Wolff of the Endless Waltz -chapter 10

Wolff of the Endless Waltz

For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

Chapter 10

Goulcrest, Apollo 6 Highlands System: 1830hrs, Day 10 of Occupation
Lower East Xaimeed

As I was slipping through the back door of the Arctic Afternoon four hours later. The first search team was passing within 50 meters of my nest. It would take three more search teams and eighteen hours before someone finally found my sniper’s nest. When I first found one of my favorite restaurants abandoned, I was surprised. Before the war it was a thriving business. Then I found the order of seizure and arrest from the Cheesehead Occupation Forces Commander. I had more than enough reasons to kill those bastards before. Now I had one more.

“The Brown Shirts came for them all four days ago, Robert.” I spun around on my heel ready to fight at the sound of the voice. It took me a second to recognize the person standing in the doorway. “Why don’t you retrack those blades, boy.”

“Sorry about that Father Mike.” I blushed and retracted my CQC blades. “Kind of happened by reflex. By the way who are these Brown Shirts?”

“The Brown Shirts are the Civic Intelligence Department. They’re nothing more than a pack of thugs in uniform. As for your reflexes trust me, Rob. I fully understand. Now step into the light so I can get a better look at the new you.” Father Mike O’Brian chuckled as he waved for me to move out of the shadows that I currently stood in. when he got a good look at my new face, he did a double take. “J.J. is that really you? Or am I seeing ghosts?”

“Sorry Father Mike but it’s me, Rob.” I swallowed hard as I had to asked the next question. “Did you really know my great Uncle, Father?”

“Let’s store your gear in the orphanage basement first. Then you and I will take a walk down to the Club and Cuff for a drink.” Father Mike told me sagely. “The story of how I came to know your great Uncle is one that should only be shared over a few beers and one not to be told while sobber.”

“Okay what does that mean?” I asked as I grabbed my rucksack off the floor.

“You’ll find out in good time. Besides, I think Police Captain Wallace needs to know that you’re back in town and wearing the Blacks.” Father Mike grunted as he led me out the back door into the alley behind the restaurant. As we worked our way down the darken alley, I began to think I might actually survive this damned war. “Robert, I had a visit from a cyborg earlier. Care to explain?”

“She’s a ‘work friend’ Father Mike. Did she leave a point of contact?” I asked already knowing he was talking about Blackjack.

“She did not. As well you know, boy.” Father Mike spat out. “We’ll be having a long discussion about you consorting with those types, boy.”

“And what type would that be Father?” I asked him sweetly.

“Don’t play dumb. You know how I feel about spies.” Father Mike snapped and looked back at me with some heat. “At least tell me she works for Military Intel?”

“Let’s just say that she only answers to the big boss Father.” I could barely hold in the chuckle as the implications of my words hit home.

“She’s a member of the Emperor’s Hand.” Father Mike sighed. “I have often wondered about those young men and women. To have that kind of conviction to duty is only matched by those of the Faith.”

“I don’t know about that Father Mike. From what I’ve been told about them. The only thing they believe in is each other and the Empire.” I had to be honest with the man. “I doubt that there is another organization in all of the Empire that are as loyal to the Royal Family as them. With good reason too.”

“And what would be that reason, Rob?”

“Because the Royal Family holds the key to their freedom.” I told him honestly. I had gotten the whole truth out of Blackjack during our time together about the members of the Hand. During our walk to the orphanage, I explained how every member of the Emperor’s Hand were convicted criminals. It didn’t take us long to reach the basement entrance for the orphanage where I spent my teenage years. Thanks to working our way through the backstreets we avoided the random Brown Shirt patrols. “Tell me something Father Mike. Where are the regular Front-Line troops?”

“They’re trying to pacify the outer Provinces. Look it’s long story Rob. This isn’t like your normal raid Rob. The Cheeseheads have been landing a full division of occupational forces every two days. These frack nuts aren’t regular troops.” Father Mike explained as he unlocked the door to the basement and let us inside. I quickly stowed my rifle and rucksack in my old storage locker. While I was at it, I changed my clothes. They were a little tight and thread bare but will do for now. “They’ve been trained in urban and rural suppression tactics.”

“In other words, they have no problem with targeting civilians as enemy combatants.” I snarled just before I punched my locker door. “Damned pud pounders.”

“Rob it is far worse than them just targeting civilians. They’re classifying any one with connections to the Resistance as terrorists. As such they are not protected by the Conventions of War.” I heard the pain in his voice as he told next part. “The Cheeseheads have gone as far to use Chemical weapons on the smaller villages.”

“What is the fatality rate of those weapons?” I had a feeling I won’t like the answer. “How many times have they used them?”

