing or two about politics.”

“Why do I have a feeling that it would be in my best interests to keep an eye on you old man?” The gangbanger asked grinning.

“Because you’re not stupid. Now, how many of your people are scattered throughout the crowd? I need exact numbers please.” Markus asked as he scanned the square.

“Each gang from the Whitechapel area sent in ten of our best. While the outer gangs have given us five each expect for one that could only three. Bringing the total number of OGs to just under one hundred. Each armed with a SEM-ninety-six, ten-millimeter, submachineguns. There are another ten members spread around the square on the roof tops acting as snipers.” The gang leader turned to the older man. “IF you got people out there. You better inform them to not get in our fracking way.”

“If anything, they’ll prove you people with more cover fire young man. I’ll insure that the word is spread.” Markus told the leader.

“You better. Because if this shit goes sideways and one of those kids gets hurt. There won’t be a place in the Empire for you to hide.” The young man snarled.

“You make it sound like I should be more afraid of you than the Cheeseheads.” Markus chuckled as he pulled out the hidden radio. After contacting the restationed units turned to the gang leader. “Vanderbilt’s troops won’t act until they see your people moving to free those children.”

“They better not only because it they do I’m not the one you need to fear, old man. I’ll just beat your ass stupid then hand you over to the one OG on all of Apollo that no one fracks with.” The gang leader told him with a straight face. “Not even I frack him and I’m in charge of the meanest gang in Whitechapel the Demon Pistols.”

Markus stood looking the young gangster up and down wondering who could instill such fear. If this street hardened young man was willing to just hand him over to someone else. Then just who was this gangster. “I wonder just who could make the gangs of Whitechapel back down from a fight?”

“He’s got a few street names, but the one we all know him by is Whitechapel Ripper. He is also the last gangbanger no one wants to have hunting their ass. The man was nightmare to deal with before he became a Death Dealer.” Markus realized why all of Grayson Vanderbilt’s plans had gone straight into the trash over the last few weeks. The real kick to Markus’s ego came when the gang leader gave him a nasty smile. “Your old boss and his butt buddies made a few mistakes. First they should never have tried to fracker over Robert Wolff, the Whitechapel Ripper. Second, they should have made sure that the orphanages got left alone. Lastly, they should just have left the gangs to the coppers. They should never have let those paramilitary jackasses run wild in the towns and cities.”

“Then the reports that Robert Wolff is the Whitechapel Ripper are true?” Markus asked in amazement. As the gang leader nodded his head. “All this time he has been right here in Goulcrest keeping his parents’ promise. When this is done I want ten minutes with Vanderbilt young man before you turn him over to Ripper.”

“I’ll do what I can old man, but I won’t make any promises. Especially when Ripper finds out that we have Vanderbilt in our hands. Him and Blackjack got a real hard on for the man. All I can tell you is they won’t talk about it with us.” The younger man chuckled evilly as he waved the minitablet in his hand. “What I do know is this is all they’ll need gut him without a trail.”

“Which will have to happen before the rest of his supports find out that he’s missing. AS much as I hate to say this Grayson Vanderbilt is extremely well liked among certain minorities on this planet.” Markus grunted.

“Where my people are stashing his sorry ass not even his own would think to look for him. Not that it will matter after today. This whole party is going to change before sundown on the western continents.” The gang leader chuckled.

“What’s changed that Vanderbilt doesn’t know about?”

“Above our heads a fleet of pirate ships, assault dropships, and the First Death Dealer battlegroup are smashing their way through the blockade. Ripper and Blackjack informed us of the incoming attack earlier this morning. This planet is about to get hit with eighteen divisions of pissed off Death Dealers, and twenty divisions of mercs with something to prove.” The gangster chuckled. “If Ripper’s calculations are right. That puts the odds at a one to one-point-four.”

