The Feminine Queendom 5

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first time

always a but awkward, made more so by the amount of anxiety Charlie had


1st time anxieties

So very, very true Dot! At least for the first time VOLUNTARILY!


... not convinced Charlie was

... not convinced Charlie was able to say "no" or that his "yes" could count as "informed".

What can be expected from ignorance?

Jamie Lee's picture

Keep men ignorant. Let them learn only so much before their education is retarded or eliminated. They're only animals anyway, who harm women and children, says those who believe it's so for every woman.

What was Chloe expecting on her wedding night from a man whose education was cut short. Who was never allowed to be with a woman lest he be charged with a crime.

Yhe way the two protesters were treated kick the propaganda they'd been fed in the teeth. What they saw at Ronnie's home proved not everything the two had been told their entire life was true. That it was possible to have families with a man involved.

Chloe still can't believe what Charlie has told her. Even though they haven't broken any laws, that doesn't mean because of their marriage a law can't be enacted to prevent marriage between a woman and man. Or that more trouble is headed their way.

Chloe will become a believer when Charlie's predictions come true.

Others have feelings too.