“No one survives these new chemical weapons Rob. They’ve used them fifteen times so far. Once on the Death Dealer’s forty-third Airborne Border Division, three times on mining installations, one fuel refinery, the rest on villages in open revolt. Whatever this shit is Rob, it doesn’t last long. Within two hours after the last of the gas release has stopped you could walk naked through the affected areas. The only good thing about this weapon is you know when they’re going to use it.” As Father Mike slowly explained about the new gas the madder I became. Then he gave me the weakness for this weapon. “They have to use special fog or smoke generators to deploy this new gas, Rob. If we could destroy those generators, we can stop the use of the gas. They have to be a priority one target for any operation your teams undertake against the Cheeseheads. We need to stop the use of that weapon.”

“That might be a problem Father Mike.”

“Why’s that?” He asked quickly.

“For starters. There is only me. I’m out of contact with the rest of team.”

“Are you telling me that you’re not here to make contact with the Resistance leaders for the rest of your team. What the hell happened Robert?” He demanded.

“Our drop went totally FUBAR from the get-go, Father. The dropship we were using came under fire from a battery of KT-one-oh-five Requiem Gatling Cannons. We may have been laid down in nice flat trajectories, but those trajectories were all over the fracking place. None of us came down anywhere near our planned Drop Zones. After that I lost contact with the team. Without a satellite uplink I have no way of knowing where they are or what they’re planning.” I answered honestly.

“Do you have any idea of what your teammates will do?” He asked with worry.

“The rest of my team will follow SOP. The first thing they’ll do is hookup with the local Resistance cells nearest them.” I couldn’t help the nasty grin that crossed my lips. “After that they’ll do what all good Death Dealers do.”

“And just what is that Robert Wolff?” Father Mike asked with an answering grin.

“Raise mortal hell with the enemy’s rear lines. They’ll destroy their communication lines. Interrupt supply routes. Blow-up the mag-rail lines. Drop critical bridges. Collapse damns. Destroy fuel and ammo depots. Cut power lines and blow-up whole power planets. Snipe commanders in the open. Organize and train the local populations. They will turn those Resistance cells into real gorilla warriors.”

“That is an awful lot for just one team of Death Dealers Rob.” Father Mike said with a chuckle. “Even in my day it would take at least a company sized fireteam to pull all that off. Aren’t you placing too much on the shoulders of one seven-man team?”

“If it was just one fireteam I would say that you’re correct in your assessments Father. Only there are two fireteams on this operation.” It was my turn to chuckle. “Even then you would be right except for one thing. This is Apollo six.”

“Just what does that mean boy?” Father Mike snarled.

“Any other planet you would be right about the situation. It would take at least a full company to get the job done. But we have a long historical warrior tradition on Apollo six. It’s in our blood to not rollover for anyone. That has been the main factor behind us driving off the Cheeseheads each time they attack. They’ve never been able to pacify the indigenes population. The harder they try the fast they get their asses handed to them.”

“The question is will the locals listen to the other members of your two teams Rob. You got to remember that the Human Empire isn’t too well liked around here. Most especially the military.” Father Mike just had to go and point out my main worry for this whole damned operation. “I won’t even go into the attitude of the Unions in certain parts of this planet.”

“I certainly hope a few of the Union bosses get it into their heads to frack with my teammates.” I almost laughed at the thought of that outcome. “I got twenty gold credits that says there will be more than a few unmarked graves if they do.”

“They wouldn’t kill a Union boss for getting in their way, would they?” Father Mike couldn’t believe what I just told him. “Look I know that a few of the bosses can be a handful Rob, but every time the Cheeseheads have attacked it was the union bosses who organized the Resistance.”

“That may be true Father Mike, but they have all outlived their damn use in my book. Instead of using the loyalty they’ve won as Heroes of the Resistance to better the lives of the Union workers. Almost to the last they’ve gone out of their way to gain a better political position and raised union dues to put more cash in their pockets. And whenever someone calls them on the bullshit. They go trotting out their so-called war records. Always claiming to be some great hero of the resistance. Never owning up to the number of good men and women they got killed with their amateur tactics. They always ignore the fact that there was at least two Death Dealer Fireteams working to train and organize those fighters. You know that I know that, but the teachers’ union is ordered to ignore this uncomfortable fact of history. All because the Worker Union Bosses don’t want the rest of Apollo six to know about how many people they get killed with their games.” I fought to keep the snarl out of my voice over how the Union bosses have always gotten what they want. While people like my parents sacrificed their lives in the protection of the planet. “So, if a few of those piece of shit union bosses get killed by my teammates I won’t shed any fracking tears over of them.”

“Robert, you may not like them, but you’ll still need them to organize the union workers. Without the bosses the unions won’t get involved in the fighting.” Father Mike tried to point out the downside of killing the bosses. His face turned red when I started to chuckle. “What am I missing?”

