Just be Yourself

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My posts seem to annoy some people. I'm responsible for my actions. No one else is to blame. I am responsible for my own security. Add I'm ultra conservative and transgendered and it really upsets others. If you're one of those, please don't comment. Read Rule ONE! In response to some caustic remarks I basically posted my life resume of all my talents and accomplishments, licenses, and degrees I earned. Every bit of it true no matter how unbelievable it may be to others. If anyone has any derogatory comments take it offline or meet me in person. No matter how hateful one feels toward me, I've put up with worse. If it helps, I'm the least among you and I realize it.

Shall we begin.
Most try and be part of the herd. Last month I mentioned Amarillo informed me I had aged out of TG care. Couple days later I contacted the OKC VA LBGT resource and asked about TG support. She informed me they have several doctors qualified and they had TG support groups meeting several times a month. I logged in and wrangled an appointment.

The last time I was in OKC VA was a year earlier for a blood test. Listened to and laughed at a few cowgirl jokes. Those people have watched too many old cowboy movies for their education! Before that it was over twenty years. Before my appointment I asked if it was okay to ramp up the attitude and received an okay. Similar outfit I wore to Amarillo as it is my style if I'm not in jeans. Floor length suede skirt, tan boots, white blouse, black cowgirl hat. Dropped in to visit with Dr. Craycroft the LBGT liaison lady. She gave me a lot of info on the TG support and the groups, along with a compliment, "You're very pretty." She was being more than kind as I'm not. I thanked her of course. She insisted on escorting me to the doctor's office. Appreciated that and thanked her again.

Received a lot of compliments from those passing in the halls and the offices. One knows they are doing it right when receiving compliments from both sexes. Unlike Amarillo, in OKC those setting next to me engaged in conversation. But truthfully I had a couple makeovers since Amarillo and we are sitting closer together since ramping down Covid.

This isn't just for vets, it's for everyone. No matter who you are, or what sex you know you are, be yourself. Everyone besides myself were more than casual. Some of those vets may have a reason to be a society reject in their appearance but not all of them. It's easier to be accepted if you're totally comfortable being who you are. Others will readily accept you as well. It's not most people's comfort zone to stand out but maybe if one does they will find ready acceptance and approval from others.

Just so you know, the long fake semi permanent nails may add a little touch of glamor but be prepared to wear them for a couple weeks. Not the first time. I still am not sticking my fingers into acetone to get them to release. Definitely not for working on the farm or typing. Takes a new way of using one's fingers.
Hugs People
Life is too short to take seriously. Have fun with it. Make the most of it if you can. Leave the world a better place than when you arrived.


Fake nails and...

Milking goats is a disaster waiting to happen... is it not.
I'm happy that you got a good reception at the OKC clinic.
You are you Barbie and that's ok with me. It takes all sorts to make up this world but honestly my darling there are some conservatives in DC that are clearly short of brain cells. Asking if NASA can alter the Moon's orbit is right up there with the best loony tune ever.
At least we can laugh at him because he is harmless enough.

Enjoy your respite from farm work while it lasts.

You offering to milk the goats?

BarbieLee's picture

Honestly love, one does not milk cows, chickens, or goats by squeezing the teat with one's fingertips is likely to give one a swift kick by the critter in question. I'll offer some advice on milking a goat, small teats. Wrap up same between the base of thumb and first two fingers. Squeeze very gently with a rolling motion top finger first, second finger, very light pull so the milk is gently squeezed, pushed out of the teat.
Now, it's time for hands on experience. You're up darling! I know you're dying to get your hands on..., well more than computers, transistors, capacitors, etc. Something nice and warm?
When can I expect you to show up and enjoy the experience?
Hugs Sam
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.
I voted for changing the orbit of the moon. Have they done it already?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Dressed in Feathers

BarbieLee's picture

My imagination is running wild picturing you in a feather dress. I know I could never do justice to the kind of fashions you wear but..., I'm willing to risk it. The gold lame dress you were almost wearing at the Ladies Charity for Equity Among Sexes. I want to borrow. By the way what is the real purpose behind that organization? I smell black operations in there somewhere.
Hugs Bru
Life is a gift, cherish it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Farmer in the Sky

Daphne Xu's picture

In "Farmer in the Sky", the teenaged narrator snarks that half the population couldn't tell their right from their left. One wouldn't expect a cow to, but it does as he found out when trying to milk one on the left.

Recently, it occurred to me that people who have trouble with right vs. left still always drive on the right side of the road.

-- Daphne Xu

Self Survival

BarbieLee's picture

The desire to live has a lot to do with it. Even if they don't know right from left when everyone is going a certain direction and the cars coming at them is on the other side of the road..., What I find amusing about people is the majority have no sense of direction. North, East, etc are only words they learned.
Hugs Daphne
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Simple rule

Keep the open lane/oncoming traffic on your side of the car and the passenger side close to the curb.