“Son, there is one problem with that calculation. Of the fifty-five Cheesehead divisions on this planet thirty of them are second line occupation units. Of those thirty occupation units four are heavy armor and only one is an APS unit. All five of which are made up with outdated equipment. This one factor will lower the odds greatly in favor of the incoming force. Even without the Death Dealers the odds fall to two-to-one in the mercenaries’ favor. We add in that Death Dealer Battlegroup the odds jump to four-to-one in their favor.” Markus chuckled as he did his own calculations in his head. “Why do Death Dealers never factor in the sheer terror they sow on the battlefield by their mere appearance?”

“What does that mean old man?”

“There are very few troops whose very appearance on a battlefield that can turn the tide of battle. Of those troops none belong to the High Family Houses. They’re all National level troops.” Markus chuckled as he watched the young gangbanger absorb the information that he was imparting. “But of all the nations in the known human universe. None of them are more feared than those who have gone on to win the Empyreal Blacks of the Death Dealers.”

“I still don’t understand, old man. I’m not like Ripper. I didn’t grow up in a military family. I never saw the draw of following orders blindly or all the other shit the military monkey nuts put up with.” The gang leader told him honestly.

“What would you do for the members of your gang young man? How far would you go to protect them? Would you protect their families if necessary?” Markus asked bluntly.

“I’d die for my brothers.” The gang leader snarled. “You frack with one Demon Pistol you frack with us all. We’d kill or die for each other.”

“Just as I thought you would. Now young man this is what I want you to do. Think of the Death Dealers as the universe’s biggest, baddest, meanest, take no shit, gang defending their territory. No one fracks with them because of who they are. What happens when the Demon Pistols call for a sit down between all the gangs of Goulcrest?” Markus asked with a knowing smile.

“They show up or face getting their asses handed to them.” Spider answered honestly.

“And what happens if they try to cross into your territory without permission?” Markus asked with the same knowing smile.

“They get their asses handed to them.” Spider grunted.

“Last question. Of all the gangs in Goulcrest which one is the smallest?”

“The Demon Pistols. Everyone knows that old man. We’re also the last one anyone fracks with, with one exception.” Spider answered not really fallowing wear the old man was going with his questions.

“Then think of the Death Dealers and the Empyreal Military in the following way. Death Dealers are like you and your people, only they have a much bigger gang backing them up. Behind the Death Dealers you have the Regular Army who use brute force and sheer numbers to diver the enemy to their knees. The Army is backed up by the Empyreal Navy. Their job I act as the Hammer of God and clear the way for the Army. Part of the Navy are the Royal Marines. Their job is to board enemy ships and take them from the inside. That is deadly and nasty Close Quarters work.” As Markus explained how the Empyreal Military worked and their deferent jobs Spider came to a realization. The biggest baddest meanest gang on Apollo 6 had never truly walked the streets of Goulcrest or any city for that matter. The nail to drive this point home came as Markus talked about the final layer of the Empyreal Military. “Lastly are the Planetary Defense Forces. They may not leave their home planets, but they never give up without taking more than a few of the enemy few them.”

“Tell me something old man. Where did you learn all this shit?” Spider asked.

“Long before I ever became a butler I wore the uniform of the Royal Marines.” Markus reached down and pulled up his left pant leg. There before Spider’s eyes was old fashioned prosthetic leg. “Lost my leg at the tender age of nineteen during the Second War Of Succession. Before you ask I’ll save you the time. It was worth it. The blast that cost me my leg saved the lives of my brothers.”

“Why do I have a feeling that you were the one behind all of the successful attacks by Vanderbilt’s militia goons?” Spider snarked.

“Let’s just say that I kept the more radical elements pointed at the strong holds. While sending the more reliable units to take out the supply and support units.” Markus chuckled. “Like the units that are stationed around the square right now. All of them are from the more moderate units.”

“What does that mean?” Spider asked.

“They may have taken Vanderbilt’s weapons and money.” Markus chuckled. “But have no loyalty for the man.”