“Father most of the Union members will fight for no other reason than to vent their anger at the Cheeseheads. They don’t need the local boss to lead them. The truth of the matter is that most view their union boss and reps as worthless blood sucking slugs. I would be hard pressed to see a lot of them NOT following one of my teammates following the death of the local boss. The main reason is by now there has been more than a few unnecessary deaths because of those same union bosses trying to pull off some great battleplan. You said that the Frontline troopers for the Cheeseheads were in the outer provinces fighting.”

“I did. Why?” He wondered.

“If they’re still using the Frontline troopers to squash the rebellion in those areas it explains something that I saw this afternoon.” While Blackjack and I were working our way towards Camp Rampage I spotted a convoy of light Infantry Support APSs, IFVs, and AI Tanks moving along Highway 1A1. “Can you tell me how often the Cheeseheads move their troops across country and by highway?”

“Like I said earlier. The Cheeseheads are bringing in new Occupation Troops every two days. The Frontline troops then move out. They never travel cross country if they can help it. Almost always by road in a staggard formation convoy. They use highways one-A-one, two-seven-six, and two-seven-five for all road traffic. The only highways they don’t use is two-A-one and three-A-one. Mostly because they were all damaged in the initial bombardments. The main reason though is the Kingston, and Fairfield have been dropped. The Cheeseheads are staying away from the mag-rail line for transferring all but the heaviest of equipment for now. Mainly because most of the freight lines needed some type of repairs. Even whole sections needed to be replaced. It seems that the Ministry of Transportation has been neglecting the freight lines. On the negative side they have been making heavy use of the passenger lines for moving Infantry, light support equipment, and other troops around the continent.” Father Mike answered me to the best of his ability.

“What about the canal systems? Are they using them at all?”

“You would think they would make use of the waterways, but for some reason they’re staying away from the canals and rivers. It’s almost as if they don’t trust their equipment and troops to them.” As Father Mike told me that I had to sigh.

“Damn. If they’re not using the waterways there’s no sense in targeting them. Why the hell aren’t they following doctrine?! It just doesn’t add up.” I ground out between my teeth. “What about communications? Are they at least using the local Network Broadcast stations to keep the propaganda flowing?”

“The local network towers were destroyed on the first day of the war. Along with the actual stations themselves. Before you ask it is the same everywhere on the planet. The Cheeseheads targeted the transmission towers directly. They used Jump Troops to plant man-pack atomic bombs at each transmission hill.” Father Mike sighed and looked in the eyes. “Robert there is no other way to say this. Some of our own people betrayed us to the Cheeseheads. There is also evidence that one or more of the Parliament members were in conclusion with the Cheeseheads.”

“Let me take a guess as to who the traitors were. First off, I would say the first, fourth, and fifth PDF divisions. Those assholes are all loyal to the last man to that worthless cocksucker Grayson Vanderbilt. Then there are the more militant militia groups like the Monarchist League Army. Those shitbirds wouldn’t think twice about turning traitor in the hopes of overthrowing the rightful government here. I could give you whole list of those types. Up next are the ones that are going to be problem for both sides of the fight. Our fellow citizens in the Great Workers’ Socialist Reform Party. That pack of yahoos will see this as a chance to bring about their Great Revolution of the People. Hopefully, they’ll only get their own people killed when the shit starts flying. Otherwise, a lot of good people are going to end up dead because of them.” I sighed and looked at the floor. “I need a fracking drink. I swear God has a hardon for me.”

“Come on Robert. Let’s head for the Club and Cuff. I’ll buy the first round. Don’t worry we’ll be safe there. That is one place in all of Goulcrest that the Brown Shirts won’t enter. I doubt anyone in their right mind would dare to try those coppers. The last bunch that screw with that crew got their heads handed to them.” Father Mike led the way back out of the basement and down the back alley towards the local cop bar. “I surprised you didn’t mention the Revolutionary Extremist Union, Free Citizens Union, or the World Community Party in your list of extremist groups Robert. Why did you leave them out?”

“Because as crazy as those worthless assholes are, they don’t have the guts to pull the trigger in actual combat. The best they’ll do is attack someone in a black alley. For all their bluster all they are, is talk. That’s why the government never took them too seriously. Unless something has changed in the last few months, I doubt they’ll ever be more than an annoying pack of assholes.”

“Then prepare yourself for some shitting news. Someone supplied them with real firepower. Those three groups are no longer just an annoying pack of assholes.” When I heard this, I knew what was coming next. “They’ve become some of the core members for the Brown Shirts. I should say the ones that survived the first attack.”

“Damn those leftist reactionary assholes. What the frack is their problem?”

