Just be Yourself

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My posts seem to annoy some people. I'm responsible for my actions. No one else is to blame. I am responsible for my own security. Add I'm ultra conservative and transgendered and it really upsets others. If you're one of those, please don't comment. Read Rule ONE! In response to some caustic remarks I basically posted my life resume of all my talents and accomplishments, licenses, and degrees I earned. Every bit of it true no matter how unbelievable it may be to others. If anyone has any derogatory comments take it offline or meet me in person. No matter how hateful one feels toward me, I've put up with worse. If it helps, I'm the least among you and I realize it.

Shall we begin.
Most try and be part of the herd. Last month I mentioned Amarillo informed me I had aged out of TG care. Couple days later I contacted the OKC VA LBGT resource and asked about TG support. She informed me they have several doctors qualified and they had TG support groups meeting several times a month. I logged in and wrangled an appointment.

The last time I was in OKC VA was a year earlier for a blood test. Listened to and laughed at a few cowgirl jokes. Those people have watched too many old cowboy movies for their education! Before that it was over twenty years. Before my appointment I asked if it was okay to ramp up the attitude and received an okay. Similar outfit I wore to Amarillo as it is my style if I'm not in jeans. Floor length suede skirt, tan boots, white blouse, black cowgirl hat. Dropped in to visit with Dr. Craycroft the LBGT liaison lady. She gave me a lot of info on the TG support and the groups, along with a compliment, "You're very pretty." She was being more than kind as I'm not. I thanked her of course. She insisted on escorting me to the doctor's office. Appreciated that and thanked her again.

Received a lot of compliments from those passing in the halls and the offices. One knows they are doing it right when receiving compliments from both sexes. Unlike Amarillo, in OKC those setting next to me engaged in conversation. But truthfully I had a couple makeovers since Amarillo and we are sitting closer together since ramping down Covid.

This isn't just for vets, it's for everyone. No matter who you are, or what sex you know you are, be yourself. Everyone besides myself were more than casual. Some of those vets may have a reason to be a society reject in their appearance but not all of them. It's easier to be accepted if you're totally comfortable being who you are. Others will readily accept you as well. It's not most people's comfort zone to stand out but maybe if one does they will find ready acceptance and approval from others.

Just so you know, the long fake semi permanent nails may add a little touch of glamor but be prepared to wear them for a couple weeks. Not the first time. I still am not sticking my fingers into acetone to get them to release. Definitely not for working on the farm or typing. Takes a new way of using one's fingers.
Hugs People
Life is too short to take seriously. Have fun with it. Make the most of it if you can. Leave the world a better place than when you arrived.

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