“Then in about five minutes get ready for the show of a lifetime old man.” Spider said as he smacked Markus on the back leading him back out into the square. “Because my boy Ripper is going to give old shit face exactly what he wants.”

“And what exactly is that my boy?”

“One pissed off Death dealer on a rampage through the center of Government Square.” Spider chuckled and looked towards the library. He double checked his old-fashioned pocket watch, a family heirloom going back centuries. “At one minute before noon Ripper is going hit this square full force. Von Klaus is going to die on the steps to Government House as he tries to give the order to hang those kids.”

Goulcrest Library, Goulcrest

“Are you sure about this Ripper?” Blackjack asked for the fifth time this morning. “That is nothing more than two-hundred yards of kill-zone down there.”

I had to agree with her assessment of the situation and under normal circumstances I wouldn’t even think of what I’m about to do. Only this wasn’t a normal circumstance this was life or death for those innocent kids. Government Square was full with the exception of a corridor running right down the middle. It was fifty-feet wide and two-hundred yards long. At every ten feet stood an armored THUG on either side of the corridor. In short a perfect crossfire kill zone.

“Doesn’t matter Blackjack. I don’t have much choice in the matter. If I show they try to kill me. If I don’t show von Klaus will kill those kids.” I cracked my neck. “I leave this to Vanderbilt and his people those kids die for sure. I let Spider and the gangs handle this some of them die along with those kids. This way I can keep the THUGS busy long enough for the gangs to get the kids and civilians out of the way. All I need is ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes. Are you sure about that Ripper? I mean you’re taking on what? Sixty to seventy THUGS? The second you show yourself they’ll converge on your ass like Raider Class dropships on assault courses. I know you’re powerful but even a Second-Generation Death Dealer would have their hands full handling that many.” Blackjack pointed out once more. Knowing full well that her argument fell on deaf ears. “You’re still going through with it no matter what I tell you. Aren’t you? You’re going to die out there you know that.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Either way it doesn’t matter. I got to do something to save those kids, Carol.” I sighed and looked over at her human face. “You know what they say about Death Dealers and the day that we day?”

“They say a lot of things about Death Dealers who are about to die. Though they all have one thing in common. They reach the River Styx alone. They’re always in the company of their enemy. That and they have a bad habit of spitting in the eye of Death in their final moments.” Blackjack sighed as she admitted defeat. She stepped behind the planter that held her assault rifle.

Over the last few days, the last few weeks all of her team had died one after the other. Each time Blackjack had felt the loss of her fellow spies. They may have died in the fighting against the Cheeseheads, but their deaths had never been in vain. Ripper had made sure of that. As the last member of the Emperor’s Hand still alive and active on Apollo 6 she had a duty to remember this one lone Death Dealer. Over her time as a member of the Emperor’s Hand Blackjack had met a great number of Death Dealers and they all shown as bright as stars in a clear night sky.

Yet among those stars there was always a few that out shown the others. In the last few weeks Blackjack had come to know the young man. In many ways he was like the Empress Maiha. Hard, cold, and calculating, when facing death. Honorable, and fair in his dealings with the street gangs and cops. Yet there was a soft side to him. A side he only showed to the orphans of Sky Reach Orphanage. Then there was the rage that this young man held at bay. A rage fueled by the ruthless cold-blooded attacks on civilians by the Cheeseheads. Attacks that were nothing less than Crimes Against Humanity. Yet it was the death of Father Mike that had driven this young man to take this war beyond the personal.

As she worked the bolt for her assault rifle readying it for battle Blackjack thought back to her younger years. Back to a time when she still had a human body. To that time before the High Priest System. Back to when she was Peter Longfellow. A slight smile came to her face. “Time to repaid some more of that Blood Debt.”

“What was that Blackjack?” I asked her.

“Nothing, Ripper. Just talking to myself.” She chuckled.

“You what they say about talking to yourself.” I snarked.