“The same one that it has always been Robert.” Father Mike sighed. “Like all groups that have been ignored by their government they took the first hand that offered to help. They’re reaction was plain and simple. After years of being told they were the ones to blame for all our planets problems they could take no more. Sadly, they have reason to be angry at with our former Parliament. The fact that the Cheeseheads are using their anger as a tool oppress our people is not surprising.”

“Wait a minute here Father. You’ve lost me. Just what are you talking about?”

“Robert what do you know about the people that make up those four groups?” He asked.

“Not a lot really. What does that matter anyway?”

“For starters they’re not your normal minority groups. In fact, most of them would be considered in the majority. They’ve grown tired of being vilified by both the minorities and other progressive factions within our government. They had the voices of their Representatives silenced for too long in our Halls of Government by the more reactionary progressives. Then there was the higher and higher taxes they were forced to pay to support Social Programs that offered no real benefit to our citizens.” The more Father Mike talked about the traitors the more I realized how the situation came to a head. “The list of their grievances goes on and on Robert. When a people are left with no other choice. Violence and insurrection becomes a real option. In some cases, the only option. This was the choice that those men and women chose. In their eyes it is better to be seen as traitors to a people who have vilified them than to stand as their protectors and liberators.”

“Giving your usual sermon of ‘forgive the traitors’ Father?” I looked down the alley at the sound of Captain Wallace’s voice. “Who’s the kid?”

“Been awhile sir. I know that I have changed some, but I didn’t think you would forget my ugly mug.” I answered with a snarky chuckle.

“What the hell? Who frack is this kid Father?” Wallace demand of the man who raise me through my teen years. “And why do I have the feeling I know him somehow?”

“Because you do you overpaid flatfoot.” I snapped.

“What the frack?! Is that you Wolff? It can be.” Wallace grunted in surprise then turned to Father Mike asking. “Can it?”

“Welcome to the new and improved Robert Wolff. Combat Arms Warrant Officer for the Death Dealers.” Father Mike chuckled at my shocked expression. “You need to disable your IFF broadcast Robert. Anyone with a scanner will pick your ass up in a minute.”

I didn’t even think twice about what he suggested. ‘Celest, can you isolate and disable our IFF?’

‘Give me a second Robert. I’ve never done something like this.’ It took her a few seconds to isolate then disable our IFF broadcast. ‘Sorry about that Robert. I should have thought of disabling the IFF before now.’

‘Forget about it Celest. I should have thought of it the first day we hit dirt.’ I looked at Father Mike and something clicked in the back of my head about what he said. “You’re a damned Death Dealer. How?”

“Boy I’ve been retired for twenty-five years now. As for how the answer is simple. I’m one of the original First Gens that underwent the Second Gen upgrade. If your cousin were here, she would be kicking me in the ass for disappearing on her little ass. Not that she could. I’m still better at hand-to-hand.” Father Mike laughed. “Unless she decides to cheat as usual. Just like her grandfather.”

“Is that how you know James Owens Senior Father?”

“You finally figured it out, have you? Good about damned time.” Father Mike told me honestly. Then all of a sudden, I was receiving the IFF for Combat Arms Master Warrant Office, CAMW-5, James O’Brian, retired. It wasn’t there long but it was enough for me to seriously question my view of the world. For the life of me I couldn’t see the kind and gentle man that I knew as Father Mike with CAMW James O’Brian. It just didn’t compute. “Have I fried your AI yet? Come on I need a drink.”

It didn’t take us long to find an empty table or get a round of beers. Captain Wallace didn’t waste any time with small talk. “Okay Robert you want to tell me where the rest of your team is?”

The second he asked that question I was drawing the combat knife I had kept at my waist. “I’ll tell you Captain. But only if you want to die.”

“Look around Robert. You’re surround. The odds are ten-to-one in my favor.” Wallace harrumphed and waved at the gather cops. “Do you really think that you stand a chance against a room full of trained cops.”

“Leave Father Mike out of it and make the odds twenty-to-one. It won’t matter. The outcome will still be the same. You dead along with twenty of your men, Wallace. Trust me, the kid that left here could handle ten-to-one odds. The Death Dealer who returned can handle thirty-to-one odds and still win.” I decided to drive my point home as the knife left my hand to bury itself between the legs of Detective Sergeant Tim O’Leary 20ft away at the end of the bar. “Don’t fracking move O’Leary.”

“If I do?” O’Leary asked right before I burned away the top of his beer with one of my anti-personnel lasers. “Okay point taken.”

“I thought you would get the hint. I always knew you were smarter than you looked.” I snarked and turned my full attention on Wallace. “Shall we dance Captain?”