Of course this will fail when riding a bike or in foreign countries where they drive on the wrong side of the road instead of the right one. ;-)

Still works if

you have a car with the steering wheel on the right side when you drive on the wrong side.

The Right Side

Daphne Xu's picture

In places such as Britain, the left side is the right side to drive on.

(That's one reason why if I ever went to Britain, I would absolutely refuse to drive.)

-- Daphne Xu

On being accepted

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

You've hit the nail on the head when you said it's easier to be accepted when you're comfortable with yourself.

Once I gave up trying to "pass" and just let myself be me with no coat of varnish I discovered that I was almost universally accepted where ever I went. It seems people like authentic. Trying to "pass" involves trying to make people think you're something your not. Many can be fooled but none of them like it when the penny drops and they discover your not a "woman" but a trans-woman or worse a cross-dresser... But if you make no pretense of being a genetic woman, but just be yourself. Most people will accept that you are trans or a cross-dresser and go on about their business without any more notice.

Before I moved to the town I live in now, we were less than a mile from our local Safeway, so I shopped there often. Most of the time I went home from work first so that I could change into more "comfortable clothes." At work I was still passing as the average American male, so getting comfortable meant dressing like I felt, rather than like I was expected to. At work, I wore a company issued shirt, my own jeans and tennis shoes. What I wore to be comfortable was decidedly more feminine. There came a time when I needed to stop by the store on my way home without having the opportunity to change more often than not. But on the weekends, I would definitely get "comfortable" when I went shopping. One day, I did have time to go home an change before going to the store and my regular checker, who always made conversation with me when I came through her line, asked if I had been off work that day. I told her no and she observed that on days I worked I usually came in in my work clothes.

It became obvious that she simply accepted me when I butched it up for work as well as when I let my feminine self shine out for all the world to see.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

One Hundred Percent Right

BarbieLee's picture

Patricia, I'm so happy to read about your finding your niche in life. It's hard for others to relate or understand why TG or CD is accepted for the most part when they have no way to relate. Maybe if we explain to them it is like fear which gives off a pheromone and emotional signals. Easy enough for dogs and people to pick up. It turns a bad situation into a nightmare if they attack or bully the person.

If a trans is comfortable with herself, himself the fear pheromone and the emotional signals aren't being broadcast. A totally different set of signals is being sent, I'm pleasant, a nice person, I'm me. Whether one believes in mental telepathy or not doesn't matter because it is real and it is part of human nature to be sending out the strongest signals from the mind. Fear is at the top.
Hugs Patricia
When life passes out a difference, accept it, enjoy it if possible.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Have this vision

AuPreviner's picture

When I read ...

wrangled an appointment.

I had this vision of you riding full steam into into the VA on a paint, rope twirling in the air, and lassoing an ornery appointment book, jumping off the horse -- in lady like fashion of course -- tying down the feisty critter, and inking in an appointment with a branding iron.

Yee Haw! Go cowgirl!

Thanks for sharing,


"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Not hardly, might break a nail

BarbieLee's picture

LOL AuPreviner, my pet, step away from the milk and cookies. You are showing strong symptoms of a sugar high. You need to go cold turkey for a few days for it to work out of your body.
Hugs hon, that was cute and such a vivid imagination too.
Life is too short to take seriously. Have fun with it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


AuPreviner's picture

How did you know about my milk and cookies habit?!?!?

No kidding,


"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Because I'm not the same as

BarbieLee's picture

John 15:18-27 KJV
Hate is an Insidious monster. First they hate the other person because, name any reason. Their skin color isn't the same, they don't look the same, they dress different, they don't talk like me, they don't act like me, they don't think like I do, they believe in pagans, they cause me to doubt my own thoughts, it's their fault I'm having problems in life, etc. etc. Any excuse real or imagined will work.
As late as the late 1950's those like myself were being institutionalized and experimented on. Mind blowing drugs, electric shock treatments, lobotomy, was normal. (haven't read about that have you? because most has been scrubbed from history)
For the majority, as they look in the mirror they won't realize they are the same as humanity down through history. They hate because but it's not as they justify it in their own mind. That's the nice thing about hate, it's easily justified. I wish it wasn't so but it's part of human nature.
Hugs People
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

And ...

AuPreviner's picture

ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free. John 8:32 KJV

We pervert our environment with all sorts of chemicals, yet are fully convinced they don't affect humans. But, oh, no, PABA is bad for you because it is a form of estrogen. But, it is used in all sorts of baby bottles for years. DES is given to women for decades and there is suppressed talk of a spike in transgendered children as it is quietly banned.

If anything history has taught us, it is that when hate breeds in the dark shadow of ignorance it becomes vile and dangerous. It is truth that destroys it.

Transgenderism isn't a delusion. It is very real, quite likely in many cases the result of mankind tilting the mechanisms of nature for profit, and needs compassion and love, not hate.

"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)