“This coming from someone who can hold a full two-side conversation in their head.” Blackjack smirked. “Don’t deny it Ripper. I know all about those secret DDAIs stuffed inside the heads of Death Dealers. Though yours is a bit wacky.”

“How the hell do you know that?” I demanded as she tapped the side of her head. “Oh, that right. I forgot you know my dirty little secret.”

“Robert of all the Death Dealers I’ve met over the years. There has never been two DDAIs that have stood out like yours and Maiha’s. Do me a favor? And don’t get your ass killed out there today.” Blackjack asked with real feeling as she watched me put together my sniper’s rifle. “Because there is a lady on her way here that will be highly pissed off with me If I let that happen.”

“If I should die out there Blackjack. You can tell my cousin I got a massive case of the dumbass saving a bunch of kids.” I snarked then engaged my bio-armor and COBRA os standing up slowly with my rifle in hand. When I next spoke, my voice had lost all emotion and human context. I had become the nightmare of the battlefield returned from the grave once more. “Engaging COBRA system now. Ten seconds to full combat capabilities.”

‘The clock is running Robert. Thirty minutes no more and I cutting that damned operating system. Are you sure you want to do this?’

No choice in the matter Celeste. We have got to save those kids. The only way to do that is to give von Klaus his Death Dealer. The only way for me to survive that encounter is by using the COBRA os. Let’s just hope that our control over the system is strong enough to get through at least the first three magazines. Klaus and the executioners are our primary targets. After that everything else is gravy.’

Targeting Green Star General Kurt von Klaus. Setting all targeting systems for Armor-piercing discarding sabot. Round count on display. Ready to engage, Robert.’

‘Then let’s start the party Celeste.’ I ordered her as I stood up and sighted in on von Klaus as he stepped in the light of day. I waited until he was standing in front of the gallows and behind the podium before squeezing the trigger.

At this range and at maximum power the flash-to-impact was almost instantaneous. I let the COBRA and Celeste take over at that point. Between the COBRA and my enhanced reflexes, I emptied the first magazine in under two seconds. Even as the first was falling free of the magazine well I was slamming home a second. The sheer speed the COBRA gave me in operating my enhanced reflexes was blinding. By the time, the fifth and final magazine had been emptied von Klaus lay dead on the step of Government House along with the executioners. The last four rounds ended the lives of von Klaus’s top aids and next in command.

By now the THUGS were beginning to swarm in my direction. In the square itself pandemonium had broken out. Just the way I had planned it. My first shot set in motion a series of orders to the gangs of Goulcrest. Orders that I knew would be carried out if they wanted to stay on my good side. It had taken just one gang leader stepping out of line to drive the point home that it was my way or no way. That gang leader was left lying on the floor of their clubhouse dying.

Scattered throughout the square was a force of 97 gangbangers opened fire on the Cheesehead light Infantry checkpoints and guards. More than seventy precent of them fall to the opening bursts of fire from the gangsters. The rest fall within the next few seconds. The ten gang members who had been stationed around the square as snipers used captured light anti-armor rifles to target the THUGS in the square. While worthless against an APS or tank they were perfect for taking down armored infantry like the THUGS and light armored vehicles. The last part of my plan happened as twenty members from the gangs rushed the gallows freeing the orphans.

As the first THUG opened fire on me I cut him down with my PPL. Two more fell to my PPC. From there it was only a matter of getting in close and unleashing the demon that I had held in check from the first day I had hit planet. THUGS were tuff as hell when massed together. A problem I had factored in when making my plans. The stairs to the library were a choak point.

One that would force the THUGS to come at me from just one direction. If they could have surrounded me the THUGS could have used their .45 Cal long gatling guns. While not deadly at first impact enough hits by them would eventually overwhelm even my bio-armor. By forcing them to come at me piecemeal I stood a chance against their numbers. Not that it would matter either way. They would all die before I was done.