“Thank you but no Robert. Everyone stand down. It really is him. Pete get us another round of beers.” Wallace called to the bartender. “Alright Robert if you’re here on your own that means only one of two things. First, your team CO sent you into town to find and contact the Resistance Leaders. Second, you’re here on your own because your drop went FUBAR. Which is it?”

“Let’s just say that we’re way past FUBAR and into BOHICA, Captain. I’ve had zero contact with my team from zero hour to now. To be honest with you, I’ve basically been operating on my own for the last seven days.” I looked over at the storefront window as a D8-E8 Bearcat armor patrol car rolled by with its lightbar flashing. “How often does that happen?”

“That was just the standard patrol son. Relax it was one of ours.” Captain Wallace snickered. “Don’t worry it’s the Bearcats that are running in blackout you need to watch. If their lightbar is flashing grin, wave, and walk on by.”

“How many of your people are working a double agents?”

“Enough that if the Cheeseheads decide to hit Goulcrest with a city killer we’ll be able to get the warning out in time to evacuate. The Brown Shirts have exactly zero clue as how deep we’ve already infiltrated their organization.” Captain Wallace chuckled evilly. “You got to remember I’ve got some of the best undercover cops on all of Apollo six. Nine times out of ten we know when the Brown Shirts are going to try something ahead of time. Thanks in part to those men and women.”

“What about the regular military? What happened to our DPF units?”

“Dead or captured to the last man or woman. To be honest Robert, they never stood a chance between the firepower of the Cheeseheads and the traitors in their ranks.” Wallace grunted and downed half of his beer. “We’re still trying to figure out how the Cheeseheads got a hold of the control codes for the Orbital Defense Satellites.”

“Holy shit. This isn’t a SNAFU it’s a full-blown FUBAR shit storm. Did any of the Parliament escape? If they did where the hell are, they hiding?”

“As far as I’ve been able to dig up two of the Parliament managed to escape. That cocksucker Grayson Vanderbilt and Miss Jennifer Julian. We know that Vanderbilt is laying low somewhere in Goulcrest.” When I heard Vanderbilt had escaped, I damned near snapped. My feelings must have played across my face. Ever the true Detective Captain Wallace demanded quickly. “What is it, Robert?”

“What I’m about to tell you needs to stay with us.” The two men looked at each other and nodded their consent. “Grayson Vanderbilt is a traitor.”

“What the frack are you talking about Robert?” Wallace asked in a whisper. “Do you have proof? Because the man has been supplying the Resistance with both arms and supplies from the third day of the war.”

“Look I got my information from a reliable source. Someone who actually worked in his office before the war started. Believe me when I say Vanderbilt was working with the Cheeseheads and other antigovernment factions long before the war kicked off. The bastard was wanting to overthrow our government in hopes of setting up his own little kingdom. The bastard wanted to control more than just Apollo six. He wanted all of the Highlands System.”

“Give me a few days and we’ll find the fracker, Robert.” Wallace snarled as he pounded his fist into the table. “I just want to know what you want done with him.”

“Just secure his ass some place nice and dark for now.” Father Mike said jumping in before I could say anything. “He may be a two-faced snake, but he has resources.”

“What kind of resources are we talking about Father?” Wallace demanded for me.

“The kind that if used right will help turn the tide of this war.” He answered to my shock and Captain Wallace’s disbelief.

Aurora Station 3; Northern Lights system
Corsair Class Pirate dropship Pequod

“Are we really going to do this Captain?” The cargo master asked of his young captain. “Are we really going to drop a seven-forty core cracker for the Empire?”

“We are Mister Flask. We have our sailing orders. They come directly from the Emperor himself.” Captain Ahab answered honestly as he watched the 30ft long, 10ft across, planet killing, missile was lower onto the improvised launch cradle. “That is one big, damned harpoon Mister Flask.”

“Aye captain that she be. And in the words of our fabled ancestors. We go to hunt whales.” Mister Flask looked up at the 740 Core Cracker. “The whales we hunt are the size of planets. To that end need we a harpoon to kill planets.”

“It is a damned bloody task that we’ve be given Mister Flask. To end the lives of billions of souls should not be so easy.” Ahab snarled. “Nor should I be so easy to give the order to end that many lives.”

“Sir, either way we’re going to be killing people. If our mission shortens the war with the Cheeseheads. Then I’m all for it.” Flask sighed sagely. “I know that you never thought we would be part of a war lad.”

“It’s not that Mister Flask. I’ve always known that being called up was in the charter of our ship. There was always the possibility of the Pequod being used to smuggle arms and Special Operations troops behind enemy lines.” Ahab waved at the massive planet destroying missile. “It’s what that beast represents.”
“And what does that beast represent to you lad?” The old sailor asked of his young captain. “Be honest with yourself at least.”

“That is nothing more than a death sentence for a planet.” Ahab sighed honestly.

“We did not start this war Captain, but BY GOD! We’ll finish it.” The voice was not one that should be nowhere near the docks. The two sailors turn to face Emperor James Nakatoma. “I know that I have asked an inhuman task of you and your fellow captains, sir. Normally I wouldn’t even think of asking but you and your fellow captains are the only ones that have jumped the pirate points surrounding those planets. They called the tune for this dance.”

“And now the band must be paid. What I don’t understand is why are we killing the whole planet? Couldn’t we just blast their HQ’s, sir?” Ahab asked of his Emperor.

“Almost forty years ago a promise was made to both the Gorgonzola Empire and the Velmaro Consortium. They were warned not to interfere with our internal problems. They were warned to turn their eyes elsewhere for territorial gains. They were told a lot by my mother Maiha. Basically, the gest of that conversation was this. Leave us the frack alone and we’ll leave you alone. Don’t we’ll turn your capital planets to into radioactive dust clouds. Now we’ve kept our word and left these two nations alone. Not even the occasional boarder raid which has become acceptable between nations. This time though they have gone beyond a raid into full-blown war.” James snarled. “Only this a war of genocide.”

“Are you sure about this Sire?” Ahab whispered.

“I wish to the Gods that I was wrong, Captain. Sadly, I’m not. I got reports from planets in the Highlands System of whole villages, even small cities being decimated systematically.” Ahab and Flask both turned red at hearing this. “To do this the Cheeseheads are using chemical weapons on civilians gentlemen. They’re clearing the way for their own citizens to occupy our worlds. By killing off our citizens.”

“Tell me something Majesty. Have you told this to the other pirate Captains?” Ahab almost demanded of James.

“I have had this same conversation with every one of the captains that are carrying those monsters to their final destination.” James told the younger man with sad honestly. “Captain I do not take the ordering the use of those weapons lightly. I know that each one of those weapons represents billions of lives. But I fear the only way to end this war is to bring the Gorgonzola Empire to its knees.”

With that James turned and walked away heading for the next ship in line. Ahab turned to Flask. “We may be the ones to deliver Death’s harpoon Mister Flask, but there goes the man who shall pay the price.”

“Aye, Captain. That be the truth in more ways than one.” Flask sighed and turned to look once more at the 740 Core Cracker. “AS the old saying goes. Heavy lays the head that wears the crown.”

“Mister Flask have you ever heard of the twentieth century saying about the three most power men in the world?” Ahab asked in curiously. When his cargo master couldn’t answer Ahab, the young captain chuckled sadly. “It was said that the three most power men during the Great Cold War were the President of the United States, the General Secretary for the USSR, and the Captain of a nuclear missile attack submarine. I fear that we pirate captains have just join that elite group of world killing ship captains from history.”

“There is only one problem with that statement captain.” Flask grunted then pointed at the Core Cracker. “They never fired their missiles sir. We will.”

“Aye Mister Flask that we will. Finish seeing to the loading of our cargo.” Ahab turned and walked away ordering. “Then see me in my quarters.”

“I’ll have the specs needed for liftoff ready for you to go over sir.” Flask called out to the disappearing back of his young captain. Once he was alone Flask sighed. “That boy has come a long way from when he first came aboard four years ago. He’s just like his father in many ways.”

Goulcrest, Apollo 6, Highlands System: 2045 Day 10 of Occupation
Emperor’s Hand Safehouse, West Haccusk

After two hours Blackjack stepped out of the Synthetic skin Surface Chamber. Gone was the shiny dushiulium steel body of a cyborg. In its place stood a 5ft, 9in, red haired, green eyed, young woman in her mid-20’s, of average beauty. She naked woman stepped over to the only mirror in the basement of the safehouse. She reached out running her hand down the surface. It was done with a heavy sigh that escaped her lushes lips. “It’s been a long-time sense I last saw this face.”

“How long has it been boss?” Copperhead asked as he stepped into the basement.

“Almost three years Copperhead.” Blackjack sighed as she turned and reached into the nearby wall locker. As she pulled out a black jumpsuit Blackjack got down to business. “Give me an update Copperhead.”

“Got good news and bad news, boss.” Her XO grunted. “What do you want first?”

“Dealer’s choice Copperhead.” She said as she slipped her left leg into the pants of the jumpsuit. “Who did we lose?”

“Fea’s Viper, Sidewinder, and Two-step all bought the farm in Rockaway port. Stone Viper is the only still active agent in Blackwater. Blueskin, and Jake-Jake are KIA, while Hammerhead is in need of massive repairs. We’ve also lost Cutback and Sidestep. In short boss out of twelve members were down to just four active agents.” At the look of real human surprise Copperhead explained. “Fea’s Viper ordered a coordinated strike on the ammo dump in Dornwich. Boss they were waiting for us.”