As the timer ticked slowly towards the 15-minute mark the last of the THUGS died several feet from where I stood. I scanned the square looking for more targets only to find that the Cheeseheads were dead or dying. The orphans were gone. The square was empty. Only I remained standing drenched in the blood of my enemies. I spun on my heel and headed for my exfiltration route. I hit my jump asset jets as I rounded the corner of the library. I knew that the APS units would be arriving soon. With less than 20-minutes to go on the agreed upon timer neither Celeste or I wanted to push our luck with the COBRA.

Though it did give me a powerful tool for use in combat. It came with price. After the last time I had used the COBRA I had Celeste run a full diagnostic of my body. What we found drove home just how deadly the COBRA was to operate. Not only did it burn through outrageous amounts of adrenaline it sapped several other vital body fluids. Not to mention burned through body fat at a massive rate. It seems that the longer I use the COBRA the faster my body burns out.

We had calculated that within 45-minutes of activating the COBRA I would begin to burn away parts of my nervous system first. At 55-minutes I would start burning away muscle tissue. At 65-minutes I would start to suffer brain damage. At the 75-minute mark things would start to get interesting. Namely the Self-destruct countdown would engage. At 85-minutes the countdown would begin and couldn’t be overridden. At exactly 90-minutes my core power unite would overload.

Celeste had calculated that the resulting explosion would level an area of ten city blocks. Nothing would be left standing. It was the ultimate ‘finale act of defiance’. It was also something that we had both decide would only be used when there was no other choice and death had come to collect his due.

Once I was ten to eleven city blocks I disengaged the COBRA. I checked the timer to see that I still had five minutes to go. For some reason, the drain on me was as heavy as the last time I had used the COBRA. Though I still had a ways to go before I was in the clear it didn’t matter. I contacted Spider of the radio.

“Spider this is Ripper. Are the kids clear and safe? Over.”

“All clear and on their way to safehouses throughout the city Ripper. What’s your position? Over”

“Roof top of the old Slow Dough bakery. Heading due south towards the Gray Vipers territory. What the hell happened at the check points? You should have still been dealing with them long after I finished off the THUGS? Over”

“Got a helping hand from an unexpected source. When you get back we got a surprise for you and the Lady. Over”

“Copy that Spider. Any word on the Lady? Over”

“She joined up with the Raven Skulls and is working her way back to us. She sent word that she has your banger. Over”

“Copy that Spider. Any sign of the big boys coming to play? Over” I asked with more than a little worry about the APS units not showing by now.

“They’ve all been sighted heading out of the city Ripper. I’ve gotten reports from every gang in the city to confirm this. It’s like they’re pulling out. Over.”

I thought about what Spider just told me. I added that in with what I know about the incoming relief force. It all added up to one thing. The Cheeseheads were consolidating their forces to face down the incoming forces. The best part the war was fast drawing to an end. I started to chuckle then keyed my radio.

“Set out the good dinnerware Spider. Death is coming to dinner and she’s bringing the hosts of hell with her. Over”

When Spider didn’t reply right away I began to get worried. “Sorry about the wait Ripper. Word just came in from the Northside Rangers. Four companies of Fire Support APS just passed through their territory. The Brookside Warriors reported two companies of Assault Class APSs moving through their territory as well. The Eastside gangs have all reported heavy and superheavy tanks rolling through. It looks like we’ve finally won the Battle for Goulcrest, Ripper. Over”

“Gather the gangs Spider. The fight for Goulcrest may be over, but the Battle for Apollo six has a long bloody way to go yet. Over”

“Copy that Ripper. See you soon. Out”

I looked towards the sky and breathed my first breath of relief in weeks. I turned towards the direction of Sky Reach Orphanage. I had one last task to take care of today. This was one that I was going to enjoy. I was able to keep a promise to a certain little girl waiting for me. For some reason little Jenny made him promise to come home after rescuing the other orphans. The little girl even went so far as to extract a pinky promise from the one-time gangster turned diehard Death Dealer. I whispered. “I’m coming home Penny.”


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