“Do we have a traitor in our network?” Blackjack asked as she pulled up the zipper on her jumpsuit to chest height. “I need answers Copperhead.”

“Negative boss. It was all Fog of War. When the teams hit the dump there was two companies of Cheesehead Armored Infantry drawing their combat reloads. An hour either way and we would have gotten away clean. We did manage to destroy the dump despite our losses.” Copperhead could tell that Blackjack wasn’t happy with that piece of news either way. “The attack was worth it boss.”

“Why?” Blackjack demanded. “You know our SOP. No strikes on heavily guarded targets like supply, ammo, and fuel depots.”

“The ammo dump we hit held two-hundred canisters of that new chemical nerve agent.” When Blackjack heard that the new chemical weapon was a nerve agent she had to sit down. The nightmare weapon of history had returned to the battlefield. “I take it you haven’t heard that the Cheeseheads are using chemical weapons?”

“Frack no I haven’t! What the hell are they thinking?! The Emperor will have to match their use of a WMD with the same level of force! If not take it, one step further!” Blackjack turned thoughtful for a few seconds. “No. He’ll carry out the Empress Maiha’s final threat to the Cheeseheads.”

“What threat?” Copperhead asked with growing fear in his voice.

“Seven-forty Core Crackers.” Blackjack answered quietly.

“My God! He won’t!” Copperhead crocked as he dropped to the floor as he realized that Emperor James would use those planet killing weapons. “By the Gods! We have to find some way of ending this war before he unleashes those weapons boss. We’re talking about billions of lives here. Gone in hours.”

“Copperhead there is no way of stopping those ships now. They’ll have already been ordered to sail.” Blackjack knew that her words were of little comfort to her OX. “Look David, there is nothing we can do about stopping those ships. Also, that decision is why the frack above our paygrades.”

“Damn it Peter I fracking know that. What I want to know is how can you be so cool with the use of those weapons? We’ve all seen the end result of using just one of those monsters.” Copperhead’s use of her old human name almost got him gutted.

As mad as Blackjack was at the use of her old name she understood where he was coming from. “David this is your only warning. Never use that name again. Peter Longfellow is dead and buried on Hades. Like this I go by the name Carol Black.”

“Sorry about that Carol. I won’t forget.” David quickly apologized.

“Just remember. As for me being cool with the use of the seven-forties I’m not. I just can’t do anything about stopping them once the order has been given.” Carol told David honestly as she pulled on a pair of socks. As she finished dressing Carol grabbed a pair of knee-high, side zip, boots with a modest 3in heel. “Our chance at stopping the use of those weapons ended the second the Cheeseheads used the first WDM. They forced the Emperor to retaliate in force.”

“Okay boss, I get it. Our chance at stopping the war has come and gone. All we can do now is try and shorten the war as best we can.” David sighed as he stood up. “Sorry about the bitch fest.”

“What bitch fest? As far as I can tell you used your right as a soldier to voice your opinion on a fracked-up situation.” Carol chuckled as she led the way upstairs to the main house. “What can you tell me about the local resistance movement?”

“Not much Carol. I’ve tried to make contact with the possible leaders of the most likely people.” David answered with his usual professionalism.

“Let guess they laughed in your face or stuck a gun in it. Which one?” Carol asked as she looked around the living room.

“Both and in some cases laughing while pointing a gun in my face. There was one woman that actually threated me with a tomahawk.” David chuckled at the memory of that fisty old lady. He can still picture the look of murder in her eyes as she held the tactical tomahawk to his neck.

“You didn’t actually go to her?!” Carol asked in surprise. “You know that woman is the biggest man-hating lesbian on Apollo six.”

“Yeah, I know that, but she has the ear of the LGBT on this planet. She speaks and they listen. Why wouldn’t I go to her?” David asked in confusion.

“God save me from knuckled headed men!” Carol huffed as David started to laugh at the situation. “Okay bonehead enough of the chuckle fest. Though I can understand your thinking on the woman. So, any other news to report?”

“Just that my worthless fracking cousin has been supplying the locals with weapons and ammunition. All of our evidence pointing to him as being the original traitor is now worthless.” David could tell that this news wasn’t sitting well with his boss. “The cocksucker has had a full week to start his campaign to paint himself as the ‘savior’ of Apollo six. No one is buying it thanks to Jennifer Julian coming on the scene as a real leader of the people.”

“Who?” Carol asked.

“Jennifer Julian is, or I should say was the junior Parliament representative for the Ivory Lynx Timberland Province. She is one of the good ones boss. She really cares for the people she represents. Not just the Union shitheads but all of the people from her Province. Not just her district. From what I have been able to gather she is the main driving force behind organizing the Resistance planetwide.” David shrugged his shoulders. “That’s all I got on her.”

“Not surprising. One operative can only do so much.” Carol sighed looking down at the floor. “You’ve done good a job here David. I couldn’t do better.”

“Thanks boss, but I know better. You’ve been in the game longer than any other operative in the Hand. Now that you’re here we can really start hurting the frackers. I just got one question.” David gave her a reassuring grin. “Where do we start?”

“Ever heard of the Club and Cuff bar?” Carol asked.

“Who hasn’t heard of the biggest cop bar in all of Goulcrest?” David snarked.

“We need to change. Do we still have our street clothes?” Carol asked with smile.

“Everything is where you left Carol. Seeing as how we’re heading for a club full of cops. I would suggest the LBD and your best heels.” David wiggled his eyebrows.

“You just want to see me in that dress, you prev.” Carol chuckled and headed for her room in the safehouse. “But you’re a lovable prev.”

An hour later the two Intelligence Operatives were dressed for a night on the town and headed out. They were able to secure a taxi. It didn’t take them long to reach the downtown area of Lower East Xaimeed. As they exited the taxi Carol turned to David. “David just follow my led. The person were looking for can kill us both in the blink of an eye. And not care one fracking bit.”

“You make it sound like we’re here to hunt down a Death Dealer, boss.” David whispered as he thought about what it took to one of the Hand.

“Because we are, David.” Carol told him honestly. “I will tell you this much about the man we’re here to find. There is only one Death Dealer I fear more.”

“Wow this guy must be second cousin to Death’s Own Daughter for you to say that.” David said jokingly with a small laugh. He didn’t laugh for long though.

“Because he is.” Carol’s very blunt comment stopped David in his tracks. “Let’s get this over with and pray we find Warrant Office Wolff in a good mood.”

Goulcrest, Apollo 6 Highlands System: 22:30hrs, Day 10 of Occupation
Club and Cuff bar, Lower East Xaimeed

I spotted the red-haired woman the second she stepped into the bar. I could tell that she and her companion were looking for someone. I locked the targeting system for my anti-personnel laser on both. “Captain, Father, whatever happens next just stay seated. Let me handle this, please?”

“You know this couple lad?” Wallace asked with an edge in his voice.

“Nope. Not a clue.” I told him honestly. “But I can tell they’re hunting for trouble. Just look at they way their scanning the crowed.”

“Not anymore, Robert. They’re coming this way.” Father Mike warned me quietly.

I looked over and he was right. They were headed directly for us. As they walked towards us, I fixed my gaze on the woman. I could tell that this woman had spent more than a few hours at the barre of a dance studio just by the way she moved. I know that I didn’t know this woman. Yet there was something about the way she moved I’ve seen before. As she drew neared our table that something was really beginning to bug the hell out of me.

“Haven’t figured it out yet Robert?” The woman asked with a smile. “How do you like the new me? It’s amazing what a good beauty parlor can do these days.”

“Blackjack?” I asked barely above a whisper.

“See I told you he wouldn’t recognize me, David.” Blackjack giggled to her partner.

“Now Carol it’s not nice to pick on Robert. After all the last time he saw you. You were all hard angels and a total metalhead tomboy.” The stranger’s comments were all I needed to piece together Blackjack’s identity.

“Damn! Carol talk about radical changes.” I turned to Father Mike smiling. “Father Mike allow me to introduce my friend from Carol and her partner in crime David.”

“I must say young lady you clean up well. I would never have recognized you from this afternoon. Your work attire is rather unflattering.” Father Mike chuckled. “I much prefer this look over to the one I saw earlier.”

“Robert care to let a poor copper in on your little secret here?” Wallace snarled.

“Captain Wallace our guests work for my boss in Trends and Forecasts.” I hoped that Wallace would catch onto the double meanings. For once the cop was faster on the uptake than I normally gave him credit for.

“Risky business that. One wrong guess and people pay a heavy price.” Wallace sneered as he looked Carol up and down. “What brings a nice upper-class couple down here?”

“We’re down here for work matters sadly.” Carol answered as she looked at me.

“We’re all friends here young lady. You can talk openly.” Wallace assured them.

“You trust these men boss?” the man she called David asked.

“I trust Gunner over there Copperhead. If he trusts the other two that is good enough for me.” Blackjack told her partner.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Blackjack.” I smirked. Then waved for them to take a seat across from me at the table. “Sit down and take a load off.”

“So young lady what kind of business do you need to take care of with Robert?” Leave it to Father Mike to get straight to the point. “And young lady. You may be more pleasing to the eye, but I still don’t trust you.”

“The only person that needs to trust me is Gunner, father. I could give a shit less what the rest of you think or like.” Carol told the man bluntly.


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